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Found 5 results

  1. Jail for travel agent who failed to explain missing thousands READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/jail-for-travel-agent-who-failed-to-explain-missing-thousands https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/former-travelogue-travel-agent-boss-15327351
  2. A teacher who drove into an airport worker following a row over a new £3 drop-off charge has been spared jail after a judge said he agreed the levy was an "absolute disgrace". Graham Benbow, 55, flew into a rage at Manchester Airport when he was told he would have to pay a fee for dropping off a passenger at a departure terminal. An airport official tried to stop Benbow from driving his Mazda through an open barrier but ended up on the car's bonnet before he was carried along a road for several hundred yards, Manchester's Minshull Street Crown Court heard. Benbow, a psychology teacher at Altrincham Grammar School, went over a roundabout before he stopped for police. The unnamed worker was uninjured in the incident but said he "genuinely believed he could die from falling off the bonnet." https://uk.news.yahoo.com/judge-calls-airport-apos-drop-172437507.html
  3. I could not believe I was reading this !! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4510778/Student-stabbed-lover-spared-jail.html
  4. A MAN who hit a bailiff with a cricket bat, then challenged his sentence for it, has been given a suspended jail term. Richard Burton, 35, attacked the bailiff David Knight when he went to his house in Phipps Road, Oxford, on March 5 last year. He was convicted of assault by beating at Oxford Magistrates’ Court on October 14 and was given a 12-month conditional discharge. He was also told to pay £100 compensation, a £15 victim surcharge and £200 costs. But Burton appealed against his sentence at Oxford Crown Court on Tuesday. The court heard Mr Knight told Burton he was a bailiff as he went into the house. Judge Zoe Smith said Burton went into the kitchen and first picked up a knife, then put it down and picked up a cricket bat instead. He raised it above his head and brought it down, hitting Mr Knight’s left hand, causing bruising and swelling. Dismissing the appeal, Judge Smith warned Burton that bailiffs played an essential role in the criminal justice system. She said: “People employed to carry out the duties of bailiff must have the protection of the courts and it is only right people who harm them should expect imprisonment. “The job this gentleman was undertaking was essential.” She gave Burton a three-month prison sentence but suspended it for 12 months saying: “We were impressed by the character witness you put before us.” Burton was also ordered to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work and pay Mr Knight £150 compensation and the Crown Prosecution Service’s full costs of £526. Judge Smith warned him: “If you do not undertake this unpaid work to the best of your abilities, you will have to serve the prison sentence.” http://www.oxfordtimes.co.uk/news/11657762.Man_hit_bailiff_with_cricket_bat/
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