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Found 5 results

  1. Dear all, I've just discovered that the sub-floor and joists that were replaced only 6 years ago in my Victorian house have rotted again, I'm told by an independent building contractor, due to inadequate damp protection. A master carpenter/joiner replaced joists/sub-floor and oak flooring only SIX years ago, due to the originals rotting. My question is can I reasonably expect the carpenter to contribute to the cost of this new work, which will essentially be to rip up what he did 6 years ago, beef up any existing damp protection and then rebuild the floor from the ground up? I feel he bears the responsibility for not highlighting the need for adequate damp protection in the first instance. Many thanks.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-39311336 http://www.reuters.com/article/us-brazil-corruption-food-idUSKBN16R1MH Brazil meat-packing giants 'exported rotten beef' "They accuse more than 30 companies of a number of unhygienic practices. Among them are JBS, the world's largest beef exporter, and BRF, the world's top poultry producer." "They used acid and other chemicals to mask the aspect of the product. In some cases, the products used were carcinogenic," the police said. In other cases, potato, water and even cardboard paper was mixed with chicken meat to increase profits." after 2 year investigation ..
  3. I have owned this car for the last 3 1/2 years, its now 9 years old, have spent quite a bit on it, looked after it well and followed recommended servicing guidelines. A few months back my mechanic noted a soft spot on the front subframe which has now turned into a hole of 4 inches by 2inches, on taking the subframe off we checked the remainder sections to find them all rusting away from the inside out, suggesting either no rust proofing or poorly applied rust proofing at point of manufacture, the maker has not acknowledged any liability, what are my rights, and how best can I get a satisfactory outcome from this problem?
  4. Hello, I am in need of help please. Story goes, I bought a 3.5 horsebox from a guy who converts small used wagons into horseboxes approximately 12months ago paid £10,500 punds in cash. About 2 weeks ago. on loading my horse onto the wagon to go to a horse show., as i was about to shut up the ramp, my horses hoof went through the floor. luckly as she is not a panicky horse she pull it back through the floor. after unloading the horse on close inspection of the floor, i found that the base floor of the wagon was rotten and crumbling there was a block of wood 6inches by 2 inches which has appeared to be hammered in to the outer side of the rotten wood. This block of wood I found on the ground under the hole the horses foot had made I am of the belief that this wood had been hammered in to keep the rotten floor together. There was a quarter ply wood sheets over this area that the horse would stand on. This wood is far to thin to support the weight of a horse. Anybody who knows anything about horsebos floors know that these must be of a minimum of threequarte ply wood sheets. I have been driving around with my horse in a potential death trap and have I been driving find the thought of the consequences to the welfare of my horse extremely upsetting. I telephoned the guy who converted the horsebox and informed him of the incident. He innforms me that the van was sold to me as seen. I told me that I disagreed that I could not have seen the rotten floor as it was covered with rubber matting. He told me that he has bought the wagon with the floor already down and that it was nothing to do with him. I asked him to repair the floor, ie replace it with the proper standard flooring, or I would have the floor replaced and send him the bill He stated that he would think about it and get back to me. He has not got back to me, even though I have tested him to make arrangedmentfor him to view the damaged floor. I have now lost entry fees for shows as I had pre-booked the classes and also had to pay somebody else to transpost my horses. What can I do please? any advice please as to what I can do? Thank you
  5. Anybody else having trouble with Apple computers or their Apple Care extended guarantees. I am on the verge of suing them over a built in fault with the early 2008 MacBookPro laptop. Video issues, overheating and failure to start up are symptoms of this fault - due to a faulty graphics chips built in to the logic board. The repair costs over £400. Under the Sale of Goods act Apple are responsible for the repair as it was there from the beginning. Anyone one else with problems with this mac please respond with your experiences. Also any dealings with Apple repairs or the mis-selling of Apple Care that you are concerned about. Thanks. PS Sorry if posted in wrong area - I am new to forums.
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