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Found 21 results

  1. A friend, who is on benefits, has been asked to take part in the Family Resources Survey. It seems this is part of the Office For National Statistics (ONS) who are doing the survey on behalf of the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). The survey visitors are exceedingly persistent. The interviewer came round four times (my friend was out each time), left their mobile number, left notes in the letterbox urging contact, provided a reply paid envelope, gave a helpline number and even sent a £10 cash voucher. From what people have posted on other sites, this is a very detailed intrusive survey asking about your state benefits, bank balances which they ask to see, investments, how much interest you get and such like . It turns out the interviewer knows most of this already. They explain that the survey data is shared between the ONS and DWP and say the data is anonymised for the survey and is confidential. I have seen the Family Resources Survey is referred to in official publications and seems to be a serious organisation, howeverdoes the information this survey collects also get passed on, as a sideline, to help review the status of individual benefits claimants?
  2. Is it possible to force the landlords insurance to provide a copy of a survey they carried out due a insurance repair job that was queried as poor workmanship by the landlord ?
  3. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/veterans-uk-customer-satisfaction-survey-2017
  4. Helping someone . I bought my house in a auction and knew the house was suffering from some sort of damp problem. I never had a survey done as there was no mortgage and there was a damp problem. I have managed to sort that out and will be having a damp course done in a few weeks time. However now some 16 months on cracks have started to appear on inside walls. These are vertical ones and are very thin. I have checked the wall above and because it has wall paper on cannot check if the cracks have gone up. I did however contact my insurance company who took down the claim an are in the middle of appointing a Surveyor to come out and inspect this. Do i have anything to worry about if i cannot produce a survey ?
  5. Citizen Advice are asking customers of rent-to-own companies to complete a short survey about your experiences of shopping at BrightHouse, Perfect Home or Buy as You View. Your responses will be used to produce a report about consumer experiences in the rent-to-own market. This report will be used to see whether more can be done to protect consumers such as yourself. https://docs.google.com/a/citizensadvice.org.uk/forms/d/1-exGdFfQaO9CiwOKicwroUQvh5bg0J2F1fCZHJBsL5Q/viewform?edit_requested=true
  6. Had this sent to me by my disability advisor.... http://surveys.parkinsons.org.uk/s/bigbenefitssurvey/
  7. Defence Business Services customer satisfaction survey 2015 At Veterans UK (part of Defence Business Services) we are always trying to improve the services we deliver to our customers. Read More Here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/defence-business-services-customer-satisfaction-survey-2015
  8. Dear All I am disabled. I have not voted Labour for a long time or member due to their dreadful record. I saw a chance of change with Jeremy Corbyn. I helped support his nomination. I joined as supporter to vote for him. I was purged unjustly. Told I had to pay again to become full member and pay £10 for date they held on me. I did. Only objection was I asked Labour Ed Miliband in 2010 post election loss "Shouldn't Labour Sort Itself Out First, Before trying to Convince Anyone Else?" meaning its ethic and integrity from top to bottom, in national and local Labour Party. I was told I had no right to speak and another disabled who asked about equalitieds and discrimination at work. I was disappointed and wrote a letter to all newspaper, it was published in Telegraph Oct 2015. It was a very mild diplomatic letter given the circumstances, stealing of pensions and open assault on vulnerable and disabled and corruption. This was the only reason. Labour say I can do nothing about it, after all that. no one can do anything about being rejected, denied vote and subs being taken as donation while rejecting you. However, when many people got purged Matt Beresford and George Monbiot journalists set up a feedback survey of all those purged and reasons, It asked for contact details, facebook page, twitter account and email as well as reasons. It was well published and well shared round, many responded, maybe many thousands Later the survey was transfered to Jeremy Corbyn's team. Since Corbyn has been voted in there has been no release or publishing of these results and surveys. there is silence. I have written to Matt Beresford and Labour and Corbyn seems they can set up a survey, take information, not say how they are using it, not publish the results and tell people they can do nothing. I feel really will mislead and ripped off. I have read Data Protection Act in so many ways the survey has breached in and the management of respondents, their data and the use and failure to publish this data. Many thousands and maybe 100,000s were removed under false pretenses, had the right to vote taken away, had money taken then used as donation after person ejected. double subs asked and demanded £10 to access data held on them. Labour trolled personal online accounts and emails and private and personal information relationships and conversations. What can I do. I and all are just ignored and dismissed now. and can I get any legal aid? It is so wrong, both Labour and their purge and the survey and misuse of it. JBK
