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  1. Hello I am just about to commence a PPI re-claim on an old Alliance & Leicester personal loan. There appears to be a number of addresses to where the SAR letter should be sent. Can anyone please confirm which is the best (correct) one to use. The options I have are:- Customer Services, Santander Consumer, Santander House, 86 Station Road, Redhill RH1 1SR. Alliance & Leicester Personal Finance Limited Building 3 Floor 2 Carlton Park Narborough Leicester LE19 0AL Santander (Abbey, Alliance & Leicester) Abbey National House 2 Triton Square Regent's Place London NW1 3AN Santander SAR's team P.O. Box 1111 Bradford BD1 9NQ If non of the above are the correct address, I would greatly appreciate info. on where it should be sent. Thanks James
  2. Hello everyone I’m looking to get some help if possible please my partner recently applied to open a new HSBC bank account for the cash incentive via the online system. The account she applied for some reason was declined but then instantly offered a standard basic account instead which she accepted and the card and pin arrived a few days later. The following week another letter arrived in a large envelope again from hsbc this time stating they had now closed the account without warning or notice due to not meeting the banks criteria. Strange but ok fair enough she’s not wanted as a customer until she noticed it was hand signed by someone from the fraud analyst department Becoming very worried she contacted the bank who refused to tell her anything and was then advised to send a SAR request to HSBC bank and also CIFAS. Friday she received a letter from CIFAS with a Single CIFAS FRAUD listing from HSBC BANK under the heading APPLICATION FRAUD that she did not list a previous address with adverse history APPLICATION GRANTED This is absolutely disgusting she’s done nothing wrong currently been living in the same house since June 2014 so we’ll over 4 years now. HSBC application page clearly asks for 3 years address history which she’s obviously listed her current address so nothing makes sense at all. She’s sent the HSBC ceo a email who’s replied today with this ( I can understand your frustration in that we ask for any addresses in the last three years and you moved four years ago, so shouldn't have to supply another address. However, we had information there was adverse credit data accrued in your name at a different address within the last three years. I'm very sorry for any confusion caused but we have correctly followed our process. We also correctly reported the instance to CIFAS, as we have an obligation to do. I'm understand this may not be the outcome you were looking for but I hope this has helped to explain our position. If you feel the information we had was incorrect, you may want to check with the Credit Reference Agencies. We use three agencies, Experian, Equifax and Call Credit. ) We are both extremely upset and worried about this issue as she’s done absolutely nothing wrong and is now obviously petrified that all her other financial dealings with other banks etc will see this and close everything down. What do you suggest we now do and has anyone else had issues like this previously that could advise we would be very grateful
  3. Hi When I was at university as a single mum, I claimed income support, which you're entitled to do. This was back in 2001-2004! The DWP have contacted me a couple of times over the years saying I fraudulently claimed and didn't declare I was a student. I absolutely did and in any case I would've still been allowed to get income support. They have now written to me to say they have asked my employer to commence deductions from my earnings. The debt is over £11,000! My understanding is that a debt becomes statute barred after 6 years so are they allowed to take this form of action? Ive appealed their decision twice over the years and they've dismissed it, the last time they didn't even look in to it, my bet is because they don't have the paperwork anymore!? I dont actually owe them anything, it clearly says in law that you can claim income support if a student and a single parent so I don't understand it! Can anyone help? Thanks
  4. Dear all I would be very grateful for any help with my situation. I had a SPO following mortgage arrears (£3600) in 2008. Since then I have been making my contractual payments but had missed payments on three occasions from unexpected expenses resulting from direct debits being returned unpaid. I was in a particularly bad financial condition in the last 6 months following an elderly family member falling unwell while abroad. The mortgage arrears accrued to £3400 again and the mortgage company ( a subprime lender) has now applied to the court for a warrant for possession. I panicked and raised money from friends and family to clear off the arrears, but the lender is refusing to accept any payments and instead insists that I send them last three months of bank statements before they would decided whether to accept the payments or not. They insist that until I serve them the bank statements, they can't do anything about the eviction and says an eviction date will be issued in due course. They also made me complete an income and expenditure with them over the phone. I am very reluctant to send in bank statements, since with the financial difficulties over the last three months, I have resorted to payday loans (cleared) and I am very worried this will again jeopardize the situation. I am otherwise in a stable job and would be able to afford my contractual payments going forward. I have raised the money and want to clear the arrears but I am left in this dire situation. With family and young children, it looks as if my fate is sealed. May be someone else on this forum would have had a similar situation and I am sincerely hoping for some advice and help. Apologies for the long post.
