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  1. Hi all, I bought my Dell Inspiron for £581 in October 2014. I had two callouts in the first two months to repair motherboard and wireless connectivity issues. Today the laptop has failed on restart with blue screen message "Unmountable boot volume". I have run startup diagnostic tests which indicate hard disk failure: Error code - 2000-0142 Validation - 85842 Looking this up on Dell diagnostic services returns the message: Hard disk drive running outside normal parameters - advise replacing disk drive. I believe that under the Sale of Goods Act I have a reasonable case to ask Dell to repair or meet the cost of repair. My problem is that I am not sure how to go about this. So far I have exchanged messages on Facebook. To be fair, this is at a very early stage, but I suspect this will be an interminable exchange of scripted responses! What I want is: - Diagnostics on current HDD. Online advice suggests that HDDs with failed boot sectors can be repaired. - If HDD cannot be repaired, then I would like: - Replacement HDD - Reinstallation of Windows 10 and Office software - Retrieval of data files where possible Any advice on how I should proceed, what I should expect Dell to offer, and what I should expect to pay for myself? Many thanks, Justin
  2. Got a Dell Laptop from a Car Boot Sale for buttons, but it's password protected. I can't even start it in Safe Mode or Boot Options without Admin Password. Is there a way I can bypass it without paying for software? OS is Vista Home Basic. Thanks.
  3. Hi folks I was wondering if I may get some advise from you guys, if possible. I bought a Dell desktop PC direct from Dell around 6 months back, but it was delivered damaged by Dell's local courier, I called Dell to come and collect the damaged desktop for a replacement. it took them ages, almost a phone call to Dell everyday for more than 2 weeks, to respond and finally I called and told them to collect the units and provide a full refund. Dell finally arrange collection last month, 5months after I first contacted them, from their side and the desktop was collected. almost a month after their collection was completed, Dell contacted me via email and said instead of a desktop that they should receive, they had received a laptop from me instead! Before anyone raised any eyebrows if I am at fault, the desktop weighs around 15kg. The laptop Dell mentioned they received is only 2kg. I can't believe this big discrepancy where Dell is asking me why I send a laptop, of which I never had in the first place. I called the courier who came to pick up the unit and they have registered 10kg on their system, which is another discrepancy. All the math doesn't stack up along the courier transition to end. Therefore from (A - collection from my side of 15kg) thru to courier warehouse (weigh 10kg, have Dell instructed them a unit weight of 10kg to save costs? I don't know) then to Dell depot (B - and after almost 1 month after receipt, they received a 2kg item????) I had called Citizen Advice to seek advice and been told about - Consumer Rights Act 79 - ADR etc From my layman term, I would like some advice from kind folks of what I can do? a.) In the case if Dell still insist they received a laptop, how will I be liable or am I liable ? I am not sure how they are going to explain the weight discrepancy going through the courier transition b.) Citizen Advice says I may need to prove what I send? However, Dell is the one who arrange collection and somehow stupidly I trusted their arrangement. Does the collection proof of receipt suffice much? c.) Is there any place or dept that I can raise this issue against Dell's incompetency on their courier logistics? But trying their luck to possibly seek compensation from customers? Would appreciate any advise from kind souls to help me lessen this grievance I am facing with Dell.
