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  1. I was a Lloyds TSB customer for 30 years. Lloyds left some years ago and took all the sensible staff with them. The place is a complete shambles now. I was embroiled in all the TSB nonsense in April. They refused to let me close my accounts online or by phone. I hadn't been able to access them for 6 days. I had to go to the Boothferry Road, Goole branch where pensionable staff took 40 minutes to decide how to shut them down. I was then handed £2000 in notes, without having them counted out in front of me. We are currently embroiled in a county court claim because I made a subject access request to check all my details. They sent them to this branch and refused to post them to my home. I went into the branch, where at least half of the staff know me, but they refused to give me the data envelope, as they needed to see ID, even though the staff agreed they knew it was me. I wasted my time and fuel money driving there. I truly believe TSB are the worst bank in the UK.
  2. Firstly I would like to apologise for the rant and the length of this post, but I feel its necessary. I upgraded my phone with Vodafone in July and everything was working fine until September. My phone started to have issues with its screen and would start doing things when I wasn't even touching it. I proceeded to use Vodafone’s live chat and spoke to someone named Shancky, this was on the 27th September. I decided to ask the question of "If i send you my faulty iPhone 6plus, would I be able to get an iPhone 6sPlus instead?". Shancky proceeded to tell me that this was fine and I confirmed this around 3 or 4 times to make sure I hadn't misunderstood anything. Happy with my answer I was told that someone would ring my the following day to arrange this. I made sure to save this conversation so that I had the evidence should anything go wrong. This never materialised so I decided to get back onto the live chat and spent a good 3/4 hours being passed from person to person in trying to get this sorted. I was told by someone on the live chat that there was no recollection of the conversation I had the previous day and they advised me that I had to go to my local Vodafone store to show them the conversation so that that I could then ring the repairs team and they would be able to see the notes. I spoke to a gentleman in the store who then sad that he couldn't add these notes to my account and that I had to ring up and get an email address to send my chat conversation to. I was again left feeling rather frustrated with this as I had driven 25 minutes to my local store and the person I spoke to wasn't really that interested in what I was saying. The assistant actually decided to start cleaning his desk while I was telling him the problem. I drove home and ended up ringing for the email address to send my live chat conversation to. I was then told there is no email address and they weren't sure why I was told this. I was beginning to get a little frustrated with this now as I was just trying to get sorted what I was promised. I was finally told that my problem would be sorted and that I could get a "none like for like swap" and that I would have to go back down to the Vodafone store to send my phone off. This was now Monday 5th October. I went back down to the Vodafone store and sent my phone off to be sorted. I showed the assistant in the store the live chat once again and he wrote on the form that was sent off with it that he had seen the live chat and I was promised a non like for like swap. Happy with this I went on my way and waited for Vodafone to get back in touch to let me know my phone had arrived back. On the 12th October I received a text message to say that my phone had arrived at the Vodafone store so i rushed back down to the local store to pick it up. I was disappointed to see that it wasn't the 6s+ I had been promised. I question this with the assistant in the store and he informed me that they would only have repaired it and it would then be swapped for the new 6s+. Getting more and more frustrated with this now I headed back home. I rang Vodafone on the 16th October to get my phone swapped as this is what had been advised by the assistant in store. I rang at 1.30pm and was on hold for 26 minutes before being cut off so I rang again and was on for another 39 minutes. When I finally spoke to someone, I was told that there ws nothing on my account to state that I had been promised this phone swap. I was now starting to get extremely frustrated. So, I headed back down to the Vodafone store AGAIN. I showed the assistant in store the live chat conversation AGAIN. The person spent around 10 minutes writing out in detail everything that was in the live chat. Off home I went to ring Vodafone AGAIN. I spent 1 hour and 44 minutes on hold/being passed from person to person and not getting anywhere at all. Each person I spoke to I was being asked the same questions, I told the same story and was told that it was the wrong department and that I would need to speak to someone else. After spending so much time with this, I finally got to speak to a member of a department who knew what they were talking about. He could see the notes on my account and got my phone sorted for me...Or so I thought. I was informed that the iPhone 6s+ was currently out of stock but I should get a text message to tell me when its back in stock within