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  1. Hi all, can anyone recommend who I should structure a PCN appeal given this situation? One half of the road (where I usually park) had its resident parking suspended temporarily for works, so on Friday I parked on the other end of the road. Having returned to my car for the first time today they have re-opened the usual half and suspended the half I was parked in. Because I hadn't been to my car in 4.5 days I had no idea they had moved the parking suspension. My partner and I are absolutely certain there were no suspension signs where they are now currently - we made a point of looking to check both halves weren't suspended. All they have done is taken down the suspension signs on Friday from the first half, sellotaped a new piece of paper on them and stuck them to posts on the other half of the road (I have a photo to prove it). We live in East London, so we have to park 250m away from the apartment to get a residents bay. We don't check on the car and the availability of the bays daily - that would be nuts. 1. How can I structure an appeal to say that I was parked there before the parking suspension signs were even put up? 2. How much notice does the council have to give its residents before suspending parking? Thanks in advance for any advice and support!
  2. I got into work today to be told that the company has received 2 complaints, and that they are suspending me on full pay whilst they are investigating the complaint. I think it all stems from a post I put on facebook.Here is the post:- So,a particular driver thinks my brother is talking all the time at Friar Lane does He?.Considering my brother cleans more buses than the other 2 cleaners,you are incorrect,and have failed to secure any brownie points.If you think you are clever being a grass, then read this......I am a bigger grass than you.You better be careful now, because I will be gunning after you.The slightest thing you do wrong, or fail to do, I will report you, and that includes failing to fill your defect card out correctly,or failing to record defects that I am aware of from previous days.BE WARNED,AND BE AFRAID. I can only guess that the 2 complaints are from the other 2 cleaners.any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Good day to all Following the very supportive exchanges I read today within this forum I straight away joined the forum With regard to our {Owned} 1st floor flat, it was essential to sell since my physical abilities deteriorated, we fortunately obtained a local council ground floor flat suitable for disabled people, which we had to move to previous to the sale of the 1st floor flat, since if not occupied within a two-week period it would be awarded to a different couple, we forfeited £10.000 to the Inland Revenue since the 1st floor-flat was not classed to be our main residence {On sale since Oct 2010, Sold: May 2011} On January 2011, the DWP telephoned concerning the selling of the property moreover why I had not informed them of the sale, I certainly did via letter, likewise I keep copies of all my correspondences. They were to forward me a form to complete, all I received being an A4 envelope with a DWP self-addressed envelope, however within being no form of any description to complete On 11th April 2014, I received yet another telephone call via the DWP on the identical topic, the sale of the 1st floor flat, and “where” did the profit of sale go? I replied informing the DWP of the true situation of all monies we had paid out, allowable payments to our three adult children, our grandchildren, two ISAS, a Life Assurance Policy, refurbishing the new ground-floor flat {it really was bare} etc On 22nd November 2017 I attended an interview with the local Job Centre with a rather haughty interviewer, in which I explained equal details regarding “where” did the profit of sale go? I informed the interviewer of the “money-trail” as it were Nevertheless to the main topic: My Pension Credit ceased on 27th November 2017, this, I considered to be a temporary glitch, furthermore all would soon be resolved, how foolish of me Subsequently on 18th December 2017 I telephoned the necessary DWP Department to be informed the lady had no information as to why the payments were “stopped” On 19th December 2017 my wife contacted the DWP, my wife was informed that the Pension Credit was, it appears, suspended and was being “sent upstairs” to be dealt with by a Decision Maker On 31st May 2018 another summons to the local job centre with the same rather smug interviewer, however I maintained a composed demeanour and informed the individual of the circumstances surrounding the 1st floor-flat sale, I mentioned why the Pension Credit Suspended situation, to which there was no detailed answer forthcoming. I received a letter dated 1st June 2018 from this person concerning the 31st May 2018 interview along with a letter explaining the following: “A doubt has arisen about your continued entitlement to pension credit. This means we are not sure if you should still get your benefit payment and it will stop”...Yet this was dated 6th December 2017, for which he extremely thoughtfully apologised with regard to the “delay” in my receiving it On June 4th 2018 I wrote to DWP {and local job centre} requesting a Subject Access and Audit Trail information, nevertheless ought I to, at present, request a Mandatory Reconsideration given that the late letter presented to me mentioning Pension Credit Suspended was dated 6th December 2017 furthermore I maintain no trust with the local job centre interviewer, I have without a doubt, an apprehension that the data he will forward to DWP will not include the entire relevant details I apologise concerning the, in all probability, protracted, rambling post, however I would appreciate assistance Kind Regards Skhane