  5. Hi Everyone Just like to say that this is a great forum. I have been following posts on here specifically for advice to VT my agreement with Advantage finance. I have used one of the templates and sent off the VT this evening. Fingers crossed that it goes well. Many Thanks
  6. I have been rather stupid and rather than dealing with my CCJ, I ignored it. I received a letter from the Bailiffs office, was dated 26th July, but didn't actually open it until Thursday 29th. I tried to call the bailiffs number with out any success. After looking for some advice on line, I made an application using N245 on Friday 30th June and was advised at the Country Court that the bailiff would see the application on Monday morning, which is the 3rd Of July - date they said they would be visiting. I was told that this application should stop the visit. The notice for removal was dated 30th and I received this today, 1st July. Will this form N245 stop the visit on Monday? I have sent a text to the Bailiff asking to phone me asap. Thanks in advance This was for a credit card debt. aqua, who have passed it onto Arrow and is for approx 3500.
  7. I qualified to become a driving intructor in 2012 and in Oct 2015 I gave my ADI badge back to the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) as I was no longer teaching due to being in a full time job. The DSA sent me a letter to confirm they received my ADI badge in Oct 2015 also confirmed they removed my name off the Driving Instructors Register. The DSA said in a letter I had ..."12 months from the date your name was removed from the ADI register on 30th Oct2015 to re-register without taking the driving instructor qualifying exams..." So in late Oct 2016 a few days before the 12 months was coming up, I sent in my application to the DSA to re-register, along with my card details for payment of £300. I also did a CRB check a few months before, which was required. The DSA received my application on the 27th Oct (The 12 months deadline was on the 30th, so they received it with 3 days left) I heard nothing for 2 weeks, then I received my application form back (stamped received 27th Oct 2016) and a letter saying my application was unfortunately being rejected because I had not made payment in the last 12 months (I was not teaching in the last 12 months - I had given my badge back and was off the register) as mentioned above. I called the DSA and was told I did not make payment within the 12 months deadline of wanting to re-register with my application form - I explained I sent my application within the 12 months deadline and my card details were on the form. I also explained I had a letter from the DSA from Oct 2015 telling me I had 12 months to re-apply from the date my name was removed off the register. I was told the ADI department was looking for my letter from Oct 2015 and would email me (which they did not) The next day I rang again and this time I again explained - I sent my application within the 12 months time period and wrote my card details on the application form. That my application was returned back to me stamped 'received 27th Oct 2106' - within the 12 month deadline. I was bluntly told my application was being rejected (even though I applied within the 12month period to re-register) because according to the the DSA 1. The DSA needed the 3 digit security number on the back of my card to take payment and they supposedly tried to ring me several times and my number was not working (I explained my number was working all the time and to ring me back to confirm it was working, but the person on the line said no). I explained I received no missed calls. 2. They said they sent me emails as well which I did not have in my inbox I was told bluntly I had to re-apply from scratch and do all the 3 driving instructor tests again and to re-qualify!! - I was feeling very angry because I did nothing wrong in my application and sent it in within 12 months. The DSA received my application on the 23rd Oct and the letter they sent me to say it was being rejected, was dated the 24th Oct, but it was sent out to me a via recorded delivery a whole 12 days later on the 4th Dec 2016 (why was my letter dated 24th Oct 2016 and then sent out to me on the 4th Dec 2016??) they wasted 12 days on purpose to send me the letter. The DSA received my application on 23rd Oct 2016, why did they not send me a letter telling me they needed the 3 digit security number from my card or why did they not send me a text message. The DSA received my application within 12 months and they should have sent me a letter to request my card details, if according to them my phone number was not working (which is a lie) I want to appeal the DSA decision on the basis of 1. I sent my application within 12 months of the deadline to re-register. 2. I need dates/times of the when the DSA called me and according to them my phone was not working (a down right lie) so I can get confirmation from my phone network provider to confirm my phone was working and they was no problem with the phone network - which would break the DSA false argument. 3. Why did not the DSA send me a letter to request the security number or try sending me a text message. 4. The DSA received my letter on the 27th Oct, (application form shows "received 27th Oct) - 3 days before the 12 month deadline. 5. Why did the DSA produce the rejection letter on the 24th Oct and take a whole 12 days to send it out to me on the 4th Dec via recorded delivery - they on purpose took 12 days to delay it being sent to me, so they could say I did not appeal within 14 days!! - thats how sneaky they are!! Please can you help me draft up a letter I need to send the DSA tommorow please
