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  1. Registered to follow this as I'm going through the same thing as of today. I've tried to read all the newbie threads but they're confusing so hoping this will give some clarity.
  2. Hello all, I've received a PCN through the post from Excel Parking, here's a brief explanation. My car parked in an area it had not parked in before and was not familiar with any of the parking. This was simply to pick up a takeaway. My car was advised by the takeaway that there was parking behind that is free after 6pm. So my car went after 6pm, only saw one car park behind and parked there for just over 20 mins. I (the keeper) have received a PCN from Excel Parking. Once this was received I had a look online and it seems they have been rather sneaky in this area. It looks like there's another car park behind the one I parked in that is not very noticable, and according to their website this is the one free after 6pm. So, my car being a newbie here and not knowing the area assumed the car park immediately behind the takeaway was the one free after 6. I bet this has caught a lot of people out. I appealed online, but have had a letter of rejection. They state in the letter about the signs at the car park being clear, and say they issued the charge correctly. Is it worth pursuing? as it was a case of mistaken car park and the car parked in the wrong one.. would my car have a leg to stand on? Also notice the letter says if I appeal again through IAS the reduced charge offered will no longer apply. Should I pay the £60 (reduced) now, or appeal.. is there ANY chance I would get a successful appeal? Has anyone ever won against Excel parking?
  3. For anyone facing court action regarding this car park, be advised that Excel parking is deemed to be the Creditor .. the legal entity entitled to enforce parking charges and legal action. Excel have a contract with the landowner. Any legal action launched by VCS is not relevant in law as they have no contract with landowner and are not the Creditor. They are a separate legal entity. If you are facing court action from VCS use this as your defence.
  4. Hi, I have received a letter from DCBL which states: "Your overdue amount of £269.48 due to Excel parking services ltd in relation to a county court judgement number xxxxxx has now been passed to DCBL to recover the debt on their behalf" It also mentions a further £75 + vat charge. I have searched lots of forums and the advice has been consistent to ignore all letters from Excel parking or any debt recovery firms. i am concerned this letter mentions CCJ number which suggests a CCJ has been issued. I dont recall receiving any court letters, although i have changed address. Normally, I would ignore these letters as per the advice on the various forums but im worried if a CCJ has really been issued and what I should in this case? Should i respond to DCBL? Should i contact the court (and if so, which court would i need to contact as i have not had any details)? Or should i continue to ignore? Please help as i am really stressed out now Many thanks in advance for any advice/help. Cheers
  5. Hi all, new to CAG but hoping you can help! My husband has received a claim for for a PCN over a year ago which I feel is unfair and would strongly like to contest on the basis that none of the parking machines were working on the night he parked there. I have just completed the Acknowledgement of Service online amd intend to request info under CPR 31:14 but I would really appreciate any help you can offer, particularly with respect to what I should specifically request. Thanks in advance!
  6. Hello All I received a PCN/NTK on 08/10/2017 from “Excel Parking” for parking the car at Peel Center Stockport. The PCN/NTK letter shows: Issue Date (posted): 03/10/2017 PCN Ref No: xxxxxxx VRM (reg no): xxxxxxx Vehicle Make: xxxxxxx Vehicle Model: xxxxxxx Contravention Date: 16/09/2017 Contravention time: 11:15 Duration of Stay: 36 minutes I was unware I had to pay for being in the car (waiting) for short time as my wife took my daughter to use the toilet while I was waiting in the car until they return from the toilet. The notice says if payment is made by 17/10/2017 then it will be reduced to £60. Could you please help me how I can appeal and with a draft letter to Excel Parking appealing against the PCN/NTK. Please let me know if you need further information. Thank you very much for the help...
  7. Hello, I have received a Claim Form issued 07 Dec 2018 that I need to respond to. I have no previous communication regarding the PCN, the issue date of the PCN was 26/09/2016. Claimant: Excel Parking Service Limited BW Legal Particulars of claim: "The Claimant's Claim is for the sum of £100.00 being monies due from the Defendant to the Claimant in respect of a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) issued on 26/09/2016 (Issue Date) at 18:42:53 at Cavendish Retail Park Keighley. The PCN relate to .... under registration ... The terms of the PCN allowed the Defendant 28 days from the issue Date to pay the PCN, but the Defendant failed to do so. Despite demand having been made, the Defendant has failed to settle their outstanding liability. The Claim also includes Statutory Interest pursuant to section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at a rate of 8% per annum a daily rate of 0.02 from 26/09/2016 to 06/12/2018 being an amount of £16.04. The Claimant also claims £60.00 contractual costs pursuant to PCN Terms and Conditions" Amount claimed: 176.04 Court Fee: 25.00 Legal representative's costs: 50.00 Total amount: 251.04 Advice on how to respond would be gratefully received. I am willing to face them in court if it comes to that.
