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  1. 1 Date of the infringement.( 05/07/18 ) 2 Date on the NTK [24/07/18] 3 Date received ( 27/07/18 ) 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [no] 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? ( no ) 6 Have you appealed? {no] 7 Who is the parking company? ( Park with Ease ) 8. Where exactly [Whitlingham Country Park, Norwich, Norfolk ] For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. IPC A member of my family who is foreign, drove into Whitlingham Country Park in Norfolk stopped for 20 minutes to see what boating facilities there were then left, my family member drove out through the entrance by mistake, we are now incurring charges and threatening court letters. Any advice would be gratefully received
  2. I opened a current account with Halifax in June 2015 with a £250 overdraft facility which I used on a regular basis but cleared every month. In August 2016 I ran into financial difficulties due to an increase in overdraft fees, up to £100 per month. i wrote and explained I was suffering hardship and Halifax cancelled the fees for that month. By this time I was using payday loans to keep my head above water. I struggled along until January 2017 when I again claimed hardship and more charges were cancelled. However, the charges soon crept up to £80 or £90 per month as I was unable to clear my overdraft at the end of the month. In March I opened a current account with the Post Office and stopped using my Halifax account apart from making deposits to try and clear the O/D. In October I received a letter advising that my account would be closed in 2 months. I rang customer services and was advises that if ! paid £52 to clear the excess on my overdraft they would halt additional charges. I agreed to this but my next statement showed a further £40 had been charged . I think that is the maximum since they reviewed their charges. I wrote in December but got no reply or acknowledgement. I wrote again in January by recorded delivery but again received no reply last week when I was informed that the account had been passed to Wescot. I am unable to access my account but Im still getting emails saying there is important info in my message box. What do you suggest as my next step.
  3. Evening Peeps, newbie here. I used to be a member a long time ago and found the info on here very helpful. So thankyou ! I have now got a clean bill of health on my credit score, but still owe debts to various DCA's. My question is - can a DCA still try and issue a CCJ, even after say 8 years of the original default account ( notice of default has been isssued ) - my accounts have ALL dropped of the various CRA's as they all defaulted many years ago ( over six years ago ) - I am still paying them via a DMP. To summarise all debts are over 8 years old now. And I am still paying them. They just dont appear on my Credit Reference Agencies. Are these debts still enforceable in a court of law ? Lets assume than none of the DCA's have the original CCA's ? Thanks for any info, will be much appreciated, but cannot find this information, having trawled the forums. Big love and respect ! x
  4. Major crackdown on abuse of 'debt' judgement by rogue parking and utility firms is announced Ministers will pledge action on abuse of county court judgments by rogue firms Anyone who has had a CCJ without their knowledge will have it removed The Govt plans to immediately set aside all backdoor CCJs for those who can prove to a judge that they did not know about it when it was passed. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5214075/Action-debt-judgement-rogue-firms-abuse-announced.html
  5. I am struggling to close PayPal and EBay accounts of my late Husband. Using the contact us forms doesn't appear to produce any contact from either of them. Has anyone had experience of closing these accounts - thank you.
