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  1. The paper counterpart driving licence is being axed on June 8 – and organisations are warning that drivers will need a ‘special code’ from the DVLA to hire a car or drive a company vehicle. Currently, penalty points are displayed on a driver’s counterpart licence, but from June 8 they’ll be recorded on a virtual record which can be accessed online, by phone or post. Should you need proof of your driving history, motorists will need to get a code from the DVLA to pass on to their employer or hire car company. This unique eight-digit code can be accessed online through the DVLA’s ‘share your licence’ service, or over the phone. But the code only lasts for three days – leading to criticism that drivers might be stranded abroad unable to hire a car if they’re unable to contact the DVLA or are simply unaware of the changes. http://www.admiral.com/newsletter/paperless-driving-licence.php?media=enewe&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=enewsletter https://www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence Paperless driving licence: DVLA changes explained as Brit holidaymakers anticipate car hire chaos DVLA driving licence paperless change could mean car chaos this summer
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