  8. Hi, I applied for a provisional driving license in October 2016. To this day (Aug 2017) I am still waiting for it. Today DVLA told me it's still in a queue for a doctor to review but would not tell me how many months or years it would take for that review to happen. DVLA refused to tell me the average or approximate time it takes for a medical review to happen. No info whatsoever...just keep waiting... Is this normal? How long does this normally take? Is there a way I could get a provisional license and my lessons as well as the actual driving license abroad and then use that here? - Sorry, this might be a silly question, but I need options. I desperately need a driving license for work/shopping/doc appointments due to bad back, and it seems it's not possible to do it in the UK due to some internal DVLA backlogs. Thank you for any suggestions x
  9. Hi, My husband suffered a serious brain injury some years back and after a few years it became clear that he was no longer able to manage any kind of finances. His solicitors suggested the Court of Protection which they set up and managed on his behalf, but it was very, very expensive and once all his savings where gone and they where only managing his benefits the cost was almost as much as they where. We recently switched to myself managing the CoP which means that I have a special bank account and his benefits go into that, his bills are paid and then an allowance is transferred to a bank account he can access. I've been trying to sort through all his stuff and I've found a number of credit cards that he's managed to apply for and use. The solicitors 'should' have blacklisted him with all credit agencies and as part of the CoP you: a) Can no longer have any credit. b) You are no longer able to sign any legal documents. c) Your financial decisions are legally made by someone else. I've returned the cards to the companies and made them aware of the situation. I'm assuming that since he should have been blacklisted, unable to apply for credit and unable to sign legal documents that the CCA's are at the very least unenforceable, illegal and that any debt built up is effectively written off? If anyone has experienced similar or has any advice on what sort of problems we might have because of this.
  10. Hi, I am not sure which section to ask this but here goes. I applied to Part ex my caravan . I needed to borrow £34120. I hadn't heard if it had gone through I had received a letter from my existing finance company thanking me for request of settlement figure. So far so good however I called the Finance company and they put me through to the new business team, They informed me I had been accepted for the loan and the amount that had been requested was £56720 and they needed a bigger deposit. I informed them I did not need that much and that I only needed £34k . The dealership said they didn't know what happened and they would adjust the figures. I heard nothing again and called the new business team who agreed the figures had been adjusted and they had asked for £38k.Again too much. I again informed the dealership and they said it had been declined however when I informed them I had only just spoken to the finance company and it had been accepted they said again they would look at it. Bottom line is the company dealership asked for £22k more than I needed. They have said the finance company have declined the deal which is a lie. I have done all the chasing and they have not treated me fairly. Any advice would be appreciated I am getting no where with them
  11. Hello All, some advice requested - please and thank you. long story short - Following SAR, I discovered that the bank had applied an incorrect rate of interest to a loan i took out way back in 2002 (i had thought the "extra" was due to PPI). After an amount of to-ing and fro-ing bank rejected PPI had been included. Bank argued re the "extra" monthly repayment amounts but paid £100 for distress and inconvenience directly into my account and advised me to contact FOS if not happy. Matter therefore promptly referred to FOS. The bank now agrees that the 16 monthly repayment amounts were incorrect and have offered to refund the overpayments ONLY with an additional £75 for distress and inconvenience. Question - is this offer fair and reasonable? i.e. no offer of interest % repayment- be it statutory 8% and/or other related and claimable interest...and on what substantiated basis could one put forward an argument for repayment? I have to respond to this offer within a matter a days and thus it would be marvellous to hear from you all in due course. Many thanks indeed.
