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  1. Hi my Father is nearly 66 and currently receiving Pension Credit and PIP my Mother is 60 and currently his carer for many years but is not doing to well her self and I've been doing most of the caring myself already. So my main concerns are id I was change myself to the carer how would effect them, I know heath is more important than money but I would want to see them be short as they are only just getting by as it is. I have no idea how that would work so I'm looking for a little help. My Mother would obviously lose the care allowance but I'm sure that was being deducted from my Father anyway would it effect his benefits? My final concern is if my Mother was no longer claiming Care allowance would she be called to any jobcentre appointments etc? I can provide more information if needed, hopefully someone more knowledgeable can help me out. Thanks
  2. hello folks I am on carer's allowance and income support i volunteer just few hours a week sometimes not always I would like to know if any benefits would be affected by my volunteering i don't get paid as it is a charity shop no expenses at all i do more than the carers allowance hours you're suppose to my few hours i put in over the days i volunteer shop is to catch up and talk to people i have got to know over the period i have been in there. look forward to your responses Merry Christmas to all when it comes and have a good New Year to:)
  3. My nephew is 17, has a learning disability and mental problem. My Mum claims carer's allowence for him, today she received a letter from the Job Centre asking for more information on my nephew. She thought she was claiming Income support for herself as she doesn't sign on. She's worried that she's commited benefit fraud without knowing. My nephew is on PIP for what is wrong with him. The information they are asking is if he's in full education, he's not because the college refused to take him. He went last Septemeber but was turned away. She thought the income support was for her. Can anyone help?
  4. Hi! I received a letter this morning from the DWP headed "We are reviewing your benefit claim." They want to interview me at my local job centre in early October. They also want me to provide copies of my bank statements and some other financial information. They state that it is so that they can: I am confused as to why they need to do this as I am a full time carer looking after my Mother who is in her 70s. I currently claim Carers Allowance and Carers Premium (which is basically Income Support). I did have a small part-time business which I ran from home for around 6 months, and which the DWP were informed about, and which didn't affect my benefits. When it closed I again informed them. Is this just a random check, or is it because they will be moving Carers onto Universal Credit shortly? I have always been honest and open with them and am confused as to why they need to check me. Thanks in advance!
  5. Can anybody please help me? I have an 18 year old son whose mother died several years ago, whereupon he has resided with me ever since. On his 18th birthday he fell out with my wife (his step mother) and moved in with his friend from school. A couple of months ago I received a letter from the child support agency ordering me to pay an extortionate amount of money to my son's friends' parents because they where caring for my son. My son was in the final stages of joining the Army but these parents persuaded him not to join the Army and enrolled him on a level 3 college course. This in effect makes him fall into the category of full time education. My question is can anybody with no biological ties or parental responsibility claim money for an 18 year old adult (who also has a part time job and pays them rent)? I haven't even met these people and why does an 18 year old require a carer?
  6. Quick note: I was trading as self employed but due to massive downturn in income I made the decision to cease trading. My wife has standard rates PIP for both Care and Mobility so decided to make a claim for the CA. This was done 25th May 2016 just prior to me actually ceasing to trade. So please remember that the claim for CA was made before I ceased trading. I officially ceased trading on the 14th June 2016 as this was the last date I was paid any money from my self employment (SE) and the date which HMRC said was my last trading day when I requested my registration as a self employed person to be removed. This was done on the 5th July 2016 and I also started my claim for IS on the same day. We received a letter from CA around the 5th June 2016 with form requesting account books for 2015/16. This was no problem as we had always kept the books up-to date and they were complete and our self assessment for tax for that trading year had already been submitted to the tax office. So we filled them in got photocopies of the trading books and posted them back to them RM 1st class signed for within 24 hours. On 14th June we received a letter from CA with a request for the accounting books for the period of 2014/2015 so I phoned them to find out why they needed those books and after a lot of faffing about it transpired that the request was due to me asking for the claim to be back-dated and that meant the claim went into the previous years books. OK so I got those books copied and duly sent back (RM 1st class signed for). We had a one week holiday booked and paid for starting 18th June which coincided with my grand daughters last schooling day (She had just sat her exams so the 17th June was her last day of school). And we needed the break as life had not been to kind to us in the previous three years and we had not had a break during all that time. Fast forward to 25th June. On return from holiday we find a letter from CA and thinking it was a decision we opened it to find it was another form requiring filling in for the period 2014/2015, (why the heck this could not on come with the request for the 2014/2015 accounts I will never know. So on Monday 27th June they were sent back (RM 1st Class signed for). We heard nothing more from CA for a while then out the blue on 13th July we get a letter which requested yet more information from us. This was again filled out and posted back next day (again RM 1st class signed for) because of the weekend it arrived back with them on the 18th July. We heard nothing back so I followed up with a phone call just to make sure all the information I