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  1. Hi all, I would like some advice for a secured loan that was taken out by my ex-husband before coincidentally divorcing me a few months later. The loan was taken out in October 2007 and now over 10 years later i have been paying and the balance has only reduced by £200! I am extremely struggling with this and need to get this debt resolved as soon as possible can anyone please offer me some advice and guidance i have attached the enclosed paperwork. Information: My ex-husband never made a payment on the loan and was never on the mortgage or house documents, the house is in my sole name bought before marriage, i have told paragon to find him for payments however they are not interested and keep threatening to reposess should i not pay them £233 per month. Doc3.pdf
  2. Name of the Claimant Lowell solicitors Date of issue 06/03/17 date to acknowledge) = 25/03/17 date to submit defence = 9/04/17 What is the claim for 1.Failed to maintain the require payments and default notice was served and no complied with. The agreement was later assigned to claimant on 25/092014 What is the value of the claim £822.27 original debt capital one(£640.99) Is the claim for - credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007/ after 2007 05/09/2012 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim.lowell Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? I received Notice of assignment 14 day befor court date 12/09/17.It's a reconstituted copy.its dated 10/10/14 not seen before Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? yes on 12/09/17 14 days before court (although dated 08/09/13) not seen before Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year no but moved house twice Why did you cease payments? financial difficulties What was the date of your last payment? 11/06/13 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? no Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management planicon? no I have done CPR 31.14 to both lowell and capital one sent 08/03/17 I have done section 77-79 to both capital one and lowell 08/03/17 CCA sent to me on 29/03/17 after a letter dated 20/03/17 from capital one that they couldn't help me as address they had on record did not match the address on my letter. Lowell wrote to me on 20/03/17 stating that they enclosed a copy of their client Lowell portfolio 1 ltd informing you of there intentions with regards to your account and to treat that as notice of assignment. Those letters were dated 11/02/17 I have a couple of questions 1) Notice of assignment The letter date 11/02/17 regarding treating that as NOA can they do that? as they have not put it with evidence for court. The NOa that they have submitted with court papers I have never seen before they say it was sent by regular post. It has my current address on it an address that capital One admitted they didnt have on record until March 2017 NOA IS dated 10/10/14. It is also signed by Micheal Woodburn who I believe left Capital one in February 2014. As I have said Lowell saying reconstituted copy. yet claim NOA sent in 2014 why can they not produce the original? I believe the reconstituted copy is in fact a template that Lowell just copy. It's not on headed paper, there no address on it regarding its from from capital one. 2) Lowell solicitor (paralegal) hasn't signed her witness statement she has printed name but no signature. (all other paperwork has been signed any advice i have 10 days before court
  3. Hi there, today I received a claim form addressed from the county court business centre in Northampton, which has been filed by Moriarty Law on behalf of JC International Acquisition for a debt on behalf of Talk Talk Limited. I have seen a similar problem to mine posted on here but I can't seem to follow it, so I need help step by step to get me through this maze!! The particulars of claim state: THE CLAIMANTS CLAIM IS FOR THE BALANCE DUE UNDER AN AGREEMENT WITH TALK TALK LIMITED DATED 13/10/2011 WHICH WAS ASSIGNED TO THE CLAIMANT ON 26/03/2014 AND NOTICE OF WHICH WAS GIVEN TO THE DEFENDANT ON THE 26/03/2014 AND WHICH IS NOW DUE AND PAYABLE. THE DEFENDANT AGREED TO PAY MONTHLY INSTALMENTS UNDER ACCOUNT NUMBER 100*****43 BUT HAS FAILED TO DO SO. AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS THE SUM OF £167.12. THE CLAIMANT ALSO CLAIMS INTEREST THERON PURSUANT TO S.69 COUNTY COURT ACT 1984 LIMITED TO ONE YEAR TO THE DATE HEREOF AT THE RATE OF 8.00% PER ANNUM AMOUNTING TO £13.36. So with the amount claimed being £180.48 the court fee of £25.00 plus Legal representatives costs of £50.00 the total amount is £255.48!! My response to all this, is that I have never agreed to make monthly instalments because I have never spoken to them regarding this debt and have never responded to any letters. At the time I took out this deal with talk talk I was in a very dark place in my life, not long coming out of a rehab and I was not working! After coming to my senses that I could not afford this because I didn't have any money for food, I contacted talk talk to say I wanted to finish which I believed had been stopped. I made payments to them for the amount which I believed I owed to finish the contract, and unplugged the device not to use it again. I also moved address not long after. I have now got my life on track with work and have got what I believe is a good credit score with nothing against me, so to have this rear it's head against me is a bit of a shock! So please please give me advice on how to tackle this and what steps I need to take!! The issue date of the claim was 29/09/2017 and I received it on 04/10/2017 Thanks in advance for any advice you give.