  12. Hi I have just received a letter with cheque attached from Santander stating that 'while reviewing my closed business account they have noticed they applied the wrong interest to the unauthorised overdraft on a business account between 2009 to 2014.' Now this account was closed after being paid in full in 2014, but what they have refunded is the difference between the wrong interest and the correct interest and then have applied interest to that as accrued to current date. While this is OK, my question is would I be entitled to compensation on this error as well as any charges on the account that were applied. The additional interest that I had to pay off at the time certainly delayed the settlement due to the extra interest added by them and this was at a time of hardship . I did not have use of that money for use by my family as it was paid to Santander, and it prolonged the time that it was reflected on my credit report. My thoughts are to request copy statements from them for the time period noted and details of charges applied so that I can check what they are referring to, details of how they have calculated the refund, have they included the amount of interest applied to the incorrect interest, along with a request for compensation for the hardship stress and lack of use incurred by their error. Any thoughts and additional suggestions on this would be appreciated along with what level of compensation would be reasonable to expect/ request. Thanks in advance for your thoughts and comments
  13. I am looking for advice on gaining the removal of a default notice recently applied by HSBC. I'm new to this site and therefore have not previously followed any advice provided by this site. I'm requesting the default be removed from my credit reports as I believe I have been unfairly treated and this default has not been applied correctly. I believe HSBC has treated me unfairly as they refused to offer and agree a payment plan that their Final Demand letter offered, their communications, and application of process have contained many inaccuracies that have meant resolving the situation was confusing and difficult, and the detail of the registered default are inaccurate. I have already raised this with the financial ombudsman and they have upheld the decision by HSBC to refuse to remove the default (verbally stating I'd taken HSBC's correspondence 'too literally'). My next step is to challenge this decision by the Financial Ombudsman but I only have until the 13th August 2015. I’d be very grateful for any advice on how to approach this and what else, if anything, I should be doing. The background I opened an account with HSBC in 1992. I stopped using this account when I changed jobs a few years ago and opened a new account with a different bank which my salary is now paid into. As the HSBC account no longer received my salary and direct debits were still set on the account (these are time consuming to set up again), the account went over the agreed overdraft on a couple of occasions due to my oversight in managing the balance and the numerous direct debits that were set up on the account. As the account was effectively dormant, HSBC changed my account to a basic account and removed my formal overdraft in the months prior to issuing the Pre-Demand and Final Demand letters. I made a number of payments to keep the overdraft at its limit but , largely due to the fees charged by HSBC, the account did go over its limit again and (I subsequently discovered) entered HSBC’s ‘collection process’. Final Demand The Final Demand letter I received in September 2014 stated "We recently issued you with a Default Notice on the above account." I have never received one nor has HSBC been able to provide evidence of ever having issued one. Following receipt of the Final Demand notice I called to arrange repayment of approximately 50% of the outstanding sum with a suggestion of repaying the remaining balance but the agent I spoke to insisted that there was nothing I could do to arrange a repayment plan and I’d have to wait until I was contacted by HSBC Repayment Services (HRS). HSBC did not make it clear on the call that transferal to HRS would result in a default being registered and that the only way to prevent a default from being registered was to pay the full debt at that time. I consider that I was treated unfairly as the repeated offer in the letter to make suitable arrangements appears not to be genuine and as such, and for the purpose of clear communication, should not have been included in the letter. HSBC also declined my request to clarify this by email following the call. I requested this as the advice given in the letter and the conversation differed so greatly and I was confused by the unclear explanation of the process. The Final Demand letter stated "If you do not make full payment or make a suitable arrangement with us..." and under the "help is available” section specified that “if you are unable to pay the full amount at this time, please call the above number and we will try to work with you to come to a suitable arrangement” HSBC have subsequently responded to me to state that “As the Final Demand had already been set, only repayment of the full outstanding balance would have prevented the account from being passed to HRS and a Default registered with the CRA's.” I consider that I was treated unfairly as