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  1. I work at a small out patients building on the outskirts of a small town completely isolated from the main nhs hospital in a nearby town We at present have travellers on the land outside the car park entrance When we finish at 18 : 00 hrs they are normally drunk and acting in an aggressive manner kicking and goading there dogs into fighting each other This evening I had to return to the building and wait until others went home so as we could escort each other out ( we have no security) I have expressed my concerns with our line manager but she seems lost as what to do I believe that I have a right to withdraw to a place of safety without redress It is very intimidating with them coming into the building using the showers and toilets our staffing consists of mainly women
  2. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-weight/start-the-nhs-weight-loss-plan/
  3. New code of conduct for artificial intelligence (AI) systems used by the NHS READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-code-of-conduct-for-artificial-intelligence-ai-systems-used-by-the-nhs
  4. For the last 2yrs I have been kept going in circles by the NHS, I've seen 4 consultants, been passed through 3 different districts and all of them have said the same thing... I need surgery. I have a problem that needs correcting, but there is another problem getting in the way of them being able to do that surgery. They CANNOT carry out the needed procedure until the secondary issue is resolved... I have been repeatedly fobbed off and passed around without anyone taking responsibility for it. Then after almost 2yrs it got bumped back to my doctors to apply for funding for the secondary procedure. That has now been refused. To put it as bluntly as possible... I am barely hanging on by a thread here...I have zero chance of a normal life ever again... and it's not an overly complicated or expensive procedure. My doctors have letters from all of these consultants spelling out what needs doing, and the effect it is having on my mental health... I have asked for copies of all letters sent/received regarding this funding and have nothing. This was my last hope... and they're saying my life isn't worth anything, that I don't deserve any possibility of a normal life... let alone a fulfilling one. I don't know where to turn.... I have no one, and no idea what to do... I'm scared of what may happen to me.
  5. I'm hoping that someone can give me some advice. Long story cut short, my 20 year old son is covered from head to toe in a severe rash, probably psoriasis. Its even in his scalp. it's affecting him both physically and mentally. , This started in May last year, various creams were prescribed to no avail. GP referred him to Dermatology in about June. A letter arrived with an appointment at a health care centre for July, we arrived to be met by a nurse who took the family history-He had already given that to the GP, she took some photographs and said she'd email the Dermatologist. A letter arrived a couple of weeks later saying that the photos weren't clear and diagnosis unclear but he would be referred to Dermatology clinic. Another letter has arrived, the appointment is at the same health centre to see a lady and the name is given. Her name is not on the GMC site so I doubt she is a doctor. The name is unusual and I have googled her name and she appears to be some sort of health care practitioner. I have no problem with health care practitioners but my son needs to see a doctor, a specialist as a matter of urgency. My son rang the health centre and asked if she was a doctor and the person on the phone said that she was. I doubt she is. I don't know where to go from here, should I make a complaint?
