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  1. Hi there I am going through my payplan accounts with a toothpick at the moment. And I found a confirmation letter from Apex regarding an old Lloyds account , confirming that the account has been settled thanks for paying blah blah blah....... I paid in full £1000 back in 2012. Yes paid blindly. I do not recognise the account number on the confirmation. I am trying to match the account up. ( I am going to process a SAR with Lloyds after the 24th ) - but want to start this now with Apex. Is there a standard template letter of sorts - that I can send to Apex asking where exactly where has my money gone ? What account was it used to pay off if ANY >????? hope someone can help. Thanks
  2. Forgive my Sherlock Holmes type topic header… I am in desperate need of some advice from you good people in this forum, as I have now hit a metaphorical brick wall. Some years ago I had an EGG credit card. The card had been used and in operation for about five and half years, during this time there had been no missed repayments. Then during mid 2009, the minimum repayments were inexplicably increased by around 50%. At the time it seemed that they were almost trying to engineer a default. I am self-employed and business wasn’t doing so well, so in May 2009 I wrote to EGG and explained this and made reduced repayment proposals to service the debt. I had no responses. After many unsuccessful attempts to contact them and elicit a response, I defaulted on the debt. In December of 2009 I received a letter from Fredrickson claiming that I had failed to make a repayment proposal (although I had done so on many occasions, plus sent them all by recorded post). Then, all went quiet for a long period of time… The first I knew of any sort of problem was when I received a CCJ "Judgment By Default" through the post in 2011. I was totally unaware that there had been a court summons issued to attend Bradford County Court. Not knowing about this, coupled with the fact that Bradford is nowhere near where I live, I missed it all. I then took it to my local court whereby Bryan Carter Solicitors became involved (representing Egg). The judge made the Interim Charging Order final and accepted my proposed terms of payment. Curiously, Bryan Carter Solicitors did not show up at the court, which did annoy the judge, but the rule of losing your case by non-attendance didn’t seem to apply to them – which in itself is bizarre and unfair. The upshot of all this is that I made arrangements to make repayments every calendar month to Bryan Carter Solicitors and this remained in place. I continued to pay this for the next two and a half years. After this time, my self-employed business hit further hard times and I had to cancel the repayments. This was a decision I did not take lightly, but I simply had to stop due to hardship. I informed Bryan Carter, but no response was received. Life carried on and I was (and still am) rebuilding my self-employed business. Recently, I decided that I wanted to resume the repayment plan and reinstate the standing order. On August 10 of this year, I sent a recorded “signed for” letter to Bryan Carter Solicitors requesting them for a statement of the account and asking if their standing order details are still valid. I even asked if they were still overseeing the Egg debt. I heard nothing back from my letter, despite knowing that it had been signed for on 14 August. I then came across articles on the Internet stating that Bryan Carter Solicitors had been dissolved. I am now very concerned for many reasons: During the time of I have been making repayments to Bryan Carter, I have never received a statement (or acknowledgement of monies received) What has been happening to my money? Who has got it? I am still confused how an unsecured credit card debt can find its way to morphing into a charge against my property, but it has happened. Having said that – how do I go about repaying this debt back (and to whom?) or getting rid of the charge against my property? Whom do I have to contact to get things moving again? Somehow, I feel that the finance industry has pulled a few stokes here and reverted to type. I just do not know which way to turn. The original credit card debt was around £8,000. It somehow reached over £9,000 during the court debacle – God knows what has being going on with this debt amount behind the scenes during this hiatus. This is why I need… HELP!!! CITIZEN XYZ
  3. MOD appeal for families of missing or killed soldiers from the Korean War READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mod-appeal-for-families-of-missing-or-killed-soldiers-from-the-korean-war
  4. Jail for travel agent who failed to explain missing thousands READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/jail-for-travel-agent-who-failed-to-explain-missing-thousands https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/former-travelogue-travel-agent-boss-15327351
  5. Hello. I am 2 and a half years into a 4 year finance deal on my vehicle. It is all up to date at the moment. However I am changing job this month, but am going from self employed to full time employed and paid monthly. As I have no savings I will be going a whole month with no income so I am going to struggle to pay all my bills for this month. Before I start talking to the finance company about this to try and come up with an agreement (which I don't think they will be keen to do) what are the legalities of me missing one payment? I'm assuming they can't start repossession proceedings yet? I'm hoping they will agree to take just a small token payment this month then make up the shortfall over the next two or three but if they try to play hardball where do I stand? Thanks for any help.