the repeated offer in the letter to make suitable arrangements appears not to be genuine and as such, and for the purpose of clear communication, should not have been included in the letter. Inaccurate registration of Defaults HSBC have subsequently registered a default with only 2 of the three CRA’s but did so approximately 4 months after they told me they’d closed the account and registered the default. I’m not sure why the default was registered so long after HSBC say the account was closed and why the default has not been registered with all CRA’s. Inaccuracies in registered default Whilst I don’t believe a default should have been registered due to lack of Default Notice, the default that has been registered appears to be inaccurate based on HSBC’s stated aim of showing “a true reflection of how the account has been maintained"”. The start balance has been registered as the default balance and the account was marked as satisfied about a week before the final repayment was made. In addition to this HSBC had never registered anything with any credit reference agency before April 2015 (presumably because my account was opened in 1992 before they were obliged to share information with Credit Reference Agencies) and as the date of closure of the account didn't match the date of closure stated by HSBC as my account closure date I don't consider this statement to be accurate. According to HSBC correspondence the closure date was in November 2014 but no default was registered until March 2015. I spoke with Experian in January 2015 and they confirmed a default had not been registered and indeed no information had been received from HSBC at all. This is after HSBC stated they had both closed my account and registered a default. This position only changed in my Experian credit file in April 2015. The implication here is that I could have applied for credit for 4 months after HSBC claimed they’d registered a default without a default having any impact on my chances to get a mortgage etc. In addition to this inaccuracy, the final sentence of the last paragraph of the first page of HSBC's letter of was incomplete and simply stated "This is reported for 6 years although”. Response from HSBC to my initial appeal I’ve written a couple of letters to HSBC raising the issues around what I consider to be inaccuracies and they’ve not really acknowledged them. Instead they state that sending other letters (a Pre-demand letter and the Final Demand Letter that referred to a Default Notice that was not sent) fulfilled their obligations under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Response from the Financial Ombudsman to my appeal After receiving the email confirmation from the Financial Ombudsman that they would uphold the decision I requested confirmation by email that defaults can be registered without a Default Notice having been applied. "I can confirm that you are correct, in line with industry guidance and relevant rules and legislation a default notice should be issued before a default is registered to provide sufficient time for the person receiving it, to take action to try and prevent the default. However, when we receive cases of this type, we look at the overall circumstances of what has happened. As explained, simply because you did not receive a default notice does not mean the default should be removed." The Financial Ombudsman did agree that HSBC’s communication, including the call where they refused to agree a repayment plan, could have been clearer but don’t seem to be concerned by the inaccuracies despite stating that there “is a legal obligation for information that is reported to the credit reference agencies to be a true and accurate reflection of the account”. I’d greatly appreciate any advice on my chances of getting the default removed and the best approach to achieving this.
  14. I have applied to several UK banks for current accounts over a period of approximately two months and, for various reasons (such as mistakenly being classified as not being on the electoral roll), been rejected by all of them. The application searches are on my Experian credit file. I appreciate that having too many applications in a short period of time is not something the banks take too kindly to. Should I wait a period of time before applying to further banks? I appreciate it's a question one can generally only guestimate, but how many banks would be "too many" to apply to before further banks get suspicious and reject an application? If I should wait for a while, how long should I wait please? Thanks a lot.
  15. Garage has sent a letter to register my vehicle for unpaid bill. This company agreed to do work for cash in hand, some monies paid have not been credited and he has now upped the bill and now included VAT. As far as I am concerned they are in breach of contract. Are they able to take over my vehicle? It is parked in a private yard, not on their premises. They stated at the beginning that if I let them do work when needed in between jobs then they would do it cheaper. This has NOT been the case and now expecting me to pay an inflated bill. I have receipts for one large payment but nothing for the others as he would not give me one. Where do I stand on this legally? AS they have been trading without VAT and now issued a bill for work where some of it was already paid for without a receipt by cash in hand.
