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Found 19 results

  1. Hi Guys. Brief History. I am at present out on bail, pending a court case for alleged criminal damage. Present Day I was Assaulted & Harrassed on 22nd June by the owner of the vehicle, who is claiming that I damaged his van. I was then arrested on the 16th July for the altercation, albeit that the charges were NFA (no further action) Now here's my annoyance. You can clearly see from the camera stills that he was the one following me as I was walking away, three times I might add. Here's my questions; When I was originally arrested for the criminal damage, it took the police less than an hour to arrest me. Why did this offence take them 3 weeks ? There was at least 7 people seen going past the camera. Why have they not been interviewed as witnesses ? Regarding the criminal damage, his dash cam was used to gather evidence immediately. I mentioned this to the police when I got arrested the second time, yet no evidence was used from his dash cam this time, yet they would have clearly seen off his dash-cam, that he was the aggressor and the one screaming abuse at me. Why was he not arrested ?
  2. A 15-year-old boy has been arrested by police investigating an alleged hacking attack on the TalkTalk website. He was held on suspicion of offences under the Computer Misuse Act, following a major breach of the telecoms firm's website last week. Police are now searching his home in County Antrim in Northern Ireland. http://news.sky.com/story/1576555/boy-15-arrested-over-talktalk-hack-attack
  3. I remember this even as it was in 1984-Do you. WPC Yvonne Joyce Fletcher (15 June 1958 – 17 April 1984)[1] was a British police officer fatally shot during a protest outside the Libyan embassy at St. James's Square, London, in 1984. Fletcher, who had been on duty and deployed to police the protest, died shortly afterwards at Westminster Hospital. Her death resulted in the Metropolitan Police Service laying siege to the embassy for the next eleven days, and the United Kingdom severing all diplomatic relations with Libya. Two years later it became a major factor in Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's decision to allow US President Ronald Reagan to launch the US bombing of Libya in 1986 from American bases in the United Kingdom.[2] PC Yvonne Fletcher shooting: Libyan man arrested in UK http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34867860 Murder of Yvonne Fletcher https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Yvonne_Fletcher How strange,early days yet but i remember watching the siege for days and felt so angry. Absolutely hopping mad,felt helpless as we watched this unfold for day after day. Back in 1984. Just went back in my mind to those days.The weather was clear for many days while the siege was ongoing. In April. Following the shooting, the embassy was surrounded by armed police for eleven days, in one of the longest police sieges in London's history. Meanwhile, Gaddafi claimed that the embassy was under attack from British forces, and Libyan soldiers surrounded the United Kingdom's embassy in Tripoli in response Commander Richard Walton, head of counter-terrorism at Scotland Yard, said the force had never given up hope of finding PC Fletcher's killer. For those that cannot recall this day. Libyan Embassy open fire on protesters 1984. Who can remember this from the 80s The Day the SAS knocked on the windows of the Iranian embassy.Strange worrying days as they are now.
  4. No doubt you have all seen it on the news that an ex army man has been arrested in connection with a death on bloody Sunday in NI. How absolutely disgusting is this as they not only freed all the murdering IRA but gave them top jobs in the parliament. Now this really is what you call Micky Mouse justice.