sent them was on their system. They stated that they had only got my income account figures for the period of 2015/2016 and had not received my expenditure books for that period. I got them to do a check of the system as I told them that both the income and expenditure copies of the accounts books came in the same envelope and I had a signature stating it had been delivered to them. A few minutes later they found them. Miracles never cease. On August 1st After waiting 13 working days I contacted them again for an update as my local council were now wanting to know what the current situation was with the claims. The first thing the operator says is that they are waiting for the 2014/2015 books to which I couldn't help but say "are you kidding me". I then pointed out that the books had been returned and I had proof that they had been received back at the Mail Handling site in Wolverhampton. Some more searching took place and after about five minutes they FOUND them on the system and a lame duck excuse that the system was not working correctly at the moment. I must also point out that I had attached a letter with one set of my books which clearly informs them that I have ceased trading and am in the process of claiming IS. So hopefully if I do not get the 3 month back dated they will still proceed with my claim on the grounds of my "in between jobs status" LOL at that statement which is now used to identify someone who is unemployed. SO, that's the point I am at with the CA Claim over two months since initial claim and still no result. As for IS. Made claim online on 5th July (did not bother before as we had the holiday booked). Was given an appointment time at local JCP office to go sign forms on 12th July. Arrived at office and to my astonishment was seen immediately. I took my time to read the forms and went over each and every question on it to make sure that the information the form contained was correct. It was apparent that the operator on the other end the phone when I initially answered the questions just did not listen or was having a OFF day as there were errors all the way through it. The person I was seeing was a little bit (shall we say) upset that I was taking so long and took the papers from me and read each and every question out to me and I answered each one. 40 minutes pass and there's a IS claim form in front of me with more corrections in it than there are correctly filled in questions. I offered her evidence of all the bank and saving accounts we have so she could take copies of them to prove the figures which had been quoted on the forms. I actually used them to make sure that all the information on finances was 100% correct but she said she did not need them. (think she was getting a little fed up with me by now as this was not the simple signature/rubber stamp she expected). Eventually I signed it but asked for a complete photocopy of the form which she was reluctant to do. I just said as I had put my name to an official document then I am entitled to have a copy of it. (whether thats true or not I don't know but I got my copy). Fast-forward 13 WORKING days to August 1st and I decide to follow up the IS claim as it was now well beyond the 10 working days which the Gov quote on their website. Lo and behold they are waiting for proof of our banking and finances which I should have supplied when I filled in the form. I politely told them that I had taken this proof of finances with me when I signed the form but the woman at the JCP who dealt with me said they did not require them. So I am now waiting for another form to drop through my letter box which I will promptly attached the printouts to (which have all got printed dates on them relating to the 11th July) I took with me to the JCP. and just to be on the safe side am also going to send ones dated 1st August just in case they want up to date ones. (RM making some money out of me with all this postage). So there we have it CA claim now over two months old and no decision made IS claim should have been completed by now but looks like going to be another xx days before done as waiting for yet another form from them requesting finance details. and my local council pushing for information concerning these claims, I took them a update letter after I finally got some answers from the CA and IS which I got the council to rubber stamp so I had proof that I had handed it in. This is fun....... it's frustrating that the system is faffing me around like this.... but it's fun Motto : don't let the system get you down, grit your teeth, have a laugh at how comical it has become and then do what needs to be done. Will update to to let people know what happens in the future.
  7. I think i've found the answer (as usual jobcentre didn't follow proper protocol) but to help others i'll post some links. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/473426/admu4.pdf Page 4 seems to say that i am exempt from any work related requirements due to being a carer. On page 9 claimants who must attend WFI but are not subject to WRA are dealt with separately. From https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/advice-for-decision-making-staff-guide https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/224561/response/568813/attach/html/9/07%20Post%20Work%20Programme%20Support.pdf.html The above details what happens after completing the work programme (NJWFI is the appointment you will likely have had after first being awarded ESA, linked at bottom). Take away is that voluntary claimants (those exempt from WFI and WRA) don't need to attend the completer appointment that follows the work programme (may be another request to attend within 26 weeks). Participation is PWPS remains voluntary in any case. 30. For purposes of Post Work Programme Support voluntary claimants are:  Support Group  Credits Only  Full Time Carers  Lone Parents with a youngest child under one  Claimants at or over the age at which they are eligible to receive Pension Credit  Claimants awaiting their initial WCA outcome  Claimants appealing a WCA decision that they have no LCW i.e. disallowed ESA  IB claimants NJWFI link: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/224561/response/568813/attach/html/6/04%20Conducting%20the%20NJWFI.pdf.html
  8. I am trying to decide whether to claim carer's allowance or income support. I intend to become a carer for my mother who gets attendance allowance. I am 50 and claiming income based JSA. I live with my mother in a council house.
