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  1. Hi, This is about an experience I had in an Apple Store, so I hope I'm posting in the right forum. Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place for this post -- if that is the case, please let me know where to post I bought an Apple Watch earlier this year, and about a month ago it stopped working. I noticed a crack in the display, and sure enough it was cracked right the way across from the left to right, bang in the middle of the screen. Because of the way the watch works, this effectively kills the touchscreen and makes it useless. Now, because the watch it now useless I had a really good idea of when this damage would have occurred, and that day I didn't leave the house until into the evening and then wasn't doing anything that risked damaging the watch. Also, I would expect that the force needed to damage the watch would be such that I would remember doing it; but I don't. I took the watch to the Apple Store in Edinburgh and explained all of this to the guy working there, but he said that in Apple's view this was accidental damage (i.e., my fault) and that they would charge me for any repairs. The cost of repairs was over £200, which I wasn't prepared to pay. Is there anything else I can do here? It seems to be my word against theirs, but I'm not sure what the law says in this scenario. I might also have another way to approach this, as I think I bought the watch from John Lewis. I'm guessing consumer law is focused on my relationship with them, rather than my relationship with Apple?
  2. I'm in a bit of a pickle and am hoping someone can help me work out how to get around this: I bought my partner an Apple laptop via eBay three years ago. All seemed above board, but I collected in person and the seller insisted I pay cash as they didn't want to risk a Paypal chargeback - fair enough, I thought. At the time, they assured me they would send me a copy of the original Apple sale receipt and I asked several times. The seller then stopped responding to my messages. Not an issue, I thought, since I had the laptop and didn't think the proof of purchase would be an issue. To prevent the laptop being used if stolen, we put a firmware password on the laptop - this is a low-level password that effectively locks the Mac altogether if the hard disk is changed, which makes it very difficult for thieves to use the laptop if they steal it and try to wipe the hard drive. Six months later in 2015, we realised that we had forgotten the password. We took the laptop to Apple and, after e-mailing every bit of correspondence I had had from the eBay sale and with the seller of the laptop, a nice chap at Apple Ireland authorised my local Apple repair shop to reset the firmware password. Thinking we were out of the woods, my partner put a new password on the machine, wrote it down safely in a book, and that was that. Fast forward to two weeks ago, and we have realised that we have once again forgotten the password, and, having moved house, have lost the book. However, this time, Apple have refused to reset the password, because we don't have the original sale receipt for the laptop. Apple have said that, since we don't have the original proof of purchase, we will have to pay around £500 to have a new main board (the logic board) replaced. My instinct in this matter is that, having proven once beyond reasonable doubt that we are the legitimate owners of the laptop, a reasonable person would believe that we are still the rightful owners of the laptop, and Apple should remove the password. If somebody could help, we would be most grateful (in fact, if you can help us get Apple to authorise this password removal, I will send you £50 and a crate of beer/cider/wine/fizzy pop of your choice) Thanks ever so much! Alex
  3. Hi all, I bought an ipad in 2012 which was "4G" ready. My Ipad has never worked outside the home and I've barely used it since. I have now learned that these were missold by Apple and they have asked me to contact the seller) to claim under Consumer Rights laws. When I bought the ipad, I also bought a cover. I used vouchers and credit card. The credit card amount is one pound under the cost of the case - I also bought the extended warranty in a separate transaction, on the credit card. The seller have told me they will provide a pro ratered refund. Do I have a section 75 claim with the credit card provider, on the basis that the ipad was on the same receipt as the case? Without the case, the ipad cost would have been covered by the vouchers, however I would have bought the case with vouchers anyway, leaving the same amount to have been paid on the credit card if I had bought the ipad seperately.