  4. Hi everyone, I need some help fast!, To sum my story up this is a letter I wrote to Dell yesterday (one month after receiving a brand new laptop and 3 weeks after I reported the breakdown. "Official letter of complaint for faulty goods and refund refusal I bought a laptop from you on 27th August 2015 and it was received by me on 4th September. I paid £429. On Thursday 24th September the Internet was shutting off at will, I contacted my provider Plusnet on my old computer, obviously the connection was fine as I was chatting to them online. Upon chatting with your technical advisor XXX for 2 hours on Friday 25th September, it was conceded that the Internet hardware had a fault and needed to be repaired. XXXXX said she would book a pick up on Monday and the collection would take place Tuesday 26th September. I was to expect a call between 5-6pm Monday evening to confirm pick up on Tuesday of the laptop. I received no call, so I contacted XXX XX again. She told me the booking did not go through and to expect a call Tuesday for pick up Wednesday. I informed XXXXX that I would give Dell another chance but it had to be Wednesday as I wasn't available from Thursday to Sunday. I also told her I am on holiday in a couple of weeks so I want the laptop fixed by that time. Wednesday came and the booking did not go through again and apparently UPS would not review it until 4.30pm. They called me in the evening and said it would be collected Thursday. By this time, I was understandably angry so I asked for it to be picked up after the call the same day (Wednesday). They refused, so I contacted XXXXXX and asked for a refund. I was told she was waiting for a "review" of my refund! So it came to be that I gave Dell another chance, still very angry, that they could pick up the computer Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week but I want the refund by Friday as this is my right. Friday 2nd October I was offered a new computer in 7-10 working days! No, I wanted a refund. I was then told the "earliest" Dell could collect was Wednesday 7th October. I said this was the latest date as I wouldn't be at home and you would refund within 3-5 working days. Monday 5th October (a week after the original collection booking) it apparently was passed over to a "manager". Later that day XXXX (XXXX manager) offered for an engineer to come and visit and "fix" the laptop. Tuesday 6th October XXX wrote again and said refund isn't an option she can provide! She was sending up to "higher management"! Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) goods you supply must be fit for purpose. As there was a problem with the goods when I bought them, I requested that you pick up and repair the goods at no cost to me. I gave you two chances to do so, you have refused my refund and offered me a new computer and engineer, although I clearly stated I wanted a refund. I have all the e-mails sent by XXXX and XXXX and all I have sent including the original chat log confirming that there was a hardware problem with the laptop. The laptop failed within two weeks of receipt, the repair options were handled really inefficiently and my refund request was replaced with "other" offers. There should not be a problem, by law you owe me a refund and passing it around the Dell office is not making the problem go away. A copy of this letter will be included in a report to Trading Standards with all the relevant data. Please respond within 5 working days of this letter." After receiving this, a very arrogant man called me and basically talked down to me (he was very sure of himself). He told me an engineer would be coming tomorrow to attempt to repair the laptop. I told him I had given them many chances to repair it and now I want a refund. He refused point blank and sais that was not going to happen and they should be able to attempt one repair. I said I would take this to Trading Standards and if I have to, to court, he very arrogantly said "go ahead with that sir". He was actually egging me on to do it! Am I in the right thinking I do not have to accept a repair if I don't want to, and ask for a refund? If so, does anyone know what to suggest I do next? This has been going on too long now and I anxious for a solution. Please help!
  5. Dell admits security flaw was built into computers A security hole that could allow attackers to access users' personal data was inadvertently placed on Dell computers, the company has admitted. The hole represented a "profound security flaw" that could allow access to bank details and other personal data, experts said. Dell has issued guidance on removing the software that produced it. READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-34910649 This is the direct link to Dell article and removal instructions: http://www.dell.com/support/article/us/en/19/SLN300321
  6. Hi all Hopefully in the correct area I bought a Dell venue pro 11 tablet PC back in Jan 2014. It had a 3 year next day business warranty on it. Where from? Beats me! I have several Dell devices and I know that one was not from Dell direct but I have no idea at all. Fast forward late 2015 and it stopped working - I repair phones/laptops so I know in theory the fault but being under warranty, it was not my place to investigate. Dell after numerous questions finally booked an engineer for the next business day warranty which is an on-site repair. They missed several dates in confusion with addresses and what not. Eventually after a months silence, I got an engineer out who deemed the motherboard as dead and replaced it along with the charging port. Result? still dead. I got ignored for a month after this and eventually it turned out the initial person handling the case was dismissed apparently. It got taken over by another who too vanished. It was only after a complaint on twitter did the case suddenly get interest. Fast forward to beginning of the month- now 5 months since the tablet last