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Found 15 results

  1. I have been suspended from work and have a disciplinary meeting for Gross Misconduct on Monday to discuss it. The charges are trumped up, some are absolute lies. I can prove some are true but not others. Either way I'm fairly sure they want me out and they have enough evidence to do it. I don't care about losing the job but I really don't want a sacking on my record. I have adequate savings so I'm not worried about not getting job seekers. I know I'm innocent of it all and so do the people that matter so I'm not worried about proving anything really. Is it better to resign? I've been told my company just give a very basic reference i.e 'he worked here from x date to x date' Would I have to do it with immediate effect on Monday morning? Thanks in advance for any help/advice. This is a horrible time.
  2. I always find it interesting when an MP is caught doing something which might not be criminal, but brings into question their moral integrity, as well as creating a potential cause for blackmail to keep something private. Without talking about the latest news story or the MP involved, it would be interesting to gain opinion about when people think an MP should resign. Should an MP resign if they have been unfaithful to their married partner, without them knowing i.e no open marriage or no breakdown in relationship before affair ? If they are presenting a happy family life to voters and then privately behaving differently, would you still trust them as an MP ? If an MP has been a prominent campaigner for road safety and against speeding, is banned from driving due to speeding offences ? If an MP has been found to be a regular drug user, but not convicted of any offence, but has voted regularly in Parliament against decriminalising drug usage, should they resign, as they are unfit to perform their job on behalf of constituents ? Should an MP only be required to resign if they have been convicted of a criminal offence ?
  3. More than 50 magistrates have resigned in recent weeks over court charges that supposedly encourage defendants to plead guilty to save money, the Magistrates Association (MA) has said. The criminal court charge came into effect in April as a means of ensuring that convicted adult offenders pay towards the cost of running the criminal justice system. The hefty range of penalties is levied on top of fines, compensation orders, victim surcharges or prosecution costs already imposed on those who plead guilty or are convicted at magistrates’ or crown courts. The criminal court charge ranges from £150 for anyone who pleads guilty to a summary offence at magistrates’ court up to £1,000 for those convicted after a trial of a more serious offence at magistrates’ court. In the crown court, the charge ranges from £900 for a guilty plea up to £1,200 for conviction after trial. Because it costs far less to plead guilty rather than be convicted after a contested trial, some allege it creates a perverse incentive for the innocent to plead guilty rather than run the risk of failing to convince the court. http://www.theguardian.com/law/2015/jul/31/magistrates-resign-court-charges-encourage-innocent-plead-guilty
  4. Double thread.. David Cameron had called for Sepp Blatter to resign, but if SB is re-elected, will DC accept the decision, and if not will he himself resign as it would appear he does not accept the democratic process..
  5. Hi, I urgently need advice with regard to my Resignation Letter and what it should say. My maternity leave officially ended on 31st March. As the tribunal was set for Tuesday 7th April, I did not want to resign before the hearing. I am happy to say, after 18 months of upset, financial hardship and my poor mother's relentless efforts to get justice for me, I won my case for Pregnancy Discrimination and Victimization outright on Tuesday (7th April) After announcing the verdict, the Judge told me that, now, I must resign immediately and make a further claim for unfair dismissal. I would like to know, what I need to include in my letter bearing in mind my new claim for Unfair Dismissal Many Thanks
  6. I am currently on Maternity leave, my twin boys were born on 8th May and I'm in the middle of a very complex Discrimination case! Acas concilliation is involved and has just authorised a 14 day extention for both parties to negotiate a settlement agreement. I'm in the middle of doing a schedule of loss and I have most of it sorted. My problem is knowing when I should resign. I have been on Maternity leave for 13 weeks to date. I don't want to loose out on any holiday entitlement. Is there anyone who can advise please. I have seen a solicitor and I do have grounds for several claims but I am doing this myself as I cannot afford to pay a professional. Many thanks H xx
  7. 3 weeks found myself in a position where I had to resign as a an alternative to being sacked. My money has now pretty much run out can anyone advise if I am entitled to JSA. It's been suggested to me that I cant/wont get it for 6 months.
  8. Hello everyone, I hope everyones well. I just wanted some advice and guidance as I've been searching everywhere and I can't seem to get a proper answer. I'll be as brief as possible. I've worked in my current role for over 3 years, however, last december I had an illness which got a bit too much for me to handle (I don't wish to disclose unless it's neccessary) which has kept my off work since. A long time I know. My managers have been extremely supportive of me during this period. During this period I received SSP, but after 28 weeks I believe, SSP is no longer paid, so I was told to call the jobcentre up and explain my circumstances. Long story short, they suggested that I go on ESA and I've been on ESA for a couple of months. A few weeks ago, I had a meeting with my managers and they discussed that I will have to have a hearing with the head of services to assess my case but I will most likely lose my job (more or less confirmed). Now the thing is, they would terminate my contract which is basically a sack. I spoke to CAS and they hinted that I should resign from my post so that I have a better chance of getting a job in the future, which I agree with. So essentially, my question is. If I resign from my job (for example today), would I stop receiving ESA payments because I resigned? Even though I've been off sick for a long time, and they are more or less going to terminate my contract. Any help would be much appreciated.
