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Found 18 results

  1. London attack: Fatalities after vehicle and stabbing incidents READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40146916
  2. http://www.lep.co.uk/news/health/nhs-computers-down-after-virus-patients-told-to-avoid-hospital-and-walk-in-centre-unless-absolutely-necessary-1-8540798 Just spoke with someone at our local hospital and servers ate all being shut down - confirmed
  3. Gran suffered heart attack at job centre meeting - but was too scared to leave as she feared losing benefits http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/gran-suffered-heart-attack-job-10458734 After leaving the meeting, the lady went to the local walk in centre where an ambulance was called and she was then hospitalised and stents inserted.
  4. A van has crashed into a crowd of people in central Barcelona, causing an unknown number of injuries, with local media reporting at least one armed man had subsequently entered a restaurant in the area. Spanish police, who said they were treating the incident as a terrorist attack, said several people were injured in the “massive crash” on Las Ramblas, a wide boulevard in an area of the city popular with tourists. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/17/van-crashes-into-crowd-of-people-barcelona-las-ramblas
  5. A 15-year-old boy has been arrested by police investigating an alleged hacking attack on the TalkTalk website. He was held on suspicion of offences under the Computer Misuse Act, following a major breach of the telecoms firm's website last week. Police are now searching his home in County Antrim in Northern Ireland. http://news.sky.com/story/1576555/boy-15-arrested-over-talktalk-hack-attack
  6. Mali hotel attack: '170 hostages seized' in Bamako http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-34877069 Security forces exchanging fire with attackers. 12-13pm -have been extracted now. Gunmen shouted Allahu Akbar as they entered the hotel. Govt here monitoring things closely. 140 Guests 30 staff hostage. It must be hell as fighting ongoing.11-48 am Two hostages who could recite Koran released. Special forces are entering hotel and have managed to release some hostages Unclear how deep they have entered. Ongoing situation. LIVEAfrica Live: 'Hostage taking' in Mali capital BBC News coverage of Mali attacks This page automatically updates 170 people 'taken hostage' in Mali hotel Malian special forces 'storming hotel' Three people said to have been killed Hotel says there are two attackers French, Chinese and Turkish citizens in hotel A obvious target Security and intelligence some saying are weak. Pictures emerging of security and special forces in the hotel.Clear some are dead 11-56 am 80 hostages freed. Attackers going from room to room. Attackers rammed security barriers.Talk of the car having Diplomatic Plates. Nobody clear how many attackers 2-4 up to 10 being mentioned. Floors being cleared one by one.Sporadic gunfire. Rumours they have escaped. French Troops providing logistics.And i believe are there.But unclear of this. 3 hostages dead. Mali a deeply unstable country.It is reported. 110 people whether freed by forces or escaped themselves is now being reported. Leaving perhaps 60 or so left. Rumours the attackers were speaking English.Not confirmed. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-africa-34815762 17:47 Thomas Fessy has been reporting from outside the Radisson Blu hotel in Bamako, Mali. He says that: "It took seven hours from the beginning of the attack to get all the guests out of the hotel an hour ago, and now the area is totally cordoned off. "But the big question is how many attackers were there - we've heard between two to a dozen. "This is all still unclear." Rescued hostages were led away from the hotel by Malian security forces: Catch up and live coverage. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-africa-34815762 CNBC Now 20m20 minutes ago THE LATEST: -DJ reports Mali hostage situation is over, 27 dead including 5 attackers -Pres. Obama monitoring events A fluent situation.Hard to get 100% facts.And live coverage. UNITED NATIONS United Nations peacekeepers saw some 27 bodies on two separate floors of a luxury hotel in Mali's capital Bamako that was attacked on Friday, a U.N. official told Reuters, citing preliminary information. The peacekeepers saw 12 corpses in the basement of the hotel and another 15 on the second floor, the official said on condition of anonymity. He added that the U.N. troops were still helping Malian authorities search the Mali state television reports no more hostages held by Islamic State http://bigstory.ap.org/urn:publicid:ap.org:4debb9d37ce1415994f0c96b2f05a323 … Gunmen 'still holding out' Posted at 18:15 Mali's security ministry has told Reuters that gunmen are still holding out in the hotel they attacked early this morning: "The attackers no longer have