  4. Hi all, I recently had a very bad experience with a purchase I did on a website called icoinela.com. Long story short, I was looking to buy an iPhone 7 plus on Gumtree, where I was contacted by a seller who informed me about a website with good discounts on Apple products, and he seemed kind enough at the time to provide me with a 40% discount code that was expiring a few days after. After some research I did online about icoinela, I found several articles saying that people have used it and that it is legitimate. One of them was BBC (well, not the official site, but a spoof site that was looking exactly as the official BBC website). In fact, all of them were spoof sites. The only payment method they were accepting was Bitcoins. And according to them, this was main reason why the products were cheaper. I placed the order, I transferred the Bitcoins to the wallet address they provided, in turn they confirmed the payment via email and after that they disappeared. I tried to contact them and they never got back to me. Yes, I feel totally stupid that I fell for it and I learned my lesson the hard way. The reason I'm writing this post is because I want to prevent this from happening to other people. After some research I did, I found out that many people have been [problem]med this way. In all those cases, similar websites were created such as icoinilla.com, icoineta.com, icoinesta.com and in my case icoinela.com. Of course, none of them exists right now, but this will continue happening I wanted to raise awareness to everyone, and I hope this post pops up to their search engine results. I have reported this to Action Fraud and I have claimed my money from the company that the website was referencing. I'm now in the process of contacting other victims of this [problem], gathering them and then open a legal case via a solicitor. I have already spoken to three more victims. In case this has happened to you please contact me here and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks and Merry Xmas everyone! Tony
  5. http://news.sky.com/story/apple-ordered-to-pay-836413bn-in-back-taxes-10557945 Both Apple and Irish government are not happy that their tax deal is being undone by the EU, because it broke EU rules on state subsidies to business. Apparently the tax rate paid was less than 1%, when Ireland has a corporate tax rate of 12.5%. I think it is about time the EU looked at these special tax deals that countries make with large international companies to ensure there is fair competion on tax rates. Why should big companies with sophisticated cross border operations end up paying less taxes than other companies, where they choose to site their head office for tax purposes. I suspect other businesses in Ireland would love to only pay about 1% tax. Apple and the Irish government are appealing against the EU decision. Nb. Re Brexit, if this happens, it is very unlikely EU single market tax rules will change or a UK government would choose not to apply the current EU rules that allows companies to transfer money around to minimise tax. The Tories support tax competition and support businessss taking decisions on transferring revenues cross borders to invest in other countries, while also helping minimise tax. This Tory government brought in new rules anyway to restrict how companies try to avoid tax by shifting profits outside the UK.
  6. Apple who owns the icloud have such weak security that they are being hacked and users of their cloud are having personal files stolen. Typical 'We don't have malware problems' Apple. Why does anyone pay up to 10 times what other companies charge for goods and services and put up with this amateur couldn't care less, company. The theft comes two years after a host of celebrities, including Hollywood star Jennifer Lawrence, fell victim to a hacker attack on the iCloud - which stores private photos from phones and computers online - which saw images posted online. You would think once bitten twice shy, but not Apple. They are a 'give us the money and push off, we don't care' company obviously.
  7. Hi CAG, There is a known hardware fault amongst Apple and the Apple community in relation to my Apple MacBook Pro model (Mid 2010) whereby a hardware panic during the dynamic graphics card switching causes the MacBook to crash. I got in touch with Apple Support who advised that my MacBook is now considered as "Vintage" and so replacement parts are no longer manufactured, nor am I able to send it to Apple for repair. This fault has been reported to Apple many times from other owners, but I have never received contact from Apple to recall my laptop or advise me that there is a certain time period to receive a repair until it is deemed "Vintage". I am now left with a faulty laptop that constantly crashes, unfit for purpose and looses my work if I haven't pressed save before the laptop decides to crash. So, the only option for me now is to replace the laptop. During my call with Apple Support I asked if they are able to replace the laptop or even discount a new laptop to offset my faulty one. They advised that I need to visit an Apple Store and raise it with them there. I do not have any stores close to me, so before I decide to make the journey to one, would anyone able to offer advice as to where I stand with a replacement be it at a discount?
  8. Uploaded IOS9 and the screen has stopped on itunes. Turned off ipad and this default screen won't clear. Any thoughts please.