  9. Hi My wife and I recently made, and had accepted, an offer to buy a property. The first line of the particulars said "A most spacious five bedroom detached family home with approximately 3,000 sq ft of living accommodation..." There was a plan of the property later in the particulars but no dimensions on it. There were dimensions on a room by room basis included as part of the description of individual rooms. I had a full survey done. That states "The overall internal floor area extends to around 2085 sq ft". We have withdrawn from the sale principally because the property is a lot smaller than we thought. At a minimum I would like to recover my lost survey fee. The selling agents are members of the Property Ombudsman Scheme. Worth going to them? Or straight to small claims court? I have some experience of the small claims court and am comfortable bringing claim on my own, and I am thinking probably is worth going straight to court. What is basis of the claim? This looks like a clear breach of Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations but can I claim my losses under those regs or is it best to go under general law of misrepresentation? On this - I was induced to enter into a contract with the surveyor by the misleading particulars - is that what I need to establish to succeed ? Put another way does it matter that I did not have any contract with the estate agents themselves? Any thoughts gratefully received. Many thanks
  10. Benefit sanctions make it harder for people to find work says charity Crisis. The report is dated 11/12/2015... Benefit sanctions are leaving people homeless, hungry and destitute, and making it even harder for them to find work, according to the homeless charity Crisis. Follow the link for the full story... Info from here >> http://www.localgov.co.uk/Benefit-sanctions-make-it-harder-for-people-to-find-work-says-charity/40000
  11. Has anyone else received a call from a Survey company - on behalf of Npower. It would have been nice to have chatted with them for the 20 minutes they reckoned the survey would take - they just always seem to telephone at the most inconvenient of times..!1
  12. NHS England has launched a survey on mental health services for ex-members of the armed forces. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/developing-mental-health-services-for-veterans-in-england
  13. Hi there. I need some advice! I bought an off-plan property in 2003, which was unfortunately repossessed in 2007. The following year (2008) the lender started to chase for a £21k shortfall. I requested all documents relating to the mortgage- and discovered the original survey (a basic Mortgage Valuation Survey) had been deliberately falsified by the surveyor, and the property had been overvalued by around £50,000. The surveyor had basically lied about the comparables in the section of the survey, and chose houses in a completely different town to compare against. I obtained an expert witness report that confirmed all this information. The lender was not in the slightest bit interested, and continued to say 'it was my personal covenant' to pay the shortfall. Due to all the stress at the time, I settled for £7,700 to pay the lender to get them off my back. My question is: Should the lender have claimed against the surveyor, instead of me, as it was a basic valuation survey (designed for the lenders benefit)? Did they act inappropriately by ignoring the evidence I have them, and so continuing to pursue me? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks - Paul
  14. I purchased a brand new home from one of the countries' leading developers in Feb 2014. There are 12 homes in our cul-de-sac. We exchanged contracts and moved into our so-called new homes within 2 months of each other. Some were not finished and residents were forced to move in by the developer. After some weeks, a couple of residents were moved out of their homes to allow a remedial team access to sort all the issues. They entered the homes but have just patched up most of the items. In the coming weeks/months numerous problems occurred and the developer was very slow at correcting snags, as well as what appeared to be more than snags. we set up our own action group. We have got our MP and local councillors involved and held constructive meetings with the regional Managing Director from the developer. Before the initial meeting we paid for a surveyor to survey one house and use it as a test case. The survey was damning and advised that if he was representing a prospective purchaser, he would advise against the purchase. the developer, having ignored the comments by our surveyor, paid for a survey for each of the 12 homes. Each home has come back with a failed survey based on some structural issues and also ground levels are too high, mostly above the air bricks and damp proof course. In our opinion, they have broken the contract to provide us with homes that are of proper quality. We are seeking some advice as to what we can do legally, to !. potential for comepensation as this has been a horrific year for most families 2. in a court of law, can the court force them to buy the homes back at the new market value, plus award all costs involved since the purchase. 3. Would we have a winnable case in a court of law, based on the fact the survey have all come back with major issues. Comments are welcome please.
