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Found 3 results

  1. I am currently in dispute with a builder over a patio - there have been several attempts to remedy the situation over the past 12 months the patio has been re-laid but there are still significant issues. Last time the builder was on site I unfortunately swore about the situation not directed at the builder. The builder became very aggressive and intimidating - shouting and swearing at me. I asked him to leave the house and he continued. Fortunately, at this point my wife came home with my daughters and she could hear the builder shouting from outside the house. I managed to get the builder into the front garden where he continued to shout and swear at me in front of my wife and 5 and 3 year old daughters. My wife asked him to stop multiple times. We got the children in the house and then he eventually left after a final tirade. In the evening the contractor sent a text to my wife rather than me acknowledging his behaviour had been inappropriate. He is offering to carry out further remedial work but we are obviously reluctant to have him back on site after this situation - he is a big guy. Where do we stand legally if we don't feel comfortable having him back on site?
  2. Hello. This is my first post and I am literally shaking from my encounter with a baliff. I would like to know if there is anything I can do about the actions of this baliff, who can I complain to. I always pay my council tax for years by direct debit. Last year my husband died and I missed three payments. That was the first time every...and the council did not retake the direct debit..they passed it to baliffs. This was my fault as with things happening with my husband being seriously ill I wasn't on the ball. When I realised I went through my account and saw three payments were missed and I paid the council the money owing but by this time charges had built up....the council charges and baliffs. Baliffs were arriving at my home...always when I was out...so I wrote to the council to try and get the charges waived but they wouldn't do anything. Today I got home and another baliff letter was through my door saying i owe £509. I called the baliff and asked for a full breakdown and he agreed with me it was all charges. I said they were not reasonable. £509 charge to collect £218 which had now been paid. He said I could pay £85 a month but I would have to sign a loan agreement secured on something......I said I could afford £20 a month but he said no. So I said how can I stop this...he said only the council could stop him....so I told him I would call them and let him know what they said. I called the council and they said there was nothing they could do but that I shouldn't be paying full council tax and that they would send a form for me to get some kind of discount. They told me to go to the Citizens Advice to sort out the baliff So I called the baliff back and told him this. He said right I am coming around to your house and I'm going to seize your goods. The next minute he was at my house...had blocked my car in and said he was going to load it up and take it into secured storage. How horrible was that. If I never had called him back in the first place to tell him what I was doing to sort things...that wouldn't have happened but he was so horrible he came back the same day to my house and did that. I didnt open the door all this was on the phone but I was shaking....so I phoned my family and borrowed the money and called the baliff head office and paid it...but I still think its totally excessive and threatening behaviour of theirs to get the money. I said I wanted to complain and was told to write in to a compliance officer. Do I actually have a complaint though against that baliff? Or was he acting in the law? Should I just let it go. I called him back and told him I had paid and how awful I thought he had been to me frightening me like that to get the money especially knowing my husband had just died thats why I missed the payments. He just said he was acting in the law. I hope that never happens to me ever again it was a horrible experience I never wish to repeat. I'm so upset.
  3. Had to make a complaint today regarding one of their drivers who blocked 3 drivers in 2 directions rather than simply backing straight up. When I put the window down in my car to ask him what he was doing, he just stared at me and then waived with a smirk on his face when I drove through a very tiny gap in order to prevent any further hold ups for the 2 other cars. Deliberantly obstructive, disrespectful, rude and ignorant. :???:
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