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Found 13 results

  1. Evening Peeps, newbie here. I used to be a member a long time ago and found the info on here very helpful. So thankyou ! I have now got a clean bill of health on my credit score, but still owe debts to various DCA's. My question is - can a DCA still try and issue a CCJ, even after say 8 years of the original default account ( notice of default has been isssued ) - my accounts have ALL dropped of the various CRA's as they all defaulted many years ago ( over six years ago ) - I am still paying them via a DMP. To summarise all debts are over 8 years old now. And I am still paying them. They just dont appear on my Credit Reference Agencies. Are these debts still enforceable in a court of law ? Lets assume than none of the DCA's have the original CCA's ? Thanks for any info, will be much appreciated, but cannot find this information, having trawled the forums. Big love and respect ! x
  2. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobisystems.editor.office_registered
  3. I was in horrendous debt when my husband left me with all the family debt and bills and no income slowly I managed to work my way out of things and paid off what I could. I took the ensuing years of bad credit rating on the chin and ploughed on watching my credit file with all my statute barred dates marked in my diary, overjoyed when they started dropping off. Suddenly I noticed my credit rating dropping again but couldn't work out why. Today I logged in and saw that with one year to go before SB, Moorcroft have appeared with a defaulted debt Also having lost my CCJ last year suddenly out of nowhere I have one for £400 odd again with the SB date for a years time! I had no clue about that one, where has it been all this time and why just appear now?! It feels like I will never be debt free! Is there anything I can do? Surely if I had this CCJ it would have appeared before now. It's been 5 years since the date of it.
  4. But rejoice fellow members who've already had a Loan from them... I bring Festive News.... They are part of a larger umbrella of companies that offer loans all around the world. The above is taken from a US Article.
  5. Back in 2007 i had taken out a loan with these [problem] artists Just checked my Noddle Report and it has appeared, no default or negative markers but:: Account End date: June 2014 WTF?? Name Mr XXX XXX Address XX XX XXX Date of birth XX/XX/XXXX Account type Advance Against Income Account number **************XXXX Account start date XX/XX/2007 Account end date XX/XX/2014 Opening balance £ 100 Payment start date XX/XX/2007 Repayment frequency Periodically Status history Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2014 UC ST
  6. does anyone have any contact emails for pounds till payday as I want to dispute a loan i have with them, any success stories about disputed defaulted loans would be good to know as well
  7. So far I have had several successes with Wageday Advance, Lending Stream and MyJar, and I still have several ongoing complaints with other pdl companies. With regards to Pounds till pay day, having read through a lot of the other threads its seems that as they were not based in the UK when I originally got loans from them then its quite unlikely to get a resolve. However, they have not even responded to my complaint, despite following their complaints policy. They have totally blanked me. My question is now that the 8 weeks is here, can I complain to the ombudsman based on this? that they have failed even to respond to my complaint. Its was sent after they became UK registered and therefore having to abide by the regulations. I know the FO problably will not look into my complaint re: loans, surely now they should follow their complaints procedure? Any advice before I attempt to go to the FO gladly received.
  8. Hi This is my first post but I have been an interested reader of the forum for a couple of years. Any help I receive would be greatly appreciated. I have defaulted on my car finance with money barn. I haven't paid a third yet but my circumstances have recently improved so I would be able to pay the arrears monthly along with the standard repayment. Moneybarn are not interested though so I was hoping to avoid the time order fee by waiting for me to be taken to court and asking for a suspension of the repossession order. Would this be a good tactic or is it illegal to hide the car and wait for the court date? I have gave up speaking to moneybarn as each person there is as rude as the previous. Many thanks for reading and I hope someone can advise me.
  9. Strictly, speaking this is not a subject that would normally feature on the 'bailiff discussion' section of the forum. However, with the subject matter regularly featuring on the popular TV series; Can't Pay We'll Take it Away' it may well assist some viewers. Anyone watching the TV series would have seen the many instances of a tenant is being evicted. Routinely, the tenants had been advised by their local authorities that in order to gain assistance with emergency housing, that they must remain in the property until the actual eviction. It would seem that this practice must stop. The following is taken from a recent article from the Sheriffs Office: Housing minister, Brandon Lewis has told all local authorities to stop routinely advising tenants to stay put until the enforcement agent arrives before they can be accepted as homeless. Mr Lewis has written to all the chief executives of local councils saying that households should not be put in this position, and clarifying the guidance about homelessness. In his letter he says, “Authorities should not routinely be advising tenants to stay until the bailiffs arrive; there is no barrier to them assisting the tenant before this. By doing this, local authorities miss a valuable opportunity to prevent homelessness.” Mr Lewis writes that the statutory Homelessness Code of Guidance, which local authorities are required by law to have regard to, is clear on this matter and contains guidance on how they should treat homelessness applications where a tenant has received a valid S21 notice. This is what Mr Lewis’s letter highlights about what the guidance states: -Housing authorities should not, in every case, insist upon a court order for possession and that no local authority should adopt a blanket policy in this respect. -If the landlord intends to seek possession and there would be no defence to an application for a possession order, then it is unlikely that it would be reasonable for the applicant to continue to occupy the accommodation. -Unless a local authority has very good reason to depart from the statutory guidance, then they should not be placing households in this position.
