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  1. I'm changing my email address and want to amend the address that CAG have (the address you use to send me notifications when someone responds on a thread I've posted on). I must be having a bad day because I can't find the setting anywhere for changing my details! How do I do it?
  2. Hi, can anyone tell me if alleged"defaults" from creditors can remain on my equifax file or for that matter any credit reference agency? in my own case.. i have won 2 cases against me alleged to default in 2012 whilst i understand they are going to fall off the file this year... its later in summer.. my query is .. having won my cases, does that not say the dispute was won on an alleged debt.. therefore should not be there?
  3. Hi All, I'll try and keep this as succint as possible, I just want to gauge some opinions on a current issue I'm having with morethan pet insurance. Our cat is 13 years old and requires surgery costing up to £8k. We've had our policy since he was 8 weeks old, with the same provider (morethan), and have never made any changes to the policy ourselves. The cover limit is £8k (plus whatever excess fees, which we'll get to)... The last paperwork we received from them was the payment schedule this time last year (it also detailed the policy renewal date as 5th June 2018; we were yet to receive the payment schedule, which seems odd considering 3 weeks have passed since the renewal date). On the last payment schedule it detailed the t&c and we noted that as the cat was over 9 years old we'd pay £150 plus 10% of the final costs. Fine. So we go ahead knowing that that's affordable. The cat had the operation today and is recovering well. Also today (29th June) we receive our updated payment schedule (not by accident might I add - we had to phone to request this amidst the cats problems as we knew we'd need to show it to the vets) - now, the policy schedule says that as the cat is over 9 years we have to pay 20% of the final costs- instead of the 10% we were expecting as detailed on lasts years schedule. My wife phones up the insurance company to query this and apparently they changed their excess structure in December 2017 and notified their customers - needless to say we didn't receive any notification from them. So we're in a position with the vets bills coming in soon, and we'll have to pay double what we expected - if we'd known about the 20% we probably would have held off and had him monitored for a few more days before resorting to an op. Naturally I'm suspicious that as the insurance company were aware of the claim incoming when we phoned to request this years they schedule, they took advantage of the 'between policy period' and have doubles our excess percentage! I can't see any excess percentages detailed on their website - are they done on a customer by customer basis, does anyone know? Can anyone offer any sage advice as to our situation?! Do we have any legal footing due to the fact that we've not been notified of the changes? Well, that's all folks, thanks for listening, and thanks in advance for any help!
  4. Hi my Father is nearly 66 and currently receiving Pension Credit and PIP my Mother is 60 and currently his carer for many years but is not doing to well her self and I've been doing most of the caring myself already. So my main concerns are id I was change myself to the carer how would effect them, I know heath is more important than money but I would want to see them be short as they are only just getting by as it is. I have no idea how that would work so I'm looking for a little help. My Mother would obviously lose the care allowance but I'm sure that was being deducted from my Father anyway would it effect his benefits? My final concern is if my Mother was no longer claiming Care allowance would she be called to any jobcentre appointments etc? I can provide more information if needed, hopefully someone more knowledgeable can help me out. Thanks
  5. Hello. My employer tried to make a thing about how I performed my duties whilst working on the shop floor. Whilst going over the footage with them (nothing found), I seen that the CCTV showed footage of me getting changed down to my underwear (as there are no changing rooms). HR and my supervisor have both seen this footage. The employer hasn't registered with the ICO to use the CCTV but also hasn't put up signage, etc in the workplace to say that CCTV will be used and watched. Is there a legal position on this or am I getting needlessly upset?
  6. Mum has Power of Attorney for her husband who has Parkinsons and lewy body dementia. Whilst she's managing the day to day stuff, she is really struggling to cope with finances, not least because she's caring full time and doesn't get 5 minutes to herself most days. She's asked me for help with sorting out Dad's bank account as there's lots of payments going out every month that she knows nothing about. Spent a day yesterday going through all the paperwork she has (she saves everything, but Dad went through a phase of throwing everything away without opening it just before he was diagnosed) and I've brought home everything I think is relevant, but dealing with it all is not going to be simple - for lots of things all I have to go on is a name, not even a reference - and though I have a copy of the PoA and signed authority from Mum, I don't think the banks etc are going to want to talk to me. It would be a lot simpler if Mum could add me to the Power of Attorney, but from what's on the OPG site we don't think this is possible. Does anyone know of a way around this?