  6. Hello. I am just about to edit a Subject Access Request to a company for my friend who has had a relatively long running dispute over the amount they charged him for work they did. Other than requesting copies of any and all letters between them and any internal memos or emails that he is mentioned in, is there anything else that you would recommend I include? Thank you.
  7. In Schedule 6, CCA regulations 1983 is says Credit limit 3. Agreements for running-account credit. A term stating the credit limit or the manner in which it will be determined or that there is no credit limit. On the agreement/ photo copy of the application form, it does not state a credit limit, it just says, we will tell you your credit limit? Which I still don’t know what the opening credit limit was. but never the less, does this comply with term above (or the manner in which it will be determined? section.
  8. Thought there was something fishy with my account balance on very.co.uk, I contacted customer service this morning. Turns out they've charged me again for a PS4 bundle that I returned last week, as an item was 'missing' (PlayStation Network 365 Day subscription card). Apparently it's in transit back to me and they say they're incapable of advising me until I get it back -- for whatever reason. Of course, no one from Very warned me that they'd charge me again, let alone that they'd be sending it back to me. Not a call, not even an email. Is 'Just figure it out yourself' Very's new motto? When I dealt with the return last week, I immediately sent it back upon picking it up at the Post Office. I didn't even leave the front desk, as all I had to do was affix the return label I'd already printed. I barely even opened the cardboard packaging, just a tiny slot to fit a folded up return slip in there, promptly sealed back with tape. Therefor, either the missing item was never included in the bundle to begin with (an issue people have had in the past with other Very bundles), or it was 'lost' when someone dealt with the return. CCTV at the Post Office would support this, as the package never left the front desk. Any advice on what to do next? I have already tweeted to them about it. Thanks everyone.
  9. Hi all I have been made an offer by NatWest/RBS due to the mis-selling of PPI on my partners Credit Card. When I say ‘I’ it is because I submitted the claim on her behalf. I have used the FOSRunningPPI v102 Spreadsheet to ascertain what is owed to her. (Fabulous tool). This runs from September 2001 to February 2008 whereupon we have a zero balance. There are statements missing from June 1998 – August 2001, for which I have populated another FOSRunningPPI v102 spreadsheet created using the average spend, and payments as per the FOS approach, and ascertaining the PPI using the 0.76% charge originally used of the balances produced. My conundrum is what figures do I submit to NatWest/RBS to counter their clearly wrong offer? Do we ‘splice’ the spreadsheets in some way or another, or do we keep them separate and add the figures together in some way? Should I start the FOSRunningPPI v102 spreadsheet with the earlier missing data using the averages described above then continue with the real data to produce 1 spreadsheet, or does that distort the figures too much? How do we consider the statutory 8% interest on the assumed data sheet? There is none there at present as there is no positive credit balance. There is however the time lapse between when that money was taken until now to be considered. The earlier statements would definitely have impacted the real figures in some way given that 3 more years of data has been added, however the latter data is real and the earlier data is assumed… The complication for me arises that the Card balance on the assumed data using the FOS agreed averages ends with a balance of £4856.67 owing on the Credit Card. Whereas the real figure at the beginning of the known data shows £712.80. How do I reconcile this without being laughed out of the room by both RBS and FOS if it comes to that? Do I just ‘tailor’ a payment into the splice approach so the total equals the real £712.80? I have seen threads discussing the insertion of maybe 1 or 2 statements but not 3 years’ worth of statements/data at the start of history of the card. How has this been done previously? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  10. Hi. I want to find my missing cousin. He left his house with limited money, clothing and ran of with his wife. Shes the devil. now issue is he does have history of some mental stability, so we can say depression and few other issues. HOWEVER not enough to convince the police to start a man hunt. Now most companies are saying £200 or around about to find him. HOWEVER they wont tell us where he is, however they are willing to speak with him and give him contact numbers, emails and request him to make contract. £200 is not an issue. what i want to know is there any tools i can use to find out where he is and also how do i get them or any private investigation team to give me his contact or residence address. 