  4. I currently work in education and get paid pro-rata, even though I work term-time only. I am looking for similar work closer to home to cut out travelling costs and if I am successful would be due to start in September 2017. In a regular job I would give a month's notice and go straight to a new job in September, because of working in education my last physical day at work would be mid July, I would be paid for at the end of July and I would expect any holiday pay owing etc and a P45 at the end of August. Is this correct, or in the HMRC's eyes do I become unemployed end of July and lose my tax credits for the summer weeks and have to renew a claim in September for tax credits. Tried ringing the tax credits but they were a bit unhelpful, with not really understanding the nature of term time working etc. I'm worried that I could be with no tax credits over the summer, and a new claim would mean I go on Universal Credit. Please advise
  5. let's start at the beginning. CMS took over the case in February 2016 , I cooperated with them fully and paid the amount I was told . I informed them that as from April 2016 I was being made redundant I sent proof as requested. Since then I have had nothing but trouble. For a few months I didn't work and relied on my wife's income . Now as I didn't send them this in writing as to how I was supporting myself (I was unaware I needed to). the case defaulted back to my previous income therefore accruing arrears. Between April and October I spoke 5 different case workers who all assured me they had updated my records and everything would be sorted out. All to no avail . Finally after asking to complain and speak to a manager I got a case worker to stay on my case . I started working again in September and informed them of this . I spoke to them again in December as they hadn't received my payslips so I resent them. Then to my surprise in February payslip they have taken 40% of my wages . After speaking to them again I was told she had been to busy to adjust my payments they had applied a deduction of earnings. She informed me there is nothing she can do about this and they will continue to take 40%. what can I do I'm at my wits end. They say iam in 10k worth of arrears from 2004 as my ex wife says I didn't pay for 4 years lucky enough I always paid via bank I have sent sar form off to hopefully prove this.
  6. Hi there , yesterday on the 1/07/2016 , i boarded a train from llansamlet to Cardiff , there was no conductor on the train , as I arrived in Cardiff I had to go to the unpaid fair's desk , as I was there about to buy my ticket I had a stupid moment of madness and told the guy at the ticket office that I boarded on Bridgend but he caught me out by saying that there were ticket tolls at Bridgend and I completely froze , I then got taken by a transport investigations officer she gave me a quick interview and asked me questions in regards to what just happened , I told her I was sorry and that it was a stupid thing to do and I even offered to pay for the fair there and then but she said no because the repercussions of this will be a lot more ' hefty' . The lady told me that I would receive a letter which I must respond to giving my side of the story , I have seen many posts where people have been summoned to court . Has anyone got any advice for me when I respond to this letter in what I should say or do should I attach a payment invoice covering the fair and the admin fee ? , I have a feeling cause I lied to them they are going to take me to court no matter what I say . If I do go to court what would the outcome be ? I have never had an encounter in this manner with the Arriva trains wales before this is the first time I have done something like this . I have encountered with the police for something silly in December which I had a fine for will that effects me if this goes to court ? I was really idiotic to even lie about where I boarded and it is something that I would not do again . If anyone can help me out and advise me I would greatly appreciate it . Thanks Shaun
  7. Hi I'm hoping I am posting this question in the right forum? My cousin who turned 50 in March passed away from a short cancer related illness. She was an only child and her mother, my aunt, is in her 80's. They had a joint savings account which they both contributed money into for more than 10 years and when she passed away the account had approximately £19,000. The estate has gone to probate and when the building society were informed, they sent a cheque direct to my aunt for the full amount. We assumed that as the account was in joint names the money would automatically be hers. However, the solicitor that is dealing with the probate has advised my aunt that the £19,000 should be included as part of the overall estate, which I understand exceeds £350,000. Question: As my aunt contributed to the savings account and as it was in joint names, should this still be included as part of the estate?