  7. Hi can some people give me advice please I’m really scared today I went into primark and tag changed a pair of boots and my daughter out 2 things in the pram now as I walked out security stopped me and took me to a room where the manager came in he didn’t show me I’d, no cameras in the room, no recordings were taken, no copies of the incident report, no police was involved they took my provisional license and photocopied it and said that I would receive a fine I’m a single mum of 2 and worried I won’t be able to afford the fine what can I do???
  8. Disclosure and Barring Service Email addresses are changing READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/dbs-email-addresses-are-changing
  9. Tax is changing in Wales READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/tax-is-changing-in-wales
  10. I started working for the local authority under a year ago, my employment record is excellent, no absence or lateness and great feedback in first 6 months, signed off. There is 5 of us in our department, 3 males 1 other female. The female is married to one of the males. I have had nothing but grief and complaints from this female work colleague in the same position as myself. I have told my manager at every monthly meeting she is difficult to get along with, my manager said "We, had a discussion whether bringing another female into the team would change the group dynamics". This female has been the only female for over 7 years. I have been very enthusiastic and work hard but she is lazy and I believe she thinks I may be showing her up. I was signed off in November after 6 months and had a tidy up of the office and data. This female reported me in December for not reporting an incident, (there was nothing to report). I have been under investigation for the past 4 months, today I received a letter telling me another allegation has been raised in the course of the investigation and it will be going to a disciplinary panel. No mention of the 2 original allegations as they have not been able to prove any wrong doing on my part. My manager keeps changing the points of the investigation. First it was failing to report, second it was person may have suffered injury, then it was not written in the log properly. No the new allegation is falsifying a critical document. What can I do, I have the union backing me but I am still worried as it seems they are determind to get me out of the company. The female colleague that has made complaints about me, her husband trained me and is an asset as he performs a lot on computer repairs for my manager for free. I believe this has turned into a witch hunt, what can I do to stop myself losing my job?. I have done no wrong.
  11. Hi, On the 18th of January I was pulled over. When the police officer asked what I was doing on my mobile phone (which was attached to the magnet holder). I immediately replied I was 'changing the music'. It was about half past midnight with no other cars on the road and I stopped my vehicle just before I entered a small roundabout as there was a car approaching from the right (which I now believe is the police car). I took the opportunity to pick a song to accompany me the rest of the way home. As I saw the police car approaching I pulled off and was pulled over. The police have ticketed me. I am a new driver so the punishment of 6 points and £200 fine would mean my licence will be revoked. I am thinking of letting the issue be decided by the courts as I feel that the punishment is harsh considering the circumstances. I am thinking of representing myself as cannot afford the legal fees. I am aware of the technicality of the law surrounding this issue in order to be guilty of this offence - Firstly said mobile/hand held device must be handheld at some point during alleged offence, secondly phone has to be used for interactive communication and thirdly engine has to be on. Clearly my car engine was on, I would definitely argue that my phone was not held in my hand however the interactive communication part is a gray area as I stream music from Apple music but I also have music stored on my device, the question is whether I was streaming music at around said time of offence. I have requested a solicitor write to my phone company to release such information to me. Other points to note there were 2 police officers in the vehicle. The officer that ticketed me clearly believed that I was changing the music because she made comments at the end of our encounter saying that I can use Siri to change the music. I have never been to court before and any advice is greatly appreciated. My questions are: Is it worth taking to court? Will there be a opportunity to raise the points of law and how my incident does not meet the criteria for said offence and also can I request to see police statements of said incident? Any other opinions and advice is greatly appreciated. I need as much help as i can get. ...