  5. The man known to millions of cable TV viewers as "Chumlee" on the reality show Pawn Stars was being held late Wednesday in a Las Vegas jail following his arrest on felony weapon and drug charges. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2016/03/10/chumlee-pawn-stars-arrested-gun-drug-charges/81572946/
  6. http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/bailiffs-visit-leads-three-hour-7906246 Police were called out after a man allegedly brandished a knife during a row with a bailiff about a car. Police said the three-hour siege began just after noon after a bailiff was sent to an address in the road to recover a car. As the situation escalated armed officers were called, the street was blocked with police vehicles and the police helicopter hovered overhead, reports A police spokesman said: “Merseyside Police has been in attendance following an armed containment at a house in St Helens this afternoon. “At around 12.05pm, a civil enforcement officer attended an address on Litherland Crescent to remove a car from the location. “Following an argument with a man at the house, patrols were called to assist and the man was seen to approach officers in possession of a knife. "As a result, the area was contained by armed officers to ensure safety of the public"
  7. Hello everybody, I've googled so much and found your board to be very helpful. Hopefully, you are able to help a friend of mine as well. The issue is the following: My friend was in London in 2009 with his car (German). As there were bikes on the back, the car did not fit in any of the car parks. And as there was no parking on the street, he eventually ended up using a parking lot that was for residents only. Upon his return, he had received a parking ticket for that. After he returned from his vacation, he had also received a further ticket via post. It said that he had a) not paid the London city toll and b) entered the restricted area (environmentally) without the "green sticker". Each would have cost 1,000GBP (or 800?!) but they said one they wouldn't charge as they would accept that a foreigner wasn't aware of that. He doesn't remember which of the two he should have been aware of and was thus fined. So one ticket was 800-1,000GBP, the other one around 240GBP. A google search informed him that it was not possible to execute the fine for a foreigner, so he did not pay. At the beginning, there were a few letters from debt collectors and the amount went up like crazy, but after two or three letters, they stopped trying. He was in London in the summer of 2009. He avoided travelling to the UK as the only info he had found was a summary of statutes of limitation in the EU where the UK was mentioned and it said those fines were expiring after 3-7 years. But he doesn't know which number applies to the UK. The problem is: He will travel via Heathrow soon. On the way back, he had planned a longer stop-over to see a friend (half a day). Could they still make claims for the tickets? For both options, i.e. also just stopping over in Heathrow, or only when leaving the airport on the way back? He had totally forgotten about this. It will have been 5.5 years by then. Would he risk anything if travelling or is he safe? Thank you SO MUCH in advance!
  8. Hello, I left UK in emergency with a debt of about £2200 on capital one card and 2 phone contracts... Now I m coming back to UK after a couple of months... Will I be stopped at airport or arrested...??? I have stopped recieving any emails from capital one and O2...?? Kindly answer me
  9. Hi Y'all, A colleague went through the process of disputing a CapOne credit card. Refused to acknowledge the debt until proven it was his. Just been speaking with him in person and informed me he has since been arrested by the police for fraud following an investigation and a complaint made by CapOne. Now I don't know the full facts, but from what he told me he sent them the "bemused" letter that he did not acknowledge the debt, CapOne insisted it was his account. He continued to deny it until proven it was his account/debt. CapOne carried out an investigation on the basis he did not accept the debt as his. 5 weeks later he gets a visit from the local constabulary and arrested on suspicion of fraud. The police released him with no charges brought by them. He informs me that the duty solicitor advised him to make no comment throughout the interview. But that it would be highly unlikely he could claim for wrongful arrest as the police was merely acting on a report of suspected fraud. But is this another tactic CapOne is doing? - Reporting the matter to the police if the person refuses to acknowledge the debt?