  4. Hi - I hope the community of CAG may be able to help. I had received a PCN by a CEO. Here is a timeline of what had happened: -received a paper PCN (stuck on window) on the 19/2/18 for parking in a suspended bay as there were scheduled tree cutting maintenance going on. I definitely missed the sign. Car was towed to adjoining street. -sent a representation to council, with proof of posting, on 27/2/18. Below is my representation sent to them -did not receive a response from the council regarding my representations. -receive an NtO today (4/5/18) - below is the NtO received. -I also checked the website for pictures of the alleged contravention online, but NOTHING. Nor were the pictures sent with the NtO - usually the last page on the NtO from what I gather, contains the pictures, but in my case, the "page was intentionally blank. Do I have a good chance of appealing? Were the council supposed to respond to my informal representations? Pictures have not been provided despite asking in my reps and checking on website - is this a procedural failure? Thank you, Jay NtO: ****START**** On 19/02/2018, my vehicle **** *** was issued with a Penalty Charge Notice for the reason (code) of 21 – “parked wholly or partly in a suspended bay or space”. This should be cancelled as there ought to be a grace period of 10 minutes by virtue of Civil Enforcement of Parking (England) General Regulations 2015. As can be seen from the PCN, observation started at 08.05am and PCN given at 08.08am. Under the 2015 regulations, the PCN should have been given at 08.11am at the earliest. This was not the case here. Also, the photographs that should be available on the website, are not found when clicking on any photograph link. The very last time I tried to check photographs were on the 24/02/2018 just before 10pm. Please see appendix 1 and 2 of exactly what I faced. By law, these photographs should be taken by an approved device and be available to view. Unfortunately, ‘upto 3 days after the contravention’ for pictures to be available stipulated on Newham’s website, is beyond that time frame. For the reasons above, I look forward to receiving notification that the Penalty Charge Notice has been cancelled within 28 days. ****END**** NtO_SusParkingBay.pdf
  5. Hi all, I ordered things yesterday online, I selected next day delivery, but when I have just checked now, they aren't estimated to arrive until Friday? Something I ordered today is also due to arrive Friday and not tomorrow. All were prime eligible products. So I jumped onto their webchat, and spoke to someone. Turns out they have suyspended next day delivery until they can catch up from Xmas and get their drivers back. In fact here is a snip from the web chat. "Ojas: I can truly understand your concern however as you must have been aware that we had loads of deliveries on Christmas season so the inventory at our fulfillment centers is revising so they are not getting shipped on the same day as they are placed. This is the reason the next day delivery is extended however please be assured that it will be in its original form once again in 2 to 3 days as all of our carriers are also returning back to work. Me: hmm so it's down to the fact you are behind on deliveries, that's fine as long as you say that Ojas: So please be assured that the prime one day delivery service will be in effect within a couple of days." Isn't this a breach of contract? A warning for anyone else expecting their deliveries they day after they are placed as usual.
  6. Hi guys Earlier his morning I got caught using a relatives bus pass on West Midlands Network Buses. Completely my fault, I held my hands up and apologized. I was in a rush to get to the job center as I had an appointment to tell them I was going to be starting my new job next week. As I got off at the stop, the inspectors were checking the tickets and as I didn't have a photo card, they pulled me over, ran a few checks and I admitted it wasn't my pass. I am completely broke and couldn't afford a ticket, literally. They asked me to pay £40 there and then, but I had nothing on me. The inspector said they would send a letter through the post and I would have to pay the £40 fine. However, looking at online forums, there are some people saying they've been summoned to court for the same offense. This worries me a lot as I have a suspended sentence for a motoring offense earlier this year. Does this mean that if I get summoned to court, and they convict me of using someone else's bus pass, I could be sent to prison?