hostages. They are dug in in the upper floors. They are alone with the Malian special forces who are trying to dislodge them," spokesman Amadou Sangho said. RAW: Authorities escort hostages out of Mali hotel http://www.kptv.com/clip/12018554/raw-authorities-escort-hostages-out-of-mali-hotel How did attackers get diplomatic plates? Posted at 18:32 Mali based French journalist François Rihouay told BBC World news a big unanswered question now is how the attackers got hold of a black 4x4 car with diplomatic number plates. The hotel gardener witnessed attackers enter the grounds of the hotel in a car with a diplomatic license plate. UN Chief Says Mali Peace Plan Must Stay on Track http://dlvr.it/CnxTFT Two militant groups say jointly responsible for Mali attack | Reuters: BAMAKO Islami... http://bit.ly/1OW3IGG U.S. Military Played No Direct Role in Mali Crisis, Official Says http://nyti.ms/1kLh6Rc Well that has now changed. 1 US CITIZEN KILLED IN MALI HOTEL ATTACK, SENIOR STATE DEPT. OFFICIAL SAYS Family of American killed in Mali attack releases photo of 41-year-old New Jersey native http://abc7.la/1XfydGv
  7. Since 8-8-2013 I have been in a constant battle with chesterfield borough council over the actions of council employed security guards in the council run shopping centre on this day. My disabled partner and special needs son had gone into poundland and on-going to the checkout to pay for their items they were confronted by a security guard who demanded to search their bags. They refused and went on their way, however they had only gone a few yards from poundland when my son was set upon bythe guard who had come up behind him grabbing him by the arm and then by the neck and dragging him backwards down the shopping centre back into poundland where he was held in the front of the shop while all the time being taunted by the guard stating in a loud voice that he was a shoplifter and a thief, my son had asked the guard to identify himself and he refused. During this time my son had tried to get away to go to his mother and he was attacked again and dragged around by his lapels. This abuse went on for around 20 mins until the police arrived. My son was then subjected to a stop search which proved he had done nothing wrong, he reported to the police that he had been assaulted by the guard and they took no action. The police did instruct my son to not to go and wait outside the shop for another guard to come and speak to him, my son thought this was so the guards could come and explain their actions, however when the guards manager arrived he handed my son a six month ban from the shopping centre, an act which i consider was out of spite and vengeance for being innocent. During this time my partner who had witnessed the attack on her son decided to go into the library which is next to the shopping centre and go downstairs to use the public phone to ring me as she entered the lift she saw a guard go running downstairs, on exiting the lift she was immediately set upon by one of two guards, who forcibly grabbed her and forced her into an alcove (so it would be out of view of the cctv camera pointed down the corridor) and pinned her up against a wall, when my partner was searched by the police she was also found to have done nothing wrong. As a result of the above i placed an appeal for witnesses on a local forum, and one person contacted me stating that his girlfriend who worked in the shopping centre had seen a security guard dragging a long haired young man backwards down the precinct towards poundland however this witness would not come forward i believe out of fear of retribution from this team of abusive guards. At one point a post appeared replying to my appeal which released private information concerning the complaints I had made to the police, council and other bodies about the above attacks the post also included details of complaints i had made to the police two years earlier on an unrelated incident. As a result of the negative post i wrongly assumed that this post was posted by a policeman I contacted the police professional standards and the matter was investigated by the police counter corruption unit, as a result of this investigation it was found that this post had come from a Chesterfield Borough Council computer and the post was made by the very same team of guards who had attacked my son and partner in a blatant attempt to discredit us, rather tellingly the police did not investigate further, I believe this inaction was prompted by the fact that had they done so they would have found that the guards were fed this information by a member of the police as certain information they had posted was only available from police files. As a result of the assaults the police became involved and on taking statements from these guards told us that their statements corroborated my partner and sons account of the attacks, and the two guards who had assaulted my son and partner