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Found 21 results

  1. The Issue One of the neighbouring offices at my place of work has recently added an EE signal booster box to their office, which effectively acts as a 3G mast which then routes all calls though their internet connection. You can't opt in or opt out to this like on Vodafone or other networks, if someone has one on EE, your EE phone will simply use that connection when in range. I used to get a moderate 4G signal in my office without any call quality issues, but now my phone has a full 3G signal instead. Their internet connection is terrible and my mobile internet often cuts off and calls drop off frequently. Ofcom I've done a bit of research regarding these boosters, and have found that 3G booster boxes are only legal for consumers if provided by a service provider such as EE, as long as they don't cause interference to other people / customers. My complaint with EE I called up a few times, and was told that there is nothing I can do about it, apart from turn on WiFi calling. I can't use WiFi at work. Eventually after speaking to the cancellations department, I got through to someone who seemed to be genuinely interested in helping me. He said I can't cancel without paying the rest of my contract. I quoted the Ofcom document I found, he literally read half of it while I was on the phone to him. We ended the call with him saying he would find out more information. The next day, he calls and says he's spoken to lots of people internally but as it's a brand new issue they've never faced, they went away to look into it more. Eventually coming back with that there is nothing I can do, and nothing they can do about it. They did suggest I speak to the people that have the signal booster, but there is literally around 20 offices that it could be. I suggested about proving me with a signal box but they said they wouldn't because that would cause interference (My phone cut out around 5 times while on the calls with EE due to this bloody signal box and WiFi calling) Possible resolution As my job requires me to be contactable at work, I got permission to use WiFi at work, and so I could use WiFi calling at work, the next time EE called, I told the guy this, and he agreed to end the complaint, and credited me with 1 month free. WiFi calling simply doesn't work I've made several calls at work, and with WiFi calling on, the line is dead on my side, but the other side's phone rings, and is also dead when picking up. I miss a lot of calls now where my phone just doesn't ring. Why I'm posting this I cannot use my mobile phone in the one place I use it the most which is in the office. I need to be contactable as often as possible. I feel like they are breaking the law by having providing a signal box which is causing interference to other devices. I feel that EE should have an opt out feature to allow my phone to avoid using other peoples signal boxes on bad internet connections, otherwise there is nothing stopping anyone from connecting a signal booster to a internet connection designed to drop out every few seconds. Am I overreacting or are EE breaking the law?
  2. 'm having an ongoing fault with o2 in that the mast is down! I first reported this issue on the 5th October. Since then, I've had further updates on ; 12th October 18th October 25th October 1st November 14th November 28th November 12th December 10th January 23rd January All these updates state that they are still looking into the issue and will be in touch soon. I was told to get back in touch today for an update and it's now going to be continuing for an unspecified amount of time I have had my airtime credited for this month however complaints are unwilling to do anything as their terms state it's not a fault free service so if I want to go elsewhere I'll need to pay the fees.
  3. Hi I have had a Sky subscription for the last 5 years and just recently I am experiencing some satellite signal issues on certain channels. The picture just glitches and I receive an error message stating 'no satellite signal received.' When checking the signal strength and signal quality in my sky settings, the bar is virtually at zero. I have contacted Sky about this and they have notified me that I will need to pay £30 for an engineer to come out because my box is out of warranty. I advised the customer services that it has nothing to do with the box and it is clearly a satellite signal issue. (I went through all the troubleshooting, replaced every single cable etc) I wanted the engineer visit to be complementary as I am effectively paying a subscription for something that doesn't work properly. Unfortunately the Sky advisors I spoke to just responded like robots with generic responses that didn't help and the bottom line was that I had to pay a call out fee. Part of me now wants to cancel and move to an alternative provider as I think it is poor that I am paying a hefty monthly subscription whereby half the channels don't even work and the only way they can attempt to resolve the signal problems is for me to pay yet more money for an engineer. Surely they are in breach of the contract. I think I only have 2 months left on my contract. Would I have the right to cancel this without being charged a cancellation fee based on the circumstances? I would be interested if anybody has had any experience in a similar scenario. I completely agree that if for example my box was damaged then it would be the responsibility of the customer, but when the signal sky are providing is of poor quality, surely the onus is on them to fix this as per the service I pay? Thanks in advance.
