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Found 8 results

  1. Llanelli vinyl vendor jailed for selling illegal cancer drugs across the EU READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/llanelli-vinyl-vendor-jailed-for-selling-illegal-cancer-drugs-across-the-eu
  2. http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/dwp-shut-68-jobcentres-across-10747868 There is a full list of the branches to be divested in the link above.
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/08/international-womens-day-political-global-strike Trust me to find this AFTER I have done the ironing!! I bet Theresa May and other female politicians don't stand with them!
  4. http://www.lep.co.uk/news/health/nhs-computers-down-after-virus-patients-told-to-avoid-hospital-and-walk-in-centre-unless-absolutely-necessary-1-8540798 Just spoke with someone at our local hospital and servers ate all being shut down - confirmed
  5. the biggest CME storm in 45yrs is going off you should easily be able to photograph the northern lights anywhere in the UK if you look north ish around the plough star formation its going off all night as far down as cornwall. remember long exposure +30secs focus set to infinite and auto focus set off the further north you are the more chance of it to the naked eye too.
  6. I got caught reversing a few yards into a space which was just inside the end of a No Entry road whilst picking kiddies up from school. Mobile camera unit spotted me. -No excuse, I committed a sin and got a £65 fine. Few days before the fine came through the post I spotted a Council Refuse truck (Bin lorry) not only reversing over the same line, but carried on reversing a further 300 yrds past a school entrance where mums and dads were picking their kids up. I complained to the Council that they shouldn't be fining me for going a few feet when allowing their own to go 300 yds further especially past a school gate when kids were coming out.... I didn't get my money back, they didn't say much other than the driver will be spoken to. I paid my £65 and thought no more about it. Few days ago, sitting outside the school waiting for the Grandson the same thing happened and the Bin truck reversed the full length of the road. This time I want to bite back because it was dangerous apart from anything else and I get sick of Councils dishing out these fines willy nilly when turning a blind eye themselves to their own. So, Can anyone tell me if the Road Traffic Act or any other such rule or regulation ALLOWS Council Trucks to reverse the wrong way up and down roads at their whim? I can accept the main Services Police, Fire Trucks and Ambulances, but Bin Men!!??? No way. Anyone know? Thanks Andrew1
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24006941
  8. It seems for purposes of this document, examination and assessment are interchangable. http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/130158/response/327490/attach/4/ESA%20Filework%20Guidelines%20V7%20Final.pdf Thanks to those A Beresford and the website whatdotheyknow for getting the info.
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