  12. I am in the process of chaning my old paper licence which has my old address on it over to a photocard with our new address on it. I have got my photo signed and the form signed by the person verifying it. I have my birth certificate but I do not have a passport, this means I need a further supporting document, dvla state a dwp letter will do. I do not have much since 2007/08 regarding the dwp, I still have an old letter from them so would that do? it has my current address on it. If not we do have something for my partners working tax credit, both of our names are on it and our national insurance numbers, would this be ok? I am thinking about confidentiality seeing as my partners name is on it. Tia
  13. got a friend popped around says he thinks hes being short changed has asked several times about his holiday pay rate and is being stone walled or constantly fobbed off. can someone please check his workings attached and point me to a suitable letter to give them a good poke to sort it please.. not my bag this. dx
  14. My partner has had a letter regarding WTC. They are pushing her to open a bank account. She has been using a post office account for child benefit and wtc for many years now. Has anyone here had the same? is there a reason for it! usually is regarding dwp/hmrc. EDIT: Forgot to say we already have bank accounts but my partner has always liked using the post office one for budgeting etc. Tia
  15. Hi I pay by monthly instalments for my car tax and I want to change my bank account direct debit details, so yesterday I cancelled the direct debit and will re-tax the vehicle on 1st August. I have now received an email from the DVLA saying I need to re-tax it. The payment for July has been taken out already. I read the gov.uk website (change accounts part) before cancelling the DD, which clearly gives an example: Example You pay by Direct Debit every month, but want to pay from a different account. You cancel the Direct Debit with your bank on 5 June. You can continue driving your vehicle until 30 June. On 1 July, you have to tax the vehicle again using a Direct Debit from another account. I just wanted to check that I'm doing it the right way right? According to the DVLA website I quoted it's all OK and I won't be untaxed. The email has unsettled me! I went to the link in the email to see about taxing it and it says it's still taxed and would be taxed again from 1st July if I continued, which obviously I don't want to do! Anyone else had this experience and can confirm I'm doing it the right way? Thanks.
  16. Hi Forum! Am hoping someone may be able to offer some advice. Following period of very difficult times late 90's/early 00's - I negotiated (and, over many years, completed) payment arrangements with most of my creditors to clear substantial accumulated debts over £40k - fortunately avoiding bankruptcy/IVA's etc. However, whilst moving house in 2007, I got issued with a CCJ - and slightly unsure who the creditor was!! Sounds stupid, I know - sorry! I have a sneaky feeling it was Yorkshire Bank - who had given up chasing me to clear £10k card debt. The CCj suggested that the 'particulars of the agreement and debt had previously been provided to me' - which they hadn't. In the turmoil of house move - I foolishly just accepted the debt and returned the court forms offering to pay £20 per month etc which was accepted and CCJ issued. Claimant : CL Finance Ltd. (not aware of them and had no previous dealings - but assumed they assigned the debt from someone!) Pay to: Howard Cohen & Co. No 'account numbers or references' I could recognise. The years have passed and I have religiously paid the £20 per month for the last 10 years. (Mug I hear you say!) I have never received any statement or progress report - amount outstanding etc etc. I have moved a couple of times in last 12 years - but always on Electoral Roll/Experian etc - so definitely traceable? However, I have recently become curious as to what the debt was - and why my DD changed few years ago to 'Lewis Group' but now shows me paying 'Robinson Way'? I am reluctant to write to Robinson Way and ask what this debt is - and to whom (!) - or was the CCJ obtained correctly - was there PPI on the account (blimey - that would be a result!) as they could re-assess my circumstances and try to increase payments substantially - or my greatest fear - get a charge order against my home - or screw my credit rating (which is now clear and very good) But equally - should I carry on paying £20 for the rest of my life (and beyond) and not know who the heck to - or what for! Thoughts/advice appreciated? Best, Phil
  17. Looking for some advice please on whether this is allowed before I respond if a claim has been issued and a hearing date set, at the stage at which witness statements are sent can the creditor rightly and legitimately double the value of the claim within their statement and will the court allow this/take this into account when hearing the case? Cannot tell that any formal application has been made just the request within the statement...
