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Found 5 results

  1. I am currently in dispute with a builder over a patio - there have been several attempts to remedy the situation over the past 12 months the patio has been re-laid but there are still significant issues. Last time the builder was on site I unfortunately swore about the situation not directed at the builder. The builder became very aggressive and intimidating - shouting and swearing at me. I asked him to leave the house and he continued. Fortunately, at this point my wife came home with my daughters and she could hear the builder shouting from outside the house. I managed to get the builder into the front garden where he continued to shout and swear at me in front of my wife and 5 and 3 year old daughters. My wife asked him to stop multiple times. We got the children in the house and then he eventually left after a final tirade. In the evening the contractor sent a text to my wife rather than me acknowledging his behaviour had been inappropriate. He is offering to carry out further remedial work but we are obviously reluctant to have him back on site after this situation - he is a big guy. Where do we stand legally if we don't feel comfortable having him back on site?
  2. Hi All, I am hoping for some help. We have a neighbour who is really agressive and insists we have rats in the garden. They get the rat guy out and they say its not them. We get the rat guy out and they say its not us. The rat guy thinks the rats live nder there decking and then runs along the fence of our side and back into their garden. One guy said it was because the drains under the desking are not sealed and the rats are going there. However they are getting really agressive with us. Does anyone know our rights in this situation.
  3. I suffer from depression after losing my job. I've been unable to find another one and I'm trying the best I can to get a job. without a job I haven't been able to pay my bills and have fallen into serious debt. Couple of days ago around 6pm I had someone banging at my door and shouting through my letter box aggressively, saying that he had a delivery for me. I could see he had a white envelope in his hand but he didn't want to post it? He carried on for about 20 minutes banging, shouting and trying to look through my windows. Then he went away and he reversed up in a new Mercedes car, he had parked out of site and just stared at my house for awhile and then drove off. I could see the anger in his eyes, it was like I had done him wrong but I've never met this person in my life before! I've also not done wrong to anyone. I think this was my first experience of a bailiff and it's made me feel sick! I just can't believe someone who you don't know can come to your property and harass you like a thug trying to mug you in the street! I thought it was 2013 and not the 1800's but it's like these people are a law to themselves? I don't know what he wanted and it's been a couple of day now without another visit. I've been told you don't have to talk to bailiffs and this one was psycho!
  4. Hi all.... Without going into all the gory details, I'm in the process of trying to settle a "no win/no fee" personal injury claim (instigated by my insurance company) I've been farmed out to a solicitors who are frankly vile and do business in a way that puts me in mind of a mafia. They've lied to me about certain facts on numerous occasions and are now aggressively perusing my authorization to proceed with the claim. I'm having someone look into it at the moment, as I can smell a very large rat with some of what's been going on and I'm not prepared to sign my name to anything until I'm 100% sure it's legit. I received a letter on Saturday morning in which it's announced that the solicitor is sending an "agent" out to my home on Monday to collect my signature and instructions they require. I am not happy about this at all, and to my mind if someone comes to my door to make me sign something, I would therefore be acting under duress. I also don't yield to bully-boy tactics and all this goes again towards me thinking something is very wrong with whatever they are doing. I know that the law states debt collectors can't visit my home without permission. I'm also under the assumption the only people who can set foot within my property lines are postal workers, people asking for directions or people who are asked by invitation. Does an "agent" working on behalf of a solicitors firm have any different kind of rights to visit my home? I would very much like to know my rights and have the facts to hand should this person call on me this Monday and this seemed like the right place to ask. If anyone could give me some advice, I would be very grateful. Thanks for reading.
  5. hi there am posting for a friend for some advice on how to deal with a complaint to sky. a friend of the family is disabled and lives in a very remote village as in there is only 1 shop (no paypoint facility) 1 post office, 1 pub etc.. you get the picture... anyway she has sky has had for over 9 years and never had any problems no late bills. no cut off etc.. anyway this month her paper bill arrived late on receiving paperbill she went straight to the post office and paid it as would normally do. ( she doesnt do banks as she doesnt trust them) however when she got up he next day sky had indeed cut her off.. on ringing them to ask why as bill had been paid she was told she'd have to wait until money had cleared their end even though the bill arrived late through royal mails fault/sky's fault she has always paid paper bill they were very unwilling to help her... speed up 5 days and magically sky phone her back and say oh we've received your payment but we are still NOT reconnecting you.... you have to pay a furhter £40 to reconnect.. when she explained she doesn't have a bank account only a post office account.. she was told go and get one then.. one relative and several hours later £40 was paid.. reluctantly i might add.. she reconnected her sky.. and was once again demanded that she go get a bank account as they will only accept payments in that format once again it was explained no bank facilities where she is not that she trusts them anyway and only has a post office account which only allows for pension payments going in and you drawing them out... after much too-ing and fro-ing they said she must find a relative on a certain day every month and make a card payment using their card.. i wasn't aware in terms of sky (remember no contract as its on a month by month) that you had to have a bank account to have sky.. i also suggested she register as being disabled with their customer services team to allow them to know the struggle it can be when something goes wrong.. they were even ruder than the last lost... we tried to raise a complaint via normal telephone number and they REFUSED to take the call.. saying sorry try someone else.. surely sky cannot treat customers in this way?? i'm all for slapping a rather nasty letter on someone's desk but will it get answers?? any suggestions guys? much appreciated in advance
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