  6. Hi, I am a bit confused about what I should receive as an NHS patient at a dentist. My OH and I have always gone private and paid lots of the years, but neither of us have a check up in over six years. I always felt I had good teeth and have flossed since my teens. Anyway, I broke a tooth last week and rang around to see if any local dentists were taking on NHS patients locally. I found one and booked the earliest appointment they had, which was last Friday. The dentist took about 4 x-rays and told me I had severe gum disease and no teeth could be replaced until this was treated, but said I would probably need this treated privately at over £1,000. I know it is not a huge amount for dental work, but it is for me. I said I would speak to my husband before agreeing to anything, to which she responded "THEY ARE YOUR TEETH!" My husband emailed them as to why the work was not covered on the NHS and he just received back a reply saying: "She was informed that she has advanced periodontal disease. She informed us that she had not had a dental check up for several years which is perhaps why it had not been identified earlier. She also presented with 2 broken teeth which we have had a look at and advised that they are broken down to a level where they cannot be fixed and removal is indicated. Removal of teeth can be done any time and it was not said to her that she needed to have gum disease treatment before this could be carried out. However, no advanced restorative work (if indicated) can be carried out until her periodontal disease is stabilised which can take several months. Three options were given to her for treatment of this, in order of level of success rates: 1) Private referral to an external periodontist (specialist in gum disease treatment)-best option for someone with advanced gum disease 2) Private referral to the hygienist (in house)-second best option for someone with advanced gum disease; reassess and consider a referral to a specialist if no response to treatment 3) NHS band 2 treatment as an initial course of treatment-this would be standard treatment with the dentist; reassess and consider a referral to a specialist if no response to treatment Please let us know which way Maggie would like to proceed." The tone of the email seems going for Option 3 would almost certainly lead to a referral to a specialist. Should I look for another dentist? Any advice, based on experiences, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Maggie
  7. Dementia risk now included as part of NHS Health Check READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/dementia-risk-now-included-as-part-of-nhs-health-check
  8. A bit of a running battle with these jokers, May they said I wasn't entitled to free scripts following one of their 'checks'. It seems that as I was on contribution based ESA as opposed to ''INCOME'' based, this negated 'free' scripts. Even the pharmacist informed me I was entitled to free scripts, however my disability advisor has confirmed that I am not. I called the NHSBSA weeks ago to inform them it was a genuine mistake, and I would gladly pay the cost of the script, obviously they said otherwise, and that I had to pay the penalty charge. I went online and paid the script fee of £8.60, received their threat letter yesterday and was a bit taken aback by their claim that they would treat treat my non payment as a ''deliberate decision to avoid paying charges I owe to the NHS, and they may start debt recovery proceedings through the county court. This means that my name will be recorded in the registry of county court judgements....blah blah blah.'' I've not called them yet, to inform them of the dates I will be available to attend court, and to laugh at their bully boy threat letter. For the avoidance of doubt, I will not be paying their penalty charge, and yes, I will go to court if needed. NHS THREAT.jpg.pdf NHS THREAT.jpg.pdf
  9. hopefully someone may be able to help re: above applying for exemption via low income scheme nhsbs have told me over phone that they will only accept accounts as proof of self employed earnings. don't have any as I don't earn enough, I receive housing benefir council tax reduction and working tax credits have offered them the last 3 years certificates along side the income form, they say that's not good enough. any one got an idea what I should do now got treatment coming up for level 3 cant afford it.
  10. On 19th October 2017, my wife (only legally) parked at Aintree Hospital car park. According to the solicitors who have chased me for money a breach of contract notice was placed on the windscreen of the car. They state that this provided 14 days to pay or appeal. They have told me that because they had no registered vehicle details that they requested this from the DVLA. The solicitors have refused to provide the date that they sent this letter to the DVLA or provide a copy of the letter or DVLA response. On 28th November the solicitors state that a pre-action letter was sent and provided 30 days to appeal or pay £60. They state that a further pre-action letter was sent on 19th January 2018. They then say that on 2nd March 2018 Court proceedings were issued. A claim form was said to have been posted on 6th March giving until 22nd March for a defence to be filed. A defence was not filed by me nor were any court directions complied with (e.g. directions questionnaire). Consequently a CCJ was issued dated 24th May. The only letter I had handed to me by my