  9. Hi I'm currently in a back and forth with AppleCare regarding my Macbook Pro, which I purchased in from Apple's online store in 2012. I also purchased AppleCare for £279, which is due to expire in November. At that point, I'll have had the machine for three years. I've had three repairs on the machine so far. I've had the screen replaced twice, within a couple of weeks of one another, and then the bottom case replaced (a screw hadn't been tightened properly and came loose, scratching the bottom case in transit). I've been offered a fourth repair, after which Apple said they would seek to replace my laptop if the problem persisted. Given that I keep having issues with the screen, I requested a replacement rather than a fourth repair. My argument is that in the three years I've had the laptop, it has rarely worked the way I would've expected. After doing some reading on Apple's own website about consumer law/SOGA, I decided to pursue that route instead, and request a replacement. Apple obliged, and have arranged an independent, Apple certified technician to have a look at the machine and decide whether the fault was caused by misuse. From Apple.com Since I've had three repairs, does this not mean that I have the right to withdraw from the contract? I don't want a full refund, though. I just want a replacement laptop. I now want to know whether it will be feasible, if the results come back in my favour, for Apple to replace my MacBook rather than repair it again. I've had to go back and forth to the Apple store multiple times with this laptop, and as a result have spent almost a month without a machine, so I don't think it's unfair for me to say enough is enough. Where do I stand legally in this matter? Any input or advice is appreciated. Kind regards
  10. my daughter bought a iPhone charging lead from a 3 store and 5 days later the lead did not charge so is damaged..she lost her receipt but took her bank statement in to show as proof or purchase.....they refused to refund her saying the receipt has a code on the bottom and they need this...help please...paul
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3557310/Inside-secretive-Chinese-iPhone-factory.html I find the factory conditions mentioned in the above link disturbing. I am sure these workers are glad to earn money, but i suspect that they don't get paid enough. No wonder American workers can't compete.
  12. I was given an iPhone as a present at Christmas, it was not new it was first bought in Oct 2013. It has developed a fault, and Apple have checked it and I have a written report from them stating it has an inherent fault, but they are refusing to replace it under consumer law (6 years from new) because they say as manufacturer they are not liable to replace the phone, as the contract is with the original retailer (Vodafone) I have contacted Vodafone and because I was not the original purchaser their contract is with them not me, and they too will not repair or replace my phone. Is my claim dead in the water or am I being fobbed off??????
  13. Anyone who remembers those "I'm a PC, I'm a Mac" ads from some years back will surely remember that a key message that Apple wants to get across to potential customers was this: PCs have a malware problem, Macs don't. Of course, that message was partly spin — there had been malware for Apple computers, even before it had existed for PCs. But, as we reported last October, serious security holes have been found in Gatekeeper that could allow malware to completely bypass Gatekeeper's checks. But, as Wardle showed last year at the Virus Bulletin conference in Prague, there exists a way to waltz past Gatekeeper even if you had configured your Mac to use the maximum "App Store-only" security setting. Full article
  14. This is why we say 'size doesn't matter' and to take on these companies no matter how big they are and how much above the law they think they are. A man from Ceredigion has successfully sued Apple after his watch broke - forcing the company to change its product description. Gareth Cross, 32, from Aberystwyth, paid £339 last July for his Apple Watch Sport, but spotted a crack in the glass face 10 days later. The technology giant said work to fix the watch was not covered by warranty, despite its official claim it was scratch-resistant. Apple has been asked to comment. Mr Cross took the company to the small claims court in Aberystwyth for breach of the Sale of Goods Act, and has won the case after a six-month fight. More
  15. in the past I was total apple iphone only upto the 6 I would replace both my handset's every year with question until they released the 6 so thin it looked liked the camera was superglued on the back such a bad handset (hopefully the new one will be better) I always buy my phones second hand to save on money, in the past I have purchased an iphone that got network blocked, I took the handset back to apple who told me the phone was blacklisted in the UK but not to worry and promptly replaced the phone with another without any questions what so ever so a few days ago my wife's Samsung S7 edge came up with emergency calls only spoke to samsung live help (which were of no help at all) took the phone down to stoke (100 miles round trip) Samsung took the phone in and told me give us an hour to check it out, got a text telling me the phone is all sorted now, went to collect the phone to see the same fault, the advisor there then checked on a free website http://www.imeipro.info/ and told me phone was blacklisted, if I have any other problems feel free to go back and see her... Apple simply replaced and keep your phone working through out the warranty period, Samsung just didn't care
  16. Hi, I've spent a few years playing a particular game on my iphone/iwhatever and spent quite a bit to get myself to where I was in the game. Sadly the developers pulled the plug for EU (not the rest of the world), so the game isn't "end of life"... Do I have any rights at all asking for the bits and bobs which I bought over time? On a side note.. Whether a company releases apps to the world, or to one country, it doesn't cost any more or less. The only thing that could drive an app developer out of a particular country would be law (I guess?). I've spoken to apple, but they want me to converse with the actual company first as they are quite clear in their agreements that they've got nothing to do with purchases (despite taking 1/3 cut) Anyway, some feedback would be interesting! Cheers, A
  17. Does it annoy others that when using Apple iPads etc that when you want a free app, they are never really free of catches that look to make you pay for something. And it is not always made clear when you download the free app, that you will regularly meet with requests to upload some extension for which there is a charge. I just wonder whether people using mobile devices end up paying more for their online experience compared to laptops, even when using home wifi networks.