  7. I came to return my brother's car and parked on the suspended bus stop which had been closed due to Gasworks mains replacement. Below is my letter to Newham, I have appeal on 18th Jan 2019 and need some guidance. The PCN ….. was issued while the vehicle was parked on the Bus Stop on Plashet Road. Plashet Road was closed due to Mains Replacement work on Green Street. Stukeley Road had notices stating that it was closed from 28th July to 5th October. The works overran the above schedule and I wasn’t aware of its completion until after I was informed about PCN. My brother was replacing carpet at his home and had borrowed by Toyota Previa to dispose off old carpet at the tip in Jenkins Lane. I came on Sunday to replace the car, I parked his little Swift and drove off with my Previa. Later my brother found the above-mentioned PCN on his car and sent me a message. I accept parking his Swift on the bus stop as the bus stop was suspended since the start of the work, all buses were being diverted via Stukeley Road. Had the notices stated the correct date and if the notices were removed after the completion of the works I would have realised the bus stop suspension was removed and not parked the Swift where I did. I will appreciate if you will revoke this penalty as I didn’t park the Swift to cause any obstruction and nor was it intentional. I hope to hear from you very soon.
  8. Dear all I would be very grateful for any help with my situation. I had a SPO following mortgage arrears (£3600) in 2008. Since then I have been making my contractual payments but had missed payments on three occasions from unexpected expenses resulting from direct debits being returned unpaid. I was in a particularly bad financial condition in the last 6 months following an elderly family member falling unwell while abroad. The mortgage arrears accrued to £3400 again and the mortgage company ( a subprime lender) has now applied to the court for a warrant for possession. I panicked and raised money from friends and family to clear off the arrears, but the lender is refusing to accept any payments and instead insists that I send them last three months of bank statements before they would decided whether to accept the payments or not. They insist that until I serve them the bank statements, they can't do anything about the eviction and says an eviction date will be issued in due course. They also made me complete an income and expenditure with them over the phone. I am very reluctant to send in bank statements, since with the financial difficulties over the last three months, I have resorted to payday loans (cleared) and I am very worried this will again jeopardize the situation. I am otherwise in a stable job and would be able to afford my contractual payments going forward. I have raised the money and want to clear the arrears but I am left in this dire situation. With family and young children, it looks as if my fate is sealed. May be someone else on this forum would have had a similar situation and I am sincerely hoping for some advice and help. Apologies for the long post.
  9. Hello all i was recently called into work and was suspended for false accusation of theft cut a long story short my father in law is a motor trader who has an ebay account he gets my partner his daughter to advertise and sell items on ebay for him my company has got a third party investigation firm in to investigate as my company is in the motor trade also the only link to these items is me being in a relationship with my partner they have hacked my father in laws ebay gone rather in depth despite account being registered at his home address but post address and returns being my partners were I am not registered they have also hacked mine and my partners facebook to show we're in a relationship and gone in depth in both accounts i know this as both accounts are set to friends and not public domain also took pictures of our children off facebook and shared them made copies (is this allowed without parents consent) in my eyes ebay hacked facebook hacked childrens pictures take off fb ( not on front page) children pictures copied and shared between investigation team and my company help help help as i have done nothing wrong neither has father in law or partner
  10. I am making a query on behalf of a friend. She is a carer for her autistic sister and made her employers (local government) aware of this 5 years ago when she started work as a Registries and Ceremonies Officer. She was frequently late for work as she had to wait for the transport to collect her to take her to the day centre daily due to this she asked to start work later instead of the normal 9 am. During her period of employment she felt bullied and harassed by her supervisor who complained about her lateness consistently and belittled her by calling her 'Oi you' and not as part of the team. Through the stress of caring for her sister daily and harassment my friend put in a complaint about her supervisor on 3rd June 2016. The councils policy on complaints is stated as: complaint received, investigation and response - within 5 working days any investigation necessary - with 10 working days She did not receive any response to this complaint and there was no investigation. She was asked whether she could undertake a ceremony on 24th July 2016 at 1pm however due to her caring responsibilities she was unable to do this. She informed her supervisor of this on 23rd July whilst at work and it appears that there was a disagreement and her supervisor stated that ' she behaved in a threatening and intimidating manner' towards her during this discussion. My friend stated that she did not but was very anxious and stressed on this day due to the pressure of her caring responsibilities and has been supported by her GP but felt very unsupported by her employers and her supervisor. Allegations made by the supervisor were stated as correct by people that worked with her but not regarded as colleagues due to their exclusion of her. Anyway following the allegations she was suspended from work on 25th July 2016 and interviews were taken in September, November and December 2016 from my friend, the supervision and other witnesses. During this period my friend sent further complaints of harassment and bullying on 9th and 14th September bearing in mind that her initial complaint made in June was not investigated which she also highlighted. She was ill advised by a union representative to accept the charge of gross misconduct and was dismissed on 26th April 2017 and placed on the redeployment list for 12 weeks, in which she was seen weekly for any suitable positions. 