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Found 5 results

  1. Hi All, I'll try and keep this as succint as possible, I just want to gauge some opinions on a current issue I'm having with morethan pet insurance. Our cat is 13 years old and requires surgery costing up to £8k. We've had our policy since he was 8 weeks old, with the same provider (morethan), and have never made any changes to the policy ourselves. The cover limit is £8k (plus whatever excess fees, which we'll get to)... The last paperwork we received from them was the payment schedule this time last year (it also detailed the policy renewal date as 5th June 2018; we were yet to receive the payment schedule, which seems odd considering 3 weeks have passed since the renewal date). On the last payment schedule it detailed the t&c and we noted that as the cat was over 9 years old we'd pay £150 plus 10% of the final costs. Fine. So we go ahead knowing that that's affordable. The cat had the operation today and is recovering well. Also today (29th June) we receive our updated payment schedule (not by accident might I add - we had to phone to request this amidst the cats problems as we knew we'd need to show it to the vets) - now, the policy schedule says that as the cat is over 9 years we have to pay 20% of the final costs- instead of the 10% we were expecting as detailed on lasts years schedule. My wife phones up the insurance company to query this and apparently they changed their excess structure in December 2017 and notified their customers - needless to say we didn't receive any notification from them. So we're in a position with the vets bills coming in soon, and we'll have to pay double what we expected - if we'd known about the 20% we probably would have held off and had him monitored for a few more days before resorting to an op. Naturally I'm suspicious that as the insurance company were aware of the claim incoming when we phoned to request this years they schedule, they took advantage of the 'between policy period' and have doubles our excess percentage! I can't see any excess percentages detailed on their website - are they done on a customer by customer basis, does anyone know? Can anyone offer any sage advice as to our situation?! Do we have any legal footing due to the fact that we've not been notified of the changes? Well, that's all folks, thanks for listening, and thanks in advance for any help!
  2. Hello I am just about to commence a PPI re-claim on an old Alliance & Leicester personal loan. There appears to be a number of addresses to where the SAR letter should be sent. Can anyone please confirm which is the best (correct) one to use. The options I have are:- Customer Services, Santander Consumer, Santander House, 86 Station Road, Redhill RH1 1SR. Alliance & Leicester Personal Finance Limited Building 3 Floor 2 Carlton Park Narborough Leicester LE19 0AL Santander (Abbey, Alliance & Leicester) Abbey National House 2 Triton Square Regent's Place London NW1 3AN Santander SAR's team P.O. Box 1111 Bradford BD1 9NQ If non of the above are the correct address, I would greatly appreciate info. on where it should be sent. Thanks James
  3. Hi all. I have just done an accurate expenditure and income sheet which amazingly shows that we have £500 a month free. I don't know where it is in the real world, but that's what it says. My wife sent it off to BWLegal (it's her debt of £7k+) with an offer and it was refused. Their counter offer is that they want us to pay £375.98 per month which is 75% of this 'surplus'. Would a court find this a reasonable percentage!? If not, what would be considered a reasonable percentage? There are other debts, If I divide the total amount against an accepted reasonable percentage, it would be normal to pay pro-rata, yes? Thanks for any help.
  4. I have started a few threads over the last week and with no disrespect to any regulars on CAG, as it is more my own perceptions that are causing confusion:|, I feel no further forward. In brief we have approx 30K's worth of debts with the largest being Black Horse who have taken over my Capital loan since the LSTB/Halifax merger:-( So in effect that one is still with the OC..... The rest are 5K , 3K, 2K, 1.5K and a few of around £200 - all of these smaller ones are with DCA's:| We have been running a DMP with Payplan for the last 2 years and have never had any problems other than the odd letter reminding us of our debts....not one offer of a reduced settlement:-x We have now sold our house and will be left with approx 5K in cash. Do we tell Payplan about the 5K and ask them to try for F&F's or do it ourselves? If we tell our creditors that we have sold our house and this is probably the last time we'll have access to anywhere near 5K will that help our cause? Do you think Black Horse will be happy to get their £55 per month till the tenth of never from Payplan? Do you think any of the creditors will put the squeeze on us if they get wind that we now have no more assets? All help and advice GREATLY appreciated:roll:
  5. Hi, I've copied & pasted all my transactions into a spreadsheet. However I'm now stuck with trying to find out past APRs for overdrafts. According to their website, the current EAR (which I assume is the same as APR) has been 19.89% since 2nd August 2010. The previous EAR is stated as 19.24% from 28th April 2008. I have downloaded the spreadsheet (CompoundSheet_v1.8.xls - not sure if that is the up-to-date version?) to calculate what the bank owes me. However I can't figure out which percentage to use. There is a field at the top of the sheet for the APR, however it seems that it is changed every year or so, so I am clueless as to what figure to use, especially as I don't have the figures for the period before April '08. I have checked the forum for information on this but haven't had any success. Over the last 5 years since I have had the account, the bank has taken over £1,200 from me and as I am on benefits due to my disability, this is a huge amount of money to me! Thanks for any help with helping me to reclaim those fees.
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