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Found 5 results

  1. Currently running at 87% of decisions same as original DM decision because.... This folks is why you should ignore the DWP and appeal! I'll give DWP DMs the benefit of the doubt here as although my last MR for DLA was refused.... the Mandatory Reconsideration DM actually didn't write against my new lower award but how I could win at appeal! Bizarre but true ! Reddit thread Rightsnet thread https://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/11271/
  2. Had a phone call from .......... saying that you can now reclaim your monthly payments paid to banks for packaged accounts such as Barclays Additions where the benefits were not fully explained.. No win, no fee but wanted 37% of any successful although were very happy to negotiate this fee... Is this the next big reclaim opportunity or bulls**t.
  3. The screens, which can tell a customers' age and gender, are being placed into petrol stations across the UK. Tesco is set to install hi-tech screens that scan customers' faces in petrol stations so that advertisements can be better targeted at them. The retailer will introduce the OptimEyes screen, developed by Lord Sugar's Amscreen, to all 450 of its UK petrol stations, in a five-year deal, according to The Grocer magazine. The screen, positioned at the till, scans the faces of customers to determine age and gender, and then runs tailored advertisements. The technology also adjusts adverts depending on the time and date, as well as monitoring customer purchases, The Grocer said. The screens are predicted to reach a weekly audience of more than five million adults. Simon Sugar, chief executive of Amscreen, told the industry magazine: "Yes it's like something out of Minority Report, but this could change the face of British retail and our plans are to expand the screens into as many supermarkets as possible." More: http://news.sky.com/story/1163551/tesco-face-scanners-to-target-till-adverts
  4. Many years ago a friend paid into a private pension for a couple of years until times were hard and he couldn't afford it any more. Every year the pension seemed to be worth less and less, and the transfer amount always made it a waste of time moving it. After about 25 years he took the pension as a triviality payment, but now wonders if there may have been some unfair charges which could be worth claiming back. What are the rules on what they could charge? The company was originally Target but over the years this changed several times, finally ending up as Abbey Life.
  5. Hi I would like to send a letter to my loan company offering them an increased payment monthly to clear off the arrears on my account. I have completed a budget sheet and will include this with my letter. Is there a template I can use, or can someone help me with the wording please. I have received default notices and i think the lender is taking legal action and looking to repossess. I want to stop this if possible please. Thanks.
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