  18. I have a holiday booked for later this year to Turkey through Thomas Cook and they have just informed me that the star rating for my hotel has dropped from 4 to 3 stars. Now obviously with all thats going on in the world today I am of course rethinking my trip as I'm not completely sure that I want to go anymore (the rights and wrongs of this being what terrorists want is a conversation for another day). Now in the T&Cs it states that if a significant change is made to the holiday then I can choose a different holiday or a refund, therefore my question is - Does a drop in star rating constitute a significant enough change to be able to cancel the holiday and get a refund?
  19. I currently work as a Deputy Manager (one of 300) for one of the big four supermarkets, and they have recently announced a new contract change that comes into force on Monday 18th April. In effect we are being demoted to a lesser position, that being of a duty manager. They argue that our job role is not really changing as we will still be doing the same job we have always done and they will not be reducing our pay. However it is a HUGE drop in status as our current contract states we are 'autonomous decisions makers' which classes us as senior business leaders and opts us out of working time regulations. On our new contract we are not classed as this and we are therefore opted in to working time regulations. In addition we also recieve free fuel and a car allowance which will also be taken off us although they have given us over a years notice before they take this away. However this is in our current contract that this can be removed at any time so do not think that we can argue the point much there. The main issue is as Deputy Store Manager you are above all the other senior managers in the shop and now will be dropping to the same level as them so surely this counts as a drop in status, even though my salary will not be affected. It also effectively puts my career back 10 years as I was doing that job 10 years ago! There have been various 1-2-1 meetings held with the outcome already decided, however I asked questions weeks ago which have still not been answered and I also have not got a copy of my new contract as yet. From what I have read online if i work on Monday then I am effectively accepting the new contract and will have no means to put a claim in, in the future. Do I have a case for constructive dismissal?? Please help!! Thanks in advance
  20. This is a strange one and been hard to answer so far. My friend is a teacher and has handed in his notice to finish on Aug 31st (notice period in contract gives latest date of May 31st for Aug finish). This was done before Christmas. His circumstances have now changed and he wanted to change the finish date to April (notice period in contract gives latest date of Feb 28th for April finis). This is still well within the contracted notice period but the employer has said he will have to work his original notice or be sued for breach of contract! Can this be the case? has he effectivly somehow signed up to a fixed term contract? Answers on a post card please. He will be taking legal advice but wondered if anyone has had previous experience of this.
  21. Ok Just start with some background. for the past two years 2014 & 2015 i have had relapses of prolapsed disks causing me to have long absences , after the last absence it was agreed that i would be covered under the disability act (or whatever its called now) also after i had my injections i had to have physio which the occupational health provided so i got back to work a lot quicker than if i had waited for the nhs . Now on to this year i had to be signed of sick because my shoulder had frozen i cannot lift anything of with with one arm , doctor has put me on pain killers and on the list for physio for the shoulder which will allow me to return to worl . When it was diagnosed i told my line manager to refer me to OH because the waiting list was 3 months and they could get me seen a lot earlier like last time , then when i spoke to them again after i was given another fitness note and again they saud they would . Also the reason i need the referral is that they could arrange to gety me back to work in a different area not doing the repetitive actions which aggrevate it while i am waiting for physio or sending me to their physio . The problem is when i go back i know i will face a meeting about my absence but i cannot afford to pay to go privte to jump the list also I cannot go back to full duties because even the gp said i would see you within a week again . So where do i go from here. I am unable to go to OH without the referral but without Oh i can see me being signed off until i get the phsio from the NHS
  22. From 24 March 2016, the way headlamp aim is measured on the MOT test is changing. The new testing standards will emphasise the importance of correct alignment and stress that it shouldn’t be just a quick check. It’s been trialled with the help of VTS council member volunteers with the results verified by the Vehicle Safety Research Centre at Loughborough University. Headlamp aim consistently tops the MOT compliance survey as one of the most likely items to be assessed incorrectly by testers. In other words, the most complained about as a test failure. These new changes will look to reduce errors and increase test consistency. The changes will slightly widen the tolerance band for European ‘E’ beams with headlamp centres up to 850mm. There will also be the requirement to test the ‘image break’ point for all European 'E' beams. https://mattersoftesting.blog.gov.uk/the-mot-headlamp-aim-test-is-changing/
