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  1. A friend of mine had a visit from Marston's Enforcement person and was force to pay £650 on the spot. My friend is foreign and doesn't have a lot of English. (The reason for the fine is long story about not understanding how things work in the UK. She didn't commit the offence but was down as the registered keeper of the vehicle.) 1) He showed his badge and pushed his way into her flat while she was looking at it. 2) He threatened to take away the landlord's goods. He said he needed receipts to prove ownership of the goods if they belonged to the landlord. 3) Unaccompanied female being confronted by strange man in her home. 4) He said he had a warrant but did not show her the warrant. 5) She called my wife for advice (they speak the same language) and told me. I then spoke myself with Enforcement person to see what was going on. He told me that he wanted £650 or he would take away the goods. I asked if he would accept part payment he refused saying he had to collect the full amount. I ask if he could put distraint on the goods while she sorted things out again he refused. 6) He said he was recording his visit. Is that legal and can we get a copy? 7) She eventually managed to pay him and was given a Marston’s receipt which only had the Marston’s reference number but no details of the debt/fine. He failed to put his name and details on the space provided on the receipt. 8) He did not leave a copy of the warrant which he said he was acting under. 9) There was no prior warning of his visit. 10) I asked him if was allowed to push his way into her flat seeing that she is a female by herself. He said. “It’s not as though she is some fifteen year old”. I’m all for upholding the law but outright bullying techniques must not be allowed surely. When I asked him about this he replied “I know my job.” Bullies
  2. Good morning I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice as I am really not sure what to do. I received a text on my mobile on 10th Feb from an enforcement agent informing me that I owed £1401. At first I was unsure what he meant but after speaking to him I realised it was from a court fine regarding a traffic offence that I appealed but seems to have been rejected. Through the process of the appeal being rejected I moved but had contacted the Court to ask them to let me know at my new address. The baliff informed me that a Distress Warrant had been issued in Oct to my old address and they now needed full payment. I contacted their office as I have never received the Notice of Enforcement and it seems it has gone to the old address. When I spoke to the baliff I said I would try and raise the funds from my work but it is so stressful here that I am worried I am going to lose my job. Payment is due on Friday and I have no-one else to turn to, if I pay the full amount out of my salary I won't be able to pay my bills or my son's childcare for the month. I emailed the Court and they have said I need to work it out with the baliff but I can't see him doing this - is there anything else I can do? Many thanks
  3. I have received a letter "Enforcement Process Commenced for a penalty charge notice to Birmingham City Council for which I know nothing about. I am now stressed wondering whats its all about. The NOtice of enforcement says I owe BCC £97 but sum outstanding is £407. A warrant was issued 08-10-15 which I have never received or even know whats its for. How can I get a stop put to this while I find out much more information about whats going on and why I have never received any other correspondence or court papers? Please give link to relevant document/process so I can sort it out this weekend if you know of one. Also BCC is not local to me it takes me a hours drive. Do I have to go there or can I go to my local magistrates courts? Thanks for any assistance.
  4. Does Housing Benefit become statue barred and the usual 6 years I called to checked the amount.. and was told it's less than what Dukes Baliffs are requesting.. I have got them to put on hold for 28 days, while i check things.. But remember buying house in 2007... and all debts to council where paid off.. (Or so i thought) I apparently spoke with council in Jan 2013 about the debt.. Will do my checks with council But in mean time... do these sort of debts become statue barred if no payment been made in the last 6 years Thanks in advance for any help
  5. Hi first post on here Hope you can help! Received a removal notice of 24 hours today pushed through letter box for council tax business rates 9281.50 +costs Called the enforcement agent just said full amount or will remove property Explained not had any break down to debt nor the amount nor any communications it a commercial property we are doing up had it for 12. Months and still empty and not open He said unless I pay in full in 24 hours would go to court to get committal warrant so have to attend immediately with court officer to magistrates and would be given 6 months prison!! Scared out my life He wouldn't help at all council say it in hands enforcement agency and nothing they can do Help! No communication at all and is he right in being able to have me carted off to court I'm on universal credit my partner on minimum wage and just manage to pay rent and other bills but nothing lest over In dispute with ova as to valuation of property we have converted top floor into our flat now and waiting for a new valuation for business rates