worked - Dell agreed with a replacement tablet + gave me the spec which was slightly higher as goodwill. I accepted this but had a delay of 5 working days trying to arrange collection/delivery. When I did get in-touch with an address, the response was that I took too long and it is no longer available due to my time coming back - this coming from a company that took 2-3 months just to acknowledge the issue. So now Dell are saying that because of this, a refund is the only option as the item was no longer available - but as it was not bought directly from Dell, I had to go to the retailer/reseller. Issue is I have no idea who that was. Heck they may not even exist - it was Jan 2014 after all! In actual fact, I might have even got it from Dell - it's just that they say I did not so I'm going on their word. So where do I stand now? Summary is: They had the chance to fix They failed to fix They offered replacement which was NOT time-dependent yet then got rid of some 5 days later and no longer have it as an option. Now they say only option is a refund from a reseller/retailer I have no knowledge about. We moved house last year and all the bulky items were thrown away - I think the dell box is still around in the shed but it's possibly it was for another tablet I have but that would about it. I also raised the fact that I have since spent almost £200 on spare chargers, keyboard battery pack, stylus, case - all defunct if I went for a refund though this would be fine if Dell gave it. I also have asked whether they can just create a credit voucher for the value I can then spend with Dell but this gets ignored. So is this a lost cause? thanks in advance Actually slight amendment- the most recent "customer relations" person asked if I could provide an update to address for collection/delivery on the 20th April and it was on the 22nd - 2 days later, I provided this not the 5 days I mentioned earlier.
  7. I have a spare old Dell Vostro 200 (Mid 2007) that i need to update on the cheap. (Nephew) Itunes states the current manufactured installed Graphics card it is not powerful enough for video playback. Currently installed is a PCI Express x16 Graphics card The memory has been upgraded to 2 Gig from 1 Gig I have been told the ASUS AMD 6450 Graphics Card will do the job It has to be a low profile Graphics Card Can anyone give any help as to compatibility. I have been looking at this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ASUS-AMD-6450-Graphics-Card-/391176520116?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item5b13f001b4
  8. Hi, Dell's customer service is awful and I really would like some advice on how to counter these guys as I do believe that I am being scammed, lied to and basically being taken as a fool. I purchased the M301Z a while back and its still under warranty. The laptop HDMI port is deemed faulty and the technical team did a remote assistance check on the laptop. I advised them that the BIOS needed updating but it required me to have a battery fitted in. Now, since Dell does not cover the battery, I had recently spent over £100 on different oem batteries since dell don't supply new ones. These junk did not last me for 3 months and even the ones under warranty didn't last me ( got them from duracell direct) I discarded those batteries and stuck to the AC adapter since I was still able to do my work. Now...the technical team are telling me I have to purchase a battery which I down right refuse as it is not ME who needs the battery but the SOFTWARE that needs it, this is not my fault and this responsibility should be of Dells, even then there is no gurantee that this will fix the main problem as they clearly said that the BIOS update MAY fix the solution. I even said to them to send an engineer down with a spare battery when they replace the motherboard just to update it and they can take it back...they still refused. Instead they send an engineer to replace the whole motherboard, I assumed that the motherboard should have had the updated BIOS on there already since dell were aware of that too. The engineer did a good job as I witnessed him installing the motherboard and load up the notebook. After he left I had tested out the motherboard and the HMDI issue didn't appear only until an hour later when the static sound came back...Not only did my original problem come back but I my laptop now began to shut down every single time whenever I tried waking it up from sleep mode! I know for a fact that a system shuts down when there is a hardware failure. So basically, the new motherboard is obviously a refurbished non-tested motherboard...I contacted dell again to tell them of the issue. They made me wait over the weekend just for the guy I spoke too to speak to a senior colleague. I even sent them e-mails over the weekend to tell them that problem is constantly occurring and I have also now taken video and images of the problems to prove it. I get a call back today and I'm back to square one. They just keep telling me to buy a battery for the BIOS update. Why cant they send a motherboard with the update? They just sent a replacement without testing or updating the motherboard! He didn't even bother reading my e-mail that I had sent over the weekend as I had to tell him the new issue over the phone..again he has now made me wait so he can speak to his senior. I am pretty much fed up as the technical team are very unprofessional and have to constantly speak to their seniors. I will demand to speak to those specific members who are refusing to make this situation easier and finding solutions. What should I do if they fail to find a solution? What is the correct procedure to make a formal complaint as I believe that they have failed to provide the service based on the agreement which we had agreed to when I purchased their warranty. I have always tried to find a solution but it is them that are refusing to offer any additional assistance.