  18. When buying a new Apple device direct from Apple they now offer to buy your old device. You don't get cash, you get a voucher, which you have to spend with them. I therefore expected a decent deal, as usually you get a better deal if you accept a voucher. Not from Apple, I found a working, excellent condition iphone 4 was "worth" £25. To compare (I only checked 3 others): Envirofone £46 Mazuma £45 (or £49.50 if you accept a voucher) Envirofone via sellmymobile £50 Somehow, I expected better from Apple, I did not think they would offer so much less than other sites.
  19. I'm not sure if this is the correct forum, please feel free to move it if not! I had an out-of-warranty iPhone that needed a battery replacement. I paid for the work online with my debit card using Apple's support site. A hold was placed on the money in my account. While I waited for them to send out the pre-paid box to return the phone, the hold on the money was removed, presumably because the work had not been completed and could not yet be charged. I left the money where it was because I knew it would be taken later. I returned the phone and was contacted via email by Apple who said they'd found something else wrong with it which would also need to be repaired. They attached a photo of my phone that supposedly gave details of what the new issue was. It didn't give any clue as to what the problem was. I called Apple, who were equally puzzled and couldn't get any information from the engineers. At this point they told me that they would cover the full cost of the repair - not just the mystery defect, but the original battery The phone was returned within a week, fully repaired, and I was a satisfied customer. Six days later, they took the money from my account despite being told they wouldn't. This put me in a position of having an unauthorised overdraft, with a direct debit for car tax due out the following day. I rang Apple immediately who were most apologetic and promised to refund the money. However, it would take up to 10 days for the refund to appear in my account. I told them that I had direct debits to pay and it was going to cost me money in charges if they bounced. They told me to call back when the charges had been paid, to look at claiming the value of the charges back from Apple. I then called my bank. There was nothing they could do. They put me through to the Visa team, who said the same - as a refund had already been started, they couldn't do anything. I called DVLA (the car tax direct debit was due the next day), who were, surprisingly, the most helpful out of everyone. The unauthorised overdraft happened over the end of one monthly charging period and into the start of the next so it was two months before I could pay the charges and look at reclaiming them. I called Apple today regarding this and they simply weren't interested, claiming they weren't responsible. They said that they'd already refunded the money and they weren't going to pay for any charges that they'd caused. The charges are only £30 but that isn't the point. I believe that they were caused as a direct result of Apple's error. If it hadn't caused so many problems with direct debits etc, I probably wouldn't have bothered about them. But it did cause problems and after having to spend an hour an a half on the phone to them today, I'd like to pursue this. Do I have a case? And if so, how would you recommend I go about it? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.