  16. Hi everyone. I have received a letter today to say that someone has applied for a V5 for my car, the letter asks me to confirm if I have in fact sold the car or if it is still in my possession (which it is). I called their main customer service number as the number given on the letter is not open on Saturdays and they told me that it could just be someone has applied for a V5 for a similar registration plate and its been mistaken for mine or it could be that someone has cloned my car and sold on the clone. I did buy my car without a V5 as it had just been sold to the place I bought it from a few days before and it hadn't arrived there yet. I applied for and received the V5 with no problems. I have had the car since November and have checked the VIN etc and I definitely have the right car (I had a problem with buying a car with an outstanding VIC check before so I always check and double check everything now). I guess what I am asking is has this happened to anyone else? what are the chances that my car has been cloned and what will happen if it has been? Obviously I will fill in the form DVLA sent me to say that I haven't sold the car but what happens after that?
  17. Hi CAG I took out a cashplus card last year and applied the creditbuilder option to my account with them. However over the past few months as it is not a card I ever really use I didn't have the 4.95 they request each month as part of the credit builder. Which left my account in arrears of a mere £39.00 I topped up my account on Sept 30th with £39 to cover the arrears and then sent them an email confirming that I had done so following the directions they had given me when chasing the £39. On oct 7th I checked my credit file and noticed that they had put a default on and had the £39 as outstanding. I logged in to my cashplus account and it clearly states that the debt had been cleared and shows the transactions where they debited my account on october 6th. I called cashplus to query this and they said that they can see that I have deposited £39 on the 30/09/2014 but a DD (Amazon Prime that was cancelled off that account literally the day after it was put on) attempted to take money out of my account (which isnt shown anywhere on my statement, nor was the account taken into a negative balance) which apparently meant that they could only debit my account on october 6th - This confuses me as the default was entered on Oct 5th - even though they knew the debt was cleared. To conclude the woman at the end of the phone said that she will put a request though to head office explaining the situation and for the default to be removed. I asked to have this in writing that and she said they cant do that all they can do is put a note on my file for this call. I have checked my experian today and it is still on there, can anybody give me some advice on how to handle this as I do not trust that they will be removing the default due to the sneaky way that it was applied! Any advice would be truly appreciated!
  18. How long after non payment on a credit card can a default be applied on credit files?
  19. I lost an appeal in November last year and costs were applied £750 - I appealed and this hearing was heard within another hearing Civil Case on Jan 4th 2014 - The Judge awarded the claimant £7,123 - off which £5,000 of this was costs. He mentioned something about only allowing certain sum of costs. I could not pay - single parent on benefits and offered £5 a month - this was refused so I applied for a redetermination hearing which was heard in March 2014. I informed Judge I had a caravan old tower 1997 that I could sell worth about 2k. Advertised on 8 sites including Ebay and no interest. Went back to court on Monday 23rd June to update situation and offered £25 a month (payable by my BF) this was again rejected - again given another 3 months to sell caravan then other party intends to get a high court writ. The upshot is unbeknown to me this debt has gone up - I thought the £750 for previous hearing was already added to final judgement of £7, 123 - the other party have now added interest and further costs on both amounts. I managed to sell some furniture and jewellery and paid £1,000 in April - thinking the debt was now £6,123 but the debt has now increased to £7,300 thereabouts. Impossible situation. My question would be - how do I query this £750 additional ? no mention of this in the final judgement so assumed £5,000 in costs was total. Can I question the interest side of things? if I managed ( family member) to pay off some and get it under the £5,000 does interest cease? The Judge mentioned any debt over £5,000 interest becomes payable. So would it be worth my while loaning the funds from a family member. Thank you for your help in this matter it is all very confusing.