  4. Need some advice here as I have ran out of ideas. I am 11 months into a 24 month contract with O2, About 2 months ago my signal at home has gone from being average to non existent. I let this run for about a month until I contacted O2, the time I contacted O2 they happened to be doing work in my area, I explained this has been an on going thing not a 1 day event, they wouldn't listen and put it down to this work being done. I contacted them several times over a week and got the same reply. I then contacted the CEO, they called me straight away in fairness and said the same thing. A few days later O2 send me a text saying work has been completed but I still had no signal I contacted the CEO again who said wait another 24hrs, so I did and still no signal so I contacted them again and they avoided me and its been like that since. I lodged an official complaint and got an auto responder saying they would respond within 7 days, 7 days came and went no reply. I contacted customer services rather ****ed off at this stage, they transferred it to level 2 technical support who told me they would do an investigation and get back to me, of course they didn't so I contacted them again, they completed their investigation and told me I am in an area with very poor to no coverage, they told me there was nothing else they could do to help so sent me back to customer services to discuss my contract options, customer services said basically tough, signal is not guaranteed. I lodged another complaint 7 days came and went no reply, contacted the CEO again and no reply so that's where I'm at now being avoided with no signal. What do I do next?
  5. Been having problems with Vodafone all year - they just get worse and worse! I called in Feb to report poor network coverage. They assured me it was just 4G upgrades and would be over soon. They promised that once the maintenance was finished they would refund my monthly tariff, back dated to when the problems started. In March, I was still having problems (ironically even the call to complain failed from my mobile as I had no signal!). Same story but conveniently they had no record of my previous call and compensation promise. However they offered £15 goodwill and a months tariff. Pretty poor considering I had only been able to communicate via imessage / whatsapp (anything using wireless but not Vodafone's line!) 90% of the time since December. In May I had had enough and with my contract up in June I called to discuss leaving. The representative I spoke to gave me my PAC code and explained that it's activation would be the start of a 30 day notice period. We agreed this would work fine as my contract was up on 6th June. I passed this code to my new supplier on 9th May and they activated it on 12th May. An subsequent online chat with another rep after this was the most dreadful customer service experience of my life! He was rude, sarcastic and unhelpful. I had got in touch again as my credits had not been activated. He agreed to arrange these then he also then told me I would have early termination fees added to my final bill! After 2 hours (!) online chat, he and a superior assured me that this would be waived due to the advice their other colleague had given me. So, obviously, on Sunday I received a bill including termination fees. A phonecall got me nowhere. The rep (again conveniently) could not see the online chat transcript promising to waive the fees. So I got back on online chat and the rep checked the transcript and again arranged to waive these and resubmit my bill. I am yet to receive the recalculated bill and struggle to believe that it really will be changed. Pretty sure they will take the money then I'll have the mother of all fights trying to get it refunded. More time, more stress. I don't think I can put into words how shocked I am that such a company has such terrible procedures and gaps in communication between departments. Never, ever again will I go back. Vodafone has a long way to go in terms of customer service (bordering on aggressive in some situations) and also coverage for their customers. They really do not care!
