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Found 8 results

  1. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-5653351/Computers-decide-PPI-victims-payout-explosive-documents-show.html
  2. Dell admits security flaw was built into computers A security hole that could allow attackers to access users' personal data was inadvertently placed on Dell computers, the company has admitted. The hole represented a "profound security flaw" that could allow access to bank details and other personal data, experts said. Dell has issued guidance on removing the software that produced it. READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-34910649 This is the direct link to Dell article and removal instructions: http://www.dell.com/support/article/us/en/19/SLN300321
  3. I wonder, in the light of recent trouble, if there is enough public support to have the Dept of Trade look into the whole used car warranty system. The story to date is that I had trouble with the door locking system & reported this to the warranty company. They instructed me to take car to garage for check & after garage report would consider whether to authorise repair. First problem I disagree with is that I had to pay for diagnostic check (£90)---WHY---it's not my fault if modern mechanics don't have experience to detect problem! However, garage reported a fault found by computer to warranty company who BINGO actually authorised the fitting of a new part. New part fitted but fault (intermittent) is still there. Garage won't carry out further investigation unless I pay for it and say warranty won't cover repair if it is found to be an electrical fault. It's a French car, so I'm 99.9% sure it's either corrosion or a damaged wire. So, it would appear that in this instance, that the warranty company are going to have to pay for parts & labour for a part that was not required---all thanks to a computer. Given the number of complaints about warranty companies, does anyone think it's worth my while trying to take this further???
  4. In late April, my mother bought me a brand new Dell Inspiron 15 windows 8 laptop as a gift for my 20th birthday. As soon as I turned the laptop on, I ran into problems, the disk use would hit 100% just running background applications, making it nearly impossible to run anything else. And just the other day, I found that the laptop screen had cracked from simply being shut in the normal manner. I contacted Dell to try and sort the issue, initially we ran a diagnostic test on the laptop with the built in software, but it showed no faults. At this point, it was approaching the call center's closing time, so I agreed to have a call back the next day to try and resolve the issue. The next day came, and after waiting all day for a call, nothing came. I called back the next day, frustrated, but still just wanting a usable laptop, I spent a further hour on hold waiting to talk to someone, and when I finally got through, I was told exactly the same thing as the day before, after running further diagnostics, the computer still wasn't showing any fault according to Dell, again they said they'd call me back the next day, which I had plans for. Annoyed, and still wanting my laptop to be fixed, I cancelled the plans I had for the day in the hopes the issue would finally be resolved. After spending most of Wednesday 20th of May on the phone with Dell, still nothing was working, so they agreed to send out a technician to come look at the laptop and see what the issue might be. For this they told me to wait 48 hours for the appointment. 48 hours came and went, but as it was over the bank holiday weekend, I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they meant 48 hours on working days only, but I was still waiting a week later. Today, I received this email: "Hello Adrian,   This is in follow-up to your service request ........ for your Dell product.   We would like to inform you that we are still waiting for the product description to be updated on our records and it will mostly take about next 2 to 3 business days.    In case of any additional concerns/questions please contact us directly by replying to this email (DO NOT change the subject line). Our work hours are from 8 AM 8PM GMT (MON FRI).   Thank you for choosing Dell.   Abigail   Client Technical Support Specialist Dell | UK & Ireland Technical Support" This email only served to confuse me, as it's their product, so I don't know what description they were waiting for, and to be told that after waiting over a week already that I'd have to wait even longer, I decided to travel to their Bracknell office, as I was staying close by anyway. After talking to the receptionist at Dell, someone came down and told me that there was nobody in the office that would deal with my complaint, which considering this was a huge office, I highly doubt that there was nobody senior in the building that could have dealt with my complaint. I was told that the matter had however been passed to a senior member of staff, who would be calling me today to offer me a resolution with my issue. It's currently around 10:30 in the evening here, and I'm still waiting on the call, so yet again, they've failed to keep phone appointments they promised me. Also, when I was talking to the lady she was saying "not to worry because the people that call back will be proper British people" which I feel was hugely inappropriate and also insinuates that I have a racial issue with their call center staff, (I am an avid human rights and anti-discrimination campaigner, and was horrendously insulted by this). This has now been going on over two weeks and I'm completely at the end of my patience with Dell, and fail to see why I should even want to remain a customer of theirs after weeks of what has been the absolute WORST customer service I've ever experienced. My mother is also terribly upset as she worked hard as a single mother to afford to buy me such a lovely gift, and now she's out of pocket and feels responsible for the grief.
  5. And they have the cheek to increase legal fees !! For the full story http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/11476880/Judges-dismissed-after-watching-pornography-on-court-computers.html
  6. The following story appears on SCOOP today: Officers from Camden Council were left red-faced after High Court enforcement officers gained entry to the town hall last Wednesday and began seizing thousands of pounds worth of local authority owned TVs, computers and printers to repay approx £7,000 owed to a resident. http://www.hamhigh.co.uk/news/court-crime/chaos_at_camden_town_hall_as_high_court_bailiffs_seize_council_computers_to_repay_debt_to_resident_1_3788428
  7. Hi does anyone know who the Managing Director of Scan Computers is so that I can complain directly to him/her? Thanks in advance
  8. Anybody else having trouble with Apple computers or their Apple Care extended guarantees. I am on the verge of suing them over a built in fault with the early 2008 MacBookPro laptop. Video issues, overheating and failure to start up are symptoms of this fault - due to a faulty graphics chips built in to the logic board. The repair costs over £400. Under the Sale of Goods act Apple are responsible for the repair as it was there from the beginning. Anyone one else with problems with this mac please respond with your experiences. Also any dealings with Apple repairs or the mis-selling of Apple Care that you are concerned about. Thanks. PS Sorry if posted in wrong area - I am new to forums.
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