were charged, However the guards were by this time claiming that they had been told by the poundland manager that my son and partner had stolen something (a fact refuted by the store manager) as a result they had reasonable grounds though at no point have they stated reasonable grounds for what, the CPS bought the case to the magistrates court in December 2013 were not prepared and did not take the cctv footage to the court they were criticised by the magistrates for being unprepared and the case was adjourned until January, three days before the case was due to be heard we received a letter from the CPS stating that they were discontinuing the case as the guards had reasonable grounds, We appealed this decision under the VRR right to appeal however this is just a rubber stamp exercise and since then they have flatly refused to relook at this decision. We have complained to the council under the councils three stage complaints procedure and two years and four months later we are at step two and no further forward,
  8. Mac users hit by rare ransomware attack, spread via Transmission BitTorrent app Mac owners who use the open source Transmission BitTorrent client are being warned that a version of the installer was distributed via the app's official website, infected with a new family of ransomware. It is believed that hackers managed to compromise the installer of Transmission version 2.90 on its download site on Saturday, March 4, in order to spread ransomware that researchers at Palo Alto Research have dubbed "KeRanger." The outcome is that if you were unfortunate enough to install Transmission 2.90 onto your Mac, your computer may now be the digital equivalent of ticking time bomb. Because KeRanger waits three days before awaking, encrypting your documents and data files, contacting its command-and-control servers, and demanding a one bitcoin (approximately $400) ransom be paid for your data's safe return. According to the researchers, the KeRanger malware also attempts to encrypt Time Machine backup files, no doubt in an attempt to make it harder for victims to recover their precious data without paying the extortionists. And don't imagine that OS X's built-in Gatekeeper protection would have saved you, as it appears that the poisoned KeRanger app was signed with a valid Mac app development certificate. A message on the official Transmission website confirms the threat to users, and advises that they "immediately upgrade" to version 2.92:
  9. Around 20 people have been killed and 42 hospitalised after a suspected terrorist opened fire at a gay nightclub in the Florida city of Orlando. Officials confirmed the shooter had been killed by police and was carrying a “suspicious device”. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/orlando-shooting-florida-pulse-nightclub-attack_uk_575d23bde4b041514369cf54?fnu2428e7bc7bvs4i& Shooter inside the nightclub is dead The shooter behind an attack at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida is dead, police said Sunday, describing the scene as a "mass casualty situation. 4 videos. http://edition.cnn.com/videos/us/2016/06/12/florida-nightclub-shooting.cnn/video/playlists/orlando-nightclub-shooting/
  10. READ MORE HERE: http://news.sky.com/story/attack-in-nice-73-dead-as-truck-hits-crowd-10502068 My heart and Condolences go out to the families of all those innocent lives lost.
  11. British Labour Party member of parliament Jo Cox is in a "critical condition" after an attack, broadcaster Sky News reported on Thursday, citing sources from her political party. It is said the MP intervened in a row between two men when she was shot. "There was a guy who was being very brave and another guy with a white baseball cap who he was trying to control and the man in the baseball cap suddenly pulled a gun from his bag." After a brief scuffle, he said the man stepped back and the MP became involved. He said: "He was fighting with her and wrestling with her and then the gun went off twice and then she fell between two cars and I came and saw her on the floor." http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/jo-cox-shot-live-latest-news-updates-birstall-shooting-stabbing-labour-mp-west-yorkshire-a7085561.html Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed by attacker 'shouting Britain First' – live updates http://ibt.uk/A6ZLv
  12. Telephone and broadband provider Talktalk saw profits more than halve following a hack attack on its systems last October. Profits fell to £14m compared with £32m a year earlier. That fall is partly due to the costs of last year's serious cyber attack, which cost the company £42m. TalkTalk confirmed that 95,000 customers had left the ISP in direct response to the cyber attack. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36273449 This is a huge wake-up call for every company that stores customer details. If they don't take security seriously, it will cost them dearly.