  9. I have had no choice but to resign from my employer. I have lied to customers to secure business under instruction Fabricated documentation under instruction I have been asked to find or make incriminating evidence to get someone sacked Forced to delve into electronic chats between a few co-workers to help cement the redundancy process with no HR involment Prior to out of court settlement for another collegue was asked to find information before they had to pay them off Cancelled annual leave Forced to carry over half of one years holiday into 2013 Removed a group of ethnic minority from the organisation in one redundancy process Extremely rude and insulting comments towards women These are just a fraction of the examples that I have and not prepared to go into any detail because I am fearful for my wellbeing as this company I have worked for have used the muscle of lawyers to destroy people. This has had a major impact on my health and my family, friends including co-workers want me to pursue this through to Tribunal Hearing. My worry is that I will get bullied in the court hearing as I am not a very strong minded individual and even having sought legal advice they have told me that employers can say and do what they want! I just want to know is a Tribunal fair and will I get an opportunity to relay and summarise circumstances of how the company has behaved in the past with other employees, name the customers etc If i'm going to do this then I want to be able to articulate myself the best I can Really appreciate any advice or support
  10. I was in full time employment in 2011 but had anaccident which resulted in an injury to my right shoulder which meant I wasunable to continue doing my job. After the SSP payments expired I claimed ESA. Iscored 0 points on the subsequent medical because I was declared fit for workdespite NOT being fit for the job I was employed to do. Following an appeal my ESA payment was finallystopped on 2nd February this year forcing me to resign in order that I mayclaim jobseekers allowance in a few more weeks. BIZARRE SITUATION DOESN'T EVEN BEGIN TO COVER IT -WHAT AN INSANE POLICY!!
  11. I have been having problems at work since new management took over this year i have worked there for 2 years with a clean record and excellent references, an incident occurred between myself (i am a receptionist) and a manager were she shouted at me on a corridor in front of patients and pointed her finger in my face. She then called me into the office and continue to be abusive, i complained to the general manager and she promised a full investigation would take place and asked me to send a statement. I did this immediately and expected a full investigation. Around 2 weeks after the incident i received a letter from HR to invite me to attend a meeting with the HR manager and the manager in question for allegation of me falsely claiming overtime for work i had done during my working hours. I queried this with HR as i did not think it was fair for this particular manager to conduct the investigation as i had a grievance against her, they informed me that it was not a grievance it was a statement and no further action was taken (i did not realise this at the time) I attended the meeting which was factual they stated that my overtime (this was work i was asked to do, there was never a protocol or meeting it was just simply a spreadsheet of patients to discharge or book appointments around 20000 of them and this has been ongoing since June 2012) has anomolies because i had completed the work during working hours and not in the overtime and asked if they checked the systems could i prove i was at work. I replied to say that i had emailed my line mangaer on numerous occasions for help with my workload and i decided using my own initiative that it would be much easier for me to do the overtime during working hours (it was system based) and my work during overtime as it was pulling notes, preparing them for clinic which was easier to do when i was alone. I did not need to be logged onto the system for this and i have colleagues who will vouch for me that you dont need to be logged onto the system to prepare notes therefore they cannot say i did not do the overtime as they cannot use the system to be accurate. Since then i have had no contact until today i received another email to attend a meeting on Tuesday (short notice) and that during the investigation for my overtime they found other information and are now accusing me of patient safety and alleging that i discharged patients without doing a note review or checking letters. I did what i was asked to do, i cannot be liable for discharging patients unless it was a mistake, i am not m and have done since June 2012, there were never any issues and i have never made any mistakes like this since i started work, i am also not medical therefore i cannot review notes and no protocol was put in place for me to do this, noone asked me how i did the work and it was just handed to me. 2 weeks ago my colleague recieved a protocol I contacted a union representative today who told me to reschedule the meeting and she will attend with me once we have met to discuss. I feel like i am being victimised and bullied, my line manager is currently off work and has been for nearly 6 months due to stress and has a grievance against one of the managers. I feel like they are looking for things that i may have done wrong and i am worried that it may lead to disciplinary action. I actually had an interview yeserday because i need to leave this place and am waiting for a start date, once this comes through and i have full clearance i will hand in my notice. I will have to work 4 weeks notice and i am not sure i can handle this stress that has taken over my life the past few months, i am not worried about references and am thinking to attend the meeting and then call in sick once i have clearance from my new employer and then resign once i have received my wage at the end of the month. I am very unsure on what to do and where i stand. Please help!!!