  6. Hi all, new(ish) to the forum so apologies if there are stickies I've not had time to read. This is quite a long one but basically EE (obviously including T-Mobile and Orange) in my area (Ilfracombe, North Devon) have had ongoing problems with rubbishy signal since mid June. That's issue #1. Issue #2 is that a few months back my account was erroneously changed from my rolling SIM-only contract to PAYG (apparently they had a call from "me" then they admitted it was someone else and the details had been entered onto the wrong account) wishing to change from contract to PAYG. Also the account name had been changed. I believe this to be a serious data protection breach. I found this out when I received a text saying I'd run out of credit. After some faffing about on the phone they admitted the error and gave me £5 credit whilst they tried to sort it out. After switching me back (1 week later) they recommended a put a password on my account (I did). All sorted you'd think.... nope. A few weeks later I had my bill through. It was for £249.49! After working out the charges on the itemised bill I could see I had been charged for all the calls etc made during the period I was wrongly on PAYG. Ouch. After a number of broken promises regarding callbacks, they finally 'froze' the disputed amount (minus what I actually DID owe) then said someone would contact me again regarding actually getting the amount officially wiped off. I called them not long after to moan (yet again) about the pathetic signal I'd been getting, only to be told that the amount HAD in fact been wiped off just that I hadn't been informed. After demanding to speak to a team leader because - in all honesty - I was ****ed off that nobody had told me, they offered to remove my line rental cost for the next 6 months (plus around £17 I actually did owe at the time) because of THAT matter (not the signal matter - which, by the way, has been affecting many others locally). I even had to find out about my own grandmother's death via Facebook because family members who live in London could not get hold of me! After a few more calls (each with them giving different reasons for the dodgy signal, some even denying it completely) they told me there were issues with 2 masts locally and that someone would call me with updates.... guess what? This didn't happen. I then called them again and was told there'd be no updates on the engineer's visit to the mast until mid November and because I could get signal outside of my hometown they were still providing me with a service. Disgustingly I told them I rarely leave my town due to health issues, I was (not in quite so few words) told that it was "tough". The call centre operative again spoke to a team leader and was told that because a) I receive service outside my locality and b) I was already receiving a discount, there was nothing they could do. This signal issue is not a case of slightly bad signal, my phone regularly cuts out and tells me I'm not on a registered network etc. The service has become so unusable that I decided to withhold payment for 2 months which is approximately £17. I tried to make a phone call yesterday only to find out my outgoing calls have been barred due to non-payment. Basically I'd like some advice as to what to do next, because I feel there is no justification for them charging me for a service I'm not receiving. I've researched sending a "letter of deadlock" which I will promptly do if it's the next appropriate step in my case. I know forum users often say NOT to withhold payment and claim it back at a later date but I'm having to top-up a PAYG phone on another network so I've a phone for emergencies, so cannot afford to pay what is in essence a bill for scotch mist! Hopefully that makes sense, and thanks in advance.
  7. Hi there, I would appreciate help and advice on the following matter (please see below). For over three months now, I have lost signal at my work place. I am unable to receive or make calls from my mobile phone. This is not only frustrating but is very disruptive. This problem with the loss of signal has only occurred recently as I used to get full signal on my mobile phone for the last 7 years that I have worked here. I have now phoned many times and have also written a formal complaint letter to Vodafone. To summarise, Vodafone has confirmed that they are having issues in the area which is affecting phone signal and are not be able to give me an exact timescale as to when the issue will be rectified. I am not in the position to wait indefinitely for Vodafone to rectify their issues. From my point of view, I have been paying for a contract for which service has not been provided. With this, I have asked for my contract to be terminated however have received a reply saying I will be charged an early termination fees of £193.00. If Vodafone are unable to provide me with a service, surely they should provide a refund on my monthly bills that I have paid for the months that I have not been able to use their service, and to waive the early termination fees of £193.00 so I can move to another provider? Has anybody else been in a similar situation? What is your advice please? I have also emailed Lee [#8437881] - but have had no response. Thanks in advance for your help/advice.
  8. This is a letter i have drafted to some managers at orange and was wondering what else i could add as its getting beyond a joke now......thanks in advance Dear Sir I have been a orange customer for many years now and for the past few years I have put up with very poor reception in my house,It has come to the point that I have to write to you as the situation has become worse over the last year and a half. I had been in contact with your customer services A few years ago regarding the situation and was told "There's nothing we can do It's a bad area for signals",So i just left it at that but Half the time I have no signal and the other times I have one bar of signal sometimes I can be sitting indoors with my phone next to me and my home phone will go off with someone calling me on that after trying my mobile or my phone will come to life later with a message of a missed call all the time it has not been moved. It has come to the stage that if me or my partner(who is also on orange)want to use the phone to have a decent conversation we have to move towards a window and stand there trying to get a decent signal which I find unacceptable bearing in mind I'm paying orange over £500 per year(for my phone alone) for a service I am not receiving and my partner is paying her own contract...