  8. I am in a huge mess financially and I lost my home last year due to the fact that I couldn't afford the Bedroom Tax - my son had moved out etc. I have moved into my Mum's house where my brother also lives. Several weeks ago I received a Bailiff letter from Bristow & Suitor (for Council Tax at my previous address approx £1000) and I paid him £50 over the phone (he had posted a letter through the door) I then arranged a temporary payment of £10 per week for 8 weeks after which a review would be conducted. I only work a few hours a week - and failed to make a payment due to not earning any money that week - because of this, they have removed the temporary arrangement and have said that I now have to wait for the Bailiff to call. I am worried that the Baliff may call whilst I am not in and my Mum being confronted by the Bailiff and/or him attempting to take her's or my brother's property. I use my computer to earn money - I do online Market Research after my Benefits were stopped a year or so ago and couldn't get a job - can he take my computer? Is there a possibility that he could take my Mum's or my brother's property? My Mum is getting on and wouldn't know how to deal with a Bailiff. I intend to carry on paying the £10 per week - even thought the arrangement has been withdrawn as at least I will be paying something. I am terrified I could end up in prison and I would really appreciate any advice.
  9. Gotten some great help on here with other unrelated problems so hope you guys can help me out with this too or at least point me in the right direction. Long story short I am married with 2 kids aged 6 and 8 with a third due in April. I have been unemployed since November 2012 and do not recieve any form of unemployment benefit. We have as a family been in receipt of housing benefit of about £120 per week which has been extremely helpful in paying our rent (we rent privately in Birmingham at a rate of £625 per month). There was no issue until my wife decided to change her working hours so that she could sign on for a fulltime university course in order to get her degree so that she could if she so desired become a teacher (she is currently a teaching assistant). So she went from working full time and earning £15,000 per year to working 16 hours per week and earning £6500 per year. She was also eligible for a student grant which is to be paid back once she starts earning a certain amount (£26,000 i believe) and this is where our problems began. You see the loan is worth £11,000 per year and is considered by the benefits people as income so they now consider her as earning £17,500 per year. Now we checked with them before she signed on for the course as we had read that her loan may cause problems with the payment of housing benefit, and there may also be issues with her status as a student despite the fact that she was to remain in work, and we were told that there would be no problem and that we should still be entitled to housing benefit. At the end of November last year however they froze our claim and have spent the last two months asking us to provide a variety of documentation in order that they can ascertain as to whether or not we are still entitled to the benefit or not. Today we rang to check the status of our claim as money that we had put aside for emergencies is running increasingly low as it has been used to pay the shortfall that we are feeling from not getting the benefit. Anyway we were told that our claim has in fact been cancelled (Im guessing a letter will be forthcoming) because they consider that we have an excess of income so we are no longer entitled to receive housing benefit. I really do not see how they have reached this conclusion as it is not like we are suddenly rolling in cash, especially with a new baby on the way. Is there any point in contesting their decision, will they overturn it or is it a simple case of we are not going to get it so we need to suck it up and look at other options such as move to a cheaper property? I am of course looking for work and hope that getting a job will help though of course that may have a detrimental effect on child tax credits and the like (we dont get any working tax credits). Any advice greatly appreciated.
  10. Hi am new to the forum so hope I have posted in the right place. Am desperately in need of some advice regarding a letter I have been sent. Received a letter from Blake Lapthorn, who say they are working on behalf of Arrow Global Guernsey Limited. Letter states: “We now attach a copy of the Final Charging Order obtained by our client in this matter. Our client is keen to reach an affordable monthly repayment arrangement with you. Please contact us within 14 days of the date of this letter to discuss the various options available to help you repay this debt. To help us understand your overall financial position and to determine how much you are able to pay each month, we have also included an Income and Expenditure form for you to complete and return to this office. Our client has asked us to draw your attention to an opportunity to settle this account at a discount. The settlement will be dependent upon your current financial situation; again we are keen to discuss this with you. In the absence of receiving a reasonable offer of repayment, our client has the option to pursue enforcement action and may do so by instructing us to proceed with one of the following: Application for attachment of earnings Application for a warrant of Control” Attached to letter is a financial means questionnaire and a copy of a Final Charging Order which was granted on 13 January 2015 at Winchester Court. It also says that there was a charge created on 13 October 2014 and that this shall continue as modified by this order. Had no idea who Blake Lapthorn or Arrow Global were but after doing some research discovered this is a debt from MBNA credit card. Also from what i can gather in order to get a charge on my house they would have had to get a CCJ first but have never had anything prior to this. I am now panicking as they have given a 14 day deadline to contact them but was away last week and so only opened letter yesterday and 14 days are up on Thursday (5th Feb). Don't really want to contact them until i have more info and have got some advice but do I need to acknowledge that I have received the letter in order to stop them from taking further action? Would be grateful for any advice anyone could give me at all. Many thanks in advance. Would be grateful for any advice anyone could give me at all. Many thanks in advance.