  9. In late April, my mother bought me a brand new Dell Inspiron 15 windows 8 laptop as a gift for my 20th birthday. As soon as I turned the laptop on, I ran into problems, the disk use would hit 100% just running background applications, making it nearly impossible to run anything else. And just the other day, I found that the laptop screen had cracked from simply being shut in the normal manner. I contacted Dell to try and sort the issue, initially we ran a diagnostic test on the laptop with the built in software, but it showed no faults. At this point, it was approaching the call center's closing time, so I agreed to have a call back the next day to try and resolve the issue. The next day came, and after waiting all day for a call, nothing came. I called back the next day, frustrated, but still just wanting a usable laptop, I spent a further hour on hold waiting to talk to someone, and when I finally got through, I was told exactly the same thing as the day before, after running further diagnostics, the computer still wasn't showing any fault according to Dell, again they said they'd call me back the next day, which I had plans for. Annoyed, and still wanting my laptop to be fixed, I cancelled the plans I had for the day in the hopes the issue would finally be resolved. After spending most of Wednesday 20th of May on the phone with Dell, still nothing was working, so they agreed to send out a technician to come look at the laptop and see what the issue might be. For this they told me to wait 48 hours for the appointment. 48 hours came and went, but as it was over the bank holiday weekend, I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they meant 48 hours on working days only, but I was still waiting a week later. Today, I received this email: "Hello Adrian,   This is in follow-up to your service request ........ for your Dell product.   We would like to inform you that we are still waiting for the product description to be updated on our records and it will mostly take about next 2 to 3 business days.    In case of any additional concerns/questions please contact us directly by replying to this email (DO NOT change the subject line). Our work hours are from 8 AM 8PM GMT (MON FRI).   Thank you for choosing Dell.   Abigail   Client Technical Support Specialist Dell | UK & Ireland Technical Support" This email only served to confuse me, as it's their product, so I don't know what description they were waiting for, and to be told that after waiting over a week already that I'd have to wait even longer, I decided to travel to their Bracknell office, as I was staying close by anyway. After talking to the receptionist at Dell, someone came down and told me that there was nobody in the office that would deal with my complaint, which considering this was a huge office, I highly doubt that there was nobody senior in the building that could have dealt with my complaint. I was told that the matter had however been passed to a senior member of staff, who would be calling me today to offer me a resolution with my issue. It's currently around 10:30 in the evening here, and I'm still waiting on the call, so yet again, they've failed to keep phone appointments they promised me. Also, when I was talking to the lady she was saying "not to worry because the people that call back will be proper British people" which I feel was hugely inappropriate and also insinuates that I have a racial issue with their call center staff, (I am an avid human rights and anti-discrimination campaigner, and was horrendously insulted by this). This has now been going on over two weeks and I'm completely at the end of my patience with Dell, and fail to see why I should even want to remain a customer of theirs after weeks of what has been the absolute WORST customer service I've ever experienced. My mother is also terribly upset as she worked hard as a single mother to afford to buy me such a lovely gift, and now she's out of pocket and feels responsible for the grief.