  6. Hi all, I cancelled my vehicle insurance over the phone and was told that there was nothing more to pay, which surprised me as I thought there would be a cancellation fee, even though it was only 6 weeks until the policy ended. I then received a letter in PDF format via e-mail stating that I had cancelled my policy with a breakdown of how much I'd paid etc and then it stated that there was a NIL BALANCE. It was signed. I then received another letter in the same format telling me I had to pay a cancellation fee of over £150! I phoned them and they said that this was an error. 2 months later I received a letter from a "Solicitors" (DCA) saying that I owed this amount plus fees. I phoned them and explained, and then e-mailed them with the attached PDF stating I owed nothing. They then replied saying that because the letter stated at the bottom "this is subject to change" then the debt is enforceable but they would speak to the OC and get back to me. They have got back to me saying that the original letter was an error and that I do owe the amount stated. Here is a copy of my e-mails to them and the ones they have sent back. "Dear Ms XXXX * Further to your recent email, we have been in contact with the client and this is the response we have received:* * 'The letter attached to your original email was incorrect, this letter was followed by the attached letter advising of the outstanding balance'* * Please see attached document.* * You have an outstanding balance, therefore please contact us on 01707 XXXX to discuss payment methods, quoting your reference number:*XXXX Kind Regards, * Insurance Collections Bureau. " My reply to them. "Dear sirs, * I have spoken to my solicitor about this and showed him the attached. * He has advised me that, although the original creditor states it is an error, one cannot just send out a letter stating that there is no debt, and then simply decide that there is. The letter is signed and dated. * I therefore consider the matter closed and any further correspondence from you will incur a*charge of £12.50*for my time. However if you would like to discuss this further with my solicitor, Mr. Andrew XXXXXXXX, would you be happy to contact him directly in writing? * Regards, " Their reply: "Thank you for your recent email. With regards to this, I advise you or your solicitor to contact the client directly as we have advised you of their response, we will continue with our process until advised otherwise by the client.* Additionally, we do not have a contract with you, therefore you cannot charge us anything. Kind Regards," My question is, shall I ignore them for now? Or just send them an invoice straight away? I don't believe I owe them anything at all. Also I am considering sending them a section 40 notice (administration of justice act) but I will of course be sending that by recorded post.
  7. Hi I received the letter below yesterday from a debt recovery agency, I did receive a PCN last year whilst parked at the shopping centre but I can't remember the date I have until now ignored all communication and binned the letters they sent as this is what I did last time I got one of these things quite a few years ago, although now I have seen the advice is no longer to just ignore them, worked last time though The car park does have signs up all over the place about restrictions time limits etc and I do remember when I parked I wasn't able to park in the bay properly due to a van encroaching into the bay where I parked which meant I encroached into the next bay, I was parked for less than 10 minutes while I went to the chemist to pick up a prescription for my step son and when I came back had the pcn attached to my wind screen. The car park is free to park in so no loss of revenue was incurred and I didn't cause any damage by how I parked. I'm looking for advice as to how I should proceed from here as reading the forums ignoring it no longer seems to be the way to go. Thanks in advance. Darren Inkedparkcing charge_LI_NEW.pdf
  8. Hi, I bought some items from Thomann.de in December last year. Paid by Paypal. Got 'Payment accepted' notice and items arrived. A few weeks ago I get an e-mail from Thomann asking me to pay an outstanding balance. I thought it was some sort of phishing [problem], but after checking it out, everything seemed legit. I replied asking them what I owed them money for (at this point still assuming the order that was completed 4 months ago was, indeed, completed..) Apparently, my Paypal payment didn't go through at the time, but they sent the items anyway and opened an account.... I never received the supposed e-mail, and (as I pointed out in my reply) never responded to give this the OK... Thomann clearly weren't happy with that response as the next message contained a threat of a debt collection agency: In my response, I expressed my disappointment in them so readily resorting to threats, but also continued on the path to resolution: That was sent to them on Thursday (13th April). All the correspondence above were on the same day with messages about an hour apart. Today I get an e-mail from debt collectors.... I responded immediately with: Then I started searching the net for advice and found this place. Probably should have done that the other way round! So, where do you think I stand on all this? I think the two resolution offers I gave to Thomann are more than fair and reasonable considering the circumstances. They clearly disagree, but surely they don't have the right to pass onto a debt collector at this point?? edit: Forgot to add, the amount is £87.52