  8. Hi, I have received a county court claim form from BW Legal on behalf of Excel parking. Details are; Principle debt £100 Interest £21.32 Court fees £25 Solicitors costs £104 Total £250.32 This is for parking at cavendish retail park in keighley on 10/04/2014 I intend to fight this all the way. I have signed up on MCOL and sent an acknowledgement of service so I now have approximately 20 days to get my defence together. I am also about to sent the CPR 316 request to BW Legal. Can this be done via Email? Is there anything else I should be doing in the meantime? I'm going to spend this week searching the forums for what to include in my defence but any advice would be more than welcome. There were 2 drivers named on the car at the time and the number plate had been changed a few months earlier to a private plate so there is a chance the old reg could have been entered by mistake. (Details are a bit hazy as the incident was 3 years ago) Would excel have a record of all the registrations entered from that long ago on their machines to prove one way or another??? I look forward to hearing from you guys in the know! Regards Kaffee
  9. Hi, Today I've received a parking charge notice from Excel Parking Services Ltd for a car park that I frequently park (and pay) at. This ticket came about because I normally pay online using RingoGo - but in this once instance I was catching an unusually early train and the RingoGo payment application reported that the carpark was closed even though the physical signage reports 24 hours opening. As a result I was unable to buy my ticket and hence received the ticket. £100 (or even the reduced £60) charge seem extortionate, particular considering I'm a frequent customer and have probably spent > 300 paying parking here. Do I have any chance at successfully appealing this? Date of the infringement - 07/03/2017 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 14/03/2017 Date received - 17/03/2017 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] - no Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Unknown - notice says photographic evidence is held on file in accordance with DPA Have you appealed? {y/n?] - No, not yet Who is the parking company? - Excel Parking Services Limited Where exactly - Brewery Street Car Park, Chesterfield For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. - IPC
  10. Hello guys i'm new here so looking for some help. i have a debt with penham excel for council tax with a notice of enforcement dated the 15th of march 2018. Of course i am liable for the debt totaling £255.00 £180 council tax arrears and £75 Complinace stage fee and i paid £100 by phone on the 9th of april. I then received a letter hand delivered by an enforcement officer stating that because he had attended my property on the 12th of april i now owed another £235 taking the total up to £490...i feel this is a bit cheeky of them and is it lawful? Thanks for any help you can give regards andrew
  11. First of all, thanks for the great forum and I am sorry that my first post is a request, it would have been nicer to have helped someone else first. In 2011, I received a parking notice from a privately owned car park. This was at st andrews retail park Hull (HU3 4EB). I initially disputed the notice by phone for the usual reasons that there is no contract and the car park is free for two hours, but also based on the sign and situation. I was only parked for about 10 mins as I popped into Wilko to get a fuse for the car. However, I had parked in a Taxi bay at the front of the car park. It doesn't look like it was part of the main car park at all and the standard Excel sign made no reference to not parking in a Taxi slot (not an official taxi rank, but a few spaces for taxis to wait), just the usual "Park within authorised bays, do not park to cause an obstruction, or obstruct other vehicles, entrances, exits, pedestrian walkways, doorways, emergency exits or emergency vehicle access." I disputed this by phone and then unfortunately ignored letters sent (which I have not kept all of them). I don't think that the sign is clear for parking in a taxi slot and there were no taxis. Also, it was a distress purchase. Now I have received a Claim Form (claimant Excel Parking) which appears to be from the County Court Business Centre (Northampton NN1 2LH). Also a letter from BW Legal titles Notice of County Court Claim Issued saying they have issued legal proceedings as I have failed to make a payment. The claim is £270 (£100 +£41.92 interest, court fees £25, Solicitors costs £104). They say they may enter a CCJ against me if I do not contact them or reply to the court claim. I am not sure what to do next. I don't want to go to court and this looks official. Does this mean that I already have a court claim against me? Any help appreciated and I am more than happy to donate to the site for any advice received. I hope that I have given enough information.