12 weeks was also her notice period. The documents state that any complaints made during the periods of disciplinary will be dealt with within the hearing but they were brushed over and the initial complaint has never been discussed or addressed. She has appealed against her dismissal citing that she was wrongly advised, she had a nervous breakdown and they refused to re-schedule the meeting as she was unable to contribute and agreed to everything, she worked with the local authority since 2002 and had a clean record. It was recommended by the Investigating Officer that she was transferred to another role not dismissed or redeployed. She now needs to write another appeal and after seeing a solicitor she would like to still list the above but also add associative disability discrimination as she has caring duties which have been confirmed by the local authority in writing and also been supported through this ordeal by her GP, harassment as they refused to allow her flexi time to attend to her sister and also the behaviour of her supervision by calling her 'oi you' and the conduct of her employers. (The later has been suggested by a Solicitor who looked over the papers). Can anyone advise as she needs to write an appeal to hand in on monday:sad:
  11. Hello everyone One year ago I started work in one of DHL sites. My employer is work agency and I am on 0 hours contract. When I registered I put an information about my disability in the agency application form. Also, right after I started work Remploy contacted my agency to remind them about their obligations as my employer (making reasonable adjustments etc). Since my ability does not affect my work (and I do not require any adjustments and I told that to the agency coordinator when they asked) everything was fine during the year Buuuut... On the beginning of this year DHL started recruiting for full term contracts. I applied, put information about my disability in the application form and went succesfully through assessment and interview. And then the problems started. To complete the paperwork necessary for making the contract DHL's recruiter contacted the agency to get the details about my disability because they should have some in their health and safely records but they had none. It turns out that the agency was supposed to ask me for a letter from my gp and ensure that someone from DHL's health and safety department will conduct risk assessment for me. And that should have been done before I started work . Well, they did not do anything like that. And they said they missed the information about my disability in the application form. (The person who was processing the application one year ago does not work for them anymore so they can not ask him. ) Because of that DHL had to ask the agency to remove me from the site due to the potential risk until I get all necessary paperwork done but they made it clear they want me back as soon as possible (it was really busy time for the department I work in) It took almost two weeks because my GP was on holiday but in the end I was able to go back to work And everything would be OK but: 1 I lost eleven days of work 2 I didn't get the contract About the contract there should not be any problems. DHL is recruiting again and I was told I will most likely get it when they finish this round since I passed anyway. But I not only lost 11 days of work but also was charged for the letter from GP. The letter was required for work so my employer should pay for it. Or at least that I was told in the family practice but the agency refused to pay for it at first. And also they told me I won't be paid for the absence After couple of days they changed they mind and said they will pay for the letter and at least for the first week Of course there was no payment on my account at the time they was supposed to pay ( I am paid weekly so it should be Friday of the second week of absence. After I returned from work ( Monday) I asked the lady from my agency what is going on with my money She said she has to speak with her boss because they want to cover some of those days with my holiday . I agreed to wait but I wasn't sure if they can even do that and I didn't understand why should I pay for their mistake with the holidays I acquired .So I consulted the matter with ACAS and my disability advisor. ACAS consultant said I should be entitled to medical suspension payment and that I have right to use my holiday as I want. And if the agency will deduct my holidays without my consent it will be unlawful. Meanwhile I got a payslip from the agency. With payment for roughly 6,5 days. I went to them before my shiftb started and asked for explanation and they said they decided to use my holiday to pay for those days and add the rest to that. I informed them I am not happy with that and I want to discuss the matter later but I couldn't catch them that day Next day I have got the payment stated in the payslip I went to the agency again and asked how many days of holiday I have. The answer : none . They took all 7 days I had (!) And they said I agreed for that (!) and also they took 7 days of my holidays but paid me for three remaining days but initially their boss agreed for two (!). Very nice but first it should be four days remaining not three, and second where is the payment for the letter from GP? The payslip does not explain anything. I informed them about what I heard from ACAS and they ask me to write a etter to their boss I did it and now I am waiting for his response but honestly I don't know what to think anymore. What, are my rights? What else can I do? I am going to call ACAS again and maybe I'll get some more info but at this moment I am jus worried there is nothing I can do. Employment Tribunal looks too expensive for me... PS sorry for mistakes, I'm not native English speaker Also, sorry for the wall of text