  10. Hi folks! first post so be kind I recently received a copy of my credit report for the first time. There was an entry for "Lowell communications" for a defaulted account, for £1102. I called Lowell to enquire they stated that the account was for a debt for O2 and was passed to BPO collections some time ago and that I would have to speak to them about the debt. I have not called BPO or written any letters at this point. Upon further examination of my credit report it states that the default date of the account is 22/02/2010. Since I live and have always lived in Scotland, and the debt is now 5 days over 5 years old, would I be able to state that the debt is unenforceable and request for it to be removed from my credit file? Also... (one last question) I have a defaulted account for CIT group for an account with Dell Finance. The account was defaulted 28/10/2009. Again, past the 5 year date in Scotland. On my experian credit report it says the account is in "default" however on my equifax report it says that the account is "settled". Should this now be removed from my credit file also? Thanks in advance for any help you are able to offer
  11. Hi Techies, I have a quick issue that is bogging me and not much help coming from Mr Google either. I will explain. I have just been handed an old work Laptop for my personal use – Model is a DELL LATITUDE E4310 Laptop. I have put a Windows 7 OS Build on it but simply cannot get the Wireless Network to function. I guess I need Drivers for this. The Wireless Software is missing so I cannot get the Laptop to pick up the List of Wireless Network Routers Around me either as there is no Wireless Software on the Laptop. The Bluetooth Software is fine. I have been on Google to Download the Network Drivers for that model of Laptop but got these drivers that only ended up to be lots of Spywares and Adds of all sorts. A waste of time really. Dell website has not been as helpful either. Can someone point me in the direction of where to get Wireless Network Drivers Software for a Dell Latitude E 4310 Laptop Model Please? Thanks all.
  12. Dear Dell Customer care , On 27th May,2013 I bought a "DELL INSPIRON 5521 Base (Service Tag : xxxxxxxxxx , Express Service Code : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)" at Peterborough,United Kingdom . Unfortunately, your product has not performed well since the very beginning . I am disappointed because I had to replace my faulty hard disk within 4 month of purchasing the laptop . Now before completion of 1 year , the LCD screen has turned into white and I am not being able to see anything on the screen. I have already communicated the same to the customer support centre of Dell care . Please note, my Laptop is still under warranty period . The damage caused by the electronic failure and not caused by any external pressure , still the Dell customer support centre still wants a fine of amount £130 for the repairing of the LCD screen . To resolve the problem, I would appreciate if you kindly repair the LCD screen without any fine considering that the laptop is still under warranty period OR refund the entire money to my HSBC bank account as I do not want to face any other problem with the laptop. Enclosed are copies of my records : Order confirmation . I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem and will wait until 17th April before seeking help from a consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau. Please contact me at the below address or by phone : Mail id : Ph no : Sincerely, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  13. I purchased my Dell laptop in January 2012 for £450. It only lasted until October 2013, then the fan gave up. I know it only had a one year warranty but I remember reading somewhere about an item being fit for use? I took it back to the store and Know How repaired it at a cost to me of £94. The service was terrible and it must have cost me a fortune in telephone calls. They customer service is none existant. I wondered if its too late to claim back the cost of the repair. I'm assuming probably not as I've already paid, but thought it was worth asking. I would never, ever buy anything from PC World again. Terrible product, terrible service. Any help very much appreciated.