  15. Has anyone else had these in the post? I assume I have to vote yes? Just wondering if folk think this is a good method to possibly recoup some monies of PPI i may have paid, or should I go down the tried and tested method of the many success stories on here? thx
  16. So 1. Being threatened with bankruptcy for a £1400 debt 2. Borrowing money to pay a lump sum off 3. Entering a payment plan in November 4. In Jan the court decides to give Lowell more time to serve me after hearing the case early cos they didn't realise I knew the case was on that day 5. Having to go back to court and Lowell requesting through a letter another adjournment 6. To finally having the case dismissed this month LOWELL HAVE NOW SENT ME A CUSTOMER SATISFACTION FORM TO MAKE SURE I AM HAPPY WITH THEIR SERVICE!!!! Er no ... you are blatantly abusing the court system! Unbelievable!!
  17. I am a 1st time buyer and have recently started to purchase a 1930s maisonette. We started to get our mortgage together and got to the point of having the mortgage valuation survey done. It came back and to our surprise they claimed it was a new build!... out IFA double checked this but the mortgage companies surveyors are sticking by their guns as the property had a lick of paint in each room, new carpets, a bathroom and kitchen fitted whilst no one was in residents there. This has meant that our original mortgage is now null and void as new build properties can only have a max 75% mortgage according to the our original proposed lender which we were not offering (not far off, but no cigar!).... we can get another mortgage but this means that things will be much tighter than is comfortable (we will need to borrow more from our family and have less income spare for essentials each month) and as I have a young family to support and the property is clearly not a new build and has just had what anybody moving in would renovate I find it completely ridiculous that they are doing this! Is there a loop hole a can get through to get our original mortgage?!... can we go on a tracker mortgage for a period of time and then fix after a while when the bits and pieces they say have made it a new build have aged so their claims are negated? Any advice welcome as we need to go quickly with this!! Thank you!!!!!
  18. Hi just a little advice please, we are currently in the middle of selling our house which we had valued at 140, 000 from when it went on we had a viewer every week we dropped the price to 135000 as we wanted a quick sale after finding our dream home. We currently have a buyer who knocked us down to 130000 and also asked us to pay half their stamp duty which we agreed to as we didn't want to loose the buyer or our dream home. They have now had a home buyers survey done which has told them that our house needs a new front door and frame ?? Guttering needs replacing and our conservatory needs replacing or knocking down. The buyer has been to see the house twice before they offered and I do agree the guttering needs replacing and also the conservatory ( wooden frame single payne ) Needs the frames and roof replacing and this is clearly visible. But considering I have already been knocked down over 5000 and I cannot go any lower as we would not be able to purchase the house we want. Does this make me sound unreasonable not budging on price as my thinking is the buyer seen the house twice before offering and haggled us down quite some.
  19. We are first time buyers and had a survey undertaken by aPCA registered surveyor, now we have a mortgage with £4500 retention, requiringDamp Proofing our walls. I have done some research and found various sites saying there’sno such thing as rising damp! But I’ve still got to spend £4500 on treatments? Any help guys?
  20. I have a Money Claim filed against a damp and timber surveyor who failed to spot rising damp when commissioned to provide a report for a property. After receiving the report I went ahead and purchased the property and as a result have had to pay for costly damp proofing works. Because the report stated "there is no rising damp", I was not aware I would need such works when agreeing a price for the property. Prior to instructing repair works, I invited the surveyor back for a free re-inspection where they confirmed their estimate for remedial action was some £3k short of the mark and that rising damp was present. Open and shut case I thought - however, they refuse to admit any responsibility hence the money claim. My partner was responsible for purchasing the damp survey and the report is in her name; yet I am the claimant. Does this render my claim invalid as I do not have the contract with the surveyor? The property was a joint purchase however the claim was entered in my name as I filled out the online form which only allows 1 named claimant. The defendant has instructed solicitors who are threatening to claim their fees (£3.5k) if I go to court under, the pretence that my claim is unreasonable due to my partner purchasing the report and not me. I know they are trying to intimidate me but are they correct?
  21. this is taken from part of the BBC text news service from a story with regard to DWP and Atos assessments. Sickness benefit testing system has to many problems, Employment Minister Mark Hoban has conceded.But he said in some cases claimants "Shared responsibility" when benefits were awarded after a long appeal. This came after a BBC interview with a man who lost benefits for 9 months before an appeal restored them. Atos which carries out the tests said it's surveys found 90% were positive about their experience with us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I don't think I have to tell you my view on the above crap. dpick
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