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Found 3 results

  1. Has anyone else had these in the post? I assume I have to vote yes? Just wondering if folk think this is a good method to possibly recoup some monies of PPI i may have paid, or should I go down the tried and tested method of the many success stories on here? thx
  2. Surely if a card account is closed,then there should be no way CPP could request further fees ? It is not clear from the report exactly who was at fault,but it raises lots of questions. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/saving/article-2198244/Will-victim-NatWest-customer-meltdown.html
  3. Hi, Starting a new thread to record my potential reclaim journey, Had a bank account and CC and Personal Loan with FD which were amalgamated into one loan for repayment with the help of CAB in approx. 2001 for a fixed monthly amount - finally paid off in 2012! I have the majority of cc statements pre 2001 which have credit cover premiums on each month, I also have several letters and agreements regarding the amalgamation and a heap of bank statements pre 2000, and most of the statements during the amalgamation period 2001 to 2012. I recently requested SAR with template letter from CAG to FD and received a letter from the Data Security FD with the original open new account form dated 1997 and nothing else as they say the account was closed more than 6 years ago so no information is held, with return of fee !!! At first I was dismayed regarding the lack of information supplied, however in hindsight I now seem to be in a better position than FD regarding information on charges etc. I am going through the rest of my archives to see if I can locate any further information, missing statements etc. So my questions are is credit cover premium something which can be reclaimed? if so how would I ascertain the amounts to reclaim due to gaps in statements, I have three years worth with approx. 14 missing, so far the credit cover premiums add up to nearly £180 Would I then be able to average out bank charges applied to account and details on ppi for PL (I've yet to find the PL agreement) ? These accrued charges have obviously been added to the total debt which I have repaid over 10-12 years, so how do I deal with that part? Sorry if I rambled, surrounded by paperwork and trying to make sense of it in my head as I dig around. Thanks for any suggestions/clarification that may be forthcoming.
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