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Found 6 results

  1. I'm on the wrong end of a county court case that has been total chaos. I never got the original application. I had moved (this was about possession, originally, but was settled and I moved out) the landlord had the papers sent to my old house, and didn't use my forwarding address. Eventually I found out about it and managed to get a copy of the application from the court a couple of days before the hearing. I got a "response" in but because it was late the judge didn't have it and it got adjourned and I got told to pay costs. I went to the PSU, asked court staff, went to CAB, asked about legal aid. Noone seems to be able to help. We had another hearing just recently, 3 days before the hearing the court told me they had no record of my original response. I sent another copy by fax and another by email to the court. They never acknowledged it. I called them back and all the court said was "anything you have sent will be provided to the judge". When I said I was worried as they could not specifically identify my response (while they could identify other things I had sent) they got stroppy with me. At hearing, I checked and the judge said he had got something from the date or the original response, which I took to mean he had received it. during the hearing he didn't seem aware of anything I had said in it and I when I tried to refer specifically to one thing I had to give him a copy of it. He found against me, taking my deposit away, in giving his judgment he said a number of things which lead me to believe he had not, in fact, seen any of my evidence. He said some things that are contradicted by the evidence I provided. The only evidence he referenced, at all, was that provided in the original application (by the other side). I don't know if the judge ever got my defence, or if he did, if it was complete, or whether he read it. I just learned (on CAG) about a thing called an Allocation questionnaire? I never got one of those. I I don't know what "track" this was allocated to. I didn't get a notice of hearing for the most recent hearing. I never got a copy of the orders made at the first hearing. It goes on... I'm a litigant in person. I have nothing left and am single parenting a disabled child on benefits while trying to find work (and fighting the council to get my child into school). I'm looking after my mum with Alzheimer's. I desperately need help. I tried to get the other side to mediate but they ignored me. At the end of the day, I can let the main matter go (that would be morally wrong, but I can live without it). The problem is the costs. I can't pay any costs, that will bankrupt me. I need to appeal. I have lost a week trying to get help from the CAB but I don't know where to start. I want to try to get pro bono help but I need to be referred to that? Anyone who has any advice on this, or knows where we can get real help...
  2. 4th December 2014 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/5HlJ1z5lDtYHqVRTRqxx4XL/npower-billing-chaos
  3. The paper counterpart driving licence is being axed on June 8 – and organisations are warning that drivers will need a ‘special code’ from the DVLA to hire a car or drive a company vehicle. Currently, penalty points are displayed on a driver’s counterpart licence, but from June 8 they’ll be recorded on a virtual record which can be accessed online, by phone or post. Should you need proof of your driving history, motorists will need to get a code from the DVLA to pass on to their employer or hire car company. This unique eight-digit code can be accessed online through the DVLA’s ‘share your licence’ service, or over the phone. But the code only lasts for three days – leading to criticism that drivers might be stranded abroad unable to hire a car if they’re unable to contact the DVLA or are simply unaware of the changes. http://www.admiral.com/newsletter/paperless-driving-licence.php?media=enewe&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=enewsletter https://www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence Paperless driving licence: DVLA changes explained as Brit holidaymakers anticipate car hire chaos DVLA driving licence paperless change could mean car chaos this summer
  4. THE DVLA is to overhaul its new computerized system for driving licences following chaos as holidaymakers tried to hire cars abroad. Last month, when the UK scrapped paper licences, drivers had to access the DVLA website and obtain a code to prove they were legal to drive, yet the code was only valid for three days. This left drivers trying to hire a car more than three days into holidays having to search for somewhere to get online or run up roaming charges by connecting from mobile phones, leading to a flood of complaints. Now the DVLA has announced it will change the system so codes last for three weeks, expected to cover most holidays this summer. http://www.euroweeklynews.com/3.0.15/news/on-euro-weekly-news/uk-news/130898-dvla-changes-tune-following-car-hire-chaos
  5. The following story appears on SCOOP today: Officers from Camden Council were left red-faced after High Court enforcement officers gained entry to the town hall last Wednesday and began seizing thousands of pounds worth of local authority owned TVs, computers and printers to repay approx £7,000 owed to a resident. http://www.hamhigh.co.uk/news/court-crime/chaos_at_camden_town_hall_as_high_court_bailiffs_seize_council_computers_to_repay_debt_to_resident_1_3788428
  6. I recently had my son 12 move in full time with me and daughter 14 and advised HMRC for child tax credit am now on my 5th award notice in as many weeks odd amounts paid then in comes a letter then letters saying I owe them. I have a fixed pension income nothing varies is this just the norm trouble is its messing up housing benefit.
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