  6. So, got home this evening to be told by my wife the council have instructed Bailiffs for unpaid council tax. The background to this is we were claiming housing and council tax benefit from 2010-2013. The council decided we weren't entitled to what they had paid us for the period 2011-13 last year, even though we supplied them with evidence of income each year we claimed and they approved our claim. So, they demanded £25k from us in unpaid council tax and benefits paid. This is in dispute, we were on our arses and entitled IMHO and I sent them over 100 pages of evidence to this effect around August last year. We have, as yet, heard nothing about this. We were contacted about the outstanding council tax last Oct and I rang the council and explained it was in dispute. They explained that the benefits is a separate issue but they would put the matter on hold until such time as it was resolved, we have heard nothing since. Today, my wife thought maybe she should ring the council to find out what was happening. She was directed to ring another number which turned out to be the Bailiffs. They have reviewed our income and expenditure form, which I sent to the council, which showed we could afford £100 a month, but they insist on £300 a month, no less. We have been charged over £1000 for the privilege of having this referred to the Bailiffs. Any help/advice massively appreciated!! The council is Dorset County Council
  7. HI IM WONDERING WHAT IS MY BEST OPTION IVE RECIEVED A LETTER YESTERDAY FROM MARSTON REGARING ANGLIAN WATER BILL ITS A NOTICE OFF ENFORCEMENT I HAVE RECIEVED U MUST PAY OR ARGEE A PAYMENT ARANGEMENT BY 16TH OFF MARCH . IVE READ NOT GOOD THINGS ABOUT THIS COMPANY AND IM REALLY WORRIED I CURRENTLY WORK PART TIME WAS DOING FULL TIME HRS BUT PUB I WORK IN TRADE HASNT BEING GOOD SO CUT MY HRS DOWN . i currently live wth a guy ..do i have to declare his income to them if i phone them up ...?. im wondering if to go to my local court office on monday morning as im not very good dealing with stress off baliffs visting my home and asking them for help ..i would sooner pay them a amount i can afford .. any advice will be welcome .the debt is 1.400 .. ive only just got on top off my rent areaeas .and nearly finshed paying rossindales off from last yrs council tax ..and now this worry
  8. I was currently paying off to these [removed] using the online system. at the beggining of the month, when payment was due i was unable to access the account, it stated balance was nil, i then sent an email to jacobs on the 3rd asking what my balance was as i had an idea there was still some owing, heres what happened Reveived email bk at 10am on the 15th stating i owed £ 207, had to be paid by end of day as it was bk in the hands of the baliff 1hr later i had a letter pushed through my door, no knock, i was in the property, letter said removal notice in 24 hrs and debt said £207 I immediatley telephoned the baliff, no answer, rang again and left voicemail to ring me straight back so i could pay the money owed Went online to pay with the reference number and it stated i owed £442 !!!!! Had no call of the baliff all day Rang their office at 16.30pm, they said because the baliff had visted the property that was the balance i owed, i offered the £207 and she refused to take it Five mins after the call i had a text from the baliff staying i owed the full amount Where do i stand ? Im fuming !!!! Does anyone know what i can do, will they be back with another £235 charge ??? Any help greatfuly received
  9. Hi, I have an outstanding parking fine with Cheshire West and Cheshire Council that I can't afford to pay. I have an earlier one that I also couldn't afford to pay which is now with Jacob's baliffs - so i'm preferring that this later one will be referred to Jacobs soon. I'm currently dealing with Jacobs with regards getting a monthly installment agreement in place, but all the numbers on the council paperwork for the 2nd fine are for automated payment lines etc, and I'm wondering if theres anyone I may be able to speak to regarding getting it sorted, does anyone know if theres anyone at councils that I could negotiate with regards to sorting out some time to pay or installments? Regards Chesterxx
  10. Hello there, I am very new to this site, so please bear with me if I make mistakes along the way... My dilemma is this...I had a bailiff from Rossendales arrive at my house last week demanding a figure of approximately £1900.00 for none payment of Council Tax for the year 2014-2015. Yes, they want the entire year!. He refused a payment of £200 per week and said that he would give me 7 days to find the total amount or he would take goods to the value...and this is where the dilemma deepens...I do not have goods to that "auctionable" value. He would have to even take the cat, it's that bad. I have just received my Decree Absolute (November 6th) after a two and a half year battle with my ex. 99% of the "things" in the house belong to my ex, as he has receipts to prove that he owns them, and he has already taken some of them away. He is coming back for his stacking stereo system and a huge TV that are his...and he can have them. Basically all that I can offer the bailiff is a three piece suite and an old table. I don't have anything else of value. My ex took back my engagement ring and also my 18ct wedding ring...yes, it was that acrimonious... I guess that what I am driving at is this...What can the bailiff legally take? Would that include things belonging to my 20 year and 16 year old sons who live with me? And if he does take these things and they don't reach anywhere in the region of the debt, what would his next step be, bearing in mind that anything of any value would be gone? I find it odd that something that could be settled within 10 weeks has caused so much chaos in my life, which I am slowly trying to rebuild for myself and my boys. I even spoke to Rossendales (who were as hard as nails and unrelenting on the phone) and they said that it was in the bailiffs hands. If any of what I have written makes any sense at all...YAY me...but if it has not, I apologize and will endeavour to correct it. Thank you for reading this post. Regards TLW
