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Found 4 results

  1. Seems that these 'standardized' letters have been going out to all sorts of people for quite a while now - my father has just received one and he's about to turn 80 ! He's not in the best of health and it's causing much anxiety - would it have been sent to him by mistake ? The only 'benefit' paid to him by the DWP is his old age pension and surely they can't stop that for ANY reason ? He does receive Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support, but these are administered by the "Revenue & Benefits Dept" of his local council and periodically he is asked to provide details to them to maintain his entitlement. Any thoughts on this anyone - does he REALLY have to attend and provide details of his finances ?
  2. Hi! I received a letter this morning from the DWP headed "We are reviewing your benefit claim." They want to interview me at my local job centre in early October. They also want me to provide copies of my bank statements and some other financial information. They state that it is so that they can: I am confused as to why they need to do this as I am a full time carer looking after my Mother who is in her 70s. I currently claim Carers Allowance and Carers Premium (which is basically Income Support). I did have a small part-time business which I ran from home for around 6 months, and which the DWP were informed about, and which didn't affect my benefits. When it closed I again informed them. Is this just a random check, or is it because they will be moving Carers onto Universal Credit shortly? I have always been honest and open with them and am confused as to why they need to check me. Thanks in advance!
  3. I have received a letter telling me I must attend an interview to talk about any changes in my circumstances. It is from the Local Service Compliance Team and the interview is not under caution. I receive I.S. & Carer's Allowance as I have a disabled child under 5. I also care for my mother who is in receipt of I.B. ESA Support Group and I am her appointee. I recently had to complete an ESA50 renewal and sent in a load of medical evidence, however, not heard anything about this yet. I receive DWP Letters relating to my mother as I am her appointee, but this compliance letter does not mention her name on it, so I think they are referring to my circumstances which has not changed at all, but am thinking is it something to do with her renewal? My mother and I share a joint bank account as it's easier for me to manage our outgoings. There are no other bank or savings accounts. I have a recent bank statement which shows an authorised overdrawn balance, also payments to credit cards and a loan - they loan is nearly paid off and the account has never had more than £4-5,000 in credit when the loan was originally put into the account 2 1/2 years ago - since then we have mainly been in overdraft. I have tried to call the number on the letter but the woman is not back from annual leave until Monday 26 Sept, so will call tomorrow, also I have just come out of hospital after having a major operation and don't really feel well enough to attend the interview this week, but of course I am worried about what they have got to say. I have spoke to some people and they have said it may be just a random interview. I do have an extremely vindictive ex husband who harasses me and I have to involve the police. He is always making up allegations to the police about me, now the police have warned him to stay away and stop bothering them with his nonsense otherwise they are going to lock him up. So now that he can't bother the police, I am wondering if he has made a malicious allegation about me. The stress of this letter has hindered my recovery even though I have nothing to declare I keep thinking 'well is it this or is it that'? really silly things come into my head. Can anyone advise me please. I will update this thread when I have spoken (hopefully) to the woman. Thanks very much everyone.
  4. Hello there, I currently claim Universal Credit (JSA). Yesterday I received a letter from the Fraud and Error Service, Customer Compliance dept of the DWP. The title of the letter is "We are reviewng your benefit claim" and the subtitle is "Come to your meeting to keep us up to date". It then tells me that they've "arranged a time to meet you to talk about any changes which could affect your benefits." It asks me to bring some proof of ID and bank statements etc. The meeting is at my local JCP. after receiving this letter I went through my recent bank statements from the past few months and it seems I received my Universal Credit payment twice in the month of November. what happened is I usually receive my payment on the 25th of every month, but in November I hadn't been paid by this date. I called up the DWP but the system was down for the whole day of the 25th. In the end someone called me back on the 26th and issued me my payment over the phone instead. So that was that. However, now after looking through my statement, I've realised that I received another identical payment the very next day (27th) I had no idea about. As soon as I saw this error yesterday, I contacted the DWP again and explained this to them. They told me that the payment might/probably will need paying back even though it's an error on their part, which is fine by me, but the operator I spoke to wasn't sure and told me that someone might be in touch about it. But now I'm obviously thinking this might be the reason for the letter. Does anyone have any advice on the best way to handle this? Thanks!
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