  12. They want to Evict me,can you help. Can someone please advise what I can do to stop Elderbridge (company that purchased from Barclays, all Firstplus accounts) evicting me from my house, I have received a letter today from Elderbridge stating that they are instructing their solicitors (Eversheds) to ask the court to set a date for Elderbridge to take possession of my property. What I want to know is if they can do this as the original repossession order was granted to Firstplus who have gone bust (and then taken on by Barclays as they were the bank that set up Firstplus) Last year Barclays sold my outstanding account to Elderbridge, does that mean that they automaticity have the right to use the suspended repossession order to start eviction process? If yes how do I contact the courts to stop this eviction and make payments to this new company Elderbridge. Account Balance £64,809.59 Arrears Balance £64,722.09 how can Firstplus, Barclays have let my arrears get so high and charge me 7.8% intrest, I have asked all of the above to stop charging interest but have all refused.
  13. hi, i was wondering if anyone could advise on the legal situation of a suspended chief constable still having his name on the bottom of NIP forms? Surely he is not able to do this if suspended? my thinking is that any form issued with his name and signature (not PP'd or on behalf of ) should be considered non enforcable. thanks and apologies if this hase been covered before.
  14. Hello. We recently received a PCN for parking in a suspended bay or space and have had our initial appeal rejected (not yet received a "Notice to Owner") and were wondering our best course of action is from here. We live in a street that has residents parking as well as pay-and-display (we have a residents parking permit which we pay a yearly fee for). There are no actual "bays", you can park in the first space large enough for your car in the local area. The only road markings related to parking is a dashed white line parallel to the pavement within which you have to park. A week previously, one or more signs appeared on the lamp post outside stating that the parking was suspended on the day in concern "Outside number 20". We live next door and as I was leaving for work that morning I looked at our car and felt it was legally parked outside our house (number 18). When my wife went to get in the car later that day she saw the PCN attached with contravention 21s "Parked wholly or partly in a suspended bay or space - shared use bay". When we looked at the pictures provided by the council we could see that approximately 1/3 of the car (at most) could be said to be outside No.20 the rest outside No.18 - so in our view the car was parked outside No.18. When I had left in the morning, and when the pictures were taken by the traffic officer, the car was also blocked front and back my rubbish bags and bins as the waste collection was that day and they pre-empt the cart by pulling the bags and bins out into the parking area for collection later. We made the initial appeal on the grounds that the suspended bay/area was undefined and required you to imagine a line drawn from where the 2 houses join to work out where "outside no 20" actually meant and that I was unable to move the car due to the rubbish bags and bins in front and behind it. This was rejected. Interestingly the rejection letter refers to "parking bays" and also seems to reject our appeal because we had a previous appeal upheld. Is there any precedent that we can use here as to what would qualify as being "outside number 20" when there are no marked bays? Is an imaginary line drawn from where the houses join a valid qualification? Also if our car was blocked by rubbish bags and rubbish bins so that it was not possible to move is it reasonable to expect us to move them so we can move the car? Any help or suggestions in this would be appreciated. Even if it is to just pay the reduced (paid within 2 weeks) penalty. Thanks
  15. Hi ALL Have a question i have suspended possession in my mortgage that was due to start on the first of the month but had some cheques bounce so phoned the mortgage company and asked them if i could pay it on the 10th they agreed but have just found out the cheques have bounced again if i dont pay on the 10th can the take me straight back to court for full repossession
  16. Hi all looking for abit of advice, i got suspended on wednesday for not being available for overtime. They are telling me i have agreed to doing reasonable amount of overtime. Yet they are not able to determine what a reasonable amount is. I informed them i could not do it before shift started. They still put me on a route that would force me into overtime. I turned around with 4 drops left to do. I then started getting pushed into finishing it which i declined. I then received emails with my contract and asking me again am i available for overtime. I replied with no and never got a reply, i walked in that night to a suspension i am due back tonight for the meeting. Due to the time there is no one available to accompany me, is there anything i am required to say before recording the interview on my phone. Im not certain it even states what they are saying.... any advice would be grateful. I have tried to upload a screen grab but its not letting me on my phone. Thanks
  17. In 2010, a warrant for repossession was suspended on my property under the condition that I pay of the arrears which I did earlier than expected. last year I was having a problem with my business and fell behind with payment. I informed my lender and we agree to that I should continue with paying the mortgage with a little extra on top. All of a sudden my lender changed their mind and were asking for a huge sum that I can't afford when I refused they have applied to the court to re-enforce the old warrant which is over 6 years old. I am in arrears of £5000 and the property is worth £400k I have 17 years left on an interest only mortgage. can anyone please advice.