  12. I received 2 parking charge notices from Excel Parking for alleged contraventions of their conditions. The first was for parking on 15/05/2017 and the PCN issue date was 06/06/2017 the second was for parking on 17/5/2017 and the PCN issue date was 05/06/2017. There is absolutely no question that the appropriate tickets were purchased, displayed correctly and we did not overstay their duration. On one occasion my partner purchased the ticket and the other I did, so it would be doubtful if we inputted the wrong registration number although as the last letter of our registration is O it may have been possible that we both inputted a 0 (zero) I appealed these PCN’s (and may have implicated the driver i.e. stating the purchaser of the ticket) but they have both been rejected on the basis that no similar registration numbers were found in their system at that time. Their ‘independent’ appeals service is IAS who I believe from internet searches are an ‘in house’ company which rarely uphold appeals. I have now requested logs from the machine as I have now discovered (from another forum) that other people have had the same issue during that period in May 2017. I now have only a few days until the 14 day dead line for appeals is up before they increase the charge from £60 to £100 for each notice. If I can get any help on this forum which will help me sort this situation I will happily donate half the saving i.e. £60 to the forum fund.
  13. Came home to a letter dated 1/9/17 from Excel informing me my "account" has been passed to BW legal, and a letter dated 1/9/17 from BW legal stating same. It's an ANPR PCN, date of contravention 25/6/17, contravention - "parked without purchasing a valid pay & display ticket", location - Peel Centre Pay & Display Car Park Stockport, balance due £160 (£100 PCN charge plus Excel's "initial legal costs of £60", ha ha, very funny). "As you have failed to make a payment or raise an appeal within 28 days from the date of the PCN, the Balance Due remains outstanding and we require payment in full within 16 days from the date of this letter. If you fail to make payment or provide reasons for non payment blah blah legal proceedings blah County Court blah CCJ blah blah future creditworthiness and employability blah" and so on. The letter doesn't state where the vehicle was parked, for how long, why the ticket was invalid (wrong reg? expired? by how long?). I haven't received any previous correspondence relating to this. AT ALL. I wasn't the driver, and wasn't at the Peel Centre that day. The driver got into a tizzy that day, couldn't remember the reg (to enter at the ticket machine) then couldn't remember where she'd parked the car, and now can't remember whether or not she even bought a ticket, had anything stuck to the windscreen, or how long she was there for. Is this a simple one line denial letter job or what?
  14. In 2014 i received a letter from Excell over a parking fine. As i was the keeper of the car i wasent the driver . I passed it to the driver and he sent a copy of the ticket to Excel he then got a reply saying he was parked in a disabled space he replied again saying he wasent. Nothing was heard again until June 2016 when i got a letter from BW legal demanding 154 pounds, while going on varies web sites a great number of people told me to ignore. After many letters since it has gone up to 248pounds 22 pence and court papers. The courts are offering small claims mediation service should i go down that route or go to court please help thank you
  15. Morning Caggers, Received a letter from BW Legal yesterday re an alleged parking offence at an Excel car park dating back to 2013!! The Excel parking letter is stating that "Your account has been passed to our legal team" BW Legal have said the following: Contravention Description: Parking without displaying a valid ticket/permit Contravention Location: Peel Centre, Stockport Anpr Charging Scheme Std (60-100) "We have been instructed by Excel Parking Services Ltd in relation to the Balance Due for the above PCN. For the avoidance of doubt, the Balance Due includes the £100.00 PCN charge plus Our Client's initial legal costs of £54.00, which are detailed in the car park terms and conditions. As you have failed to make a payment or raise an appeal within 28 days from the date of the PCN, the Balance Due remains outstanding and we require payment in full within 16 days from the date of this letter. If you fail to make payment or provide reasons for non payment within the specified timeframe, we will seek Our Client's instructions to commence legal proceedings against you in the form of a County Court Claim Form in the County Court. What you need to do next It is important you contact us to resolve your account. We are keen to work with you and one of the quickest ways to review your account is to register on our Customer Portal by visiting [web address redacted]. On here you can make a payment, advise us of any disputes against the PCN, upload documentation to support your dispute and communicate with us via web chat. Call us today on 0113 323 4479 if you would prefer to discuss your account with one of our helpful team. County Court Proceedings In the event County Court proceedings are issued you may be liable for Court fees, further solicitors' costs and statutory interest. Should we successfully obtain a County Court Judgement ("CCJ"), this may have a detrimental effect on your future creditworthiness and employability. Our Client also reserves the right to commence enforcement proceedings against you for recovery of the Balance Due. Your faithfully BW Legal ----------------------------------------------------- i'm guessing this is a file under B issue or have things changed? Thanks in advance guys