  11. Hi, I urgently need advice with regard to my Resignation Letter and what it should say. My maternity leave officially ended on 31st March. As the tribunal was set for Tuesday 7th April, I did not want to resign before the hearing. I am happy to say, after 18 months of upset, financial hardship and my poor mother's relentless efforts to get justice for me, I won my case for Pregnancy Discrimination and Victimization outright on Tuesday (7th April) After announcing the verdict, the Judge told me that, now, I must resign immediately and make a further claim for unfair dismissal. I would like to know, what I need to include in my letter bearing in mind my new claim for Unfair Dismissal Many Thanks
  12. Good morning, I really need some guidance and help on a matter that has been going on since March please. I work for a local council authority and back in March this year my manager tried to get me to significantly increase my evening overtime working hours without my consent and also without change to my contract even though this would have meant a substantial change to my working hours. When I realised that she was being underhanded, I said I wanted to speak to someone on the council to ensure what she was asking was correct. Needless to say this did not go down well and after many days or her threatening legal implications and much bullying to get me to do it, I declined once more. It was then she threatened to email the entire council (21 members) about me and tell them I had flatly refused to do as I was being told and to support her in her endeavours to 'manage' me and not to enter into any interaction with me again on the matter. She later sent the email. At this stage she also challenged me to file a formal grievance against her if I so wished. Having no personnel dept to go to I visited the CAB who advised that she was out of order and to file a formal grievance against her, she was not allowed to change me contractual hours etc without the consent of the council. This I did and what has enfolded can only be described as a farce! The grievance was held by 2 current councillors and found that my manager had not been bullying me and it must have all been in my mind and she was right to do what she did! I appealed the finding and some months later an independent panel found in her favour regarding the bullying as my colleagues refused to back me up. The panel did find that the way she had managed the situation was all wrong. They confirmed she had been wrong to send the email which undermined and embarassed me and the way the whole thing had been handled was disgraceful. The panel suggested the council must decide what the next step forward was but suggested some mediation could be offered to me and my line manager. A findings report was released for the council and she refused to let them see it. The original grievance was raised in March this year and during this time I have not been allowed to speak to a single soul at work about the matter. I have been completely isolated, without direction and it has really left me vulnerable. The final straw for me was when a new councillor came into the office 3 weeks ago demanding I go to mediation as the situation was now intolerable and embarrasing for the council. I said I wasn't sure I could attend as the situation had never been resolved (with the manager) after all she did she was never even given a slap on the wrists for her behaviour and now the whole thing has just been swept under the carpet. He demanded I go, if not, the council would have to take further action against me! I just can't cope with this any longer, it has been going on far too long as has caused me mental and physical stress, including heart palpitations. I went to see my doctor and she signed me off work for 2 weeks and then a further 1 month since my last visit with work related stress. (She did offer to sign me off back in May when I went to see her but I said I would wait and hope the situation would be resolved.) I have heard nothing from work at all in the last 3 weeks, but this morning received the attached letter quoting new deadlines and grievances etc etc. This is about to send me over the edge I swear, but what should I do, I'm off with stress and they send me more??? I don't know which was to turn. The letter is signed by a councillor on behalf of the staffing committee, but this newly formed committee (Sep 2014) is not a personnel/HR dept and I have no guidance at all. Do I really have to deal with this letter now, it seems like they are adding to my stress. I feel they have caused my current ill health due to their lack of duty and care towards me. I feel like walking out. I know that utimately I'll have to go as I no longer trust my manager or the council to stand up to her but in the meantime need some guidance, many thanks in advance to you all. I am happy to answer any questions you might have to clarify the situation.