  10. hi guys, need a little advice my friend was arrested at 2.30 in the morning the other day, for a civil debt that has not been seen or heard of for 8 years, it would appear that at sometime in the past few months the dca gained a ccj uncontested and then initiated an arrest warrant for non payment. now my first thought is to have the ccj set aside as statute barred, and am waiting for her to put all the paperwork together to ascertain the dates of payments etc. 2nd when did they start arresting people for civil debts? is this an abuse of court it was a bit like taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut... what are the ramifications? and when did dca's start using these underhand tricks? any advice gratefully accepted
  11. A father was arrested and accused of fraud after complaining to his local Tesco that he had spent £470 on an iPad that turned out to be just a box with clay lumps inside. Colin Marsh, 47, rushed back to Tesco in Whistable to complain after discovering that the iPad he had bought there as a present for his 10-year old daughter Maddie was actually an empty box stuffed with clay. Instead the staff reported him to the police on suspicion of attempted fraud. Two days later he was arrested and held at the police station for hours before being released on bail. The missing iPad turned up in Wales two months later registered under a different name http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/11/15/tesco-ipad-_n_4279737.html?utm_hp_ref=uk
  12. Hi, I need some advice. I had a PCN that was unpaid and lead to baliffs being assigned. I contacted the courts on Friday 25th October as I had not received some mail regarding the PCN's and they placed a hold on any further action being taken until they could investigate. I was advised that the balifs would be called off until the courts could look into the issue. On Saturday night at approximately 9.30pm I was stopped in my car by police who advised that the car I was driving had been reported as stolen. I showed them proof that the car was mine and that I had not reported it stolen. They advised me that the car had been reported stolen by the Baliffs company as a clamp had been placed on the car and removed. I told them that no clamp had been placed on my car and explained that even if one had been on it, it would not make the car the property of the bailiff. I tried really hard to reason with the police officer but he did not want to to listen. He said that "I am going to have to arrest you for theft of a motor vehicle, but won't hand cuff you because you have been reasonable." I was read my rights and placed into the police car and driven to the police station where I had my finger prints and DNA taken. I have never felt so humilated, even other officers were saying they did not know what i was doing there as it was a civil matter. I was held in a police cell for 11 hours, whilst there the police went to my home knocked on the door and gained entry, my bedroom door was locked with a key so they kicked it in and searched my room. They took photocopies of the PCN notices in my room. During the interview they tried to tell me that they could do me for criminal damage as the clamp had been removed (according to the baliff), they found no clamp in my house and no eveidence that a clamp had ever been placed on my car. The clamp was supposedly placed on my vehicle on Friday night but I have never seen a clamp on my car, according to the courts all action should have been ceased until further notice as of that friday morining. I left the police station at 11am Sunday 27th and was told that the were going to hold onto my car until the 15th November for a court date. I called Sunday evening and was told to come for my keys and that they were going to throw the case out, I was told that if I had a spare I should just take it as it was parked across the road from the police station. I thought this rather odd. On arrival to the police station i was advised that they could not find my keys and this was case until Tuesday 29th, when i finally got my keys back to take my car. I have all the paper work from the police station stating that I was arrested for car theft and I am really unhappy about my treatment. I know I have a case but any advice on how to move forward would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance whe
  13. About 1 month ago I received a "Final Steps" notice from the Court enforcement office. I have lived at this address for 18 months and never received anything previously. There was no information other than a demand for £290 and a reference number - nothing else, no info what it related to (other than something to do with unpaid parking fines which I managed deduced from the dept address), no dates etc. I wrote to them asking for more information and copies of documents requesting time to consider them, take advice and get back to them. I received no response until tonight when I have come home to a "Warning - Notice of Arrest". Apparently I have to pay £290 or attend magistrates Court on 21.8.13, but seemingly I can still be arrested at anytime before the hearing! I am one of those boring people who have never been in trouble and never had anything to do with the police. Ive never had so much as a speeding ticket. I cant afford to pay £290 even if I did know what it was for. Mine is our only income. My partner is self employed in the construction industry and has no work, but because he is s/e we get no entitlement to benefits or assistance. We are already suffering financial hardship and every month is a struggle to get by just paying our bills. We have debts everywhere and no disposable income so just paying £290 for something I don't know about is out of the question. I just don't know what to do - what my options might be. Im tempted to attend the hearing but I don't know what can happen - can they put me in jail? Im really very frightened but trying to put a brace face on it Please can someone help?
