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Found 7 results

  1. Hello all, Just under 2 years ago I bought a 15" Macbook Pro. I have had an iPhone die on me before so to negate what I consider slightly fragile products I bought the laptop through John Lewis as it came with a 3 year warranty (as well as having a positive public image towards repairs/replacements). About 6 months ago the screen cracked, this was extremely annoying as I was sure that it wasn't my fault, the laptop had flashed up warnings of overheating I put it in a cool place, let it recharge when I came back the screen was cracked. I expected it to be covered under the warranty after having the laptop sent off I got sent a bill for £803 to have it mended. This i thought was excessive and I refused to pay to have it repaired (it was sent back with the damaged screen) after 2 months struggling without a laptop I decided to count it as a life lesson and take the hit. It was sent off and repaired at a cost of £797.84. I was annoyed I hadn't taken out insurance on the laptop at the start (when I first called John Lewis I thought it was included with the warranty) and considering how easily the screen had broken I was keen to have it insured from the start. After checking it was fine I left it in the blow up package it was sent to me in, and went to look on my home computer for an insurance company that would insure a device over 6 months old. The next day coming back to check that laptop was working I was dismayed to find a crack on the opposite side of the screen. This was unacceptable, the first time it was damaged I was treating the laptop properly but couldn't rule out damage happening that I didn't notice (ie something falling on it, someone knocking it over), this time I was meticulous in making sure no damage whatsoever could effect the laptop yet once again the hairline crack reappeared. I called up John Lewis technical support, explained what had happened and was keen to get it sorted again as soon as possible. Unfortunately I was going on holiday very soon and so it wasn't picked up for a good 2 weeks. The laptop was recovered and John Lewis went dark. A generic email I received when I organised the second repair mentioned it taking up to 28 days to repair I waited 27 and sent an email asking what was happening, I got a call the next day (a Sunday) saying the repair was on hold but the company doing the repair wasn't open till Monday so they couldn't ask why it was on hold. They were very polite and said someone would call me on Monday and relay their findings. No call came till Wednesday (an answerphone message asking to call back and quote a reference number), I didn't notice this voicemail till Friday, I was too late to call back the next day I called up and they explained that it was on hold as "it was accidental damage" and so once again I was to pay. I was furious and even more angry when it transpired this time the bill was £1380 as for some reason includes a new top case and battery (I believe the top case is glued to the screen so not surprising but the battery is a completely different issue and I am not sure either how it is damaged-it was working fine- or why I would be charged if it was faulty-surely it would be covered under the warranty). The laptop was £1600 to start with so these repairs will cost more than a new model. I am gutted this is all happening, I really like John Lewis and its ethos and have always heard they are very good with customer service and don't squabble about fine print etc. Like I said before I do treat my devices well, and especially in the second case I know this isn't my fault. Being left in the dark and constantly shuffled between departments is annoying but not my main concern, I am anxious that this second repair is not charged to me. I am considering making a small claims court case as a few similar stories (including one about a cracked screen) seem to have worked in the past against John Lewis but am unfamiliar with either the process, any documentation I will need or the chances of success. Thank you everyone for reading this, any help would be very much appreciated cheers, Alex
  2. Hi CAG, There is a known hardware fault amongst Apple and the Apple community in relation to my Apple MacBook Pro model (Mid 2010) whereby a hardware panic during the dynamic graphics card switching causes the MacBook to crash. I got in touch with Apple Support who advised that my MacBook is now considered as "Vintage" and so replacement parts are no longer manufactured, nor am I able to send it to Apple for repair. This fault has been reported to Apple many times from other owners, but I have never received contact from Apple to recall my laptop or advise me that there is a certain time period to receive a repair until it is deemed "Vintage". I am now left with a faulty laptop that constantly crashes, unfit for purpose and looses my work if I haven't pressed save before the laptop decides to crash. So, the only option for me now is to replace the laptop. During my call with Apple Support I asked if they are able to replace the laptop or even discount a new laptop to offset my faulty one. They advised that I need to visit an Apple Store and raise it with them there. I do not have any stores close to me, so before I decide to make the journey to one, would anyone able to offer advice as to where I stand with a replacement be it at a discount?
  3. Hi I'm currently in a back and forth with AppleCare regarding my Macbook Pro, which I purchased in from Apple's online store in 2012. I also purchased AppleCare for £279, which is due to expire in November. At that point, I'll have had the machine for three years. I've had three repairs on the machine so far. I've had the screen replaced twice, within a couple of weeks of one another, and then the bottom case replaced (a screw hadn't been tightened properly and came loose, scratching the bottom case in transit). I've been offered a fourth repair, after which Apple said they would seek to replace my laptop if the problem persisted. Given that I keep having issues with the screen, I requested a replacement rather than a fourth repair. My argument is that in the three years I've had the laptop, it has rarely worked the way I would've expected. After doing some reading on Apple's own website about consumer law/SOGA, I decided to pursue that route instead, and request a replacement. Apple obliged, and have arranged an independent, Apple certified technician to have a look at the machine and decide whether the fault was caused by misuse. From Apple.com Since I've had three repairs, does this not mean that I have the right to withdraw from the contract? I don't want a full refund, though. I just want a replacement laptop. I now want to know whether it will be feasible, if the results come back in my favour, for Apple to replace my MacBook rather than repair it again. I've had to go back and forth to the Apple store multiple times with this laptop, and as a result have spent almost a month without a machine, so I don't think it's unfair for me to say enough is enough. Where do I stand legally in this matter? Any input or advice is appreciated. Kind regards
  4. Hi, Hopefully someone can help me here! I bought a Macbook from Curry's through Creation Finance approx 24 months ago. The keyboard and trackpad stopped working and I took it to Apple who provided me with a report that it was the logic board that needed replacing and they told me to go through Curry's to get it repaired under EU Laws. I did this and Curry's said they would send it off and repair it which was great. They had it for about 3 and a half weeks and I went to collect it today and the Macbook doesn't even turn on. Ive charged it up etc and its just completely dead. I rang Curry's again and they said all they can do was book it in for another repair. Do I have any other options here? Can I claim under section 75 through my credit company? Thanks!
  5. Hi,I wonder if anyone could advise me please? On Thursday, I purchased a MacBook Pro from PC World. I inspected the display models, and saw one I liked. It was £100 more for the retina display model, and didn't really feel it was worth paying the extra, so paid £899 for the non retina display model. When I took it home, I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but for some reason, I didn't like it as much. I passed by another PC world branch on Saturday, and decided to pop in. The retina model, is considerably thinner than my version, and also, my version is a 2012, the retina is 2014, now I feel that I purchased the machine. based on the display model. I asked in that store if I could exchange it, and pay the extra, but was told NO as I'd used it. Do you think I have grounds for exchange, as I feel, the display model was not indicitive of what I was actually buying? Many thanks in advance. PLK
  6. Anybody else having trouble with Apple computers or their Apple Care extended guarantees. I am on the verge of suing them over a built in fault with the early 2008 MacBookPro laptop. Video issues, overheating and failure to start up are symptoms of this fault - due to a faulty graphics chips built in to the logic board. The repair costs over £400. Under the Sale of Goods act Apple are responsible for the repair as it was there from the beginning. Anyone one else with problems with this mac please respond with your experiences. Also any dealings with Apple repairs or the mis-selling of Apple Care that you are concerned about. Thanks. PS Sorry if posted in wrong area - I am new to forums.
  7. Purchased a Mac recently and am having problems inserting links/attatchments on CAG to replies to threads,what am I missing apart from IT brain cells. I click on "insert link" usual window comes up "http//" type in link details but get nowhere..HELP FS
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