  20. I am dealing with 3 PPI claims, Egg, Barclaycard and Capital One. The whole process is totally draining for me and involves months and years of phone calls, lies and misdirection. Whilst Barclaycard and Capital One are still ongoing it is the Egg that I want to talk about now. This was my first PPI claim and I just wanted to get a positive response. I did get this and banked the cheque. This is coming back to haunt me and I will tell you why. The SAR response listed all of the phone conversations that I had with Egg representatives. When they claimed I had accepted PPI there was no record of a phone call. It is clear that it was applied to my account by a representative who had simply applied it in order to get the commission. I was naive and did not push this further, just happy to get my money back. I am now really annoyed by the whole PPI repayment process and how the banks are trying to diddle the consumer out of their money. I have learnt that any PPI reward is not simply a free handout but a repayment of the money that they have taken from us. What should I do about Egg. It is well over 6 months on, should I take them to court regarding this?
  21. my friend cancelled his JSA claim today and has appointment booked with his ingeus advisor tomorrow, he has asked me if he can still get sanctioned for not attending as he is switching from JSA to ESA? sorry to keep going on but he keeps asking me.
  22. I have a Santander Bank account 123. I have no overdraft on this account (they refused me) but that's ok as its a little account I have and not my main one. I have text alerts to say my statement is ready however I went into m account tonight on line (paperless statements) to find that I had a charge of £45 taken out. I called them to be told that in Jan 2014 I spent £26 in a shop on my debit card and that took me £22 over into an unauthorised overdraft. They took the charge today and this has caused me to go overdrawn again (I wouldn't have been if they hadn't applied the charge) . I have picked this up today and will cover the amount overdrawn tomorrow however I am totally miffed off that a transaction put through by a shop and authorised by them has cost me £45. They said its my responsibility to check however where was my text asking me if I knew the account had gone into unauthorised O D mode. I am not able to have Good will Gesture as they told me I had one 2th FEb 2 yrs ago Am I wrong to be miffed at this sneaky charge. I want to take it further. I will be closing the account after the next DDs come out end of the month not that this will impact them but I will feel better Views please and advice or pointers. They have logged a complaint but made it clear I will NOT get them back
  23. Last year I rented out a room to make some extra cash to a student. Long story short he did a runner owning rent and left the room in a tip. Wrote to him at his parents address asking for outstanding amount to be paid or I would go to small claims court to pursue had no response. He failed to turn up at court in Nov&Feb court found in my favour. I tracked him down via his new employer a few weeks ago and engaged the sheriff officers to deliver the decree to his address which gives him 14 days to respond which he didn't. So last week I applied via the sheriff officers an arrestment of earnings order against him. Suddenly now I have his attention and had a call from the CAB stating that the 3rd party doesn't owe anything I explained the situation to the CAB who have then said well sounds like he's had his chances and will now need to engage a solicitor. I've been told by the sheriff officer he cant stop the arrestment of earning order and I know there is no direct right of appeal against the court findings. But I think he can try to get the hearing re-called and would this prevent me from getting the money owed until it was resolved
  24. I have just signed into Equifax having decided to apply for a mortgage having last been a member a year ago. I have found that a default has been added to my account January 1st 2012, Mail Order from MacKenzie Hall. I'm not sure who they are but guessing that they are debt collectors but have no idea why this has been added now. When I was out of work, I did have a number of accounts that defaulted but I have had no failed payments since returning to work 7 years ago. I have an idea that it may be Studio Catalogue, however, I know that this was also more than six years ago. Are they able to add the default in this way? I've struggled to get my credit back on track and now I'm ready to move forward, this has happened and it's really bringing me down. Any help would be muchly appreciated!!
  25. I have a Nationwide Flex account which I hardly use but it is set up to pay my PayPal payments. Last week I bought 4 items off ebay totalling £2.97 but didn't realise I had a 0 balance at Nationwide. The payments bounced and the wonderful people at Nationwide have informed me I will be charged £60. I've printed form off to close account but I am wondering what will happen about the £60 charges? Been into my local branch and they were has much use has a chocolate teapot. Any advice please ? Thanks in advance.
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