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Found 4 results

  1. I'm looking for a UK contact number for Hotmail. The phone numbers that come up on searches are 3rd party numbers. Thanks
  2. According to a security expert, tens of millions of usernames and passwords have been hacked, concerning email accounts with Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo, with the details traded online. The report says that data from somewhere in the region of 97 million accounts have been swiped. It looks like personal information from around 40 million Yahoo Mail accounts, 33 million Hotmail accounts and 24 million Gmail accounts have been accessed. You can read Hold Security's full report on this breach, right here, if you want to know more. Obviously, it'd be a good time to update your password if you have accounts with any of those companies http://www.bitterwallet.com/privacy/cyber-attack-hits-millions-of-gmail-hotmail-and-yahoo-accounts-91917
  3. Hi Hope to get a little bit of info regarding the use of Pegasus 4.7 Email client and settings for Hotmail. I have both Pegasus 4.7 and Mercury Mail Transporter 4.32 installed. Firstly I need the basics of where to find and how do I create the account in Pegasus then all the settings for this clumsy hotmail. IMAP servers are very easy but POP3 is a different kettle of muck. Many thanks in advance for any help given.
  4. Microsoft is overhauling its free webmail service, dropping the Hotmail brand it has used since acquiring the product in 1998, and adopting the name Outlook.com. The revamped service will help sort messages as they arrive and allow users to make internet calls on Skype. It said the move would help tackle the problem of "cluttered" inboxes. The action may also be designed to win over users of Google's rival Gmail service. Microsoft is offering the service in a "preview" mode for the time being and has not announced an official release date. While it advises users to upgrade, Hotmail subscribers can stick with the old system if they wish - at least for now. Those who do make the change keep their @hotmail, @msn or @live.com email address ending, but can also add an @outlook.com address to their account if they wish. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-19067634
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