  13. I have entered an acknowledgement of service within the time frame and I have gone onto MCOL tonight to enter my defence and its states there is a bar and I cannot enter this. It needs to be done today at the latest. I have 2 lines of defence and would like some help please.. a) The debt is statute barred b) I had insurance that I paid monthly and it was never applied to the account when I was ill. The last payment made was July (end of) 2008, I have never acknowledged the sum owed in writing since that date, it defaulted in November 2008, therefore I believe it to be statute barred When I had a stroke in August 2008, I was hospitalised, my husband tried to contact the card company and they would not speak to him due to DPA. They told him that I would need to send proof of my illness before any insurance could be applied, he sent my admission papers and discharge notice and a sick certificate from my GP for 3 months which is the one he sent to my employers. They never applied the insurance and the debt increased and then they sold the debt to various collection companies. I have never acknowledged the debt, never been in touch with the collection agencies and never responded to anything in the post or verbally. I therefore do not believe I owe any money, if they had applied the insurance at the time, this would have cleared the balance because if the illness was deemed to last more than 6 months then the balance was paid off. ..and regardless of that i have not made payment since July 2008 which is longer than 6 years... So, which one do I go with first and how do I word all of that and am I right with it being statute barred? Will someone please help me understand and unravel i have tried to get this far on my own and i was crushed as I could not enter my defence tonight online. .will they win by default? Thanks so much for any advice you can put my way. ..I just cant sleep now.....
  14. Hi everyone. Just writing in the hope that I could maybe get some advice. A few years back I had an account with JD WILLIAMS for a catalogue. Made some purchases from it, was making repayments as normal etc. They even sold me some sort of PPI now that I think of it. Thing is, I lost my job, split up with the ex wife and now, fast forward a couple of years ahead I have had lowell chasing me for the debt, which now, thanks to me being stupid and hiding from it has ended up rocketing to a total of over £4000!!! I know for sure that the majority of this balance is made up of charges and late fees etc. today i received a court summons through my door which was issued on the 10th of february. I know i have only 14 days in which to acknowledge the claim, im not too sure what to do now, as i would like to try and claim back the PPI on the account a nd try and get back as much charges as possible so that I can get the balance back to as close to what it was (approx £1000) and then start repaying the debt. I know full well i should have made more of an effort to do this beforehand but now i just want to fix this mess as best as i can. Could anyone please point me towards the right direction? thanks in advance
  15. Husband has this afternoon received a letter from HM Courts and Tribunal Service to say Application to file Statutory Declaration out of time was referred to Court Officer and has been refused! We have heard nothing from council and TEC have denied all knowledge. Husband is advised that he has to complete notice N244 for this decision to be reviewed. We put down explanation for why original notice of parking offence was not received (we did not live at that address any more), wording agreed with Jamberson, so do no understand why OOT has been refused, especially as proof of non residence at former address was provided thru Utility bills with OOT application. Why would application be refused as husband no longer lived at address to which PCN was originally served, and proof of new address provided in form of utility bill attached to OOT statement? Apart from anything else, originally OOT statement was lodged with TEC on 14 August. Initial application rejected via email by TEC that day as boxes not correctly completed. Application form re submitted on 14 Aug following discussion with TEC representative and form correctly competed over phone with their assistance. Confirmation of receipt of form TE7 and TE9 received from TEC on 14 August - nothing mentioned this time re incorrect completion so assumed all well. See all previous postings re this case - we filed form on 14 August in good faith that no further action would be taken once receipt acknowledged by TEC without any errors mentioned. At that point costs were £127 parking fee plus £75 letter fee. Husband had tried on various occasions (evidence available) to contact enforcement officer in charge of case with no reply, this enforcement officer was appointed on 24 July and removed 1 Aug, no further officer appointed until 15 Aug. Husband called on 14 August to say forms submitted to TEC and to complain again about original bailiff not responding to calls/texts. Equita said new bailiff was to be appointed and would be in touch re this case. First we heard from new bailiff was on return from holiday on on 22 August to find notice of enforcement through door adding £235 onto original costs. We do not believe that the rejection is fair. We do not believe that Equita have dealt with this case fairly i.e. appointing original agent, then replacing with new agent but not supplying details so that husband could get in touch to pay costs prior to enforcementvisit. What on earth do we do now? Will copy and post this to bailiff forum, at very least we feel that £235 fee should be rescinded as husband filed forms TE7 and TE9 on 14 August without rejection (following original rejection email)and it appears that TEC lost these forms, bailiff did not visit until 21 August and so if original TE7 and TE9 as submitted on 14 Aug had been passed to Equita, this additional £235 would not have been levied as bailiff visit would not have happened. Urgent help needed as to what to do next. Best LH