27/12/2017 his grandma died. His dad who looked after her for 60 odd years is in a bad way. there are a lot of finance and other aspects which we need him for. we are 90% sure of where he can be however we cant just go in. if i can have the tools to trace and find him would be the best. also how do i make sure i am not going to get ripped off by these companies? Ali
  11. Hi All, I purchased a 14 plate fiesta from Evans Halshaw in March. Not being an expert I test drove the car (usual drive around the block), enjoyed it and paid for the car. A week later I was looking at some of the functionality but could not find the advertised stop start function. After discussing with the dealer and getting a copy of the advert emailed over it became apparent that this was an advert error. I have emailed probably 10 times in the past 4 weeks and just keep getting "well be in touch as a matter of urgency" from them but with no real discussuon about the problem or a suitable resolution. Legally, the item sold was not as advertised, and me never having used stop start and not being the expert I feel a short test drive isn't adequate time to get to grips with the minutiae of the vehicle. What do I do next? I still want the car but feel it's value has dropped to me as well as losing out on fuel economy due to this function being absent. Thanks in advance Lee
  12. Ignoring the teenagers nationality, the differing perspective of the presented headlines will undoubtedly mirror the differing views on how this person and issue should be addressed. The guardian reports “I just want to get away from here,” she was quoted as saying. “I want to get away from the war, from the many weapons, from the noise.” She added: “I just want to go home to my family.” The media outlets said the teenager had told them she regretted joining Isis, wanted to be extradited to Germany and would cooperate with authorities. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/24/home-linda-wenzel-german-teenager-joined-isis-speaks-of-regrets Whereas is Australia " schoolgirl turned IS bride Linda Wenzel could face trial ... after reportedly admitting to killing Iraqi soldiers after she was tracked down hiding in a tunnel "She took her mum’s credit card and flew from Berlin to Turkey before making her way to the so-called caliphate." 'An anonymous officer in Iraq’s elite counter terrorism unit told The Telegraph said she was a sniper for ISIS. He said: “We found her with a gun in her hand next to her Chechen husband, who was killed by Iraqi forces in a firefight. She said she had killed a number of our men in the battle. http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/captured-german-schoolgirl-turned-is-bride-linda-wenzel-turned-bride-could-face-trial/news-story/ec6f02d34e262d08eca341ae31831abc My opinion is on the harsh side, but in my opinion befits the crimes I'll bet she just wants to go home. Now I'm on the side that says she should be tried in Iraq and face punishment there. ANYONE who left their countries to become part of ISIS should be tried in the country they went to. Anyone who went 'to help civilians' should be able to prove they were part of MSF, the red cross, crescent cross or some other international recognised aid organisation Before anyone says ah but she's now a mother, the child is innocent: I agree, but the Mother clearly has charges to answer and if found guilty then given the circumstances the child could be in danger in her care. Whether the child is then returned to the mother, the mothers family, the fathers family, or taken into care and where, is for professionals to decide.
  13. I sent a CHAPS payment on Thursday from my account with the Yorkshire Building Society as I needed the money in my own business account with Santander that day to make a foreign currency payment. I paid £23.50 for the fast service and was promised the money would be in the Santander account later that day. It's now Tuesday morning and still no money in my business account. Numerous phone calls to both institutions just sees them pass the blame onto the other side. Is there anything I can do quickly to get this sorted. All i'm being quoted is that the 'chase' they can put on the payment can take up to 30 days. I don't have 30 days and need my money now, and it seriously puts a shambles on it being a same day payment service.