a week or so. A DPD driver would collect my 6+ and deliver a 6s+ at the same time. Its now the 2nd November and I still haven't heard anything. Frustrated that I hadn't heard anything I have rung Vodafone back today to get an update. I was passed again from one person to another, to another and then cut off. So I rang back again. I have spoken to someone today that is now saying there is no recollection of the live chat conversation or any of the messages/notes put on my account from each time I went into the Vodafone store and that I was not entitled to a phone swap. That was the last straw for me and I have now had enough. I was told that I had to go back down to the Vodafone store to show a member of the team the live chat conversation that I had already done 3 times before! I am now at the end of my tether with Vodafone and the levels of service received from them. I rang to get an update of when my phone was being delivered and was told there was nothing at all on my account. I have complained on social media with no response and have complained again today. TL: DR – Vodaphone promised me iphone 6s+ as a replacement for faulty iphone 6plus, endless chasing and can never “find notes” – losing my mind with frustration. My second reference of the complaint to Vodafone: WRT165 [#11810278]‏ EDIT: Just wanted to add in my initial conversation with the live chat adviser from the 27th September. Ive removed the first few sentences as it was my personal details... Shancky: Perfect our dedicated team will contact you and get the replacement handset at your place. You will receive an email conformation for the same by 6PM today and within 24 hours this will be done . Shancky: Is there anything else I can do for you today? ME: Great! Although I've only just recently got this phone, is there any way of getting a 6Splus instead? Shancky: Yes you can opt for this . Shancky: If you wish to have an Iphone6plus I will request you co contact us between 8AM to 8PM tomorrow and we will connect you to our dedicated team who will help you get the Iphone6 plus at a very discounted price . Our team is closed on weekends or I would have helped you with this right away. Shancky: So please help me confirm if I shall place the order for replacement now or will be be contacting us tomorrow for the new iphone deals ? Shancky: If you can help me with your best possible time I can help you even with the call back arranged . ME: Would I have to pay something to get the 6S plus? Shancky: No you need not have to pay anything extra for this. ME: Okay great! ME: Well if someone can contact me to get a 6S plus instead then that would be great. Just to confirm that I can speak to someone and get a 6S Plus instead of a 6Plus for no cost? Shancky: Yes we will help you get the call back arranged for the same. Please help me with the best time so that I can call back arranged . Shancky: Please help me with best time so that I can help you get the call back arranged. . ME: Okay, but just to confirm, I can get a 6S Plus for no extra cost? Shancky: Yes exactly . ME: Great ME: Around 9am tomorrow would be a good time Shancky: Perfect...!!! We will help you get sharp at 9am and will make up your morning really happy and the day filled with joy
  3. Hi All I have followed the procedure as per the Sticky Note Thanks
  4. Thank you in advance for any help, I will try and keep this as quick and factual as possible, my wife received a fine for no car tax, genuine mistake when the new system came into place, paper discs to online we missed the tax on one of our cars, and in the meantime moved house and did not get the reminder, our fault, genuine mistake. We had a fine come through the post so I paid and backdated the tax, set up new reminder for new address etc etc, I appealed against the fine for reasons listed above but lost my appeal, I paid the fine of £80 in 2 instalments 2 days apart on the 15th Nov 2015….at 6.30 am I had a knock on the door this morning from a rude gent element from a company called Marstons who is charging me £325 for non -payment of fines as he said the last payment was made 9 days late! and the matter had already escalated to the court!!! As I was due to go to work and I have a 5 month old baby and a 4 years old in my house , I paid it but I what I want to know is: Can I get the money back and from who? What is the process? I never received a 7 day letter or anything at all from Marstons even though the bailiff said it was sent, I asked him to provide a copy to which he said he did not have to, is this correct? surely if you are relying on something you must be able to shoe it, or proof of delivery? He only had a copy of a printout from his company is this correct?He threatened to knock on my neighbours door is this lawful? He even offered to fight me in the garden, is this legal? He said he could take goods straight away is this legal and made out to phone some enforcement truck to take my stuff away immediately, is this legal? Can I request a copy of his mobile video recorder ( camera) pinned to his jacket to which he told me everything was being recorded? He even showed me on his iPad the dates and time so of the 2 payment I made so I really do not know what the hell he was trying to collect? I understand the maximum i should of paid was £75 is this correct? I admit the fine was slightly late but £325 out of the blue, surely this cannot be right? Thank you.