  16. Hello all, Have a problem that I could do with some urgent advice on. At my last post work programme appointment I didn't see my usual adviser as they were on holiday. The adviser I saw made me an appointment with the national careers service. I have this morning received a garbled message from someone at the service saying my appointment is today at 3pm yet my official letter issued by my adviser says its 11th November at the same time. I have rung the careers service phone number on the letter and the person I spoke to wasn't any help at all, basically I have been told they do not hold the diaries for appointments made at job centres and I have been unable to get through to my job centre at the moment. Just wondered what is my position is, I am fine to go on Monday but this afternoon would be undoable. Thanks for the advice
  17. Hi Firstly, really sorry as I have posted this elsewhere but I think I may have not posted in the right place. We are desperate for some help and could do with some advice urgently. There are a few points. We had a loan for approx. £150K with Lloyds. This was to buy a business and business premises. The business failed and Lloyds have now appointed an LPA to sell the premises (they did give us 3 months to sell/rent ourselves but we had no interest at all). We had a letter from the LPA on 9th August. It said nothing really, no introduction as to who they were or what their role was. All they wanted was the keys to the premises. We contacted them and told them to stop any action as we were seeking legal advice. We also wanted to make sure that our loan agreement actually stated that Lloyds could could appoint an LPA (we had intended getting a SAR for all the loan agreement documents). We have since had a letter saying that they were changing the locks and going in to drain the boiler etc and do a survey. This, if the letter is correct, will by now have been done. How can they do this ?? I have read other Caggers saying that you shouldn't communicate with LPA's but we just don't know what our rights and what we should or shouldn't do. It would seem now though it may be too late and that they have changed the locks - how can they do that! Another thing, more importantly is this, the property is a downstairs retail outlet and an upstairs self contained residential flat. Both premises have their own address. The loan security was a first charge on the business premises and a second charge on our home. On looking at the loan agreement documents we have noticed that the first charge is named as the flat address and the shop address isn't mentioned in the agreement at all. I have this morning been trying to get an appointment with a solicitor to see if this is something we could use to stop the LPA but I can't find anyone locally that deals with this sort of thing. We really don't know what to do. A colleague has said we should contact the bank immediately and tell them to put a stop on the LPA's actions as there are errors in the loan agreement, but is that the right thing to do ?? We are sick of feeling so helpless against these people who seem to just rail road over people like us. Any advice would really be appreciated.
  18. I do hope anyone can help me out with this, I am looking for anyone that has had problems with warmsure/warmfront/carillion plc in particular with grant work or even privately. If anyone has had problems with this company or know of anyone that has please post on this thread I will be taking them to court shortly against these and need to gather as much supporting evidence as possible. Thank You
  19. :-xThe Facts are 1: My sister worked for 9 years in a small firm. 2: She was made redundant through text message (on 20 December 2012). 3: in that text message, even employer calculated for her the amount her redundancy pay could be; 4: However, She received a letter in January 2013; her former employers stated that she was dismissed because of gross miss conduct due to a forged letter that they found on her desk on 21th December 2012. In which she denies strongly. 5: Then now she sued her former employer for unfair dismissal, for the fact there was not really redundant issue had discussed, and no consultation. 6: in few weeks time, she has a hearting sitting at Employment tribunal. Please gives us some advice as she is representing herself and no experience Thank you.
  20. Hi All Last year I put in a claim using a PPI claim agent against Kensington Mortgage Company r egarding the mis-selling of my cover when I took out a mortgage. As a result of mis-selling I was not covered when my business went under and as a direct result I lost my home. I filled out all the paperwork correctly and called on monthly basis to chase the claim, I was told Kensington had never heard of me, and that they needed previous addresses. These I provided and last week made another call to chase the claim. Imagine my amazement when the guy on the other end of the phone told me they had made an error and had in fact contacted Bradford and Bingley by accident which is why they had no record of me. The problem I have is the 10 year time limit ran out last October and I am not sure what to do next. Many thanks
  21. eviction date due tomorrow 26/4 tried speaking to lender (2nd mortgage) to no avail, not willing to help in any way. they want full arrears paying before they will even take a payment. what can I do, have had eviction date suspended before, original payment was 75 per month at last hearing judge ordered me to pay 250.00 extra on top but a one off payment of 1,000.00 which Kensington wanted. Kensington will not just take the monthly payment plus agreed arrears until I pay the 1,000.00 which I haven't got and cant raise. when you call them (on a daily basis) you get passed from pillar to post and every time they wont accept payment until they have the 1,000.00 - am at wits end, cant sleep HELP ....