  9. Hi guys. After scanning through a few similar posts I thought it would be clearer to understand if I posted my own thread hi-lighting my own concerns specifically. Hope that's ok? I'll give an explanation of my situation then submit my questions. About 7 years ago I had a few outstanding debts on various overdrafts and c/cards etc. My wife and I owed around £4'500 in total. Nothing to get to worked up about. My wife and I seperated though and after a clean and simple divorce I was left trying to float the home finances alone. Living on half of our former income, things quickly started to spiral out of control. In the end I went to citizens advice who spoke to all the creditors and asked them to freeze all my overdrafts and cards etc and also freeze any interest charges. We arranged affordable repayment plans for each of them and all has worked well since then. One of the accounts was with Barclaycard. I owed around £1'500 and they kindly agreed a repayment plan of £12.00 per month. I set up a direct debit and all has been going great. I've never defaulted on a payment and I've watched the debt steadily fall. Just a few weeks ago I called them and asked if I could up the payments from £12.00 to £24.00 per month in order to clear the debt more quickly, as it was now down to a balance of just £429.00 I was told by the representative on the phone that it would be easier to leave the account as it is for a while as Barclaycard were in the process of transfering some accounts to another company who would be taking over the management of these accounts and collecting the remaining debts. I said I was not happy with this as my debt was with Barclaycard and it was them that I was in a contract. I explained to her that I could not see why it was ok for Barclaycard to suddenly change the contract. She tried to reassure me it was all ok but I insisted that I speak to her supervisor. After a minute or two another voice came on the line and told me not to worry and that it would be fine to up my repayments. If I wasn't happy to switch company's then no switch would be made. I hung up satisfied with the outcome. Then a week or so later I recieved a letter from Barclaycard dated the 10th Oct 2016 informing me that they have, and I quote... "closed and transfered your Barclaycard account to a company called Assett Link Capital (No.5) Limited. They've appointed Link Financial Outsourcing Limited to act on their behalf so they'll be looking after your account from now on" On the same day I also recieved a letter from Assett Link Capital confirming that Barclaycard had "Assigned" the account to themselves and that they in turn had appointed Link Financial Outsourcing Limited to service the account on their behalf. Included were contact and bank details to arrange payments with Link Financial. With all this looking so official and above board and not wanting to once again incur charges against the account, I went ahead and visited Link Financial's website and filled out the online direct debit form. I then recieved an email thanking me for my completing the Direct Debit set up form and that my information had been received and they would begin setting up my Direct Debit shortly. Although I wasn't happy at being forced into accepting this change I felt it was more important to stay on top of repayments rather than damage my now recovering credit score. I have since seen some online articles which have caused me to have concerns. So the questions I've been asking myself are as follows. 1) Am I in any danger of being defrauded by a fake company who have access to my personal banking information? 2) Are Barclaycard in breach of contract by handing my debt on to another debt recovery agency? 3) Barclaycard say they've "Closed" the account where as Assett link say Barclaycard have "Assigned" the account to them. Is this the same thing or are these companies being clever with their wording? 4) Now I have filled out the online direct debit form with Link Financial have I obligated myself to repay the outstanding sum to them. 5) If I have not obligated myself to make repayments to these other agencies and do try and challenge paying back the debt, will this have a damaging effect on my credit score? I appreciate your taking the time to read this, much longer than anticipated post, and look forward to any help and advice you good people may be able to offer. Thanks and regards. Skinz72
  10. Hello, its been a while since i've been here. Just looking for some advice. An old Halifax debt which was being handled by DrydensFairfax Solicitors and which I have been paying at £5 a month for ever, it seems, has been passed by them to Westcott. I just wanted to know if it is reasonable to send a CCA request to them before I change where I send the payment?
  11. For a couple of months my wife and i had to move into my father in laws council house to help care for him as he was in need of care. His wife had died and he lived with his son. The son took on the house tenancy jointly with his father along with my wife. Anyway shortly afterwards more suitable house was found for them as accommodation was not suitable for his needs. The house was examined room by room and passed by a inspector from the council.Who said only thing that needs to be done is all carpets to be moved out of premises. This was back in early July..And was carried out as said. A new tenant had moved in a month later. Moved out a couple of weeks later to new house and continued caring for a couple of months then he passed away. The council were informed of this. Now early in November a bill came for replacing kitchen sink unit and worktop costing 400 pounds.At the old property. Which after 14 weeks after vacating a passed property came as a shock. Also addressed to Passed away father in law and his son. Then we got in touch with the council who said they will look into it , took our phone number and they would get back in touch. Seemed quite concerned about this matter. However this last week a letter came saying despite previous reminders the amount is still outstanding. And must be made within 7 days otherwise your case will be referred to a DCA and also consider taking legal action which will incur substantial costs. So once again phoned the council who this time said there was no one to deal with this and to email a complaint.Which i am going to do shortly.On their behalf. But the seven days are up now and i suppose the debt will now be on its way to the DCA. Personally i would rather go to court and tell the judge what i feel about this and fight it.But feel i am not being given much choice. Feeling harassed and threatened really with a bad credit file. Now personally i would pay if this was justified.But in my mind is clearly not. I enjoy standing my ground when needed.And want to help. What would you do.