  9. Hi all, My son is disabled and gets higher rate care and mobility DLA. It is in my husband's name - i.e. all correspondence goes to him. He was claiming carers allowance but we have recently separated. Carers allowance has been stopped. Can I claim carer's allowance for my son even though the DLA is claimed by my husband? The DLA money goes into my account to use as I see fit for our son.
  10. Hi All, As my wife now receives PIP standard rate for both care and mobility I have been told that providing my earnings from self employment after costs do not exceed £102.00 I would be entitled to the Carer's Allowance benefit. However, during research I came across some information concerning HB which stated that the carer's allowance would be reduced on a £1 for £1 ration. Effectively My CA would be worthless as the HB would take all the CA if I applied for it. Is this true because if it is what would be the point of applying for it just to lose it to the HB. It would mean me filling in forms simply to get nothing.... Surely this cannot be totally correct, is it?
  11. Hi, I am caring for a relative who is receiving P.I.P. I want to switch from Jobseeker's Allowance to Carer's Allowance there is a lot of information online about which benefits are available I can't find anything about how long it takes to be awarded Carer's Allowance, when I should notify the jobcentre that I am applying for Carer's Allowance, and if I can claim Jobseeker's Allowance until I get Carer's Allowance? I was also wondering if I am eligible to receive backdated Carer's Allowance and whether I would still have to be on The Work Programme? I apologise for all the questions, but I'm sure there will be other people in the same position as me who will also find the information useful.
  12. My carer stole £21'750 [twenty one thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds] when I withdrew it on her advice to pay bills cash being more attractive economic relationship to her. She admitted most of it to the police who are considering charging her but have taken two months with no result or charge apparent yet and dither when I ask for information on progress. I seek help to take a private prosecution and court action to retrieve my savings but now obviously strapped for cash. Does anyone have a similar experience with a successful solicitor on a no win fee basis and potential solution to egg on the police such as precedents? I live in London. Hope to resolve this asap as the bills are mounting up to pay the new help.
  13. Hi All Last week my wife's PIP claim appears to have been sorted and according to the woman I spoke to on the phone she has been awarded standard rate for both care and mobility. So we are glad it seems to have been sorted but so far we have not had written confirmation of the award so have put the payment they made aside just in case they say they made a mistake. Anyway, While I was browsing the net I came across Carer's Allowance and that it is a benefit that can be paid as long as you get either rate of PIP care (it also apparently applies to DLA and some other benefits). Now I have taken some time to look into this and I seem to have conflicting information with regards as to the receiving Carer's Allowance (CA) and its effect of other benefits like HB and CT. Now I am is self employment but my earnings after costs are in the region of £90-£95 pw after all costs have been taken into account so according to the rule that I cannot earn more than £102 pw I should qualify for it. It the effect it would have on HB and CT that I am unsure of due to conflicting information and this is where I really would like to get some clarity. So if anyone could shed some light onto this possible effect on HB and CT it would be appreciated. FYI: Earning after costs of £92.50 (average), Receive WTC, CT, CB and now PIP standard for both care and mobility. We live in adapted social housing (Tenants Association) underoccupied 2 spare bedrooms Have no savings worth mentioning (£150) If someone could just try to clarify the HB and CT effects as even my landlord if iffy with information. Thanks
  14. I should receive Pension Savings Credit shortly, when I turn 65. When I was on the phone applying for this I mentioned that I was my mother's carer. The lovely lady was very keen that I apply for Carer's Allowance, even working out how much additional Pension Savings Credit I would get. On one website it said you could include hours you are available. As I am her only carer I am available 24/7 but I am sure it is not as simple as that. I do all the normal things, cleaning, shopping, assisting with showering, medication, etc., while obviously trying to ensure she is as independent as possible. I also do things at my home which are to do with her needs. She is 93, has limited mobility and Alzheimer's but still at a stage where she can make (heat) her meals, etc. Mum receives AA at the lower level as she does not currently need overnight care. I have POA for her which means I spend some time keeping an eye on her bank account, bills, etc., and making sure she has enough cash. I have no idea if this would come to 35 hours or what I should include in the calculation and am ready just to give up but the money would help me to help Mum. I would be grateful if anyone could add clarity to this for me.