  16. Please can you help The background is, I drive a company vehicle which is obviously registered to my employer. In July 2015, I parked on a car park which I thought was free to park in, but it turns out it wasn't (though has since been made a free to park car park) Neither myself nor my company received a penalty notice, however in May, BW Legal sent a letter which has been seen several times on this forum. I replied, following advice lifted from this forum, stating: "Dear Sirs Your ref: xxxxxxxxxx I refer to your letter dated 19th May 2016. Firstly, I have no intention of paying the money demanded by your client and any court proceedings will be vigorously defended. Second, should it be your clients intention to start court proceedings,they must provide a Letter Before Claim which complies with the requirements of Annex A Paragraph 2 of the Practice Direction on Pre-action conduct. Please note that a failure and/or refusal to comply with the Practice Direction will result in a complaint being made to the court and an application for a stay of action and costs pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 4 of the Practice Direction on non compliance and sanctions. In the meantime,you should note that this charge is disputed and you must now refer this matter back to your client and cease and desist all contact with me. Failure to do so will result in a complaint to the Credit Services Association. I trust I have made myself clear. Yours faithfully" ----- Today, we have received correspondence, along with a photo of my number plate, the letter says: "We write in reference to the above matter and enclose: * Photographic Evidence of the Contravention; Please contact our offices on to discuss this matter further. Failure to contact us within 7 days of this letter may result in us seeking our clients instructions which may result in further legal action and costs being added to your Balance Due." --- The photo is a black and white on of my number plate. Any advice on how I should proceed would be much appreciated. Thanks
  17. Hi all, first post and looking for advice/plan of attack. Parking Notice relates back to 15 May 2012. I was registered keeper but not using the vehicle at the time (I was in bed after a night shift!) The car park in question is free for 1 hour and no option to pay. The notice relates to an over stay. The original paperwork from June 2012 showed photo evidence of the vehicle, but no image of the driver. I don't have this anymore. binned it 6 months ago thinking this had gone away. BW Legal are now involved and I've sent them one denial letter. I did state I was going to complain to the CSA and SRA but got sidetracked and didn't get round to it. BW have responded with 2 letters. 1 dated 31 Oct. The main point being "We can confirm that our client does not intend to rely upon the Protection of Freedom Act 2012. as such we do not accept your assertions regarding payment. In the absence of driver details we are instructed to recover the suns due from you". The second letter looks to be a bog standard Final Notice letter dated 2 November. They have tried to call me once, but ignored it. Would be grateful for advice on my next actions and pointers to any CSA and SRA templates if needed. In this case, I genuinely wasn't the driver!!!! Thanks in advance
  18. My partners car was stationary in a car park on 06/01/2017. There is a fee payable of 50p for 1 hours parking. The driver of the car went to the machine, realised they didn't have change for it, and returned to the car. The car left. The Reg keeper wasn't driving. When they got back to the car, a plastic envelope with a piece of printed cardboard was inside with the name MyParkingCharge.co.uk on. It has a serial number on it and a date only, hand written. It has no offence date, time, day, location, penalty details, appeal details or registration number of the car. As far as I can see, reading the rules - PoFA 2012, this is an invalid NTD. The date on this card was 06/01/2017. On 19/01/2017 my partner as the Reg Keeper, has received a Notice to Keeper (NTK) letter from Excel Parking. This has all the day, date, time, location car registration and contravention details. The issue date of the NTK is 13/01/2017, but was only received on 19/01/2017. The NTK doesn't mention PoFA act. It states the appeal services is IAS, and Excel are a member of the International Parking Community - IPC. The NTK has no ANPR information or pictures of the car or contravention. I am composing an email to DVLA for the intentional abuse of the PoFA rules Excel and the DVLAs breach. As the NTD is flawed (in my opinion) approaching DVLA is improper and the issuing of the NTK within 28 days means the Reg Keeper is not liable, only the driver. Any thought for suggestion on how to proceed would be gratefully received. NOTE. There is no ANPR on this car Park.