  5. Let me begin by saying this - I have never experienced such awful customer service on this level. Or in my life. Quite upsetting really. I upgraded with Vodafone for a 2 year contract and a new handset - an iPhone 6. I then discovered a fault with the screen. Went to the Vodafone store in Trinity Leeds and was told by the manager that it was Apple's problem. I was not even offered a repair by Vodafone as 14 days had passed. Got an appointment with Apple - they agreed, faulty screen and provided me with a refurbished handset. Once I got home that day, I discovered the new handset had the same problem, but it was 10 times worse than the first handset. You could actually hear the screen click when pressing on it gently. Went back to Apple the following day - got another handeset. Surprise, surprise...handset also has clicky screen. I subsequently called Vodafone and asked them if I could get another handset or even a different model. They said go in store as we don't deal with it. This was on Sunday. So, to recap, this weekend gone, I have been provided with 2 refurbished phones with faults. Monday - went to the store. Was told we don't deal with it, call customer service. It's also an Apple phone which is provided by them, so we can't repair. Called customer service - was told that they would look into the issue as this was my third handset in just over 1 month. Promised a call back. Vodafone never called back. They didn't even call back today. So, I decided to go back in store today. Was told that as it belonged to Apple, they had to repair and that they should have provided a new handset. Aaron at Trinity Leeds store seemed to be baffled as to why Apple had provided refurbished handsets. If it had been the phone Vodafone provided they could have sent it for repairs. Told him I was not informed of this. Went to Apple - spoke to manager. They are going to take steps to retrieve original handset provided by Vodafone, but can't guarantee it will be in one piece. They also queried why Vodafone had not offered repairs. Take note Vodafone, Apple's customer service was fantastic. Always polite and lovely, and the lady dealing with my issue was clearly going out of her way. Went back to Vodafone store - asked Aaron to confirm what part of the agreement related to faulty handsets. He rudely replied 'go online'. After having questioned him some more, he became defensive and appeared to have very little understanding of the contract. In addition to this, he was also training a newbie - might not be the best person to train him. Got home for 6pm, have spent the last 2 hours on call to Vodafone. Was put through to a lady in the billing department after I requested to be transferred to someone senior. She said she did not have the authority to send out a new iPhone but the only option was to send it back for repairs, and if it was faulty the 4th time, a new handset would be issued. However, I had to go in store to do this. I said this was not good enough as I use my mobile for work therefore I required a mobile. She put me through to someone else. Rather a very rude Scottish chap who ended up shouting at me, and cutting me off. And he also did not leave a note on the system. I was able to find this out as I was out on hold for 58 mins before someone spoke to me again. I have even screen shot this for my records. Perhaps this is a new record? The final chap seemed more concerned about finishing his call as it was nearing 8pm. The line also started to echo at this time, very convenient. He offered to repair handset, which would mean that I would be without a mobile for 2 weeks. No replacement phone to use whilst repairs taking place. I stated this was ridiculous for a professional person, he simply laughed and offered no alternative. He then started to accuse me of actually damaging the phone by stating 'how do we know you've not caused it if it wasn't evident in the first 14 days'. My response is this - I take great pride in an item, particularly handsets which I have contracted for 2 years. I would not intentionally damage my phone at all, and to suggest this in his line of questioning was unprofessional if not underhand. In short, Vodafone appear to be very good at making attempts to 'pass the buck'. I asked him what other options I had - he offered none. I asked him why a new handset could not be sent out, as this would simply solve the problem. I would not have to be without a phone whilst repairs were taking place. He did not offer much insight, the call ended with him taunting me and I cutting him off. Bravo Vodafone for employing professionals such as this imbecile. Can anyone advise some next steps? I feel like Vodafone customer service and instore are extremely unhelpful, I have been passed from pillar to post, with different accounts, and just general lack of respect. They don't even seem to have a complaints department hence my reason for this post. I honestly wish I had not upgraded with Vodafone. They are quick to sign you up to a contract, but when you actually genuinely need assistance, they simply do not care. I have experienced better customer service in countries from people who do not even speak the same language. Vodafone has some serious customer service issues. I welcome your thoughts and hope this can be resolved ASAP. If I get my original iPhone back from Apple, in pieces, are they going to attempt to fix it?