  12. Hi My wife is a teaching assistant training to be a teacher. Her head teacher told her last year that she could have her 9 week placement off but would need to be unpaid, today she has been told that if she wants to do her 9 week placement she has to resign??? Advice please. N
  13. Hello again CAGgers - 2 posts in one day is a new record for me! Anyway - I already have a claim going to ET for disability discrimination from mainly harassment that my ex-line manager gave me(I say 'ex' as he's been made redundant since all this happened(strange!) but I am still employed by this Company). Applying for a ET did actually spur the company into taking some supportive action like mediation but there seems a big gap in attitude between the companies Employment Relations(who are actually quite supportive and acknowledge that I've not been treated well) and my Director in my area of the business who is playing a 'straight bat' which ultimately resulted in mediation failing as he wasn't prepared to even acknowledge the issues I've had! Whilst mediation has been going on, I agreed to pause the grievance appeal, but as mediation failed, I had my grievance appeal meeting just prior to Christmas with another Director who has now upheld a major part of my grievance regarding the comments made to me by my 'ex' line manager but has said, since he has now been made redundant, there is no further action they can take. I understand this to a point but there has still not been any apology and my 'ex' line manager was still in post when I started the grievance procedure and he was interviewed as part of the grievance investigation. Anyway, now to the point of this post, I have spoken to an advisor I've spoken to at the CAB a few times about my case and, based on the grievance appeal being upheld, them now acknowledging the comments made to me(most of which saying that the Company didn't want me to come back) were wrong BUT failing to put adequate provisions in place to remedy the situation, she has suggested that a real option for me would be to resign and claim constructive dismissal. I can see where she is coming from but such a big step needs real consideration so any advice you could give would be appreciated?
  14. Hello, We currently have a conundrum in our household and would really appreciate some advice. My partner has worked for a certain company for over 5 years now but his contact did not specify particular hours in it, only that he would work a set number of hours per week. My partner is also my carer and before now, this was fine. He would generally work 6am - 2:30pm (in reality until 4:30/5pm as he put a lot of his own, unpaid hours into that place out of conscientiousness). This has been the same since I met him (1.5 years ago) and now that he lives with me, the regular pattern is good as one of my conditions cannot allow me to have a changing shift pattern - it would be highly detrimental to my health and put me at greater risk for things such as heart disease and stroke. As he does the cooking and housework and helps out with medications, shopping and accompanying me on outside ventures, he has been amazing. The problem has now arisen with his workplace moving him to a different location and drastically changing his hours so that he has, for example, worked from 7am-3pm today but they want him to work 3pm to 11pm tomorrow night! He was not informed that the new store had these sort of hours and as soon as he was informed, he put in an official request for flexible working hours - saying that he could be available from 6am until 4pm (5pm in reality for him) but they have refused it and allowed him to be given this shift tomorrow, which they all know is impossible because being a carer is not just a whim and I would not be able to function properly and my health would be jeopardised if he agreed to this. He is thinking of going in at 8am tomorrow, to attempt to work a shift until 4pm, armed with a grievance letter but even with citing 'Customs and Practice' and working so hard for them all these years, I can't see how we can move forward from this because his original contract doesn't have the set hours in it. They don't even need him to be there tomorrow so I suspect they are doing this just to be able to use 'Performance Management' on him and eventually get rid of him that way. This is so unfair on him and I feel terrible that he is being forced to choose between my health and his job. They say they offered him alternatives but they did not - they all had the changing hours in or were a permanent nightshift, meaning that I would have to be in a permanent night shift pattern to and would not be able to attend any of my medical appointments etc! To make matters worse, they originally insisted on having a meeting with him to discuss his request on the day of an important hospital appointment that he had said he needed to take me to - they were fully aware that that was his day off to do that! Even the rearranged appointment meant spending several hours in work on another of his days off. I guess our main question is this: Should he hand in his resignation and if so, should we put anything like 'Frustration of Contract'/'Unfair Dismissal'/'Constructive Dismissal' as our reason for this or should we wait for him to be sacked after loads of disciplinaries for being unable to work their latest hours? Also, how might this affect his entitlement to benefits such as Jobseekers? Sorry this is so long. Thank you for reading this and please advise if you can. All help is greatly appreciated!
  15. Hi, I was working in IT Consultancy for last 2.5 years. I have to visit clients site and spent good 2 years at one of our client for almost 2 years. Since they outsource their IT operations, I have to come back to our office in early this year. After I came back to our office, I never get any good work and just doing support. Then they start making my life difficult and finally they put me into disciplinary in bases of I am not doing good work etc. I am so stressed out and resigned myself. Now I am looking for job but no joy, yet. My question is, what should i say to job agencies about my current position? If i say 'i resigned because they put me in disciplinary', would it be acceptable to job agencies? They may start asking all kind of questions about what happened, which is painful for me to explain the whole thing again and again. What will be happen, if they ask Reference from current employment? What should I say? Thank you for your time,
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