  9. Approx 2 weeks ago I took out a 24 month contract with Vodafone via The Carphone Warehouse, along with a LG G2 handset, having previously had a Virgin Media 24 month contract. Since starting the contract (incidentally, my partner also took an identical contract and phone, with Vodafone and has the same issues as myself), the signal has dropped off, to the point that it is impossible to make calls using the 3g service, and Vodafone can only suggest we stick to using a 2g service. Having spoken to CPW, who were unwilling to help and pointed us to Vodafone, we have been, for the past 3 days, fobbed off with various excuses by Vodafone customer services, each time assuring us of resolution of the issue the next day etc. It is not only calls that were are unable to make and receive, we are unable to use any data services at home, and extremely patchy coverage when out and about. Having checked the coverage map, it shows our postcode as having good 3g signal, both indoors and out, and customer services initially deny any issues, although when pushed they always come back with "an issue has been identified in our area and the engineers are resolving it in the next few hours", this has become their daily excuse, but it is never resolved, and, having checked various forums, it seems it is an ongoing problem in various parts of Ipswich, since before Christmas 2013. What can we do? we don't want to be tied into a 2yr contract if we are unable to receive the service we are paying for, but Vodafone are adamant we are unable to terminate the contract, and that the 1st 7 days of the contract was our cooling off period, and that by continuing to use the service we have accepted the service and are now stuck. Just out of interest, our Virgin Media contracts, we always had a 3g signal, and never had any issues like this. I personally took out the contract as I have just started my own business, and I am losing work because of these issues. So, what can be done? Our treatment as new customers has been disgusting, this isn't the service we are paying for. Can anyone help?
  10. Hi guys, I joined Vodafone Friday last week and I have started to experience signal issues. This varies from receiving 'No Service' to trying to use the 3G service which is excruciatingly slow and then stops working altogether after a few minutes of use. Another phone I have which is on the 3 network works fine. I was wondering if it would be possible to have my contract cancelled as I am still in the cooling off period? Hopefully I can grab the attention of the VF forum team. Thanks in advance, Tom
  11. Hi everyone I have had a Vodafone contract for 17 months now and for the past 2 and a half months I have had little to no signal. Ive been ringing every couple of days but unfortunately its getting to a point where I feel im being fobbed off. I just recently began adoption proceedings and I have missed calls from social workers. Im paying 29 a month for a useless machine. I would owe hundreds if I cancelled my contract and went to 02 and I just need advice
  12. Hi looking for some assistance. I have been with O2 for quite some time and have had no issues until returning from holiday at the end of July and noticed I had no signal whatsoever at home. My wife has a Virgin contract and it works perfectly, my mother-in-law has a Vodafone and again it works fine. I called O2 who said it may be a SIM card fault, telephone fault, my fault, weather etc etc blah blah. These were all discounted. An O2 engineer was outside my home the next day and he confirmed that there was a 'technical issue' in my area. For the past 2 months I have been receiving a call every two weeks or so to inform me that they are having difficulties 'accessing their equipment' and the fault cannot be repaired. I have asked time and time again when they will access their equipment only to be told 'we don't know'! I can get a signal approx 5 miles from my home and the TUGO app is as much use as a chocolate fireguard especially when I receive text messages at 3am!!! So my questions are can I justify cancelling my contract and/or claim compensation for lack of signal? Cheers Gaviebaby
  13. Over a year ago I renewed my contract with vodafone, a loyal vodafone customer. Then just over a month later I moved home just a couple of miles away ... Since the move I have had over a year worth of no signal around where I live! I have no signal in the house or outside my house, no improvement with a signal booster, delayed voicemail messages, internet problems, not been able to send texts, and delayed texts from other senders. Numerous calls to vodafone and following the advice each time has left me no better off, and out of pocket to boot!... I'll take it from last september when it all started... I had problems with signal could not receive it in my home or outside my home, so told to buy a signal booster. Signal booster not improving things, so change settings etc on phone. Also have new sim at one point. This doesnt work, so try sending off handset, I received phone back after complaining why it took so long- issues with handset hdmi noticed but told this is a fault caused by being in a pocket (another issue- so mobile phone should not be carried out in pocket and therefore not mobile at all!) but phone handset not an issue. Next I try changing my internet provider to improve internet... no difference at all, so complain again. Told my signal booster may be faulty, so send this off. After complaining where it has got to, I receive another one (refurbed not new) and this also doesnt work. Told to give new IP some details, no idea what that was about and still doesnt improve. Again call and ask for manager. Told no one is available and I will get a call back. No call back- probably due to the fact I have no signal!!! Again call and ask for manager. Told no one is available and I will get a call back. No call back- probably due to the fact I have no signal!!! Again call and ask for manager. Told no one is available and I will get a call back. No call back- probably due to the fact I have no signal!!! After this has happened a few times, I call back, call gets disconnected... You get the idea...I call from a landline and get through to a manager who tells me the best thing to do it write and complain, and given details... that was two weeks ago and after all the stress of the past year is more that I can take. I demanded in that letter that I wanted my contract terminated immediately and I wanted some money refunded for lack of service that I have paid for and not received. I have not received a reply yet... should have by now, so really fed up. What should I do if I don't get an answer or my written request granted? Thanks for listening, I hope that this will get resolved soon, and I see this is a common problem with vodafone!