  6. Been having problems with Vodafone all year - they just get worse and worse! I called in Feb to report poor network coverage. They assured me it was just 4G upgrades and would be over soon. They promised that once the maintenance was finished they would refund my monthly tariff, back dated to when the problems started. In March, I was still having problems (ironically even the call to complain failed from my mobile as I had no signal!). Same story but conveniently they had no record of my previous call and compensation promise. However they offered £15 goodwill and a months tariff. Pretty poor considering I had only been able to communicate via imessage / whatsapp (anything using wireless but not Vodafone's line!) 90% of the time since December. In May I had had enough and with my contract up in June I called to discuss leaving. The representative I spoke to gave me my PAC code and explained that it's activation would be the start of a 30 day notice period. We agreed this would work fine as my contract was up on 6th June. I passed this code to my new supplier on 9th May and they activated it on 12th May. An subsequent online chat with another rep after this was the most dreadful customer service experience of my life! He was rude, sarcastic and unhelpful. I had got in touch again as my credits had not been activated. He agreed to arrange these then he also then told me I would have early termination fees added to my final bill! After 2 hours (!) online chat, he and a superior assured me that this would be waived due to the advice their other colleague had given me. So, obviously, on Sunday I received a bill including termination fees. A phonecall got me nowhere. The rep (again conveniently) could not see the online chat transcript promising to waive the fees. So I got back on online chat and the rep checked the transcript and again arranged to waive these and resubmit my bill. I am yet to receive the recalculated bill and struggle to believe that it really will be changed. Pretty sure they will take the money then I'll have the mother of all fights trying to get it refunded. More time, more stress. I don't think I can put into words how shocked I am that such a company has such terrible procedures and gaps in communication between departments. Never, ever again will I go back. Vodafone has a long way to go in terms of customer service (bordering on aggressive in some situations) and also coverage for their customers. They really do not care!
