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Found 4 results

  1. Review launched to respond to patient concerns about NHS treatments READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/review-launched-to-respond-to-patient-concerns-about-nhs-treatments
  2. Hi everyone. I'm looking for some advice regarding what I consider to be a breach of my patient confidentiality. I will try to cut a long story short. I went to my GP for a routine cervical screening procedure. Before my appointment time, I nipped to the loo. As I was making my back through the waiting room, my name was called. Before I reached the nurse I heard her say to a gent in the room "don't worry, I didn't call you, I know your not here for a smear test". I could have died. I don't embarrass easily, but I was mortified. I followed nurse into the treatment room and asked if I'd misheard. She replied it was just a joke. No it wasn't I said, it was a breach of patient confidentiality, and if I done that, I would lose my job. Well I was only joking she said, and anyway I'm running a smear clinic this afternoon so he would have known anyway. No he wouldn't, I said, he doesn't have a cervix so he wouldn't know, besides, that's not the point, You had no right to say it. Well I've said it now, sorry if you aren't happy, now are you having the procedure or not she said. No! I go to rebook at reception and they're adamant she will have to do it another day. I'm trying to calmly tell them I will wait longer and see the other nurse. they're making it difficult though. I ended up losing it completely, crying with humiliation and anger. A stranger even hugged me(and I'm not a hugger!). In seeing a different nurse in a few weeks, but I'm meeting with the practise manager next week to formally complain. I guess I'm asking what my rights are. I was utterly humiliated, but her lack of care make it all the worse. She was given ample opportunity to apologise,and whilst I would've been angry, I would've accepted it. Instead she treated me like I had the problem, the sense of humour failure. I'm absolutely furious that she made me feel the way she did. And that she even said it in the first place. If your still reading, thank you. I would just like to know what I can reasonably expect to happen if I formally complain. Thanks.
  3. My friends DH is 60 and has early dementia, he is currently in hospital due to dehydration and bed sores and has been doing well, apparently due to his dementia and the fact that he is in a situation where he is scared - IE in hospital and not with his wife he 'apparently' attacked two nurses and drew blood. They have taken him from the care of his wife and put a DOL on him. He is NOT violent with her, its the situation he is in that may have caused him to lash out. My friend is terrified that he will be taken away from her, she can cope with him at home whilst I appreciate that nurses need to be protected, he is a scared vulnerable ill man and surely he cant be penalised for that. She has a meeting next week, but feel that she needs legal advise to ensure that the fact that its the environment that's has caused the issue not the fact he is dangerous and needs residential care. What would be the next step for her to ensure her rights as well as his are ensured
  4. SAR Guide to Obtain a copy of or view your patient records. A how to by the ICO http://www.ico.org.uk/for_the_public/personal_information The NHS Guide to http://www.nhs.uk/chq/pages/1309.aspx?categoryid=68 NHS SAR/FOI guide plus form I received off my local NHS Trust - handy to know what address and documentation you have to supply. Also has fees. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=37717&d=1345612669 - SAR Guide PDF http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=37718&d=1345612674 - NHS Trust request form PDF *Note* I had to request this form from my local NHS Trusts PALS - Patient Advice and Liaison Service. A quick phone call and they emailed it to me. Forms may/will differ from trust to trust so check local trust websites for how to obtain one and what you have to do. To view or get a copy of your GP records send a SAR letter (see bottom of this post for sample) & address it F.A.O. the Practice Manager. For NHS Hospital/Consultant records you have to look on the website for each trust you want the records off. Usually it's download/fill in a form, make a copy of the ID proof they want, send it to the trusts data controller and await contact from them for cost. Costs can vary but the rules are £10 for electronically held records and up to £50 for anything held on paper. With NHS records if you still are a patient or have been within 30 days the fee is waved and it is free. You can also arrange to view you records for free and keep them updated by requesting copies of new letters as and when they are written etc. Also keep an eye on the 40 day response window, be prepared to send a follow up letter if you feel that they have not sent everything. It usually takes a second letter as they tend to be lazy! Send all letters recorded signed for and print off when they were accepted. I use this letter for electronic GP records and vary it depending on what I'm after
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