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Found 5 results

  1. Yahoo has said more than one billion user accounts may have been affected in a hacking attack dating back to 2013. The internet giant said it appeared separate from a 2014 breach disclosed in September, when Yahoo revealed 500 million accounts had been accessed. Yahoo said names, phone numbers, passwords and email addresses were stolen, but not bank and payment data. You should immediately change your password and security questions and answers. You should do this not just for your Yahoo account but also for any other accounts you have which may have used the same or similar info http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-38324527 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-38327169
  2. http://www.thisiswiltshire.co.uk/news/13630865.Westbury_mum_fighting_back_against_incorrect_parking_ticket_at_St_Stephen_s_Place_in_Trowbridge/?ref=rss Would need to see the appeal wording but on face value a quite astonishing judgement by POPLA...
  3. According to a security expert, tens of millions of usernames and passwords have been hacked, concerning email accounts with Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo, with the details traded online. The report says that data from somewhere in the region of 97 million accounts have been swiped. It looks like personal information from around 40 million Yahoo Mail accounts, 33 million Hotmail accounts and 24 million Gmail accounts have been accessed. You can read Hold Security's full report on this breach, right here, if you want to know more. Obviously, it'd be a good time to update your password if you have accounts with any of those companies http://www.bitterwallet.com/privacy/cyber-attack-hits-millions-of-gmail-hotmail-and-yahoo-accounts-91917
  4. Has anyone else got videos playing all the time with yahoo mail? Every time recently there is a video playing and I can not get rid of it, very annoying, it started recently. Has anyone got any idea how to get rid of them? Thank you Sandy xx
  5. Can anyone advise me please, I have Sky email which I am also able to receive on my Blackberry mobile. Sky are switching to Yahoo in April and I have read on the Sky forum that there wll be a lot of problems as Yahoo use Pop and not Imap. Can anyone suggest a suitable email programme I can switch to - I have Sky broadband - that will also work with my Blackberry? Thankyou
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