  14. Hello to all you motoring seagulls out there. Coming to you in my time of need as I’m stuck with a problem. Hoping that someone can help me with this issue as it’s bugged me a lot. I’ve not had much luck in resolving this but the money it has cost me, I don’t want to forget about it or leave it as it was. I hope i'm posting this in the right place. A few days before Xmas in 2011, I was stopped by the police for speeding. No issue there as I was above the speed limit but not by much. When I was stopped, I was told this was why I was stopped and the officer gave me a breath test, which I had passed. I’d told the officer that I’d had a beer about 30 mins before that. My last alcoholic drink before that was probably about two weeks beforehand. Whilst that was happening, I started to have my car searched and I informed the officer I had a small amount of weed in my bag. Stupid, I know and not justifying it but thought it best to just tell the officer as they were searching my car. AT that point the officer was trying to accuse me of driving under the influence, even after passing a breath test and proceeded to arrest me for the weed. (I’ll come back to this point in a bit) Now, this is where my problem begins. The officer placed me in the police car and asked for my details, which I had no issue providing. Upon having my license checked, I was informed that it had been “revoked” and I was driving with no license. Turned out I hadn’t sent back a form and my license to the DVLA for points, a form, which had supposedly been sent to me whilst I was on tour. Still baffled about this form to this day, as I’ve never received it. Not the main issue though as I dealt with it after through the DVLA. The problem then was that according to the officer, my car wasn’t insured as I had no license and it was impounded. What the officer failed to notice, and then accept after was that it was insured in my mum’s name and I was a name driver, so there was no need to have it taken away. The car and insurance is in her name as I have spent time away on tour and my mum occasionally drove it. Done this before with other cars and never had a problem before. Now, back to the accusation of driving under the influence. Once I was back at the station and being booked in, the charge was dropped almost instantly by the custody sergeant as he felt there were no grounds for the charge. He felt there was nothing to indicate that. I possibly helped my case by remaining calm and being respectful towards them at all times. So at this point, I was facing a charge of driving without license and insurance with a court date set the following week. The custody sergeant was extremely helpful and could clearly see what had happened. He told me that I’d have to go to court for it but should not have any further issue over it. I may end up with a fine, but that’s it. It turned out it was for not sending back my license to the DVLA. Once I was released, I had to go pick up my impounded car that required my mum to be there as the papers where in her name and pay the £150 fee The following week I went to court and just like the sergeant said, I received a fine but no penalty points or driving ban. I have to be honest, I’m still confused as to why I received a fine but I can quite easily find that out. Just happy to not have any endorsements or charges over it. As far as I was aware, I was now able to drive again. 2 days after being in court, I was stopped again. This time, I had the paperwork from the courts and everything else in case this happened. Once again, my car was impounded but I was not arrested. Funnily enough, I was stopped parking outside Acton police station lol The officers decided that my paperwork was not sufficient, even though I had every possible driving document in my possession. So that was another £150 to get my car back. Great mass for me lol After that, I tried to get in contact with the relevant person to at least claim back my money as I felt it was due back to me, being insured and having a license. I had no luck in a response, and to be honest, I didn’t send any letters recorded delivery, so it’s my word against their word. What I was wondering is where do I stand? I feel the first time my car was impounded it shouldn’t have been as it was in my mum’s name, along with the insurance. The second time is also a situation where I felt that there was no reason to have my car impounded again. Especially after producing all the relevant paperwork. I’ve never had an issue with insurance before and aside from a few points, no license issues either. My car and license is extremely important for my work when I work in the UK. The other concern I have is because of the amount of time in which I’ve left it to claim. Aside from being away on tour a lot, I’ve had some personal and family issues, which have needed to be dealt with. Hoping someone out there from this awesome site can help me out :smile:
  15. Former BBC Radio 1 DJ Dave Lee Travis has been arrested by Metropolitan police detectives investigating allegations of historical sexual offences. More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/nov/15/dave-lee-travis-arrested
  16. My friend is a foreign student studying at uni here. He left his documents in his home country at Christmas by accident, but always keeps copies here in UK - eg drivving licence , visa etc He took a day return to London on Saturday, but used a photocopy of the Student Discount Card. He showed this to the ticket clerk when he bought the ticket. Unfortunately the ticket inspector on the train was not pleased and arranged for the police to come and arrest him, even though my friend explained, and also showed him the receipt for the original purchase. He is now being prosecuted for Regulation of Railways Act 1889: Section 5(3): “If any person—(a)Travels or attempts to travel on a railway without having previously paid his fare, and with intent to avoid payment thereof;” He now understands the conditions of carriage require him to carry the original discount card (although at the time he did not know), and accepts that he has broken this railway bye law 18.2 - which would normally result in a penalty charge. However he does not accept that he is guilty of "intent to avoid payment" - and what could be a very serious charge, as it will most certainly affect his Visa requirement for him to remain at study here , should he be prosecuted Thanks for any help