  14. Does anyone have a UK contact number/email for ASDA home shopping? I have been trying to get a refund on items missing from our shopping delivered 29 Sept but no one seems to want to do it and it's getting a bit silly now. I've called the number 3 times now and still no refund as well as using the online form and just had a call today from the most unhelpful woman based in South Africa who refused to let me discuss my wife's account unless I answered security correctly - which I did (they needed the email address on the account and my wife has just the one and they claim it's not the one, but it is as I have just checked it). This is despite me being the only one in contact with them and even calling me on my own mobile phone. Hopefully I can get some sort of contact from someone in the UK as after 2 failed refunds and suspecting the person on the 3rd call was simply trying to get rid of me when he said someone will call me back - I'm starting to get a little fed up. Thanks Lee
  15. Hi, I'm hoping someone can help. I have a business account with Vodafone and we have recently tried to move two numbers over to two different contracts that have longer expiry dates. We were initially told this couldn't be done, so decided we would probably get the PAC codes and move the numbers to a different network. Obviously in the process of trying to get the PAC codes we got through to the retention team and they immediately said that they could transfer the contracts without a problem. They told us that all that would happen is that the numbers would be moved to PAYG and then moved onto the new contracts. Within minutes of this conversation, the two numbers lost signal and appeared to be disconnected. On phoning VF back we were then told it may take up to 24 hours to restore the number. 24 hours later and we were told a different story and that it would take a further 24 hours to restore the numbers. Another 24 hours passed and we have were then passed around various departments with no further progress. Yesterday we were told everything would be back up and running within 6 hours... still nothing. Today, at long last one of the numbers has been restored, unfortunately my number hasn't and I'm now being told it could take up to 30 DAYS to 'find' my number. I am failing to understand how a number can be lost in the first place, let alone go missing for 30 days. This is business and personal number (which I have had personally for over 10 years) and I am missing important calls from clients and potential customers, not to mention family and friends. Any help would be appreciated I am not getting anywhere with call centres. I have sent a request to the web team based on instructions in the forum. Thanks, Richard
  16. We ordered around 20 items (each with multiple parts) from a small online retailer. We didn't open the box to fit the parts until around 3 weeks after the order was received. It was at this time that we noticed that one of the items had a missing part to it. We called the retailer who supposedly 'remembered' checking all the items and was adamant that the part was definitely not missing upon dispatch. After much arguing, we sent the item in question back to the retailer and asked for a replacement to be sent out, this time with all parts included. Two weeks later we called up to say that we still haven't received the replacement item. We were told that there is nothing the retailer can do. We were hung up on twice (upon calling back we were told "it was a bad line"), accused of lying (not quite that directly) and that all parts were definitely included, fobbed off that the 'director' will not send out a replacement item and that their supplier refuse to send out a replacement part. Apparently our only option is to re-purchase the item again. Now, the item in question costs peanuts, a missing part was more of an inconvenience than anything. It's mind boggling that the retailer refuses to take a 'hit' on such a low cost item. However, their despicable customer service has irritated us beyond belief and on shear principle I want to go out of my way to get this sorted. So far we have only (tried) to have telephone conversations and stupidly sent the item back without proof of postage. What should we now do (other than leave poor online reviews)?