  11. I am writing this for my daughter in law who is 4 months pregnant and not very well. She was fined £65 in September apparantly for no TV licence-she has had no correspondence relating to this from the court-NO Collection order. Yesterday Collectica Baliffs put a note through her door to say they will enter her house and remove her goods-and that the outstanding amount is now £365- Baliffs have put a £300 charge on this-extortionate is not the word. Any advise would be appreciated as to how to proceed as she has no paperwork from the court. Thanks
  12. Hello all, Wonder if anyone can help, A little while back my account was hacked and my personal details taken - along with a bank account withdrawal This was resolved earlier this year, however today I have had a baliff attend saying that I owe £950 to a payday loan company. Now I have never had a payday loan in my life so know this is linked back. He had court paperwork - I asked for a copy which he said he would get for me- and it was for a previous address which is why I never got it to defend it. So my question is what is my next step? I have spoken to them on the phone and they have said they cannot do anything until the "appropriate court steps" have been taken by me, I have no idea what these are and what I need to get filled in Do I need to arrange for a judge to look at it? Whats the cost/ timescales with this? Any help greatly appreciated
  13. Hi, I need some advice. I had a PCN that was unpaid and lead to baliffs being assigned. I contacted the courts on Friday 25th October as I had not received some mail regarding the PCN's and they placed a hold on any further action being taken until they could investigate. I was advised that the balifs would be called off until the courts could look into the issue. On Saturday night at approximately 9.30pm I was stopped in my car by police who advised that the car I was driving had been reported as stolen. I showed them proof that the car was mine and that I had not reported it stolen. They advised me that the car had been reported stolen by the Baliffs company as a clamp had been placed on the car and removed. I told them that no clamp had been placed on my car and explained that even if one had been on it, it would not make the car the property of the bailiff. I tried really hard to reason with the police officer but he did not want to to listen. He said that "I am going to have to arrest you for theft of a motor vehicle, but won't hand cuff you because you have been reasonable." I was read my rights and placed into the police car and driven to the police station where I had my finger prints and DNA taken. I have never felt so humilated, even other officers were saying they did not know what i was doing there as it was a civil matter. I was held in a police cell for 11 hours, whilst there the police went to my home knocked on the door and gained entry, my bedroom door was locked with a key so they kicked it in and searched my room. They took photocopies of the PCN notices in my room. During the interview they tried to tell me that they could do me for criminal damage as the clamp had been removed (according to the baliff), they found no clamp in my house and no eveidence that a clamp had ever been placed on my car. The clamp was supposedly placed on my vehicle on Friday night but I have never seen a clamp on my car, according to the courts all action should have been ceased until further notice as of that friday morining. I left the police station at 11am Sunday 27th and was told that the were going to hold onto my car until the 15th November for a court date. I called Sunday evening and was told to come for my keys and that they were going to throw the case out, I was told that if I had a spare I should just take it as it was parked across the road from the police station. I thought this rather odd. On arrival to the police station i was advised that they could not find my keys and this was case until Tuesday 29th, when i finally got my keys back to take my car. I have all the paper work from the police station stating that I was arrested for car theft and I am really unhappy about my treatment. I know I have a case but any advice on how to move forward would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance whe
  14. I was fined in the magistrates court for unpaid car tax. I received a fine of £600 (I didn't attend court). As soon as I received the fine, I wrote to the court asking to pay in installments. I didn't hear back so paid my monthly offered amount. I then received a letter from excel baliffs stating they were going to execute a distress warrant..... I researched this and found a distress warrant can only be issued if means testing had taken place (which it clearly hasn't). I then wrote back to the court stating this and to excel to inform them I would be contacting the court. All I got back from the court is a letter saying deal with the baliffs and a copy of a letter about payments which I didn't receive. I have now had 2 baliff letters through my door...and also a letter from a company called M3PR - specialist enforcement removal specialists, who claim excel have told them to attend and remove goods. The baliff left a letter yesterday saying goods will be removed tomorrow. Fees of £300 have also been added,so my £540 outstanding amount is now £840. On Monday I will have the £540 and was intending to pay the court direct, but am now worried sick baliffs will appear tomorrow to take goods. What should I do? Apologies for the long first post too
  15. I am currently staying with my parents and I have received a hand delivered letter from Jacobs Bailiffs. I am terrified that they will remove my parents goods to pay off my debts. What can I do as I am currently unemployed and receive only JSA each week. The letter says 24 hours notice of another visit by bailiffs. Can they take my parents car?