  13. According to a security expert, tens of millions of usernames and passwords have been hacked, concerning email accounts with Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo, with the details traded online. The report says that data from somewhere in the region of 97 million accounts have been swiped. It looks like personal information from around 40 million Yahoo Mail accounts, 33 million Hotmail accounts and 24 million Gmail accounts have been accessed. You can read Hold Security's full report on this breach, right here, if you want to know more. Obviously, it'd be a good time to update your password if you have accounts with any of those companies http://www.bitterwallet.com/privacy/cyber-attack-hits-millions-of-gmail-hotmail-and-yahoo-accounts-91917
  14. Sorry this is in the wrong section, but its the only one that appears to allow my to start a thread. What are peoples views on this. Grandson was attacked by a dog in a public place In the presence of his teacher and the dog owner. his teacher reported it to the police who said it was nothing to do with them. Of course this offence covered by section 3 of the dangerous dog act 1991 and section 2 of the dog act 1871 and is indeed something the police should deal with. Daughter complained and was first said told that the incident hadn't been reported but she had the PCSOs collar number. She's just had another call and had been told by another PC that there was nothing wrong with what the teacher was told but refused to divulge full details of the phone call because of data protection.
  15. Evening all. I've had an issue with a debt for Capital One and have now had a response to a SAR. On the basis of this I would like to complain with a view to getting charges and/or PPI returned and I'm looking for advice on the best arguments to use. Within the SAR the records show the following: The account was in 'good order' until October 2008, at which point I became unemployed. Although I believe there are calls not listed as an absolute minimum they show that in December 2008 and February 2009 I indicated my employment status and a need to claim under the PPI - no action was taken. They continued to charge PPI until defaulting the account in July 2009. They added charges (including PPI) of at least £294.00 - on a debt that stood at £198.16 at the time payments stopped. In addition they ignored a letter sent at the beginning of September 2009 offering a standard split payment with other creditors, including a full budget, requesting they suspend charges and interest. Instead they sold the debt in October 2009 to Cabot. Now I am obviously looking at the PPI and the best way to make that claim but I also feel they failed to take account of a customer who was in clear financial difficulty, as even their own records show had been made clear to them. Are there regulatory/legal grounds on which I can pursue a claim against them for this?
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-29241563 EBay has been compromised so that people who clicked on some of its links were automatically diverted to a site designed to steal their credentials. The spoof site had been set up to look like the online marketplace's welcome page. The US firm was alerted to the hack on Wednesday night but removed the listings only after a follow-up call from the BBC more than 12 hours later. One security expert said he was surprised by the length of time taken.
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-29170371
  18. Hi all. I never have liked direct debits. I prefer to make payments when it's convenient for me. Unfortunately my system came a bit unstuck a couple of months ago as I realised I was late in making a payment to Vanquis for my credit card bill. I immediately sent 2 months worth of payments but by then it was too late. They had recoreded a late/missed payment on my credit file which saw my already not brilliant credit score plummit even further. I wrote to them explaining that recording this default on my credit file is telling other companies that I may be or about to be in finacial hardship & that was the prime reason for recording a default whereas the reason I was late in making the payment was pure oversight. I pointed out that I've been with them for a number of years, never missed any payments, have received numerous limit rises & have generally been very well behaved. Unfortunately they were unmoved & their reply simply put was that they were entitled to screw with my file & felt that it was the right thing to do. Now, I'm not disputing my late payment & the fact that yes, they are entitle to sabotage my credit file but I really don't think it was the right thing to do at all. I can point out that I received no reminders but that is beside the point. It was my own fault. I can't see how I can convince them to change their minds. I'm more annoyed with myself as I was improving my rating slowly after years of being classed as a bad risk so I guess I'm just venting. I'm now trying to raise enough funds with which to pay off my balance then I won't need to contribute to their profits or deal with them ever again. Rant over
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