  12. To quickly outline my problem; I gave Vodafone 30 days notice to end my contract with them on 1st June 2015 (been with them for donkeys years (bills always paid,never missed one!) .Felt like a change so EE looked like a better bet for mobile internet .A week or so later Vodafone offered me an S6 phone at a very good rate to keep me so I took it ,the customer (dis)services operative arranged the phone delivery for the following Saturday morning,great!. Saturday morning came and went-no phone. Called VF (Vodafone) to query why my new shiny phone hadn't arrived and was told "Oh sorry,it hasn't actually been ordered", I straight away cancelled the order on the phone with this person (as I was entitled to with the 14 days cancellation agreement) and also informed them that I wished my contract to be cancelled as per the 30 days notice I had previously given,this was agreed and that was that. THIS WAS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!!!!. After the 30 days notice was up,happy with my new EE phone, i noticed my old VF sim card was still working ,phone VF customer (dis)services and "Sorry sir,i'll sort that out straight away for you") .And so started 3 months of chasing Vodafone to actually cut off my phone and end my contract. In that time I must have phoned them 20 times ,spoke to Egypt ,India, South Africa, Scotland, England etc, every call taking a minimum of 30 minutes or so whilst I had to explain myself. I've spoken to just about every department they have, heard the promises of "I'll make sure this gets done for you" EVERY and I mean every time.... .and of course nothing ever happens, AND they just don't bother to get back to you. I received a letter from them about a week ago saying my phone services had been suspended???? REALLY!! and I should pay for the 2 months outstanding (the 2 months AFTER I ended the contract). I again contacted them, and the really pathetic thing is, when I now phone them, I ask the person I'm speaking to, to look at the notes on my account BEFORE we speak. They all, without fail, come back after looking and can immediately see that its Vodafones mistake that the account is still showing as active with payments outstanding. I always then get the apology and the "I'll make sure this get sorted sir". I fired off an email to the Chief Executive last Friday, i got a reply, obviously from an admin person, asking for my details the next day, sent them and waited with baited breath... ....still waiting!. Phoned again today, got passed to 3 people, the final of which told me "I'll go and get the account sorted and make sure customer (dis)services put a zero balance on your account a nd I will get back to you within the next hour or so"..... .obviously I didn't get a call back, didn't really expect one really and am exasperated with their disgusting treatment of loyal customers by their poorly trained staff. Final straw this evening is an email from Ardent credit services saying I need to contact them urgently ref my outstanding bill with Vodafone. I have and always have had a good credit history, no CCJ'S etc etc and this is precisely the thing which may ruin that through no fault of my own. VODAFONE - YOU SHOULD HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME!!!!!!!