wife was the CCJ letter (24th May letter). I was not driving the vehicle on the day as I was working. I have made this clear to the solicitors but they say because no letters were returned that they are assured I received them. To make this more complex, I do not reside at the address were the letters were sent and I have not resided there for a period of time before the alleged parking infringement took place. The reason for this is that my marriage had broken down. I have made it clear to the solicitors chasing the money that I am not doubting that an infringement took place, nor am I doubting that the letters were sent out, what I have stated is that I was not driving the vehicle and that I believe the communications that were sent out are likely to have been withheld from me by my wife. To add further complexity the solicitors have stated that a defence was made. They have sent a copy of the defence to me which is not signed or dated. The defence has been put together as if it was written by me and states "it was not me (e.g my name driving) it was my wife (wife's name) driving. The defence was not written by me and I strongly believe it was my wife who wrote this. I have asked the solicitors to confirm the date the defence was received but they have refused to provide this information. My wife has admitted she was driving on the day and stated that she spoke to the parking attendant. Therefore the company have been aware from the outset that it was a female who was driving and not me (a male). I have raised this point with the solicitors but that have not provided a response to it. I would be grateful for any guidance that can be provided. For many different reasons I'm slowly getting my life back on track. I do not believe I should have to pay this fine but from reading around it appears I would need to pay to even have the CCJ set aside. Many thanks T
  11. Review launched to respond to patient concerns about NHS treatments READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/review-launched-to-respond-to-patient-concerns-about-nhs-treatments
  12. On applying my GP informed for all records it would be £50.00. I explained I didn’t need access to all, the problem I was trying to resolve occurred sometime between 2010-15. I was given a date for viewing, when I arrived there the GP had printed off letters in advance - 38 in total. 20 of these I already had – 2 were irrelevant and 2 was just my registration details. I said I would need to take them home and read them, she tried to convince me to stay and read them there – I stayed approx 30-45 mins. I did not view records online. A few days later I received an invoice for £50.00. I emailed the surgery asking for a breakdown of costs – This is what I was emailed back Preparing Notes 10.00 Photocopying of Notes 10.00 Doctor's time £30.00. The practice website reads - You have a right of access to your health records. A small fee may be charged to cover reproduction costs. I do not consider 50.00 a small fee In the meantime I have accessed other records relating to a hospital admission in 2015 – I went to view the records at the hospital and took away approx 50 photocopies – no charge I have emailed my surgery back and stated my case and am awaiting a reply. Can anyone share costs they have been charged – Thanks.
  13. NHS gets funding green light for new buildings, wards and beds READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/nhs-gets-funding-green-light-for-new-buildings-wards-and-beds
  14. Guest

    NHS and Capita

    'There is a backlog of hundreds of thousands of pieces of clinical correspondence that have not been directed to GPs as a result of NHS England's failure to resolve problems associated with their contract with Capita, Government auditors have found...'the NAO also found that attempts to resolve the issue to be 'paused'. It added: ’This followed an incident in which NHS England sent clinical correspondence containing the child protection notes of three children to a practice without showing the name of the practice in the address. The package was delivered to a supermarket with the same postcode, which then passed the package to the practice.’ Following the incident, NHS England revised its procedures...NHS England has said that it will publish a review detailing the amount of patient harm caused by the backlog of correspondence by April,' http://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/home/finance-and-practice-life-news/gp-practices-missing-400000-clinical-letters-due-to-capita-handover/20036099.article https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/02/02/nao_probes_capita_contract_clinical_correspondence_backlog/
  15. I have received a penalty charge notice from NHS Business Services Authority for a recent dental check up. I am on jobseekers and not realising there were 2 different versions of jobseekers, I checked the exemption box on the back of the dental form. The treatment dates on the nhs penalty charge letter are incorrect. The treatment was actually 2 days before the dates listed on the pcn. I have contacted NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), stating that the dates are incorrect, they want me to contact the dentist to clarify my treatment, I have contacted the dentist asking this and am now waiting on them to confirm my treatment date. The 28 day clock is ticking, I feel reluctant to pay due to the details on the pcn being incorrect. Do I have a leg to stand on ?