  14. Good Afternoon CAG, A customer has provided me a Dell Laptop to repair. The fault is most certainly a failing hard drive. Having done the usual diagnostics and attempted recovery it is very likely the drive will need replacing. The laptop has 1 year collect & return warranty on the laptop which expired mid July 2013. The fault was reported around the last week of August. The Laptop was purchased from Tesco Direct in April last year. Do you think I have a claim under the sales of goods act? I am happy to replace the drive in the laptop as is the customer as they need a quick fix. However I don't want to charge my customer unnecessarily if a replacement hard drive can be provided OR claim under SOGA. As the laptop only had 12 months warranty, it's a pretty poor show that it's failed in month 13. Considering I have other laptops here that have been running fine since 2006 without too many problems. Any advice appreciated. Thanks NS
  15. Hi there, I'm a newbie to this site and would like some advise please. A Dell Inspiron laptop was purchased from Tesco.com in November 2011 for my mother and was put onto my nan's credit card. It was bought to give my disabled mother a link to the outside world and a way of making new friends and interests. Approximately 3 weeks ago it refused to come on and emitted a certain number of beeps - in this case, 7 which indicates processor failure. Sadly, the warranty expired in November 2012 so the laptop is not covered by either Tesco or Dell. I intend to contact Dell and raise issue with the fact that an expensive laptop has gone fatally wrong after 18 months of very light use and as such was not fit for purpose. I am aware that goods have a certain 'reasonable time' in which to go wrong and am unsure of how long a laptop is meant to last but I think 18 months for a well-known brand laptop is rather poor. Can anyone give me any advise on how to proceed? Failure is not an option, I will hound them until they give in but need to know the correct information to quote at them. Many thanks in advance, Kat
  16. Good Afternoon All, I am currently in a situation with Dell and I would like to ask for some advice on how to proceed. In May 2008 I had a Dell XPS 1530 which after 2 repairs failed again. They replaced this free of charge for me in August 2010 after threatening legal action and citing the SOGA. They replaced it with a Studio 1558. Now in February 2013, this laptop already having been fixed once for overheating has now failed again. It overheats, fails within 10-15 minutes sometimes (just shutting down). Not only that but the graphics have glitched where all the colours are inverted and some keys don't even work on the keyboard now. I contacted Dell by mail again requesting they replace this again or refund me, otherwise I will proceed with small claims court. Dell called me (and are about to email) to advise they are not willing to play ball and that I should begin legal proceedings. This is because my "original" purchase was 2008. Just because the recent laptop was given to me in 2010, it doesn't matter. What would your advice be in this instance? They want £170 for a repair, that I am not confident will be a complete repair and based on my service history will need to be looked at again within 12 months. Is what they are saying true, that my original purchase date of £600 in 2008 is what counts? They machine they replaced it with in 2010 was £999 at the time and I didn't have to pay any extra difference. I look forward to any advice. Thanks Jamie
  17. I received my Dell laptop 2 weeks ago yesterday - an Inspiron 15R SE 7520. After a few days, the laptop would occasionally shut itself off but as it was easily re-started I, foolishly, chose to ignore it hoping it was teething problems. Yesterday it shut down, refused to restart, beeped, did all sorts of things. I have tried system restore when prompted but it now shuts down before it can complete a repair. It is unusable and I've read that you should return faulty machines like this as if you accept a repair which fails to resolve the problem, it can lead to never-ending problems as they will no longer accept a return. I've also seen that Dell say they only accept returns after 7 days (didn't notice this earlier!) but I've read that under SoGA one can sometimes demand a refund. I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction? I am absolutely terrible at phone calls and know I won't be able to be 'demanding' on the phone. Does anyone know if it is possible to email or should I write to head office or will I have to accept a repair? I'd be very grateful for any input.
  18. I purchased a Dell desktop on line in January and everything was fine until about a month ago. The power button failed so contacted Dell to report same (the computer has a collect and return contract) and informed it would take 14 days but could pay £29 and have an engineer come out next day. I agreed to this because I needed the computer urgently. This is where the 'fun' begins, their next day turned into a week before he appeared, and the power button was replaced. However after only just over a week the same thing happened again. Dell were informed and full of apologies promised an engineer the next day, but am still waiting. I am absolutely disgusted with the customer service (or lack of it) afforded by this company, and this coupled with the telephone experiences leave a lot to be desired. They use an 0844 high rate telephone number and you get to speak to some foreign person (who you cannot understand). diabolical I say. Any idea on my consumer rights, wondering if I should be offered a replacement.