  13. Hi All Little bit of advice please. I have received a letteri today from HPH2 Ltd stating an old barclaycard debt I have been paying to MKDP LLP for the last two years has been passed onto Robinsons Way who will now be managing my account. My question is, as I have not received any letter from MKDP LLP confirming this, should I contact Robinsons to arrange to carry on payments or should I wait to hear from MKDP LLP before making contact. Also will my monthly direct debiti be transferred automatically or will I have to set a new one with Robinsons. Dont want to contact them unless I have to. Also am I correct in thinking that the requested "income/expenditure" request is just that a request and I dont have to comply if I do not wish to. Thanks for any help/info on this
  14. Hi all When I moved my mentally disabled son into his flat in 2008, I contacted all utilities to register him. Eon took on the electric but said no gas was registered there. I knew gas was supplied to the flat as there was a boiler. Eon gave me a Gas number to ring saying that held all records of properties listed as being supplied with gas. I rang them and they confirmed they had no gas registered at that address. Moving on to 2013, the gas board heavies turned up at my son's flat, threatening to break in if he didn't let them in and installed a pre-pay meter and made him sign something. He was so distressed and confused, as was I. The gas man said an error had been made and that his gas was registered at another number. He now owes around £1500. He is on benefits and couldn't afford the gas so his flat got very mouldy and he recently moved out to live with his friend. He gave no forwarding address but Pastdue have just sent him a letter saying British Gas have past the debt onto them and now he needs to pay. We don't know how they got his new address but that's beside the point. The point is, I don't know what to do to help him. He is registered as mentally disabled and lives on benefits. I have taken this on because he can't cope with things like this. Do we contact Pastdue and offer £1 a month or something or do we contact British Gas and dispute the bill? Hoping someone in the know will be able to help. Thanks in advance
  15. To be honest I'm a little unsure on if this issue is beyond the scope of this group by want to ask for advice anyway. I've been working for a security company for a number of months that deal with various events all over the place etc. Done countless jobs for them and never any issues regarding my work, ability or conduct. Only I was supposed to be working a particular event for a few days. Nothing unique or special about the event in the slightest and I've worked a number of similar such events and countless 1 off jobs that's similar. But the company in question, without notice has cancelled this upcoming event work (and ALL upcoming work\jobs into December I had booked with them) citing a failed police PNC check they claim they do for all these events that directly instructs the company not to let me work this event!. The company has now placed me on "special leave" and cancelled this particular event work and all upcoming work. Now working in security and for this particular company I was recruited as an SIA qualified worker I fully understand they would have to carry out extensive legal checks, more so in dealing with events that involves constantly dealing with the general public in various situations. For the interview I had to provide an enhanced CRB certificate (which actually came as part of my SIA training), which was completely clean and clear of anything, my SIA badge\licence (which in itself would require extensive background checks to grant I'd have thought), training & qualification certificates etc. Everything was fine until this week never a problem or any issues working any event or job. Then I get this email putting me on special leave and removing me from all work citing a failed police PNC check that the company did for this event. So I call the company to try and find out what the hell is going on as ive bills to pay and a family to support and I know full well there is no legal issues preventing me working and I have a 100% completely clean record and background. This is where things start to get somewhat deceptive and defensive from the company I start to feel. They tell me for all such events like this the company does police PNC checks on all staff members that work these such events. Really I ask?, I've worked at least 3 other identical\similar events and if they do these PNC checks each time for all staff then clearly I've passed them, at least 3 previous apparent employer requested PNC checks so there must be an error I point out. I ask what's unique about this event that would cause a failed police PNC check?. Nothing unique they tell me except that it's the events project manager who requests these police PNC Checks on all staff working the event and that the Human Resources person I spoke to claims the project manager (in charge of the event) had received an email back from the police in response to the police PNC check instructing the company that I'm not allowed to work at this event. I plead with the company to accept this must be an error and to double check with the events project manager as they done their own checks when they first interviewed me, have a copy of my completly clean enhanced CRB certificate, had made apparent previous police PNC checks, the last (if a genuine claim) would have been less than 2 weeks previous to this claimed failed PNC check and if anything was going to flag up it would have done so a long time ago. The company dont seem to want to know or help much at all leaving me in limbo. Getting nowhere with the company I visit the police and explain it all to them in the hope they can at least check my name on there PNC. But they can't seem to help or offer a solution either. Except to say I'd have to apply for a police PNC check myself which would take several weeks. But they did suggest the only thing, due to a clean enhanched CRB certificate that could cause issues is anything post CRB dated, which there is nothing. Any advice as I'm lost on this and get the feeling the company is lying about something?. As surely they can't make multiple PNC checks if at all without written concent?. And surely a police PNC check would return a list of issues than simply give an instruction not to let me work this event?. Something don't sound right here about all this.
  16. I moved house on 1st December and notified the court by email on the 7th December. I'd missed 3 weeks of payments and on the 30th November they passed the fine to collectica. I didn't find this out until the 8th of December when they rang me. I immediately paid the rest of the fine online directly to the court but they are saying they are going to pass my payment to collectica and that collectica are going to take their fees off the amount I paid thus leaving the fine unpaid and me back at square one. I just want to know if they are allowed to do this? If not is there anything I can do?