  10. The screens, which can tell a customers' age and gender, are being placed into petrol stations across the UK. Tesco is set to install hi-tech screens that scan customers' faces in petrol stations so that advertisements can be better targeted at them. The retailer will introduce the OptimEyes screen, developed by Lord Sugar's Amscreen, to all 450 of its UK petrol stations, in a five-year deal, according to The Grocer magazine. The screen, positioned at the till, scans the faces of customers to determine age and gender, and then runs tailored advertisements. The technology also adjusts adverts depending on the time and date, as well as monitoring customer purchases, The Grocer said. The screens are predicted to reach a weekly audience of more than five million adults. Simon Sugar, chief executive of Amscreen, told the industry magazine: "Yes it's like something out of Minority Report, but this could change the face of British retail and our plans are to expand the screens into as many supermarkets as possible." More: http://news.sky.com/story/1163551/tesco-face-scanners-to-target-till-adverts
  11. As I was shutting down the till at work the other day, there was a £30 discrepancy, this didn't worry me at the time as a few weeks previously there had been a £70 discrepancy and it turned out to be an office error, on top of this, another till on the floor on the same day as the most recent one also had a discrepancy of £60. I came into work yesterday and was called into the office for an investigation meeting where I was accused of taking the money from the till. I told them that I had someone stand with me when I was closing the till down, watching me count the money and also that the shop manager was also on the shop floor as she was attending the discrepancy on the other till on the floor. They told me that as I was the only person to use the till the entire day that it must have been me, the other problem is that there is no cctv in store to prove my innocence. I have now been suspended from work with pay. I feel absolutely terrible, I am so stressed, I feel so ill and cannot sleep, I feel like they have decided I am guilty already without any proof, I also feel discriminated against as I had gone in the same morning (before the investigation meeting) to ask for a wage advance, they asked in the meeting if the two were related? I felt that was a totally inappropriate judgement and has upset me even more? What can I do? I am so worried that am going to be fired because of something I didn't do! I hope someone can help me out.
  12. Early on last week, was called up stairs to speak to one of the support colleague, at this meeting I was told for the month of Jan, I have been £350 short while on the tills, thats alot of money to be short or missing from tills I have been on, about £30 per day based on my shifts done during Jan We went through the usual routine, did you count your change, were there any problems, did you give any one cash back, was you till left unlocked and unattended; these were answered to my best of my knowledge, and it was left there, and I returned to my checkout The next day, i was called up to see one of the key colleague, someone who is training to be a manager, now this took a different turn Was told to sit down and then told about the seriousness of thise till shorts, she produced a table, with names, and she points out, Im 4th on the table, and this is unacceptable, and I must do better, now my reply to her, was I not done anything wrong, why would I She now tells me, if this continues on in Feb, I will be investigated by the security manager, so I best buck up: Now I consider what she was say, and I believe indirectly she was accusing me of theft Now Im not to concerned about this, as in jan I was working 18 days in row, doing between 7-10 hr shifts Talking to other colleague find out they got the same spiel, and they felt the same, way they were alos being accused of theft It seems far to easy for the supermarkets to just blame the operator, now I have asked the manager, if they exhaust all means, do they ever find out what caused the till short...no they dont I believe I may get called up stairs once more, have done alot of hours, and been on more than on check out, so there bound to be some issue Questions Do I need to sign documents, in relation to till shorts Can I ask whta other colleague were on these tills, on the same day as me Can I request another colleague be present when this take place There maybe other thing I can ask, or do but dont know, mayvbe you can input aswell
  13. At the end of the month i will have to default on two loans one with Wonga and one with pounds till payday. I am unable to close my bank account as i have an overdraft but will get my wages paid into a different account. I will report my bank card stolen and cancel the CPA for wonga. I will then contact them asking for a repayment plan for over 12 months. I'm concerned about the payday loan with pounds till payday, i will cancel the direct debit but i cannot find any recent post regarding pounds till payday and repayment plans, has anyone got any recent experience???? Thanks
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