  18. Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows anything about housing benefit and data matching?,my claim has been suspended since the 24th nov 16,for data matching purposes,they didn't inform me of this and I only know because I rang them when they didn't pay the hb,they could only tell me that it was suspended for random data matching and wouldn't be much longer. It has been almost 6 weeks,I sent a message to my rent income officer to let her know but she didn't get back to me and now today she has sent a text saying we owe £738 and she is coming next week to serve a possession notice.I rang her straight back but she had left for the day!. I rang hb again and they said there was nothing they could do and sometimes it can take 2 months and they cant override it or do anything else useful!. Does anyone know if we can make a complaint about this?,I am going to go cap in hand to my Dad and ask him to lend me the money for the rent until its sorted and backdated,but there are many people who will have no way of covering their rent if this happens to them!. Hb said they don't inform you that your claim has been suspended and will only tell you if they need any details from you which I find disgraceful to be honest,people could lose their homes over things like this.It makes you desperately worried and we have no control over it. Any advice would be much appreciated,thankyou.
  19. The following is a short extract from a press release that featured on SCOOP yesterday regarding the trial of a debtor (Danny Williamson) who threatened bailiffs with knives and an imitation gun when they attended his property seeking payment of £1,100 for a fine relating to alleged traffic offences. From the report, it would seem that the debtor had claimed that he had not known of the debt. Bailiffs stated that they would be taking control of his vehicle. He was finally arrested at gunpoint by armed police. Judge Ian Graham handed Mr Williamson a 12 month prison sentence at Basildon Crown Court yesterday suspended for 18 months, and ordered him to pay £520 in court costs. Further details can be read here: http://www.basildonstandard.co.uk/news/14875264.Grandad_grabs_a_fake_gun_to_scare_away_two_bailiffs/ http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news
  20. hi all new here and ina state of panic and anxiety. I worl for an organisation using various files for various staff and client files. the files are in folders called 'cofidential to (department name) staff' which I have access to. Over a period of time I accessed others personnel records such as appraisals folders labelled private and confidential and alsthough I was stupid and had no need to look at them I did (which I regret) which left an audit trail to me being caught accessing them. whilst I was stupid and admitted being stupid when suspended I did mention that although I was in the wrong like my files I put in this folder that I password protect surely having access to these records and them not being protected or stored in inaccessible folders was a breach on the company and the individuals storing them there I know I am in the wrong and am awaiting my disciplinary and worried I will of course lose my job and even if I keep it my relationships with people are burnt. Should the worse happen would I be better off offering my resignation to get a reference for potential new employers? Also are the company at fault for not having personnel files locked/encrypted and accessible (I am not ecusing what |I done|) thank you regards very worried
  21. seems these guys like to kick you when you are down... and right next to christmas as well!!! i started claiming ESA at the start of june 2016 this was mainly due to problems with my back and feet. both these are constant and i am subscribed 3 different types of pain relief taken on a daily basis to try to relieve it. anyway i had waited for over 5 months for an assessment... they only pushed it along because i visited my local job center to ask why it was taking so long... as you only get put into a different bracket after the assessment i had only been getting the standard amount of money each week. today i noticed a payment for £10.45 for ESA!!! had no idea what it was for... then i get a letter in the post saying due to the assessment i am able to work and as of the 7th december my money has stopped... whilst on ESA in september i tore ligaments in my ankle caused by balance problems... i was unable to walk for a week or so. now i have to use a crutch, then i found i had a DVT a week after the fall possibly caused by the trauma to the ankle. as well as the pain killers I see a physio for my back problems and have steroid injections in my feet for the pain. my wife lost her job and started claiming JSA in november. so at the moment we do not have a lot of income. all this aside i was wondering if anyone could give