  17. My first contribution to this site. I owe the Co-operative Bank money on a credit card and had problems with repayments. They were being quite unpleasant about it (I had asked for a 'breathing space') in one week claimed to have passed my debt onto a collection agency and then said they were taking me to court. I wrote to the CEO Niall Booker and he sorted things out and I received an apology and a cheque for £75. its worth going straight to the top. I also discovered that Phil Burrows who I received a lot of post from doesn't actually work there anymore! Is this normal for a bank to continue using the name of an ex-employee on their letters? Does Phil Burrows know?
  18. Hi, I think I'm in a similar situation. I recently received a letter from Cabot saying that they had bought an account that I held with LLOYDS TSB - Credit Card. The first letter was dated 19th November 2015. Subsequently I have received two additional letters the last being, I imagine, the same as above (parksey78), just a form wanting pesrsonal details and income/ outgoings. I genuinely have no knowledge of this account and I was therefore about to send the template letter regarding 'no knowledge' when I came across a similar thread suggesting that it maybe better to wait. I have two questions, the first is should I wait until I get something more substantial from Cabot as you have advised elsewhere and two what is the reason why you would suggest not sending the 'no knowledge' letter at this stage? Is it simply to avoid entering into any form of dialogue with them? Thanks in advance.
  19. Yesterday my mother sadly passed away and I have no idea in the slightest what to do regarding benefits. Theres so much to do already. Firstly I understand I will have to contact the DWP asap to get mums DLA stopped? Next, what do I actually do about my funds? I was on carers allowance for a few years for looking after my mum. In November my mental health problems deteriorated and I had to come off carers allowance to allow me a month or so to work on my own health. It's a very slow process getting help for mental health problems but as the ball was rolling I re-applied for carers allowance at the start of January since I started doing 35+ hours of care a week again for my mum. Unfortunately about a week after submitting the claim online, mum's illness declined and around the middle of January she was taken to hospital. She spent over 2 weeks in hospital and then the other day was moved to a hospice and she passed away yesterday. What can I do? I have heard nothing regarding my claim being processed yet. From what I can remember she will be sent forms to sign confirming that I am her carer but she is no longer with us of course. What do I say to the DWP? I dont think people get paid carers allowance if the person is in hospital so do I just tell them I only want to claim it backdated for 1 week (The time between applying and mum going to hospital). I had income support with carers allowance but when I cancelled my carers allowance I was oddly still being paid £91 income support every 2 weeks... Citizens advice did say income support is paid in arrears so maybe it's that? Or could it be I need to cancel income support as well? (I assumed that because CA entitled me to IS, that is CA was cancelled, IS would be too). Then it's the question of what now? IS entitles me to full housing benefit and a fair bit of council tax reduction, without that I have no money to actually pay my rent. So what do the government expect me to do? Give up my home and live on a family members sofa? Or to sign up for JSA? Even though I am clearly unfit to work at the moment but cant claim any disability benefits as mental health problems are never seen as a reason to not have to work. I just cant see how at a time like this when there is so much to do (arrange funeral, register death, close mums bank accounts, mourn etc) how the government can expect me to phone them up to get all of my money stopped and then end up losing my home too. Thanks
  20. Hi all, I have a old capital one debt that had been passed to shoosmiths from cabot, I have just received court claim forms from county court business centre. I won't go into the personal issues that led to this etc but i owe the money. Is it to late now to avoid a ccj by arranging a payment plan with shoosmiths or cabot? Is the only option now to accept the ccj? Thanks
  21. I opened a new claim for Jobseeker's Allowance last week and I do not have a claimant commitment yet, since they won't give me anything until next week. I was made to come in again this week and they have sent my details forward to a company, who will arrange an interview with me for a job. The job is of absolutely no benefit to me. I am already working part-time on a Saturday, which they know about. The job they have put me forward for is Saturday's only, clashes with my current part-time job, has more hours and pays less. It is also a job with no skill set required and no hopes of career progression. The part-time job I currently have is relevant to my degree and will lead to full time employment this summer. I didn't give them permission to pass my details on. Have they breached the Data Protection Act?
