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  1. I have not had to use insurance services for making a claim in 20 years of driving. I was involved in a no fault accident, and Hasting Direct advised me that Albany Assistance would be calling me to deal with this, I thought this strange at the time, but thought no more of it at the time. Albany called me and started their blurb....not connected to HD in any way, .......sign a credit agreement............STOP......why am I signing a credit agreement for a no fault accident? if you aren't happy speak to your insurer.....so I did, to be told that was the process, I had to go with Albany, and they would deal with everything, but I wanted to go through my insurer, as it was non fault..... after 45 minutes of wrangling with a HD claims rep, regarding why I pay 250 a year for fully comp insurance , what was I paying them for - well apparently it's only in case of accident so the third party can claim, effectively telling me no difference to third party insurance, and it's not fully comp, its comprehensive insurance with add ons!!!!!! - misleading, when you choose full comprehensive on go compare, Money Supermarket etc.... Now I was under the impression that my insurance company should have contacted the 3rd party to see if they accepted blame then co-ordinate with me to ensure the whole process goes as smoothly as possible......NOOOOOOO, nothing so simple. They only offered me the option to pay my excess and go through their recommended repairer, so I opted for this option. After 7 days Nationwide declared my car a write off, and within 20 minutes were demanding their courtesy car back! I called HD to see what happens next and they said nothing as I hadn't gone with Albany, they wouldn't offer me a hire car until the claim was settled. Now no money for replacement car, no offer of same, no hire car to get me to work. After a further 1 hour conversation with their rep I called the 3rd party insurers who sorted everything out for me - hire car, injury claim, and hopefully a good offer for my car. So BIG SHOUT OUT TO SAGA. I feel like I am in safe hands. and thankfully have been able to cancel the claim through Hastings. I will not be renewing with HASTINGS DIRECT, and will be making a formal complaint to them, but having read some of the threads here they don't seem to take them seriously so is there any point? I would like HD to respond to the questions below - 1 - Why do you not give your customers - the people who ensure the continuity of your business - the ability to make INFORMED choices about what they want to do - EG You can either go with Albany, sign a credit agreement and waive your excess OR Pay your excess and go with nationwide, (and have us be as unhelpful and give you NO advice or guidance as to your rights..........) They treat their customers with indignity and like cash cows, to pass on to others to squeeze for as much money as they can...... 2 - Why do you not give your customers any help, if they decide NOT to use Albany? You gave me no help, advice or support throughout my whole experience with you. 3 - Why do you as insurer not be a bit more transparent in the way you work? You tell customers one thing, yet write different things in your policy books - which state clearly they will pass you onto Nationwide their recommended repairers, but you don't..... DO NOT USE!!!!! I have had to edit quite a lot of detail from this post, and it's still awfy long! sorry.... PS Asked to speak to a manager, but not had a call back yet.....
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