  7. In late April, my mother bought me a brand new Dell Inspiron 15 windows 8 laptop as a gift for my 20th birthday. As soon as I turned the laptop on, I ran into problems, the disk use would hit 100% just running background applications, making it nearly impossible to run anything else. And just the other day, I found that the laptop screen had cracked from simply being shut in the normal manner. I contacted Dell to try and sort the issue, initially we ran a diagnostic test on the laptop with the built in software, but it showed no faults. At this point, it was approaching the call center's closing time, so I agreed to have a call back the next day to try and resolve the issue. The next day came, and after waiting all day for a call, nothing came. I called back the next day, frustrated, but still just wanting a usable laptop, I spent a further hour on hold waiting to talk to someone, and when I finally got through, I was told exactly the same thing as the day before, after running further diagnostics, the computer still wasn't showing any fault according to Dell, again they said they'd call me back the next day, which I had plans for. Annoyed, and still wanting my laptop to be fixed, I cancelled the plans I had for the day in the hopes the issue would finally be resolved. After spending most of Wednesday 20th of May on the phone with Dell, still nothing was working, so they agreed to send out a technician to come look at the laptop and see what the issue might be. For this they told me to wait 48 hours for the appointment. 48 hours came and went, but as it was over the bank holiday weekend, I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they meant 48 hours on working days only, but I was still waiting a week later. Today, I received this email: "Hello Adrian,   This is in follow-up to your service request ........ for your Dell product.   We would like to inform you that we are still waiting for the product description to be updated on our records and it will mostly take about next 2 to 3 business days.    In case of any additional concerns/questions please contact us directly by replying to this email (DO NOT change the subject line). Our work hours are from 8 AM 8PM GMT (MON FRI).   Thank you for choosing Dell.   Abigail   Client Technical Support Specialist Dell | UK & Ireland Technical Support" This email only served to confuse me, as it's their product, so I don't know what description they were waiting for, and to be told that after waiting over a week already that I'd have to wait even longer, I decided to travel to their Bracknell office, as I was staying close by anyway. After talking to the receptionist at Dell, someone came down and told me that there was nobody in the office that would deal with my complaint, which considering this was a huge office, I highly doubt that there was nobody senior in the building that could have dealt with my complaint. I was told that the matter had however been passed to a senior member of staff, who would be calling me today to offer me a resolution with my issue. It's currently around 10:30 in the evening here, and I'm still waiting on the call, so yet again, they've failed to keep phone appointments they promised me. Also, when I was talking to the lady she was saying "not to worry because the people that call back will be proper British people" which I feel was hugely inappropriate and also insinuates that I have a racial issue with their call center staff, (I am an avid human rights and anti-discrimination campaigner, and was horrendously insulted by this). This has now been going on over two weeks and I'm completely at the end of my patience with Dell, and fail to see why I should even want to remain a customer of theirs after weeks of what has been the absolute WORST customer service I've ever experienced. My mother is also terribly upset as she worked hard as a single mother to afford to buy me such a lovely gift, and now she's out of pocket and feels responsible for the grief.
  8. Hello. This is my first post and I am literally shaking from my encounter with a baliff. I would like to know if there is anything I can do about the actions of this baliff, who can I complain to. I always pay my council tax for years by direct debit. Last year my husband died and I missed three payments. That was the first time every...and the council did not retake the direct debit..they passed it to baliffs. This was my fault as with things happening with my husband being seriously ill I wasn't on the ball. When I realised I went through my account and saw three payments were missed and I paid the council the money owing but by this time charges had built up....the council charges and baliffs. Baliffs were arriving at my home...always when I was out...so I wrote to the council to try and get the charges waived but they wouldn't do anything. Today I got home and another baliff letter was through my door saying i owe £509. I called the baliff and asked for a full breakdown and he agreed with me it was all charges. I said they were not reasonable. £509 charge to collect £218 which had now been paid. He said I could pay £85 a month but I would have to sign a loan agreement secured on something......I said I could afford £20 a month but he said no. So I said how can I stop this...he said only the council could stop him....so I told him I would call them and let him know what they said. I called the council and they said there was nothing they could do but that I shouldn't be paying full council tax and that they would send a form for me to get some kind of discount. They told me to go to the Citizens Advice to sort out the baliff So I called the baliff back and told him this. He said right I am coming around to your house and I'm going to seize your goods. The next minute he was at my house...had blocked my car in and said he was going to load it up and take it into secured storage. How horrible was that. If I never had called him back in the first place to tell him what I was doing to sort things...that wouldn't have happened but he was so horrible he came back the same day to my house and did that. I didnt open the door all this was on the phone but I was shaking....so I phoned my family and borrowed the money and called the baliff head office and paid it...but I still think its totally excessive and threatening behaviour of theirs to get the money. I said I wanted to complain and was told to write in to a compliance officer. Do I actually have a complaint though against that baliff? Or was he acting in the law? Should I just let it go. I called him back and told him I had paid and how awful I thought he had been to me frightening me like that to get the money especially knowing my husband had just died thats why I missed the payments. He just said he was acting in the law. I hope that never happens to me ever again it was a horrible experience I never wish to repeat. I'm so upset.