  15. Please help I need advice I have just been awarded middle rate Carer Allowance. I am now looking to make a good friend my carer. This person is claiming benefits. Will my choice effect their benefits?.
  16. At the moment I'm a stay at home mum with two children. I claim Income Support as a lone parent, Child Tax Credits, Council Tax Support, Housing Benefit and Child Benefit. I also receive Child Maintenance from the kids dad. My son is disabled and receives DLA at the Middle Rate for Personal Care so he also gets the disabled premium on the Child Tax Credits. I am subject to the Bedroom Tax so pay about £68 a month in rent and council tax. I had a work focused interview at the start of October and my adviser gave me a form to fill in to claim Carer's Allowance for my son but didn't explain a lot about it, just said I'm entitled to it. I filled in the form, sent it off and it got accepted from the 11 Nov I'll get Carer's Allowance as well. However I've since found out its classed as a taxable income will my Housing Benefit and Council Tax support etc be reduced thus I have to pay more? I already know my Income Support has dropped to £45 per week. Just worried that any 'extra' money the Carer's Allowance brings will be swallowed up in rent etc
  17. I have an interview regarding a new JSA Claim, now am looking after my son which he is on ESA support group however he has never applied for DLA/PIP so not getting any carers allowance for him. Question is would i be required to look for work and attend regular interviews as part of my JSA claim? Even so am looking after my son full time? I’m not sure how this works out.
  18. I need a wee bit of advice. I went down from full time hours to part time hours and now need to look at becoming a full time carer to my mother who has vascular dementia. I moved in permamently with her two years ago and rented the house out, The rental income I get covers the mortgage, insurance and gas contract, and that is it, My mum gets attendance allowance. I keep running into obstacles to try and get to the bottom of what i would be entitled to. Jobcentreplus are unsure as to really what happens when someone has a house they rent out, They mention IS and contribution ESA but i cannot take the plunge without knowing for sure. I am not sure where to turn to fin out. Any help really appreciated
  19. I've claimed Income Support as a carer (on carers allowance at £59.75) and was expecting my first payment of IS tomorrow, but have received one today in my bank for £13.01 which seems quite low to me and am not sure how it has been worked out.
  20. Hi I need some advice regarding my 17 year old daughter..... She started working in a local community centre in April, for elderly people.... She would arrange their meals, take them to the toilet and play games with them. About 4 weeks ago she started shadowing a colleague to go to the houses and give them medication, and prepare their meals. There is no personal duties needed. Last night she did not get home till 1030pm..... Which I think is late for a 17 year old to be working, when she is only on apprenticeship wages. There is people working for the same company which are on 0 contracted hours and would kill for the extra hours. I dont think it is fair they are sending my daughter out for £2.65 an hour and she is doing the same job as a person on £6.31 an hour. Is this legal? She works with another 2 girls on apprenticeship and they havent been asked to do what my Daughter is doing. I would like some advice before I do look into it further, I have asked my daughter if she has a contract and she is unsure. Thanks in advance
  21. If someone receives MRC DLA and needs a room for a carer to stay overnight regularly, are they exempt from the under occupancy reduction in HB, or will they need to apply for a DHP to cover the shortfall because they need a carer overnight? So, are they exempt or need to apply for a DHP? So if exempt, don't need to apply for a DHP?