  20. Hi, I have just had an e-mail from apple confirming my purchase of i-tunes but I know nothing of this? it says I am being charger 35$ LinkedIn Greetings from Apple.com, Thank you for your purchase at Apple online shop iTunes! (Order #203-7217228-4235508) ------------------------------------------------------------ Gift Certificate, Printable Design: From iTunes Merchant Shop Amount: USD 35.00 Quantity: 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ Subtotal: USD 35.00 Postage & Packing: FREE VAT: USD 0.00 ------- TOTAL: USD 35.00 Please take a note: if you want to cancel this order, just simply confirm your Apple.com account and press this cancellation button below: Cancel Order I have never had an apple account or even own anything to do with them? Advice please, and sorry if in wrong posted in wrong part xx Sandy
  21. Apple sued over 'shrinking' gadget storage Apple is facing a lawsuit for not telling users about the amount of memory required by its flagship operating system. The legal complaint revolves around iOS 8 and the amount of memory it reserves for itself on iPods, iPhones and iPads. The complaint alleges that it takes up so much space that far less than advertised is left for people to store their own data. Apple has yet to issue any official comment on the lawsuit. Update upset The complaint has been filed in California by Miami residents Paul Orshan and Christopher Endara who say that iOS 8 can occupy up to 23.1% of the memory available on some Apple devices. In addition, upgrading devices from the earlier iOS 7 to 8 can cause people to lose up to 1.3 gigabytes of memory, said papers filed in support of the legal action. The amount of memory taken up by iOS 8 can mean users run out of storage and, the pair allege, this is helping Apple force people to sign up for its fee-based iCloud storage system. The lawsuit is seeking millions of dollars in damages for those using Apple devices facing the storage squeeze. So far, Apple has not responded to requests for comment on the lawsuit. The latest upgrade to iOS 8 was released in late September but Apple was forced to withdraw and then re-issue it because the first version meant a lot of iPhone 6 and Plus handsets could no longer make calls. Apple issued a public apology over the botched update but said only 40,000 people were affected by it.
  22. Evening all, Decided that I would do my new update on my iPhone 5c last week and 2 days later the phone completely broke! Phone is 12 month old and was 9 days out of warrenty when it broke. Took it to Apple, not very helpful at all! Told me its a hardware fault and charged me £199 for a replacement. I really needed my phone so paid it! Was sat across from a lady who was in the same boat, did the update and was being charged £199 also. Can they really get away with this? My phone was working absolutely perfect until their bloody update! Not sure who to contact - is it worth it? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Rachael
  23. First things first—and let's make this very clear—Apple Pay has not been hacked. It does, however, appear that Apple's introduction of the contactless payment system has helped some [problem]mers commit credit card fraud. If you have never used Apple Pay, here's a video made by The Verge last year showing how you set it up, and how you make mobile payments with it. Seems simple, right? And, unfortunately, the way that [problem]mers can take advantage of Apple Pay appears to be remarkably simple too. Did you see the part in the video where the guy adds a new card to Apple Pay? He chooses to do it the way most people will choose to do it—by taking a photo of a card and allowing it to scan in the credentials (such as the long card number, expiry date, etc.). However, you can also choose to enter those details manually, which means you don't have to have physical access to a card to add it to Apple Pay. Charles Arthur, writing for The Guardian, mers"]explains the issue further: Apple’s support pages for the service says: “When you add a credit or debit card to Apple Pay... Apple sends the encrypted data, along with other information about your iTunes account activity and device (such as the name of your device, its current location, or if you have a long history of transactions within iTunes) to your bank. Using this information, your bank will determine whether to approve adding your card to Apple Pay.” US banks are using a “green path” for cards they approve straight away on such data, and a “yellow path” for cards requiring more checks. But some banks have made the task too simple by asking callers to verify their identity with the last four digits of their social security number (SSN). And therein lies the problem. It appears that the authentication methods used by the bank to confirm whether a credit card should be added to Apple Pay is proving too easy for fraudsters to waltz around—whether it be via requesting digits from a social security number (which online criminals may also have been able to steal, as they are frequently grabbed by hackers) or having the iPhone owner ring a call center to authenticate themselves. Mobile payments specialist, Cherian Abraham, writes that fraud enabled by Apple Pay is "rampant." Ironically, according to Abraham, Apple Stores are frequently targeted: These are organized crime rings that are handing out pre-provisioned devices to mules that are then being used to commit fraud – with much of fraud (for some issuers) – occurring around Miami,FL and Dallas,TX. Prepaid cards unsurprisingly are a tool of choice as they can be quickly converted to cash or goods – and subsequently, untraceable. What was surprising to hear was how many times Apple stores themselves popped up as the store of choice for the fraudster – and yet unsurprising, due to its nature as a luxury retailer. There is a certain irony in one compromised Apple Pay device paying for another – only to be drafted subsequently in to the fraudsters service. The answer, therefore, seems not to be to beef up the security of Apple Pay—but for Apple and the banks to ensure that stronger methods are used to authenticate a card holder really *is* who they say they are, when they try to add a card to Apple Pay. Until that happens, chances are that fraudsters will continue to find ways to make purchases using your credit card, with a little help from a (no doubt stolen) iPhone.