  17. See here for details. Seems they orchestrated the collapse of the economies for their own benefit.
  18. Hello, Not sure what to do here, friend of mine charged and arrested for being on the system as not having a license or insurance, car was impounded, kept in cell for 8 hours overnight. Got the car out at cost of £150, going to court on Friday. His license was surrendered to the courts before xmas to add on 3 points for a parking charge, not had any notification that he could not drive from the DVLA. Police pulled him over on the 30th December and told him he was on the system as not having a license and was arrested. Problem is due to the Christmas post I guess but what do you think would be the best way to prepare for court? I was thinking call DVLA and ask as a simple inquiry "Whats the status with my licence" record it and tell them he is recording it. Then speak to the court he surrendered his license to and finally try and get the hearing adjourned before Friday and not on the day in case they try to stitch him up on the spot, plus he needs to speak to a solicitor which has been tough due to New Years and bank holiday. Personally I would make a claim against them to get his money back for the impound. What would you guys suggest? Thanks James
  19. Today I had a knock at the door by someone with a clipboard so being in an area that gets more than its fair share of canvassers, I decided not to open it. From my Window I watched the man walk back to a small car parked opposite my house on the other side of the road. After a few minutes he removed a wheel clamp and bent down to fit it to the front wheel of my car parked outside my house. As soon as I saw this I opened my door and called to ask him what he was doing. He said that 5 letters had been sent to my address about an unpaid parking fine that I acquired somewhere in Dorset (where I live) that I had not paid. He also said he had personally delivered notification that he would attend to remove my car if I did not contact them regarding the issue and that Salisbury county court had authorized an order to seize my vehicle. I realize that denial to acknowledge receipt of any of the letters they said were sent would be a bold lie that would not be believed by anyone but unfortunately for me that is the case. Also my post box is secure and I don’t have anyone living with me that would take my mail! I told the bailiff this but obviously he did not believe me and said if I did not pay the £500 odd quid that he wanted the car would be towed within the hour. I offered to pay a weekly amount to try and buy some time to find out how this has happened but was told he needed it all or the car was going. I am self employed as a computer engineer and need my car to work so knowing he had not secured the clamp, I told him I was going to remove some articles, got in, locked the door, started the engine and pulled away. The clamp got stuck for a second and the bailiff was laughing and telling me I would break the car but then it ‘pinged’ off and I drove the car to another location where it remains. Just to add, he stopped laughing when the clamp came off and there is no damage to my car whatsoever and only a few very small scrape marks on the road. I’m pretty sure this did not damage his clamp either. One of my neighbours said they saw him throw the clamp into the back of his car with some frustration after I had left. When I returned home he had written on the bill / letter he was showing me that he was going to report the car as being stolen. I then wrote a letter to his company after reading advice on the internet about bailiffs not being allowed to take ‘tools of the trade’, which I will post tomorrow. I tried to go to their website to email a copy but their site shows a ‘Page not displayed’ error! I have now just phoned the local police (some hours later) to verify the car as being reported stolen but they say that this is not something they are able to do as it is not their property but apparently they do have a right to seize it if they find it. However the police officer also states that if I were to take it back from them after they had taken it from me it would likely remain a civil matter and they would not be willing to be involved. I am going to contact Dorset council tomorrow to find out what this is about and (I really do hope) why the letters have not been delivered to me or what has happened to them. If anyone has any advice on this or can suggest anything I should do I would appreciate the help.
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