  22. I am posting this on behalf of a family friend. Their situation is as follows:- Husband is working full time, wife is working 12 hours per week and earns just over £100 per week. They have 3 children, the eldest is 16 and starting full time college in September after just leaving school. Their 2nd child is 12 and was diagnosed with diabetes type 1 at the begining of this year. He has just been awarded DLA High Rate Care and Low Rate Mobility. His condition has deteriorated and he needs around the clock care. Their 3rd child is 3. They have no savings and the husband is considering leaving his full time employment to become his son's full time carer. (Wife cannot be full time carer due to a recent family bereavement and is still grieving) Can someone please advise what benefits they would be entitled to as trying to get any information is turning into a minefield and different people are saying different things. Many thanks, JB
  23. Starting a thread to look for advice i will need in the near future a first time ESA form is being sent for me Hi I'm after some advice on a new ESA Assessment and what happens to my DLA IIB and being a carer i get DLA, IB, IIB, Industrial Injuries i have an debilitating industrial disease a Variable condition and after a chest x_ray Gp says i have pleural thickening of the lungs too i use medications and use a nebuliser machine four times a day because of my condition I'm going to fill the form in myself the best i can. local CAB Etc are booked up for months and local advice centres say i need an appointment rather than a drop in appointment but everyone is booked up with appointments for weeks and weeks 1, if im passed as fit will DWP Notify DLA & IIB Depts of there finding and will i automatically lose these benefits ? or do i notify DLA.IIB Depts myself what do i claim if I'm passed fit ? 2. i know you can appeal against ESA if i fail,if i do that do you lose your benefits i think i read on the net you lose benefits while waiting for the appeal to be heard if so what do you live on ? 3. The Caring part i do last year my wife was critically ill she gets Full DLA And after loads of tests MRI etc she has impaired judgement, severe Short term memory loss.including loss of cognitive functions very poor mobility awful muscle wastage she needs help with dressing bathing medication she cant be left on her own she has nerve damage so she drops everything she tries holding or picking up she cant do her insulin or meds she cant read labels or understand things you can tell her something 10 mins later shes forgot she needs help at night and has continence probs she has to be taken to endless GP Hospital Rehab appointments too if im put into a workgroup or told i'm fit to seek work and attend courses etc who will care for her 24/7 ? this is going to be a nightmare and very complicated any Advice appreciated Thanks Pit
  24. Hello I'm new to the forum and wonder if anyone can give me some info. I am 34, currently live with my parents and due to mental health problems have been in receipt of IB for several years. Today I received a letter telling me I will need to apply for ESA which I would rather not do as I know I will not get awarded any or enough points just for the mental health descriptors and I can't bear another ATOS interview. My mum is in recipt of ESA (contribution I believe) she was paid off several years ago due to the need for several operations and she has numerous health problems. Her ESA is due to run out this month and as my father works I don't think she will be entitled to ESA again but she does receive DLA middle rate for care. I am wondering if it would be possible, rather than apply for ESA, to apply for CA and IS? If it is possible, would I still have to attend interviews at the job centre etc even though I care for my mum for over 35 hours per week? Thanks
  25. Hello, We currently have a conundrum in our household and would really appreciate some advice. My partner has worked for a certain company for over 5 years now but his contact did not specify particular hours in it, only that he would work a set number of hours per week. My partner is also my carer and before now, this was fine. He would generally work 6am - 2:30pm (in reality until 4:30/5pm as he put a lot of his own, unpaid hours into that place out of conscientiousness). This has been the same since I met him (1.5 years ago) and now that he lives with me, the regular pattern is good as one of my conditions cannot allow me to have a changing shift pattern - it would be highly detrimental to my health and put me at greater risk for things such as heart disease and stroke. As he does the cooking and housework and helps out with medications, shopping and accompanying me on outside ventures, he has been amazing. The problem has now arisen with his workplace moving him to a different location and drastically changing his hours so that he has, for example, worked from 7am-3pm today but they want him to work 3pm to 11pm tomorrow night! He was not informed that the new store had these sort of hours and as soon as he was informed, he put in an official request for flexible working hours - saying that he could be available from 6am until 4pm (5pm in reality for him) but they have refused it and allowed him to be given this shift tomorrow, which they all know is impossible because being a carer is not just a whim and I would not be able to function properly and my health would be jeopardised if he agreed to this. He is thinking of going in at 8am tomorrow, to attempt to work a shift until 4pm, armed with a grievance letter but even with citing 'Customs and Practice' and working so hard for them all these years, I can't see how we can move forward from this because his original contract doesn't have the set hours in it. They don't even need him to be there tomorrow so I suspect they are doing this just to be able to use 'Performance Management' on him and eventually get rid of him that way. This is so unfair on him and I feel terrible that he is being forced to choose between my health and his job. They say they offered him alternatives but they did not - they all had the changing hours in or were a permanent nightshift, meaning that I would have to be in a permanent night shift pattern to and would not be able to attend any of my medical appointments etc! To make matters worse, they originally insisted on having a meeting with him to discuss his request on the day of an important hospital appointment that he had said he needed to take me to - they were fully aware that that was his day off to do that! Even the rearranged appointment meant spending several hours in work on another of his days off. I guess our main question is this: Should he hand in his resignation and if so, should we put anything like 'Frustration of Contract'/'Unfair Dismissal'/'Constructive Dismissal' as our reason for this or should we wait for him to be sacked after loads of disciplinaries for being unable to work their latest hours? Also, how might this affect his entitlement to benefits such as Jobseekers? Sorry this is so long. Thank you for reading this and please advise if you can. All help is greatly appreciated!
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