  16. I had a visit by a baliff, of which i asked him to leave. which he refused. i told him that he was trespassing and that the property is not mine but my wife was the owner and she did not wish to have him at the property. he then called the police, which did not say or do anything. in hind sight i should have left him there and my wife and i carry on with going out for the evening and locked the security gates to the property. was he trespassing?
  17. Hi, i have a question regarding the baliffs right to enter. I have a 23 year old wayward son, who has accumilated £1400.00 of unpaid fines. It would appear that he has given our home address as his home address. He has never lived at this address, nor did he live at our last address. we recieved letters from marstons to start with, i replied, they replied and asked me to send them my council tax bill to prove he didnt live here. i said NO, my council tax bill is none of your business. A few weeks later a knock on the door, 2 guys from marstons turn up wanting to come in a see my son, he doesnt live here i replied, we need to come in and confirm that they said. I replied FO and they did, never to be heard of again ( so far ) that was about 2 months ago. i have now received paperwork from a company called Collectica, telling me that they will be forcing entry to my property under the DVCV act. Do they have the right to enter if the debtor does not live at the address and who's job is it to prove he doesnt live there.
  18. I yesterday recieved a letter from, 'Equita Certified Baliif's, ' saying that they had been instructed by the London Bourough of Lambeth in connection with the warrant of execution granted against you by the Traffic Enforcement Centre at Northampton County Court. I had no idea what this was about as I no longer live in London or have not worked in London for over a year. The letter did not state how much i owed nor did it state any details of the incident which they say I owe money for. I phoned, Equita and spoke to the person and gave them my reference number. He informed me that it was from an incident back in April 2012 where turned left down a street where a left turn was prohibited and now the amount to be paid was 215 pounds. I explained that this is the first I had of heard of it and had recieved no letters previously telling me of this. He gave me the reference number for the PCN and suggested that I take it up with the council. I have tried using the reference number he gave me on the councils online website to show photos/videos of the incident but it says that there is nothing found. After finishing the phone call i had a think and I do remember recieving a PCN to which I appealed but shortly after I moved house but notified the DVLA and got my vehicles address and details changed to my new address. I had a lot going o at the time and to be honest i completely forgot about the PCN until now (almost a year later). I assume that all of the letters and the warrant have all gone to my old address, which obviously I have never received and now I am getting a letter from the baliffs at my new address. Where do I stand on this because i have notified the DVLA of the change of address to my vehicle?? At the time of writing the appeal I was unsure of my new address and nothing about my move was finalised until after i had written the appeal letter, so I could not put my new address on it for them to send any letters to. I'm willing to pay the original fine but not pay all of the other fees as I did not know anything about it. I am going to phone the council later today but just wanted to know where i stand and if i have much chance of not paying these baliff fees? How can they expect me to pay this money if I have never heard anything about this?? Any help will be appreciated Thanks
  19. Hi I had a visit from Jacobs Baliffs last week concerning two Liability Orders. I sent him away with a flea in his ear, telling him that i will carry on paying the council via their Online Payments. I have a question: Reading the paperwork that he posted through my door I noticed that he has applied all of their charges twice including a levy on my car ( which is declared Sorn at the momment because i cannot afford Road Tax). In other words he has applied the charges on both LO`s even though he only visited once, is that allowed? Thanks for any answers in advance.