  17. What do you think. Are some children missing out on the great outdoors and what it offers. Do you think perhaps as technology came in things changed. Do you really think computers help children learn or do you still believe in the old ways. I myself am obsessed with the outdoors ever since a child.The smells as you walk through woods. The crashing waves,and things you can learn on the shoreline. A walk through a forest. The unexpected nature you come across.That never fails to amaze you. First forest i came across was Grizedale Forest in the Lake District.Still think of it to this day. Castles and places like that where you can tell some stories,sometimes tall ones if you feel so inclined. Or your local park,a exciting place to visit. For myself it started when i went looking for a Dipper(a bird) in Wales.With a chap called Cluellyn Magnus Jones in Denbighshire.Way back in the 60s And came across hundreds of rabbits in a field unexpectedly. Just wondering what you out there think of things. Only problem i find as you get slightly older is the fresh air puts you out when you get home. No harm in that and the youngsters sleep well as well. All that fresh air. Just not keen on some questions like-"In your time was everything black and white". With research suggesting that children aren't spending enough time in the great outdoors, Caroline Fitton of the local Wildlife Trust explains why we should be doing more to nurture their love of all things natural. From a falling leaf to a cloud in the sky, nature captures every child's inquisitive sense of wonder. Spending plenty of time outdoors and engaging with nature and wildlife is one of the best things for any child, helping to develop fertile imaginations and bestowing a lifelong appreciation of the natural world. For many of us, spending time outside when we were young was a large and very valuable part of our childhoods; new technology and increased 'screen' time now bring concerns that the new generation are increasingly missing out. Much more on the link. Read more: http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/kids-engaging-nature-little-help-Wildlife-Trust/story-28183303-detail/story.html#ixzz3rgNi1XGr
  18. Hello guys, I am posting this because I think you guys might be able to help. this might sound odd but a small amount of money from my current account has gone missing. I'm talking like 10p but I don't understand how it has been taken. it happended before Christmas around the date I got paid. The money has never appeared in my transaction. so I'm always 10p short.
  19. having seen a few threads re such Dispatches tonight @ 8 ch 4
  20. One for the (Scottish ) legal eagles. Man & wife divorce and £750 put into their childs savings account. When it was set up, both parents had to administer the account. One parent has just discovered the other has systematically emptied the kids account over a six month period without prior consent or knowledge of the other parent. Police say it's not theft or mis appropriation of funds. Bank says T&C's were changed and this allowed one parent to administer the kids account. Other parent swears blind they were never notified of this change by the bank or would have taken appropriate action at that time. ( I know my bank notifies me of changes but letters arrive by normal post---not rec del etc) 1. Despite this being a despicable thing to do, has any crime been committed? 2.How does kid get money back? 3. Does the bank have any responsibility for this dastardly situation??
  21. Hi, I was recently convicted of benefit fraud, during my case my prosecutor kept making personal attacks against me. I made the mistake of letting the court know that I suffer from sever social anxiety and can't handle confrontation. it made me suspicious as to why he would do this when a piece of evidence that he told the judge of how much I had illegitimacy received over the time period of my claim I calculated there was an error in the numbers. When I applied for benefits I let the job center know that I had over the £6000 limit in savings, so if my national insurance contributions had run out there was no way I could have received £70 a week. I tried to tell my solicitor, but because the prosecutor heard me try to tell my solicitor of the error, the prosecutors abuse escalated causing me to turn in ward and not be able to think. I was only latter that I realised that my solicitor had not been provided with this information when I looked through the evidence that was supplied by the investigators. I believe that this infringes on my human rights to a fair trial. This was also not the only problem with my case. When the DWP decided to pass my case on to the crown prosecution service, it took another 10 months before I was called into court to answer charges and have a court date set. It took another 3 months for my trial to happen, but my trial was canceled because the prosecutor had scheduled another trial on that same day that over ran and my trial date was pushed forward another 3 months, when I heard of the error in court my time limit of 13 months to appeal the DWP decision had run out. I have tried to appeal through the tribunals but the judges are not interested in hearing what I have to say and just tell me my time to appeal has run out. Does Social Security Administration Act 1992 s116 (2) apply to my case and could you tell me of any other laws or decision that could help as there as been gross abuse of process. I can no longer find work in the area I am educated in, can you help, my situation has become very desperate. Thanks, suffy