  19. I keep getting messages on my laptop telling me that my battery is near the end of its battery life and it needs to be replaced. Mine is current a 6 cell. Where can I get a 9 or 12 cell from, please? They do them on the Dell website; but I am not paying £112 for a battery.
  20. Please do not buy a dell computer i have a 5 month old computer that is faulty the engineer has been twice and told me it it faulty they will not refund me my money they are impossible to deal with only buy from somewhere you can return if faulty
  21. I'm having a nightmare with Dell who are refusing to refund on a laptop that was faulty on arrival. The purchase was an essential replacement to an outgoing (dead laptop) and I had to buy as a 'Business User' as the Win7 Pro OS was only available on the business part of their site. The Dell laptop arrived faulty straight out of the box upon first boot-up (Touchpad not working). To cut a long story short, the laptop is not fit for its intended purpose. I allowed a more than reasonable window of several days for Dell to try to remotely fix the laptop. Staff were slow, incorrect recovery discs had been shipped with the laptop, departments were clearly not communicating and dates and deadlines missed. No fix was found. With my work on stop being in laptop limbo, I put in a written (email) request for an immediate replacement unit to be shipped. This was ignored / not actioned. I then gave notice by email that if I couldn't be provided with an immediate replacement unit I would be forced to buy a working laptop from elsewhere and to claim a refund. More promises, more lack of action, and so I had to buy a new laptop to get my work life back on track 7 days after delivery. Amazingly I am now being told by Dell 'UK Sales Operations' having allegedly referred my case to the 'Quality and Legal Team': "As a business user, and in accordance with the terms above Dell is not in a position to take back system for refund." And quoting Section 9 Warranty of their Business T&Cs: euro.dell.com/content/topics/topic.aspx/emea/topics/footer/terms?c=uk&l=en&cs=ukdhs1#privacy Surely me making this purchase as a 'Business User' (not out of choice, but out of necessity) doesn't mean that I'm not protected by the Sale Of Goods Act and able to claim a refund for goods that are clearly not fit for purpose? I now have absolutely no need for this faulty Dell laptop, or even a fully working Dell laptop. I had no option but to move forward with another laptop from another supplier. But I do need the near £700 refunded to my credit card! I'd like to add (in the hope that other potential customers take note) that Dell customer services have been absolutely diablolical to deal with from the start - all overseas staff with no accountablity, no power (or willingness) to action anything and shocking communication skills. I submitted a complaint through the Dell online complaints form which promises a reaction within 24 hours, and still nothing 36 hours on. I'm writing to Head Office next but would like to be sure I'm not hindered in any way by being a 'Business User'? Any advice gratefully received!
  22. I brought a Dell laptop from Argos 17 months ago. 8 months later it had a motherboard failure & Dell replaced it. Today the motherboard has again failed. I have spoken to Dell support and they advise that it is going to be 180 for repair as the laptop is over 12 months old. I understand that the warranty covers me for 12 months, however seeing as the original fault occured when the laptop was 8 months old I think that this shows the laptop is not fit for purpose. It is my understanding that under the sales of goods act, items sold by retailers should last for a suitable amount of time. I feel that a 400 laptop should last more than 17 months, especially without a fault occuring after 8 months. Dell are also advising that the replacement motherboard was a refurbished motherboard and therefore would only be expected to last for 3 months. I was not told this at the time and it is not something that I would have accepted. Is there anything you can advise?
  23. Hi, I'm new here, so please bear with me ! I bought a laptop in June, and it recently developed a faulty screen. so that makes it about 5 mths old. I returned it to argos, and they agreed to send it away to be repaired. It was in good condition with no visible scratches, breaks etc. They rang me to tell me that the screen had been accidentally damaged, so were not going to repair it. I asked them to clarify the damage, but they couldnt over the phone. So it has since been returned to the shop. I went to the shop today to pick up, i checked it over, and asked them to show me the report, the report stated" internal accidental damage to screen" I don't think this is very comprehensive. So I have refused to take it until, they can clarify this, and tell me how exactlyhow it was damaged. I haven't droppped it, or banged it. I dont know what to do now, I dont know if I have a leg to stand on. I am rubbish at complaining, and just need to know if this is worth pursuing ? ta ps, i have searched the argos forum, but couldnt find a case exactly like my one.