  22. Hi All, Please can you help me out. My father received a letter from excel parking services over a year ago, after investigating them find tonnes of material online including watchdog stating i should ignore the letters, i did. The signage in the car park has not changed in year and is the same as the one in the watchdog video on youtube. Nothing else came through since then. However today i have received a letter from DCBL stating my father now owe £160. The letter reads. Notice of debt recovery Dear ......... Your overdue amount of £100 due to excel parking services limited in relation to an unpaid parking ticket has now been passed to DCBL (direct collection bailiffs limited) to recover the debt on their behalf. a futher £60 administrations and recovery fee has now been accrued therefore the total amount now due is £160.00. To ensure no further action will take place please make a payment ....... On the back of the letter it states. This case is not subject to high court or bailiff action. Do I need to pay or take any action ? As i have seen online this company sometime make the fees over £1000 !!! (Google race-to-600-parking-charge-begins-dcb) As the back said this is not subject to HC or Bailiffs should i do a ccj check just in case. Do I need to pay or take any action ? Do i need to email them a denial of payment ? Thanks all
  23. Hi all, Newbie here so please forgive me if this has been covered off elsewhere but I'm hoping for a quick bit of advice.... I made the mistake of leaving my car for 2 hours, 20 minutes and 3 seconds in a Highview car park on 11th December 2015. I'm certain that I was still present in the car for at least 20 minutes prior to leaving the car on a call, and any CCTV would back this up, doubt that's particularly relevant though. Anyhow, I've changed address since and have received no communication, or engaged in any form of dialogue with Highview Parking Ltd. As such I've had a lovely letter from DRP arrive in the post yesterday, informing me they've tracked me down via whatever CIA / Interpol (DVLA) database, and that if payment is not forthcoming with 14 days they'll be taking my wife, house and dog hostage... I've been researching all the advice on here relating to Highview, and despite the infinite wisdom of Facebook friends telling me to ignore it I'm not totally comfortable with that course of action and intend to lodge an appeal, follow this through and defend myself in court should that day come. To the point of this post.... I'm slightly confused by the status of my PCN.... My first course of action was attempting to appeal the PCN via their own website, this redirects to "w w w. pcnphoto .com". Upon entering my PCN and registration I receive the following message.... Your PCN has been cancelled. If you have any further enquires contact us by email so that our team may assist you directly." Following this I followed the "Pay Now" link on the Highview website, this redirected me to the parking charge payment website and a table of the PCN details including, Reg, PCN number, Date of Violation, Location, Time In, Time Out, Duration, Current Fee Due.... All of the details are present and correct however, the current fee, and total payable, both show as £0.00. Arrival & Departure pictures are also "temporarily unavailable" Is this due to the PCN being passed to DRP for collection or can I take this as off the hook? Thanks in advance guys! James
  24. First of all, thankyou for being here. Your advice to others about RLP really supported me during the past year. About a year ago I was accused of shoplifting in Tesco while using the shop and scan for my household shopping. I didn't intend to steal but I accept that things were in my trolley that I hadn't scanned or paid for, and my only excuse is that I was having extreme anxiety and depression problems at the time, and my mind used to wander, esp while shopping. I was detained in the back for 2 hours while they waited for the police, eventually they were told the police were not interested, and I was told to sign this RLP form which I refused to do. I was banned from the store for 6 months. We phoned Tesco the next day and were told that they were not pursuing the matter, I got some medication sorted out, and am now much much better. I now shop online and have never set foot near Tesco again. About a month later I received my first letter from RLP. I found this forum and followed the advice to ignore, so I did. I got about 4 letters then nothing this past 6 months or so. Have now received a letter from a debt collection agency "Capital Resolve" asking for £171.48. They seem to be legit from their website. They have named as their client "RLP on behalf of Tesco". What do I do? They want a response by 5th July.
  25. Hi-at last I have the scanner and here are first of them-Amex-CCA they sent and new letter from NCO-do I ignore it or reply please
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