  24. Up until this evening Apple had always been a brand that I trusted and had always had confidence in purchasing products from them. I have had my Iphone 5 for just over 2 years now and a few months ago I started to notice serious problems with the battery life. It would show that it still had 20 percent charge and then suddenly just run out. I got caught out quite a few times because of this. I decided that I needed to get the battery replaced. After some research I was really pleased to discover the following; https://www.apple.com/uk/support/iphone5-battery/ Apple has determined that a very small percentage of iPhone 5 devices may suddenly experience shorter battery life or need to be charged more frequently. The affected iPhone 5 devices were sold between September 2012 and January 2013 and fall within a limited serial number range. If your iPhone 5 is experiencing these symptoms and meets the eligibility requirements noted below, Apple will replace your iPhone 5 battery, free of charge. Eligibility If your iPhone is in working order and exhibits the symptoms noted above, use the serial number checker below to see if it is eligible for this program. Finding your iPhone serial number is easy. See how. Replacement process Choose one of the service options below to have your battery replaced. Your iPhone will be examined prior to any service to verify that it is eligible for this program and in working order. Please call your service provider to confirm that battery replacement service is available on the day you visit them. Apple Retail Store - Make an appointment here. Apple Technical Support - Contact us. To prepare your iPhone 5 for the battery replacement process, please follow the steps below: Back up your data to iTunes or iCloud Turn off Find my iPhone Erase data and settings in Settings > General > Reset > Erase all Content and Settings Note: If your iPhone 5 has any damage such as a cracked screen which impairs the replacement of the battery, that issue will need to be resolved prior to the battery replacement. In some cases, there may be a cost associated with the repair. Additional Information Apple may restrict or limit repair to the original country of purchase. For iPhone 5 devices purchased in EEA member countries, service is available in other EEA member countries. If you believe your iPhone 5 was affected by this issue, and you paid to replace your battery, you can contact Apple about a refund. This worldwide Apple program doesn't extend the standard warranty coverage of the iPhone 5. The program covers affected iPhone 5 batteries for 3 years after the first retail sale of the unit. I tapped in my serial number and I was really pleased to discover that my phone was one of the models that was affected. I therefore booked an appointment at the Genius Bar in the Apple Store at Lakeside for 8.50 this evening. We arrived on time and spoke to one of the advisers who checked my name off on his Ipad and asked us to take a seat. We then sat there for over ten minutes seeing loads of their staff coming in and out of the repair area but not one of them acknowledged us. Eventually Richard asked one of them how much longer would we have to wait and we were told that someone would be with us in a few minutes. A young man came out and I explained to him the problems that I had been having with my phone. I also informed him that I had checked on their website any my phone had one of the serial numbers that are eligable for a free battery replacement. He then advised me that he would get one of the repair staff to have a look and would be back with us in a few minutes. When he returned he had a rather serious look on his face and told us that he had bad news as the water damage indicators on my phone are red and this would mean that they would be unable to replace the battery and my only option would be to purchase a replacement phone for £179.00 !! I was fuming. I pointed out the fact that my phone is in perfect working order and the only reason I came to the store this evening was due to the fact and that Apple had stated that the battery that had been supplied with my Iphone was faulty. I was then told that they could not carry out any work on my phone due to the damage. I then asked them if they were prepared to simply give me a new battery which I could get replaced elsewhere but they refused as it was against their rules ! I then asked to speak to the Manager who told me exactly the same thing. However, he was prepared as a gesture of goodwill to reduce the cost of a replacement phone to £120.00. I told him that I was not willing to accept this and I asked him to show me where it stated that the battery could not replaced. The Manager then pulled up another document that quoted their policy on changing batteries. I then pointed out to him that this was not referring to faulty batteries that had been recalled by Apple. As you can see from the document in bold above it makes reference to a broken screen but there is no mention of water damage. I think that their Customer Service is a total disgrace !!!! .
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