  19. My wife visited Iceland store and she forgot to buy a ticket. Received today an 'invoice' for £60/£100 as ANPR detected our car for a 37 min stay without a ticket. I am the registered keeper although it was the missus driving. Please any advice to appeal this PCN would be greatly appreciated. I have attached a copy of the pcn
  20. Had a visit from bailiff at 7am this morning, this years council tax!!2015-2016.. didn't let them in and don't intend to, car was outside but in my son's name. ..he asked for log book and insurance...(isn't log book enough proof?)... . Now he has seen those documents would it be illegal for him to attempt to clamp it? If I don't leave them in will it just be sent back to the council and bailiff fees removed? shall i just wait? I asked the council if i could make an arrangement to pay and they said make it with Excel not us ...anything i can do about this? The bailiff threatened to call the police when i wouldn't leave him in, can they do this? I assume the bailiff will try calling again? Thanks
  21. Hi everyone, I parked my car at the Peel Centre in Stockport to pickup an item which was reserved for me in Argos. Its my first visit at the Peel Centre and no doubt will be the last. Upon arrival there were no visible signs or parking machines around the perimeter so I gathered the parking was free. I went to the store to pickup the item but was told it was reserved by their other store just around the corner. The staff asked if I parked my car here, I replied yes and so she advised me to leave the vehicle here and its only a 5 minute walk. I took her advice but didn't return until an hour later after experiencing a small queue at the store and receiving a phone call from a friend. When I returned back, there was no ticket on my windscreen and so I left the Peel Centre. 12 days later I received a PCN from Excel parking via post demanding payment of £60 within 14 days. I contacted Argos and asked to speak to the store manager but was told there was nothing could be done which was disappointing. Since then, following the advice I received from my friends after the experience they've had from other parking companies, I continued to ignore all letters and correspondence relating to Excel. Currently I'm at the stage in which I received a letter from Wright Hassall solicitors demanding final payment of £180 within 14 days or else a CCJ will be imposed upon me which will have impact on future loans and credit rating. I have searched a lot of forums relating to this matter and the majority of the people on here suggest to keep ignoring them since Wright Hassall has no grounds to issue a CCJ since their client is ZZPS Ltd who are debt collectors and not Excel Parking. Although it might sound crazy but do I continue to ignore Wright Hassall if this is the case? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  22. I have been issued with a notice for a car parking charge of £100 (reduced to £60 if paid within 14 days) for staying in an Iceland car park while shopping there. I've been there previously and paid the £1 for up to an hour (which is taken of your shopping bill at the till) but on this occasion I, genuinely, turned up with no change on me for the machine. My thought process at the time was "Well I'll be shopping in Iceand and I'll probably be out within 15 minutes" so I thought it wouldn't be a problem. The store was busier than expected so I was a little longer (24 minutes) having spent £25 in the store. Now, obviously, I'm in the wrong here as I didn't purchase a ticket. From my perspective, I was quite willing to but having no change on me, there was no alternative way to pay (no card machine). However, £100 for 24 minutes stay seems a little excessive to me, given that the purpose of the car park is for Iceland customers, of which, I was one. I no longer have the receipt of my transaction in store but I do have a bank record of the amount being taken from my account, as I paid by debit card. The date of "offence" was 02/11/15 The data of issue of the notice was 26/11/15 However, I only received this notice yesterday 02/12/15. It's a very similar notice that is discussed in the thread "Excel parking services ltd PCN" by "thugusher" dated 06/10/15 (sorry, I'm unable to enter a link to the post) At this point I have not contacted anyone regarding this, thinking I would be better to seek advice first. If anyone is able to offer me advice on what my next steps should be, I'd appreciate it, greatly.
  23. Hi Excel hceo called and left a demand for a PCN from my landlady, she does not live at my address but is abroad...the parking fine was originally 187, they have added 235 on now. What if they call back, what should i do?can they force their way in? Thanks
  24. I have received a Parking charge Notice from Excel Parking, a copy of which I have As you will see the notice alleges that the driver parked at the Peel Centre, Stockport on the 23/12/2015 and that the issue date for the notice was 06/01/2016, however I did not receive this notice until Monday 25th January. It states that I have 21 days to appeal, is this 21 days from the date of issue or 21 days from receipt of the Notice? If its from the date of the notice I am out of time. I would also appreciate any advice relating to the validity of their demand for money and what my next step is. In case it makes any difference the car was parked in the car park between 20:08 hrs and 21:19 hrs. The car park was badly lit at this time and no-one can recall seeing any signage telling them that it was a pay car park at night otherwise they would have paid. they were not from the area and only travelled there to visit a particular store. Thank you in anticipation of your help
  25. Hi All, Please can you help me out. My father received a letter from excel parking services over a year ago, after investigating them find tonnes of material online including watchdog stating i should ignore the letters, i did. The signage in the car park has not changed in year and is the same as the one in the watchdog video on youtube. Nothing else came through since then. However today i have received a letter from DCBL stating my father now owe £160. The letter reads. Notice of debt recovery Dear ......... Your overdue amount of £100 due to excel parking services limited in relation to an unpaid parking ticket has now been passed to DCBL (direct collection bailiffs limited) to recover the debt on their behalf. a futher £60 administrations and recovery fee has now been accrued therefore the total amount now due is £160.00. To ensure no further action will take place please make a payment ....... On the back of the letter it states. This case is not subject to high court or bailiff action. Do I need to pay or take any action ? As i have seen online this company sometime make the fees over £1000 !!! (Google race-to-600-parking-charge-begins-dcb) As the back said this is not subject to HC or Bailiffs should i do a ccj check just in case. Do I need to pay or take any action ? Do i need to email them a denial of payment ? Thanks all
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