  20. Hi Last year I rather stupidly took out a log book loan from these guys whilst I was going through a rough patch. I now unfortunately am in the situation of being on benefits hopefully only short term. I have emailed them several times asking for advice on this situation to no avail. During this period my car broke down and was towed to the audi garage for repairs. The bill at present is 2500 which on jsa I cant afford with a further 30 days @10 per day storage charges. The repo men came round today no court order just to repossess I told them the situation with the car and the garage is holding it pending payment. When I signed for the loan the agent came round and as stated on other threads no witness was thyere to sign bar the agent so common thread here with the BoS. Really where do I stand with regards to the repossession ? are the garage allowed to release the car without my consent. To give you some idea its an audi A6 57 plate loan for 3000, the fault causing the breakdown was a design flaw but not acknowledged fought to get audi uk to reduce original bill of 4500 to 2500 as a gesture of goodwill (succeeded) Stupid move originally but cant change the past any advice please. Thanks
  21. hi am new to this site and not sure where to post my concerns, i am hoping somebody can help. I basically had a fine for using a car with no insurance to the value of £500 i paid the fine by instalments and then for one reason and another i didnt pay the remaining 150 as i was having financial difficulties. i was visited by a warrant officer who agreed to let me pay £10 per week and would send me a card in the post this never arrived and i kept meaning to chase it up but never got around to it, with that i had a baliff knock on my door, he said he wanted to come in and discuss my fine which was now £450?? i was actually 8 and a half months pregnant and in the process of moving house, i told him this and his repose was ok, i will leave it with you and contact you in the future?? I went on to have the baby 10 weeks on, I also moved address. I received a letter in the post some 2-3 weeks ago stating that Marstons would be visiting my property in 7 days to collect payment, as the man i had dealt with had been understanding to my situatiuon previously i rung the number on the letter to keep getting an answerphone. I decided to wait for his visit, i was then pottering around the house today and noticed a letter on the mat, NOONE had knocked on the doore i have 5 children ranging from 13 to 10 weeks one of them would have opened it, It was a final warning stating I had 24 hours to pay the fine? I rung the warrant officer who basically would not let me speak or arrange any kind of payment term telling me I had til 7pm to pay or he is coming woth a removal team? Shocked and not knowing what to do I made some enquiries to the courts who basically said he can not enter my property and to keep doors and windows locked. Then at 5pm he returned and put a card through my door stating I was intentionally avoiding him and he was returning woth a locksmith to obtain entry to my property. I rang him as he was outside my house and he said the removal team are in the way!? I stated I do not have 450 pounds 2 days after xmas, who does? and that I could pay 100 today and make an arrangement for the rest? HE POINT BLANK SAID NO and i have till 11am tomorrow he had contaced the removal team and managed to stop them until then. Please may i note he has never set foot all entered into my new property neither have i even opened the door to him, infact the first i had spoke to him is today. I am confused that obviusly as i was in a vunerable position before being heavily pregnant he backed off but nowhe willnot even discuss the matter with me? Where do i stand can he return with a locksmith do I have to let him in. I am annoyed that there are 300 pounds costs and have thought about paying the court costs direct to the court as it was 150 which i could scrape together. Please help ?!!!!
  22. Hello I've come home today and received a letter from Marstons demanding £175, £90 for the fine and £85 in fees. I was late paying the original fine and it went to £90 so i sent a letter asking if i could pay in 3 monthly instalments to which i have received no reply. They are now demanding the full amount within seven days the bailiffs will turn up to remove goods. Is there anything i can do as they say they are in possession of a magistrates court order? Thanks so much for any help
  23. Hi there, A couple of huge Confero collection bailiffs knocked on my door today and left a letter saying "Notice of Baliffs Attendance - Magistrates Liability Order for unpaid council tax" and stating that they will return tomorrow at a set time to remove my goods. Do I have to let them in as it is due to council tax? I have mental health issues and have been on incapacity benefit for a few years which was last month switched to contribution based ESA, support group. It seems that due to working in the past my benefits have always been contribution based which means I have to pay council tax, don't get cold weather payments etc. Always bugged me but the fact is I owe the council tax. I just have never been good at remembering to pay bills (recently diagnosed with ADHD, mostly inattention, and reffered for aspergers diagnosis) and being able to deal with paperwork. Even when I was working and had plenty of money coming in I would forget to pay bills. I have a lot of debts now and no disposable income, so its not like I can make any offers to the bailiffs. I had planned on getting a DRO but couldn't get together the £100 needed to do it. I don't have much they can take except my tv, this computer and my sofa. It would be good to know if I have to let them in or not though. Any quick advice to ease my mind would be appreciated.
  24. BBC1 now Neighbourhood blues...seems someone has 'unlawfully' detained a baliff
  25. Hi I have arrears on council tax and had a magistrates order to pay £100 per month. beginning of this year wrexham cc took 2 payments for that amount and this year I called them and they said understood I could not pay so would lump it in to one payment. I have paid this each month they actually took 2 payments in july so as far as i was aware was a month ahead. last month recived demand saying owed £138, so i wrote to them they re did figures and said pay £173 each month as missed payment sept 2012. I checked I have not. Now they have sent balif re court order said must pay £185 each month to them and £173 to Wreham cc I can not afford this what do I do please?
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