  16. Not really looking for advice, but since I commented on someone else's thread, I thought I'd better start my own just to keep things straight: I get a pre-paid certificate for my prescriptions, have done so for a few years now. I pay by DD, £10.40 a month, I don't notice it coming out of my account, I get a letter once a year telling me it's been renewed, and I tick the box at the back of my prescriptions, no fuss, no hassle, my pharmacist has known me for over 20 years, that's it. Or so I thought... Got a letter the other day telling me that I had got myself a free prescription and that I didn't have a valid certificate, so I was being fined, bla bla, pay up or there'll be a surcharge... I e-mailed back to appeal, saying it must be a mistake, as I am on the pre-payment scheme, giving them the Direct Debit Ref. A few e-mails back and forth, where they couldn't find my name, my address, the DD, the usual, before finally working out that they stopped my DD a few months ago (but not the other one, in hubby's name, which is probably why I didn't notice!) and so, I cheated and I must pay. Yeah. No. I don't think so. I have pointed out nicely that they were the ones who cancelled my DD (for reasons best known to themselves), who didn't notify me that they had done so, I have acted in good faith all along, and the legislation is on my side, so I'm not paying, take me to court if you want the money, because I'm not doing it until a judge says so. That's where we're at. I'll let you know what happens next, if anything. Meanwhile, I can't even apply for a new pre-paid certificate, because their website is not working!
  17. My dear Dad who served in WWII and worked all his life developed vascular dementia after suffering a stroke and eventually ended up in a care home. We applied for NHS Continuing Care and was passed from pillar to post as is the case for many. The only asset he had was the ex-council house which I helped him to buy [he had lived there for over 40 years at the time] with my mother. We bought the house as joint tenants in 1985. On my mother's death in 1991 we failed to inform the Land Registry of her death [not clued up at all about these things] so the house was then jointly owned by myself and my Dad. My Dad went into a care home in 2006. The local authority [LA] rejected the claim for NHS Continuing Care and took all my Dad's pension leaving him with a few pounds each week. As I was the joint owner of the property with my Father the LA kept sending me bills for the shortfall in his weekly care home fees. Upon my Dad's death in 2007 the LA continued to chase me for the shortfall in the care home fees amounting to thousands of pounds despite my stating I was pursuing a claim for NHS Continuing care. Earlier and unbeknown to me the LA had put a charging order on the house [sending 3 letters - one to my deceased mother, one to my father who was in the care home and one to me [living 200 miles away] we didn't pick up the letters until after the deadline for objecting had passed as we were obviously up and down the motorway visiting my father in the care home. Since then I have completed various questionnaires and sent loads of emails to no avail and no resolution of this issue. The demands for payment from the Finance Dept. stopped in 2014. I've not heard anything since. My questions are: 1. Does the charging order made by the LA against the property have an expiry date? I have seen something about 12 years? 2. If the Finance Dept. has stopped chasing me for payment - where do I stand now? Is the debt written off after x number of years? I maintain my father was fully entitled to NHS Continuing Care and I will continue to fight this - he died in 2007 - I haven't heard anything further from my last appeal I think in 2014 - it is very wearing. Meanwhile I can't sell the house [the charge on the house means the LA will get their hands on the money to which I vehemently object] and am letting the property out to tenants which is a whole new world of pain. I also foolishly paid someone to act as my advocate and of course he took the money and did - feel very let down that he could take advantage of people when they are at such a low ebb. I know I'm not the only person to fall prey to this person. Any advice gratefully received. Thank you.
  18. My brother has been off sick with a disablity (both physical and Mental Health) for more than a year. He is not receiving any income from his employer as his sick pay and SSP run out long time ago. He and his wife are in receipt of Universal Credit and my brother is also in receipt of Personal Independence Payment and more importantly due to his mental health not in a state of mind to take rational decisions. Their combined earning for the period was more than £935 however my brother's income was £0. Secondly when I last checked around last year December this net earning requirements used to be individual earnings (thats been changed without me realising). However, at the pharmacy I always show his proof that he is in receipt of Universal Credit as there is no boxes for Universal Credit as yet, nor is there any detailed information about Universal credit earning limits etc and pharmacists asks me to tick the box . He has received this penalty notice from NHS asking him to pay £17.20 for prescriptions and £86 penalty. It says "Your representative (me) incorrectly claim that you (my brother) was included in an award for Income Support or Income Related Employment and Support Allowance. I just checked NHS Business Services Authority website and found following: Prescriptions collected on or after 1 December 2016 To be entitled to claim free NHS prescriptions you must be receiving Universal Credit, either as a single person or as a member of a couple, and: for the last complete assessment period* you and your partner (if you have one) had either no earnings or net earnings** of £435.00 or less. Or; for the last complete assessment period* you and your partner (if you have one) had either no earnings or net earnings** of £935.00 or less, and had a child element included in your award or had limited capability for work You would also be entitled if you are a dependent child or qualifying young person of someone who meets the above criteria in paragraph (b). My Question is: 1) Is he/is he not entitled to free prescription? Specially when it states in section (b) "OR HAD LIMITED CAPABILITY TO WORK" 2) Is he liable to be fined knowing someone (me) has ticked the box on his behalf?