  9. I have not had to use insurance services for making a claim in 20 years of driving. I was involved in a no fault accident, and Hasting Direct advised me that Albany Assistance would be calling me to deal with this, I thought this strange at the time, but thought no more of it at the time. Albany called me and started their blurb....not connected to HD in any way, .......sign a credit agreement............STOP......why am I signing a credit agreement for a no fault accident? if you aren't happy speak to your insurer.....so I did, to be told that was the process, I had to go with Albany, and they would deal with everything, but I wanted to go through my insurer, as it was non fault..... after 45 minutes of wrangling with a HD claims rep, regarding why I pay 250 a year for fully comp insurance , what was I paying them for - well apparently it's only in case of accident so the third party can claim, effectively telling me no difference to third party insurance, and it's not fully comp, its comprehensive insurance with add ons!!!!!! - misleading, when you choose full comprehensive on go compare, Money Supermarket etc.... Now I was under the impression that my insurance company should have contacted the 3rd party to see if they accepted blame then co-ordinate with me to ensure the whole process goes as smoothly as possible......NOOOOOOO, nothing so simple. They only offered me the option to pay my excess and go through their recommended repairer, so I opted for this option. After 7 days Nationwide declared my car a write off, and within 20 minutes were demanding their courtesy car back! I called HD to see what happens next and they said nothing as I hadn't gone with Albany, they wouldn't offer me a hire car until the claim was settled. Now no money for replacement car, no offer of same, no hire car to get me to work. After a further 1 hour conversation with their rep I called the 3rd party insurers who sorted everything out for me - hire car, injury claim, and hopefully a good offer for my car. So BIG SHOUT OUT TO SAGA. I feel like I am in safe hands. and thankfully have been able to cancel the claim through Hastings. I will not be renewing with HASTINGS DIRECT, and will be making a formal complaint to them, but having read some of the threads here they don't seem to take them seriously so is there any point? I would like HD to respond to the questions below - 1 - Why do you not give your customers - the people who ensure the continuity of your business - the ability to make INFORMED choices about what they want to do - EG You can either go with Albany, sign a credit agreement and waive your excess OR Pay your excess and go with nationwide, (and have us be as unhelpful and give you NO advice or guidance as to your rights..........) They treat their customers with indignity and like cash cows, to pass on to others to squeeze for as much money as they can...... 2 - Why do you not give your customers any help, if they decide NOT to use Albany? You gave me no help, advice or support throughout my whole experience with you. 3 - Why do you as insurer not be a bit more transparent in the way you work? You tell customers one thing, yet write different things in your policy books - which state clearly they will pass you onto Nationwide their recommended repairers, but you don't..... DO NOT USE!!!!! I have had to edit quite a lot of detail from this post, and it's still awfy long! sorry.... PS Asked to speak to a manager, but not had a call back yet.....
  10. I've never used forums before but I've read several bad reports from other people who have bought cars from mylhd and would like to add my own. They are without doubt the most disreputable company I've ever dealt with and my advice is to steer well clear of them. After many months of trying to be reasonable concerning serious problems with the car I bought from them, I've had to take legal action as they refuse to cooperate. There have been empty promises of help but absolutely nothing in reality therefore the I had no choice but to pursue my totally justified claim through the courts. They think that by ignoring people eventually they will go away, but I'm absolutely determined to do whatever it takes to get justice.