  22. 68% of eligible two year olds in England are missing out on free childcare, which they're perfectly entitled to. Are you one of the parents missing out on this? Figures from the Department for Education show that huge numbers of kids are missing out on the free 15 hours of childcare per week, with estimates showing 78,552 in total. Of course, there's criteria you'll have to meet, but if you do, you really should utilise this. What Do You Need To Know? If you claim Jobseeker's Allowance, or similar, you could be eligible. Basically, funded education has been extended to include two-year-old children a while ago, but parents have failed to maximise the benefits of new rules for their kids, mainly because they're unaware they can do so. Your two-year-old can get free early education and childcare if you receive one of the following: Income Support Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Universal Credit Tax credits and you have an annual income of under £16,190 before tax The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit Support through Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act The Working Tax Credit 4-week run-on Or, your child can qualify if any of these apply: A local council looks after them They have a current statement of special education needs (SEN) or an education, health and care (EHC) plan They get Disability Living Allowance They've left care under a special guardianship order, child arrangements order or adoption order To find out whether or not you're entitled to this free childcare, then you need to enter your postcode here on this government website. http://www.bitterwallet.com/freebies/are-you-missing-out-on-free-childcare-92561
  23. Hello, We have just had our storage and removal insurance claim denied I don't know what to do next. If I get anything wrong I'm sorry as this is my first post. Back in October we paid for a large national removal firm to come to our house, pack and export wrap all of our things and then take them to be stored in their warehouse for six months as we were moving to Eastern Europe to start a business. We took out their own removal and storage insurance covering us up to the value of £23,000 as we listed all of the items about £500 separately as per their instructions. When the time came for us to have our things delivered, we employed a second removal company to collect our things from the warehouse and deliver them to us in Eastern Europe. We also took them up on their insurance, for the same amounts as above. When our things arrived, everything looked fine at first, but as we started to unpack we saw that almost all of the boxes had been opened, then resealed and new box numbers put on with the old ones taken off. Some boxes even had two completely different numbers on, and the contents of the boxes was completely different to what was written on the packing inventory. Most of the boxes were almost empty too, but in was done in such a way that you wouldn't be able to tell until the box was open. For example, one of the boxes said that it contained my evening dresses and formal wear, it was a big box, but all it contained was our old and very worn picnic rug Our little fire safe had also been broken into, you can see where the lock has been forced and the contents are gone. We went through everything and the missing items come to just under £15,000. We informed both removal companies within four days of receiving our things. The first company who had stored the things said to fill out the insurance forms and get the information to them as soon as we could. The second company said that it was not their responsibility as everything had looked in good order when they collected it, but their broker sent us the claim forms and said to submit the claim anway. We put the claim in for the first removal company as the second removal company would not have been able to open and reseal the boxes as they did not have the branded labels with the first companys logo and details. The first removal firm said that they had sent our claim off to their brokers underwriters and that we would hear directly from them. After five weeks of not hearing anything, and of the removal company ignoring my emails and not putting me through to anyone when I called, I called the broker instead who said that they had never received our claim details. They asked me to send them directly to them, which I did. They have sent me an email saying that they are denying the claim as it is the other removal companys responsibility as the goods were in good condition when the collected them. I'm not sure what to do, it is soul destroying, these were hugely sentimental items, we are devastated. Any help or advice would be very greatly appreciated thank you. Sorry I should have added that we have now moved back to the UK as my mother became very ill and we didn't want to be far away.
  24. I had to phone the company who build my computer about 6 months ago to sort out a problem and it appeard they missed something out it has according the invoice a standard sata drive a m2 SSD drive and a Samsung evo 840 . for the first time today i had to take the side of the computer off since getting it and i tell you the samsung drive is not there i can only see the m2 SSD and the mech drive . i have traced the sata cables and the only one i can see is to the mech drive the m2 connects direct to the motherboard . the samung does not show up in windows or bios either so physically its not there . Is it worth approaching the company after this length of time or should i put it down to experiance , thanks
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