  22. Hi All I have joined today for some help on my current situation, I have heard wonderful things about this fourm and any help would be really appreciated. I have a speeding fine that has been unpaid, I stupidly buried my head in the sand and as I simple do not have the means to pay the fine, jut pushed it to one side and prayed it would disappear. Obviously it hasn't I received a letter from Marstone two weeks demanding payment of the £300 fine + £85 fees that were now due, I contacted marstons to advise even with help from friends I would not have the funds to pay until next month, the response I got was it was now with the bailiff and I would have to deal with him directly. Last week I came to front door to find a hand delivered letter stating a bailiff had tried to attend but was unable too and now the balance of £600 is to be paid or I can expect another visit and more fees. I spoke to the bailiff via telephone and advised I would not have the money but would try my best to get it by tomorrow, Unfortunately despite all avenues I have only managed to raise the £300 that was originally due on the fine. I have seen a few conflicting reports stating if I pay the original fine amount then I am not obliged to pay the fees that are now being demanded however I was hoping someone would be able to state for sure if this is the case or not? Waiting in hope kind regards Robbie
  23. Hi there, I am writing this on behalf of my mum. My mum was claiming ESA (income based) as she has a psychiatric illness which prevents her from working. It is a severe illness which she has had a very long time. She missed 3 assessment appointments (due to be overwhelmed with voices in her head, getting confused etc) and even though she explained why she hadn't attended the assessment, her ESA was stopped. She lodged an appeal, but it has now been 3 and a half months and she has still not heard anything. She receives housing benefit and DLA, but these two benefits do not cover her rent and bills, let alone food on top. As a result she is using credit cards to survive and is getting further and further into debt. Every time she phones for an update, she is told different information, but the crux of it is that no decision has been made on her appeal and they can't tell her when she is likely to hear. She has asked for financial help, but has been told she is not eligible. It's starting to get a desperate situation, and neither my mum or I know where to turn. Can anyone help? Has anyone been in the same situation before? What should she be doing? Is there anything or is it just a waiting game?
  24. I signed on this morning and my advicer gived me a leaflet about payments been sent early but don't understand when my payments will go in my bank and just wondering if anyone know from this: Expected Issue date Payment for Period Ending 15/03/2013 15/03/2013 27/03/2013 29/03/2013 12/04/2013 12/04/2013 I know the top one as I signed on today and it will go in my bank on the 20th (on wednesday) But when will the 27th go in? is it on the 29th it will go in my bank or the 3rd? I should signed on the 29th of March but due to been good friday Jobcentre is shut. Any advice would be great, cheers
  25. Hi all.... Without going into all the gory details, I'm in the process of trying to settle a "no win/no fee" personal injury claim (instigated by my insurance company) I've been farmed out to a solicitors who are frankly vile and do business in a way that puts me in mind of a mafia. They've lied to me about certain facts on numerous occasions and are now aggressively perusing my authorization to proceed with the claim. I'm having someone look into it at the moment, as I can smell a very large rat with some of what's been going on and I'm not prepared to sign my name to anything until I'm 100% sure it's legit. I received a letter on Saturday morning in which it's announced that the solicitor is sending an "agent" out to my home on Monday to collect my signature and instructions they require. I am not happy about this at all, and to my mind if someone comes to my door to make me sign something, I would therefore be acting under duress. I also don't yield to bully-boy tactics and all this goes again towards me thinking something is very wrong with whatever they are doing. I know that the law states debt collectors can't visit my home without permission. I'm also under the assumption the only people who can set foot within my property lines are postal workers, people asking for directions or people who are asked by invitation. Does an "agent" working on behalf of a solicitors firm have any different kind of rights to visit my home? I would very much like to know my rights and have the facts to hand should this person call on me this Monday and this seemed like the right place to ask. If anyone could give me some advice, I would be very grateful. Thanks for reading.
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