  11. I've used parcel2go many times and without problems. the latest and last time I've used them though they just don't seem interested when problems arise and choose to ignore you as the best option. Basically I ordered a courier through them to be sent to Ireland on the 09/10/2013. Upon sending funds and being returned to parcel2go's website to download and print the documentation which I then apply to the parcel I ran into a problem. the link just said there was an error and the parcel2go team would email me the relevant documents. the courier was booked for the following day, no email arrived. Next day the driver came to pick up the parcel and I figured he may be able to apply the paperwork, told him I didn't get to print that stuff off for it and he said he couldn't take the parcel without the paperwork. He said he would call back the next day to pick it up, no biggy I guess. Its only a day. That night I checked the order again and the paperwork was now downloading correctly, printed that off and stuck it to parcel. Checked the status and it was showing as pick up on the 11/10/2013. No driver came the next day, that night I checked the status again and it was showing collection on the 14/10/2013. Same thing then and I'm guessing you get the picture, nobody came and that night it changed to collection on the 15th, then the 16th and 17th etc I sent them an email on the 15th asking for clarification that it was in the system correctly and a driver would pick the parcel up. It said I would receive a response in 24hrs, I didn't. Infact I'm still yet to receive a response. On the 17th I got bored of trying to fix this with a company that isn't interested in doing so and filed a dispute with paypal for services not rendered to try and get my money back. I've yet to do so. So I booked a 48hr courier 10 days ago that is still set to leave my house and is currently sat at my front door. All I want is a refund so I can go elsewhere. Annoying.
  12. My wife has the misfortune of banking with Santander. At the start of each month, we both move money from our own accounts into our joint account to cover the rent, council tax, and other household bills. So, here we are at the start of July, and she can't transfer her usual amount because some has somehow made two fraudulent transactions on her Santander account for £125 each to Oyster. She phoned Santander and explained that these two transactions were not authorised and were therefore fraudulent. After being given the run around, and having to explain the situation again and again to different people, she was finally told that... ... she must wait 15 days before they even class it as fraud and begin investigating No immediate refund, no card cancellation, just "please wait 15 days". Their excuse? She has an "existing relationship" with Oyster, therefore she must wait. Can she do anything in the meantime? "Phone Oyster". So, she phoned Oyster. They can't do anything or tell her anything, other than that it definitely was not her Oyster card that was topped up. Also, apparently the figures in question are actually somehow above the maximum top up amount for Oyster. She phoned Santander back. Went through it all again. Won't budge. "15 days 15 days 15 days..." WTF? Here's what the FSA has to say: fsa.gov.uk/consumerinformation/product_news/banking/know_your_rights/solving My wife did not authorise it, and she contacted her bank immediately. - Santander has not mentioned having proof that my wife authorised the transaction, it merely says its procedures require it to wait 15 days as she has an "existing relationship" with the payee. - Santander has not mentioned having proof that my wife is at fault due to acting fraudulently or negligently etc., it merely says its procedures require it to wait 15 days as she has an "existing relationship" with the payee. Santander has no evidence that one of the above reasons applies. Santander has not asked my wife to "answer some questions and fill out a form confirming what has happened". Santander is not conducting an investigation before making a refund - it is making my wife wait 15 days before it even considers it to be fraud or gives her a refund. My wife passed the phone to me the last time she was on the phone to Santander, as she was getting too upset. I tried to keep my cool, but after the robot kept going on about "15 days 15 days 15 days" each time I quoted the FSA, I did raise my voice... :erm: Unbelievably useless. I have had unauthorised transaction issues with NatWest twice in the past. Each time it happened, my account was refunded as soon as I phoned them, even though the payees were both companies I had an "existing relationship" with (Santander's excuse for their 15 day wait). This farce with Santander is one of the worst examples of customer service I have ever experienced, rivalling the time that DSG "lost" my TV when they had it for repair. My wife is now thinking about ditching them for her current account, although isn't sure as "they're probably all as bad as each other".
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