  19. Why is why Jeremy Hunt, the health secretary selling a profitable and effective company his Department of Health owns, Which save the NHS and UK Taxpayers £70 MILLION pounds a year? "On the government’s own estimates NHSP saves the taxpayer around £70m a year by organising last-minute or replacement staffing for NHS trusts" "NHSP supplies staff cheaper than those obtained through private agencies which Simon Stevens, the chief executive of NHS England, has castigated for charging “rip-off” rates." "It is thought ministers hope to realise about £50m for a 75% stake in the firm" "Madders is also concerned that if the DH finalises the sale by the end of August, when parliament is not sitting, MPs would be denied proper oversight of the deal. “This deal is being pushed through behind closed doors”, he says in his letter." https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/jul/27/labour-demands-inquiry-into-privatisation-of-nhs-owned-recruiter?subid=19389892&CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2 Staffline tables bid for NHS nurses agency amid privatisation row "The current NHS Professionals sale process - codenamed Project Florence - is only the latest attempt to part-privatise the staffing agency, following an aborted previous effort." http://news.sky.com/story/staffline-tables-bid-for-nhs-nurses-agency-amid-privatisation-row-10885313 NHS staffing agency moves towards privatisation "Philip Dunne, minister of state for health, in November said the partial sale was required to bring in “substantial investment” to improve and expand the service" - which currently SAVES the NHS £70 MILLION a year
  20. Makes you wonder if this is just restricted to the one hospital !! https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/police-investigate-nhs-waiting-list-fiddle-0skjz03rt?shareToken=9b3148be41ddfe207c14ef73011774a0 Human and/or IT errors.... ready made excuses.
  21. hello all i was previously claiming ESA for the last 2 years, then failed a health assessment last december saying i have 0 points but my condition has got worse and not better. i was rejected and made a claim for mandatory reconsideration and spoke to my GP about what i should do with my nhs prescriptions, since i need 14 diff medicines every 2 weeks on repeat, he gave me a sick note and told me to post it to them with my mandatory consideration form ad then told me to just continue signing the ESA tick box, ifelt uneasy about it but he told me it will be fine and if theres any problems just direct them to him. after a dentist appointment i was set a letter yesterday saying we found out your not in recipt of ESA and now own a penalty charge of 18GBP + 108 ad have 28 days to pay or else +48GBP will be added on top im so stressed i have no money at all to pay for this and am still waiting for my mandatory descision am i in big trouble? should i go back and tell my GP?
  22. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/jun/20/leak-shows-devastating-impact-of-planned-nhs-cuts-in-london This is very scary - can the NHS really take more cuts !
  23. Petition Pay £350m per week to NHS or re-run EU Referendum https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/171869?reveal_response=yes
  24. An investigation has come to light into missing correspondence about patient care. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/feb/26/nhs-accused-of-covering-up-huge-data-loss-that-put-thousands-at-risk?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GU+Today+main+NEW+H+categories&utm_term=215114&subid=7192694&CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2 HB
  25. http://www.lep.co.uk/news/health/nhs-computers-down-after-virus-patients-told-to-avoid-hospital-and-walk-in-centre-unless-absolutely-necessary-1-8540798 Just spoke with someone at our local hospital and servers ate all being shut down - confirmed
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