  24. Hello, I have been on a long adventure with Dell due to a PC I ordered online back in September. The very beginning is now irrelevant so I will just briefly describe how it all started and detail the end of the story. I bought an all-in-one Vostro 360 (business grade, but for personal use) from Dell online. I quickly received it and it was making a strange buzz. I complained and Dell replaced it with a new one. The buzz was still there. An engineer was sent, 3 times. The problem was not solved so they picked it up for testing. Testing showed that, the buzz is expected and might happen due to static electricity (blah blah electronics explanation blah blah). They sent the PC back to me without any changes. The testing which should have lasted 1 week, lasted a month and we are now in April, 2012. The PC arrived at my place by UPS and when I opened the box the PC was badly damaged. I complain and a Dell manager says: ---- Date: April 6, 2012 Hi Paulo We will request the pictures from UPS delivery team to see that damage to the boxes at the warehouse , Will be in touch soon Thanks Technical Account Manager (TAM) | UKI Pub / SMB ---- and then: ---- Date: April 12, 2012 Hi Paulo Please don't remove any more packaging and don't throw out any of the packaging. UPS will inspect the package and start the investigation Many Thanks Technical Account Manager (TAM) | UKI Pub / SMB ---- UPS picks up the broken PC pieces and days later returns it to me. Later I get the email: ---- Date: April 26, 2012 Hi Paulo We have had the report back from UPS , It has been decided that Dell will offer you a full refund for your goods , The process for a refund is as follows · Collection of the goods arranged on X date · Once collection confirmed , Transfer of Balance initiated to the account that was used to pay for the goods · Refund process takes 5-7 days once the goods have been collected. Please advise that date and address you wish the goods to be collected , We require 2 working days to arrange collection. Many thanks Technical Account Manager (TAM) | UKI Pub / SMB ---- The PC is then collected on the 4th of May. Since then I have been checking my account and no money is there yet. I have been emailing the Manager daily for 2 weeks now. I tried contacting Dell support but after looking at the notes related to the service request raised they say that this situation can only be handled by 'said' Manager and that I will get a call back from him within 24 hours. I never received a reply to his emails or a call back. Once I managed to get his direct phone number and talk to him. He said there was a problem with the refund and sent me an email straight away: ---- Date: May 18, 2012 Hi The money was returned to the Dell account yesterday , We have rebooked it and it should be in your account on Tuesday by the latest Thanks Technical Account Manager (TAM) | UKI Pub / SMB ---- Until now, nothing. I can't even get him on the phone. I keep leaving answer phone messages to which I get no reply. Dell support keeps telling me that only the Manager can sort things out and that he will call me back but I never get any phone call back and he never answers to my emails. What can I do? This has been very inconvenient since I bought this computer to do some work from home but for almost three months (since the computer went for testing) that I have no computer and now not even a refund. I feel like I have no options in order to force Dell to refund me the money. What do you advise/suggest I to do? Cheers, Paulo Matos
  25. Hi, would appreciate some guidance its been a while since ive needed to go down this route but sadly i find myself having to stick up for my rights again. Been onto trading standards & they say there are some letter templates on their site which i cant find i know where are some suitable one on here but not sure where to look ? After a little over a year my lap top has fallen apart i contacted Dell & they washed there hands of it & say its ware & tare, as its cos cosmetic its not covered by the warranty. In my eyes which i consider myself to be right the lap top has not been fit for the purpose & i have been told i need to send a letter to the Tesco store i purchased it from & see what they have to say on the matter ? Where do i find a letter template to suit, needs to state the Act that fits the bill. Any help welcome, Regards
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