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Found 6 results

  1. The iron is a Breville 2400W Digital iron. This morning, like every Monday, I was heating up the iron (2/5th setting) like normal. I put my trousers on the board and then as soon as the iron touched the nylon trousers, it stuck to it and burnt a hole in them. They were my only decent pair, and fairly new which were £40 from Debenhams. I've done this many times before without any issues, it just looks like now that the iron heated up much more than it should have. I could prove this too with an infrared heat sensor. http://imglnk.uk/img?i=yepJVY http://imglnk.uk/img?i=BYuVIZ Even the ironing board cover melted slightly. What shall I do about this?
  2. I am curious how this case has been dealt with see here >> http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2012/2402.html My questions in this Judgment are at para: 10-17 in the above link... Especially para: 17 your thoughts please... As this is driving me mad atm. Can anyone please give thoughts.. PS not sure where to post this thread, sorry.. MM
  3. Anyone who remembers those "I'm a PC, I'm a Mac" ads from some years back will surely remember that a key message that Apple wants to get across to potential customers was this: PCs have a malware problem, Macs don't. Of course, that message was partly spin — there had been malware for Apple computers, even before it had existed for PCs. But, as we reported last October, serious security holes have been found in Gatekeeper that could allow malware to completely bypass Gatekeeper's checks. But, as Wardle showed last year at the Virus Bulletin conference in Prague, there exists a way to waltz past Gatekeeper even if you had configured your Mac to use the maximum "App Store-only" security setting. Full article
  4. Taken from this link from Scottish Express: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/428437/Brothers-win-blows-a-hole-in-bedroom-tax-benefit-cuts In a ruling that could open the floodgates for thousands to challenge the under-occupancy legislation, a tribunal found that David Nelson’s spare room was too small to be a bedroom. And his brother Ian successfully argued that his “spare” room should be turned into a wet room because he struggles to get in and out of the bath. Around 660,000 social housing tenants across the country have seen their housing benefit reduced by an average of £14 per week because they have an unused bedroom. The disabled, foster carers and those with children in the armed forces are exempt from the rules. David, 57, from Glenrothes, Fife, argued that his spare room was too small to be taxed. He said that at just 50 square feet, the room could not be classed as a bedroom but is a box room. Ian, who only has one leg, successfully argued that his “spare” room should be turned into a wet room because he struggles to get into a bath. At an independent tribunal held in Kirkcaldy, Simon Collins QC ruled that neither brother should have their housing benefits cut as their rooms should be exempt. Mr Collins, a first tier tribunal judge, ruled that a room under 50 square feet is not a bedroom and a room measuring between 50 and 70 square feet is only suitable for children under 10. The ruling is expected to spark a deluge of appeals from the 75,000 people in Scotland said to be affected by the benefits cut.
  5. I am a 1st time buyer and have recently started to purchase a 1930s maisonette. We started to get our mortgage together and got to the point of having the mortgage valuation survey done. It came back and to our surprise they claimed it was a new build!... out IFA double checked this but the mortgage companies surveyors are sticking by their guns as the property had a lick of paint in each room, new carpets, a bathroom and kitchen fitted whilst no one was in residents there. This has meant that our original mortgage is now null and void as new build properties can only have a max 75% mortgage according to the our original proposed lender which we were not offering (not far off, but no cigar!).... we can get another mortgage but this means that things will be much tighter than is comfortable (we will need to borrow more from our family and have less income spare for essentials each month) and as I have a young family to support and the property is clearly not a new build and has just had what anybody moving in would renovate I find it completely ridiculous that they are doing this! Is there a loop hole a can get through to get our original mortgage?!... can we go on a tracker mortgage for a period of time and then fix after a while when the bits and pieces they say have made it a new build have aged so their claims are negated? Any advice welcome as we need to go quickly with this!! Thank you!!!!!
  6. Hi, just have a quick question. I stupidly got myself into a mess with 6 PayDay loan companies. The amounts borrowed were £1,500 back in November and there is no way I can pay them back. I'm currently a student who is unemployed with absolutely no source of income. My only resort was to approach my parents but they have since refused to help. I'm currently 1-2 months over-due on all the accounts and the current amount owed is around £4,400. Two of them have informed me that fees for solicitors have been added and I'm waiting for a letter or some sort of contact for CCJ. Is there anything I can do at all? I have absolutely no money whatsoever, I have already sold off all my valuables and am left with an old nokia phone as my only form of contact. The companies are Wonga, PayDayUK, PayDayExpress, Minicredit, ToothFairyFinance and WageDayAdvance
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