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Found 3 results

  1. I am currently in dispute with a builder over a patio - there have been several attempts to remedy the situation over the past 12 months the patio has been re-laid but there are still significant issues. Last time the builder was on site I unfortunately swore about the situation not directed at the builder. The builder became very aggressive and intimidating - shouting and swearing at me. I asked him to leave the house and he continued. Fortunately, at this point my wife came home with my daughters and she could hear the builder shouting from outside the house. I managed to get the builder into the front garden where he continued to shout and swear at me in front of my wife and 5 and 3 year old daughters. My wife asked him to stop multiple times. We got the children in the house and then he eventually left after a final tirade. In the evening the contractor sent a text to my wife rather than me acknowledging his behaviour had been inappropriate. He is offering to carry out further remedial work but we are obviously reluctant to have him back on site after this situation - he is a big guy. Where do we stand legally if we don't feel comfortable having him back on site?
  2. I applied via online chat for an upgrade on 15th October 2015. Went onto online chat on 16/10/15 only to be told order wasn't completed properly. Re-ordered and they gave me a discount. Was assured that bill date will stay the same and no extra costs will be incurred. It took 11 days and several online chats before I received my phone. I was assured by a supervisor on online chat that I will not be charged for the handset until I receive it. I received a text on the 15/11/15 saying I owed £20.03. I phoned Vodafone and was told that was an error and he will send the bill back for recalculation and not to worry my bill date will stay the same and I will only pay the amount that I am supposed to pay. I received a text on Monday stating that my bill was overdue and the total was £114. How can this be? My normal charges were £54, with my discount my bill should be £49.30. After speaking to Walter for an hour on Monday he realised for some reason there was two accounts - one with £54 credit on it. He promised that he would combine the accounts, also take off the late payment charge and also alter the credits as they were showing as owing rather than a credit. He promised they would get in touch with me by today with the new bill. I also received a text yesterday stating that my services have been restricted and will be until I pay the £114. I definitely do not owe that much and even if I did my bill is not due til 23rd of each month. What on earth is going on. Sick to the back teeth of Vodafone, I have had so many empty promises and have spent so much time dealing with them. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. As for their online chat they are absolutely useless!!!!
  3. Here goes my story, I ordered a fridge from Curry's to be delivered on a Saturday. Because their website had a problem on that day, I ordered over the phone to check delivery schedules (this is not affecting the rest of the story but is noted in case relevant). The truck arrived at the allocated time, I had also scheduled to have my old fridge taken away. It was a fully functioning fridge for the record, but small and wanted to save the trouble of disposal. The fridge was packaged and unpacked in front of me, all looking good and in perfect condition externally. They moved it inside my kitchen and I was told to wait for two hours before running for the oil to settle from transit. As soon as they were gone, I took notice of the motor at the rear. The positioning of the motor appeared wrong and a closer look revealed the motor had been misplaced from its base. The base had two long steel pins were the motor was originally sitting upon. At the same time I found a round rubber piece, which I understand to be a vibration absorber, lying around. The other one was missing. Also noted a 2 inch crack on the plastic back of the fridge, behind the motor, indicating the motor had come off it's position and hit the back of the fridge. All this a clear indication of impact, either by a fall on transit or carriage. I immediately called their customer support to speak to a very polite lady, who informed me they could offer a 10% discount for the damage and further replace the appliance if a fault was presented within 28 days. And beyond that period I would be dealing with the manufacturer warranty. Or, process the appliance for a return and replacement, but with absolutely no guarantee of having a new fridge on the same or the next day. They also said that if I plugged the appliance on the mains and operated it, then it would mean acceptance of the appliance. My response was that I paid for a new fridge and I could not speculate whether the motor would be working properly, leaking, present a fault due course, make noise or fail due to prior damage and/or imbalanced operation, as it was obviously not in place according to the manufacturer's design. So, the sort answer was "no, I will not take a risk, I'd rather have a new one as per description and please make it quick". At the same time, it was even more frustrating to be told that I cannot use it while having my old -perfectly working- fridge removed and nearly £200 worth of shopping to keep cool (fresh meat and fish included), I would have to waste all my food. After all, I was getting a new fridge and was planning to store my shopping in there. Plus I could not possibly test it due to the settling time involved. I basically told them they would either have to return my old fridge back as it was minutes away or take responsibility for my shopping. But there is more... They asked me to read them the serial number of the appliance in order to process the return, which is located in the fridge compartment. I removed the protection tape from the door and still couldn't open the door! Here comes the fun part, I managed to open the door slightly, risking to break something only to realise that two of the glass shelves inside the fridge had lodged into the door (yes believe it or not) revealing the insulation foam inside the door. At that point the conversation turned to "fully damaged appliance"! They accepted the fridge was damaged and would be replaced, but they could not process the return over the weekend because the department responsible was closed. I said that the shopping needed to be stored or someone with a managerial position would have to take responsibility for this amount of food going to waste. They eventually said that I could use the appliance to store food but had to make sure it doesn't look like it had been "used". What on earth is that supposed to mean, it's like telling someone to use a saucepan and then try to put it back in the box and return it as new. It was a really frustrating situation, I wasn't even sure if the fridge was working after all. They promised to deal with it asap and call first thing on Monday, so we left it at that as I was fuming. The damage is clearly due to a fall in transit, I have never seen a glass shelf slicing through the plastic of the door, it could only happen from inertia and a very hard braking...bang. I managed to run the fridge (even the light was gone) as no alternatives were coming to mind, otherwise had to spend all weekend without a fridge. The problem is that the entire situation has been a great inconvenience and just having a new appliance will not cut it. I will have to take time off work to resolve this asap, which means losing income and I also don't know how they will handle the situation when it gets picked up. AFAIK all the communication was being recorded. Needless to add that I have taken a thorough set of photos from all the damages.
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