  14. Hi guys. I have a contract with T-mobile, but have not had a signal for a week, Ive asked them to cancel the contract under the supply of goods act, but have been told no, must pay £192 to leave. we need more time, and mobile phones should not be used in one place. any advice would be great. cheers.
  15. Hey guys, I have an ongoing problem with O2 where the data speed within approx 3 miles of my home post code has all but stopped, everything was running fine for about 5 months until 6 weeks ago when the problems started rearing their ugly little head. Number calls and complaint emails to O2 have solved nothing and left me very frustrated, the last communication I had with them went along the line of "there is nothing that we can do and we wont give you a dead lock letter as we have 8 weeks to investigate the problem even though we don't think there s a problem" What can I do? I emailed their complaints address 5 days ago and asked that my account be marked as in "dispute" and that I will not be making any more bill payments until the problem is resolved. They have not acknowledged my email or replied back . Not impressed with them at all. Their whole attitude is very bullish... Thanks Scott
  16. Hi, I'm hoping Lee picks this up. Got some issues with my account. I've spent nearly an hour and a half on the phone in three separate phone calls. Basically I setup an account and had no signal so in the first 7 days the only way vodafone secured my business was by providing me with a Sure Signal 2. I was happy with this till recently when i'm planning to move to London. Basically its the same old issues with signal. I sent it to my friend who lives next door to the property im planning on moving into. I had to deregister it from my account so he can trial it and send me it back. Now i'm at the stage where he cant use the sure signal saying "The item has been suspended from the network and can't be reinstated". So i'm not in the position that I had a perfectly working Sure Signal that no longer works at all. Technical are refusing to deal with me as they say its out of warranty. But this is not a warranty issue as it was working fine till i hit deregister. In fact EU law gives me 2 years regardless. They are suggesting I buy a new unit. You can imagine the shock to me and I refuse to pay for something that should just work, i've asked my friend to send it back to me and i'm going to have the same issues registering this. My contract ends october - effectively surely you are now in breech of contract as at my home address that I brought the service for you can no longer provide signal. Thanks, Chris
  17. I'm seriously hacked off with Vodafone. For the last 2 months or so I've had no signal at all while at home which has led me to missing calls and texts. As I run a business from home alongside my full time employment this is a major hassle. I called Vodafone to report the problem and was told to switch my phone to 2G as there was a known problem with the 3G knocking out the signal. I was told this would be a short term solution until the 3G issue was resolved. After a few days of still suffering this issue I went onto the Vodafone eForum and posted on there about the problem. I completed all the info Vodafone required from me and a day or so later was told the issue should be resolved which it was not ! About a week later while still suffering this issue, Vodafone posted saying the engineers had checked the site and couldn't find any alarms ! All I've done since then is constantly ask what's going on to be told " we'll check with the engineers and get back to you " ! Vodafone last posted on my thread on 5/7/13 saying they'd chase the engineers up, I've heard nothing so posted yesterday (16/7/13) asking what's going on. I got a reply today (17/7/13) saying Vodafone would chase the engineers up again !!! I'm so annoyed with this now and the disgusting customer services. I'm sick of paying my monthly contract for a mobile I can't use properly. Can I cancel my contract early based on the fact Vodafone have failed to resolve this issue for such a long period of time ? Is there anyone on here that can help me ?