  23. Ok so this one can probably afford it . Doesn't look as if there is the leeway we thought there was. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/what-driving-licence-rules-landed-11394450 & http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/sunderland-star-steven-fletcher-picks-11393089
  24. Firstly, hello and thank you for taking a moment to consider reading this and helping A close friend used this before, said the advice and support saved him through a very tough time financially, as a result he came out the other side and contributed back to the forum, I hope I'm able to get some advice too. I welcome an experienced user moving this thread to a correct forum, I'm afraid I'm unsure which one is best. I'm reaching out to people to seek advice on a very tricky financial decision we find ourselves stuck in, I'm listening to as much advice as I can get, I hope you'll take a moment to read through it, I've tried to be brief. Thanks in advance.* Myself and my wife have been together 15 years and have 2 children (age 4 and 2)* We lost a long term family business to liquidation in which we were both involved; as a result personal bankruptcy followed immediately afterwards. Myself and my wife are now 5 months into the 12 months of personal bankruptcy.* After the initial assessment into our statement of financial affairs we were signed up to a three year income payment agreement and now pay £80/mth (£40 each) This was originally worked out on two salaries of £30k each and payments are due to be paid for a further 2.5years.* * As can be expected we've found the process incredibly hard, however I find we've gone from a happy relationship of 15 years to near divorce and now have regular (albeit free) counselling sessions. I've contemplated suicide for a while and come fairly close three times. We're short of money every month and have to beg from parents to cover one off expenses that were outside the budget.* On a more positive note, she has just been offered to transfer to a new job at £90k earnings. This is comprised of £40k basic and projected bonuses for around £50k. She's fully investigated and is happy with with proof on how realistic the bonus scheme is. These bonus payouts will fluctuate significantly on a month to month basis.* The income from this one job is far higher than the income for two separate jobs.* The job would involve a huge life change with personal sacrifices on both sides. It would probably also mean me stopping work to look after children full time. She would have to travel more, work away four nights of the week, see the children far less amongst other considerations, however in the weigh up in this area it seems at first definitely worth doing.* It's also worth noting our childcare expenditure is also changing soon with one child moving from nursery to school saving £350/mth and in January the other child's nursery fees reducing by £150/mth as the 15hrs/week childcare allowance kicks in.* There are plenty of variables for us to consider whether this is the right thing to do, we're seeking advice from this forum for knowledgable third parties on the main issue: It is to do with declaring the potential income and expenditure changes.* What to declare, how much is handed over, how, when and for how long etc etc. *Basically this would help us know whether to make so many life changes and if it is all (at least financially) going to be worthwhile.* Any input and ideas in relation to this issue would be gratefully received. Please also reference what experience you may have had in dealing with anything similar.*
  25. I haven't been frequenting the debt sections on here for a while so perhaps I am a little out of touch, must admit to being a bit taken aback. My daughter received a N1 from Northampton center, for an overdraft she had 5 years ago, she had forgotten about it(she says) and eventually it had been sold on to Cabot. I said I would have a look , went onto MCOL logged in in here name and acknowledged ticked defend all. I thought the usual, challenge charges assignment etc. etc, it was for £550. Then I thought you know I cant be bothered with this so i rang the solicitor, i nice pleasant woman answered the phone, I started to explain who I was, she said she couldn't talk to me so I had to get my daughter to give her a call etc DPA fair enough. Anyway eventually we could discuss the account, i told her that i was considering fighting , but really cant be bothered and asked them if they would accept £300 full and final. We chatted some more and she was telling me about her kids and I was telling her about how you never cease to worry about them and how my daughter is 35 and married with five kids and she still comes to me with this stuff,(love it really). I digress, anyway she says yes we will accept that as full and final and will email you and you can pay on receipt , i say fine. I know there is stuff said about people backing out of FFs but personally I have never come across it, anyway I have the email. I am just about to give her my visa details and she says are you retired sir, I say yes, then she says "will paying this money cause you financial distress or make you in arrears with any priority debt heating or utility supplies", i say no why do you ask, she said we would not be able to accept the payment if you would have said yes.
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