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Found 8 results

  1. Hi I bought a car from a dealer back in September I've been advised that the turbo needs replacing. I have 1 years warranty with the car the warranty provider is trying to claim that it is wear and tear. I have checked the policy booklet and the turbo is NOT amongst the items not covered on the scheme I have. My mechanic stated that the air intake was broken around the turbo area and the seal was broken in half, he stated that it looked like a botched repair previously done. I have sent the warranty provider an email threatening legal action with my findings and am ready to take action against the dealer concerned. I have written a threatening letter to the RAC (the RAC are in charge of the dealer concerned) as well but I would like some advice or ideas how I can progress this matter?
  2. Hi All, I am hoping someone can share experience or offer some advise. I set up an IT contractor insurance with Kingsbridge back in June when I was about to start my first contract role. The policy covered me for Professional Indemity insurance and I was quoted £45.00 a month. I agreed to the Insurance plan, two months later I got a better deal through my Accountancy firm I was dealing with. I cancelled the direct debit and notified Kingsbridge. I have now received a letter from Close Brothers Premium Insurance stating I owe them £384.00 for the full insurance policy and it is required upfront. If not, they have threatened to send the debt to a third party collection agency. My insurance cover is now cancelled, so unsure what services the payment is meant to be covering! I have e-mailed them last week on the customer services account, but I have heard no response, it feels like they are just ignoring. Do I have any rights in this matter? What would be the best course of action, bow down and agree a payment plan or dispute the debt. Thanks & regards, David
  3. Good evening, if somebody could give me some advice on the following issue I would be very happy. My son took out a car loan with Close Bros in September 2016. In July this year he was abroad on holiday and unbeknown to him he had gone over his overdraft and any further DD were cancelled and returned, including his car loan Upon returning to the UK the following day (Friday) the day after the missed payment he contacted close bros, but due to the time no one was available. On Saturday he received a letter in regards to missed payment. He tried to contact them again on Sunday but again no one available. Monday morning he rang and made his payment plus a £40 late fee. That Monday at around 5.30pm we had a door step collector visit us. I instructed him the payment had been made and how ridiculous to send somebody round when a payment is 2 days late, he informed me he had not been informed that payment has been made that day. Fast forward to today and a letter has arrived from close bros requesting £25 for the returned direct debit, £15 for the letter and £75 for the door step collector visit. I'm not concerned about paying the £25 or £15 as that is expected but dispute the £75 for the door step collector as the payment had already been made. So where do we stand in this situation? Thanks in advance Sarah
  4. JI have taken out an insurance policy with an instalment plan the instalments are through Close Brothers now due to my boiler blowing up just after I took out the policy I didn't have enough to make the payment on the loan. I called today to make the payment and asked if they would take off the £30 charge, the lady said she would check and after keeping me on hold for 10 minutes told me they couldn't do anything about the charge and I had to pay in full they told me they had a right to charge this amount and would charge it again in the future If I missed another payment. I have also checked my bank statements and with out notice they had tried to take my premium again 7 days after the first failed with the £30 fee included. Can I still claim these fees back or can they just quote the collection act at me as the person on the telephone said they were using :mad2:
  5. Lowells have placed an account he had with a catalog onto my file. The accounts in default. He stayed with me for about 6 months before he went to Canada to work. He has now stayed there and as I fell out with him I don't have his current contact details. I contacted Noodle explaining this and they have wrote to me twice now telling me it's up to Lowells to remove it. I've contacted Lowells twice about it and the second time they said they were unable to talk about it to a third party! It's like banging my head against a wall... Its not the debt I want to talk about it's removing it from my credit file. Are there any other options to get this removed from my file? Thank you in advance for any help
  6. Taken from this link from Scottish Express: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/428437/Brothers-win-blows-a-hole-in-bedroom-tax-benefit-cuts In a ruling that could open the floodgates for thousands to challenge the under-occupancy legislation, a tribunal found that David Nelson’s spare room was too small to be a bedroom. And his brother Ian successfully argued that his “spare” room should be turned into a wet room because he struggles to get in and out of the bath. Around 660,000 social housing tenants across the country have seen their housing benefit reduced by an average of £14 per week because they have an unused bedroom. The disabled, foster carers and those with children in the armed forces are exempt from the rules. David, 57, from Glenrothes, Fife, argued that his spare room was too small to be taxed. He said that at just 50 square feet, the room could not be classed as a bedroom but is a box room. Ian, who only has one leg, successfully argued that his “spare” room should be turned into a wet room because he struggles to get into a bath. At an independent tribunal held in Kirkcaldy, Simon Collins QC ruled that neither brother should have their housing benefits cut as their rooms should be exempt. Mr Collins, a first tier tribunal judge, ruled that a room under 50 square feet is not a bedroom and a room measuring between 50 and 70 square feet is only suitable for children under 10. The ruling is expected to spark a deluge of appeals from the 75,000 people in Scotland said to be affected by the benefits cut.
  7. Hi Yesterday I was using my brothers weekly pass and i got caught my the ticket officer. He took my details and said that i would recieve a letter from northern rail. I have asked everyone and they said that northern rail is going to prosecute me for fraud. whats going to happen, i am extremely worried
  8. Has anyone come across this with Close Brothers? I thought they were a professional operation! Wife was diagnosed with cancer a couple of months ago and I've not been able to work. I've informed them of this. Payments have been late for the last few months but I've always paid before the next one was due. I missed last months payment, which was due on the 11th, and told them I should have some money last Friday so would pay them- then the DD would go through as usual from this month. They said they'd ring me on Monday if they didn't hear from me on Friday - I told them not to ring Monday as my wife had her first chemo session at 10am. Between 9am and 10am, on Monday morning, I received five phonecalls from them They have also, on several occassions during the last few months (while we've been having problems) requested I surrender the car as I've paid over half. I've made it clear that the cashflow was temporary and would be resolved. I've just had to go to hospital with my Mum, and while I've been out we had a doorstep caller! This seems exceptionally heavy handed for a £300 late payment don't you think? Any thoughts? I'll also
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