me some advice... the assessment took ages and now they say i am able to work they will not pay me the money that was supposed to be back paid from the 13th/14th week after making the claim upto the assessment date. the least i was expecting was to be put in the work-related activity group and to get a couple of hundred quid back pay just before christmas i got sick notes as was asked, also had to go to A+E a number of times due to serious falls. i have been feeling low for some time now and this could be the nail on the coffin adding severe depression into the mix. i read that i can ask them to take a look at it again... there is no time frame for them to do this so i could be waiting 6 months again without any money. After they have looked at it and still said they are still not paying it i then have to appeal it and even more wait. JSA is listed as an option but if i claimed that it would be saying i am fit for work and that is not the case, that is why i applied for ESA in the first place. sorry if i rambled on a bit... any help would be welcome
  22. Could someone help with this. I have been living in this property through the council for a month now. I claim income support. HB claim went through fine and they started paying my rent. Today though out of the blue I get a letter from them saying my HB has been stopped because I am no longer in receipt of income support. It's false though. I still claim both carers allowance and income support. Nothing has changed at all. The day after they said my suspension of HB started, I received my 2 weekly payment of IS to my bank account. They now want 2 months worth of bank statements (Why? They have my August bank statement already from when I made the HB claim), they want me to fill in a form titled "Use this form to claim housing benefit if your income support has stopped" (My IS hasn't stopped so if I did fill that form in, I would be lying to them) and proof of all income since I moved into this property. What can I do? Send them a screen print of the IS and CA when it next gets paid into my account? They have put me in the royal crap with rent because I am now in arrears. Thanks
  23. French honorary consul in Turkey suspended over selling rubber dinghies to migrants http://www.france24.com/en/20150912-french-honorary-consul-turkey-selling-boats-migrants-francoise-olcay
  24. Hi, I have been suspended from work after I made a complaint about my manager, basically I had to be investigated for being late to work, on the day in question I was very unwell and couldn't get the bus due to having no money, I walked to work and was a little late. My manager sent an email to the person doing the investigation stating that I am a confrontational person and the person doing the investigation should have a witness present for their own protection. This email was shown to me and I naturally complained as it is a slanderous email and it suggests I would get violent towards a colleague. I complained to the senior manager regarding this email. The senior manager visited me and suspended me on the grounds of a complaint that came in from a member of public about a month ago. There has been no investigation into the complaint and I haven't been suspended awaiting disciplinary action. In my job I have had lots of complaints from members of the public, being a civil enforcement officer it is a common occurrence, but as complaints are usually just from disgruntled people and never anything serious, which is the case this time, I have never been suspended before. These complaints are always investigated first. I believe I am going to be sacked of spurious grounds to avoid the issue of my manager and the slanderous comments made about me. Do I walk? Do I allow the sacking and appeal? Should I escalate this with HR before it reaches any of these stages? I am unsure what to do here. Employment tribunal? Thanks for any advice you can give Tony
  25. Hi. I hope that somebody can give me some advice. I received and Attachment of Earnings Order that required me to complete a declaration, detailing my income and outgoings etc. At the bottom of the page, I ticked to have the order suspending and stated that I am happy to make a voluntary payment offer on receipt of a signed credit agreement between myself and the claimant (Hoist Portfolio/Howard Cohen & Co) as I have never had account with them. I have since received Suspended Attachments of Earnings Order dated 2/10/2015 ordering me to pay £40 per month until the £14k debt is cleared. Not had anything in terms of a credit agreement, or any correspondence from Howard Cohen at all for that matter. Can I still fight this? I'm going to contact Howard Cohen to request payment details so that I can make the £40 payment anyway, but if it's worth fighting then I'm going to do that too. Thanks in advance.
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