  18. When I first purchased a phone with Vodafone I honestly couldn't have been happier however about three months ago my partner was driving me home when all of a sudden at the end of my street I lost signal. Ignoring this and figuring this would get be temporary I got home and this continued for a further three hours. This was the point at which I rang technical support who got me to do the usual taking out my battery changing my network to no avail he then checked and told me there was a planned outage and that it would in fact be okay tomorrow. This is where it starts to get sticky because you see I'm engaged have trouble getting about without support and I collapse and stop breathing my phone has in fact saved my life because I've been able to get medical and family support straight away because I carry my phone everywhere so 24 hours without it is dangerous. 24 hours came and went and it still didn't work eventually I got a semblance of service but it cut out in the middle of calls frequently and a lot of the time it took several attempts before a call would connect this in my case could harm my life I need to be able to contact help. Further to this calls often go straight to voicemail because there is no service. This has continued for three months with me ringing the call centre a lot. Yesterday I rang spoke to one lady and went through the whole rigmarole of taking out my battery and changing my provider none of this worked so she transferred me to the rudest man in the world who argued with me to the point where I began to cry. I then lost signal...again! I rang back still extremely upset and asked to speak to a manager who was so nice and accepted that this was in fact unacceptable and he gave me the option of cancelling my contract free of charge because of the appalling service and stated that my phone would be collected within 2 days and that I could then get my puk number. Today I wanted to check the details further and was told this wouldn't be happening no such thing had been said and that I have 2g so everything's fine. I explained repeatedly that I have no service to no avail. I want to leave I've had enough and feel I've been treated appallingly but need to know what my rights are regarding this can anyone help my health is bad enough but today I collapsed 7 times due to the stress I can't take anymore.
  19. Hey guys, I am with Vodafone and have been for a while, I have 3 contracts in my name at the moment with them and my partner has one. since my first contract, I have always gotten very poor signal in my house and the same with my partner. I keep ringing and ringing to try and get it sorted, ideally I want a signal box but I DON'T want to pay for it, I am paying them £37 a month x3 for contracts that I can't use the majority of the time. They keep taking me though "test," and they have never got me anywhere. They fob me off with the whole "there are works going on around your area." When they look at the signal/ heat map, it shows I should be getting great signal, but they don't seem to acknowledge that there are various things that effect signal. When I ask about this signal box they seem like they don't wish to give me one as they always say, "lets run some tests first," ect. when I say I have done every test you have on the 4 different phone we have in the house hold and nothing. They then say I have to go into store to get the box but it will cost me from £50 (with a discount) to £100. I just don't see it fit to pay extra on top of my bill to get the service I am paying for. every time I have gone to get a contract they never give me a signal check, but after doing it so many times myself I know that I should be getting good signal. So what do you guys think I should do all about this. Thanks in advance.
  20. I took out a 24 month contract this time last year. I moved into my new house a couple of months ago and most of the time there is no signal whatsoever. I have to go up into the attic just to get one bar, and even that fluctuates. There is also no signal at my parent's house. What are my rights? Am I able to end the contract early? Thanks.
  21. Hi, I've been with Vodafone for the past 10 years and up until the last 4 months I have had 5 phone contracts with them for myself, my wife and my 3 children. Over the last year I have had very poor reception and struggled to get a signal for phone calls or the internet on all hand sets. I have phoned Vodafone and complained on numerous occasions but have been fobbed off with trying different settings and I been passed around from pillar to post. I have spent hours on the phone talking to vodafone and its feels like I'm banging my head against the wall. I was told that from January Vodafone would also be sharing masts with O2 but I don't think this has happened. I was also offered a box so I could get better reception in my house. This is pointless as I can use wireless for the internet and as soon as I step out the door I don't have a signal again. The signal is poor all around the area that I live for miles and also where I work. I feel that I have been paying for something that is worthless to me for the past year and it seems that Vodafone are not bothered. Three of my contract finished at Christmas so I moved to O2. This is a much better signal. What can I do about the 2 phone contracts that I have remaining and is it possible to get compensation for the the last year when the problems were first reported. Thanks Pete
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