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  1. I am taking ex-employer to an Employment Tribunal for age and disability discrimination. Up until 2 weeks ago they were adamant that I was not going to get a penny from them and they have engaged a very expensive lawyer. They had denied all allegations of the existence of documents that contained discriminatory and offensive remarks, documents which I had seen and knew existed. However, at the Preliminary Hearing in December their lawyer was put under pressure by the judge and eventually conceded that the respondent did not deny the existence or contents of such documents. The judge subsequently issued the Case Orders and Case Management Summary document. Within that he has put on record that the respondent, via their lawyer, does not deny the existence of the offending documents. Which obviously means they'd have to disclose them as they can't now say they don't exist. I have applied for the respondent's defence to be struck out on the grounds that it is vexatious and completely contrary to what they have subsequently conceded at the Preliminary Hearing. I have not yet had a response to this request from the tribunal. Following the tribunal issuing the Case Management Orders and Summary the respondent's lawyer has suddenly made approaches to settle the case. However, even after negotiation the amount offered is probably only 50% of what a tribunal would award (they started at around 15% of claim value). Therefore, should I settle now or should I wait to see if the Tribunal strikes out their defence ? It is difficult to see how they can defend their case anyhow even if it is not struck out. If they disclose the documents then they are bound to lose, if they don't disclose then how can they justify that to the tribunal having already admitted they exist ?
  2. Just noticed marketing emails coming back in from house of fraser. After everything that has been happening, i'm not sure if I should order again. Anyone recently purchase anything from HOF, and did you have problems?
  3. I am a primary school teacher (year 6) and don't let children go to the toilet during lesson time.
  4. Hi, I have accumulated some relatively large charges from HSBC Business over the last few years, mainly for unauthorised overdrafts. Is it possible to have any of these refunded? I am in quite a bit of financial difficulty at the minute. I dont have any lending on this business account. I would also like to keep the account open, so dont want to do anything to harm that if possible. Thanks for reading! Jamie
  5. After a long absence from benefits I'll be starting a new claim for Universal Credit in the next few days. Just a brief history: I was on the old Work Programme with Ingeus for the full 2 years - towards the end I was placed on the ESA assessment phase having been on JSA only and didn't have to attend the office anymore... Shortly after I ended the claim to pursue a new opportunity and that's where I've been for over a year and a bit. Now having to go back to relying on benefits is a difficult thought and I have no idea what's changed. I have no clue if my local office is still open, I know most claims are now dealt with by phone only... I think that's right? I've heard DWP offices are closing down all over the country so what does this mean for a claimant and how do they check your doing all you can to find work? Can anyone fill me in on what's changed and what'll happen when I sign up... very nervous about it as I never actually thought I'd go back into the system... I was on antidepressants before and looking for job didn't help much with my mental health. Having not worried about work strictly speaking for over a year I am quite anxious regarding all these changes and what it could mean for my family.
  6. Not sure if this is the correct forum so apologies if not but I was wondering what others would do/if anything, with regard to a complaint I made recently about a JCP Advisor. I have been on JSA now for over a year but have been suffering from a vertigo condition (saga is in another thread!!) so I am limited as to what jobs I can apply for. Those that I have applied for and there are over 300 of them, I have been unsuccessful. I had a pretty good advisor to be honest who appreciated my limitations but suddenly out of the blue I was moved to another advisor who was as far as I know newly qualified. On my first meeting with the new advisor I knew I had a problem. I am partially deaf and the advisor had a foreign accent of which I found it difficult to understand. He also looked down continuously when talking thus I could not even lip read him. I kept mentioning my difficulty but he didn't make any effort his end. He was having a nightmare, getting dates for the next signing wrong, being unable to work out when I had last signed and he even went on to criticise my CV at one point so I explained to him that the gentleman who had written my CV was sitting three desks away as he was employed by the DWP as their Careers Advisor so if he had any concerns the Advisor was the best person to talk to. I doubt this went down too well!!! I asked if it was possible to see my old advisor in the future and this gentleman said he would book me in with her the following week so all's well ends well........ Not. The following week I was back again with this new advisor. I politely asked as to why I was back with him and he mentioned that I was with him, end of story. I then stated, once again politely, that because of his accent I struggled to hear him due to my hearing impairment. He then replied "That's not my problem, it is YOUR problem". I'm not easily upset but that I have to be honest rocked me, I was stunned. Maybe it was the stress but moments later I had a vertigo attack and had to sit down for 45 minutes. I wasn't going to do anything about it but thought how can they speak to anyone like that, let alone about a disability, so I wrote to the DWP to complain because I think too often we all just accept the shambolic way they treat claimants. Unsurprisingly they have replied and this fella has denied making such a comment, of course I didn't really expect anything else although if he had said that he had made the comment and apologised I would have accepted that. So I am now not sure what to do. Leave it because I guess it's just my word against his or continue with the complaint? Fortunately they have moved me to a new advisor anyway, although not my original, and she was as nice as pie when I saw her so maybe someone has had a word, although I doubt it. So I guess I will not see this chap again, although he will certainly be in the same office. Half of me says leave it, but the other half says carry on and don't accept their denial. So I was just wondering what others would do? I have attached their letter. Have removed personal information and names. Apologies for the coffee stains, I suspect I spluttered it out when reading the letter!!!! Complaint 1 001.pdf Complaint 2 001.pdf
  7. Someone asked me this question and I could not answer. So as this idea grows I feel it is best to open a thread to discuss this important question. Where would the money come from. Would as Automation takes over and increased productivity happens from there somehow perhaps. Taxes. Companies, where do you think it would come from. It has to come from somewhere. Basic Income-A Great Idea Whose Time Is Coming. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_income
  8. Hello. Newbies 1st post. July 2014 I went abroad for a year and a tenant was in my house for that period. I was up until then using Cooperative Energy for both gas & electricity. I was paying £130 every month. I gave final readings on changeover day. A year later, tenant moved out and I moved back in. Again I contacted Cooperative Energy to transfer it back to my name. I was amazed - and double checked - when they said it will be £72 per month for both. Wow I thought prices have dropped! 3 months later and 3 payments of £72 made I receive a letter saying I have arrears of £462! Naturally I called them to advise there must be an error - to be told no, it was outstanding from when I lived here before! I asked how? And said this isn't possible. And where was the bill? They said they sent it - 9 months after I went abroad! I told them I genuinely had not received any bill and that I fail to see how this can be right. The (un)friendly woman just snapped "well its correct and you'll have to pay it as it can't be written off". I then requested a copy of the bill. It never arrived. Just another threatening letter. I called again. I asked how come it took them 9 months to send a bill and why send it somewhere that I wasn't living? Also, when I made contact on my return to the UK why wasn't I informed of this alledged outstanding amount then? I again requested a copy if the bill which never arrived. I did however, Ewelme a letter from Search UK Limited saying they now own this debt. Not sure how to proceed so advice /action recommendations would be gratefully received. Thank you. Apologies it was 2015 I went abroad not 2014!
  9. Hi all, So I found out last night my father of 74, is [causing problems] people by selling them fake brand named guitars, that he buys brand new from China. I live with him, so I noticed he started buying guitars sometime back, then would sell them on, nothing seemed to out of the ordinary, but then I realised he's buying guitars from a Chinese ebay style site, with the Gibson or Fender branding for about £150-£200, plays with them for a while, then lists them on Gumtree/friday ad as "original" (non fake), with the description of the guitar copied/pasted from the Gibson or Fender website, one such listing he is going to make soon says "This guitar cost just over £2000 new. Any sensible offer with be considered." When he told me what he planned to do, I said I didn't agree with it and how wrong it is, but he just turns his back on me and carries on. I have no love for my father, for reasons just like this, so I'm wondering, what's the best course of action? *(S c a m is a bad word here?)
  10. Dear whom this may concern, Cut a long story short. I purchased a tumble dryer from Argos it became faulty l had a replacement under warranty believe it or not it happened again I received another replacement then the 3rd machine set my house on fire and made me and my family homeless. The manufacturers insurance company hired a fire investigator 'hawkins' so they can conduct a report after months of chasing the insurance company they have told us that the report says it could have come from outside or inside the machine they will not pay a claim. Me and my family lost everything there is a initial fire report that the London fire brigade took when the incident happened that mentions the fire was caused by the tumble dryer. If anyone can help with some advice or what rights I have it would be greatly appreciated I believe they are diminishing their rights I can't believe they are not paying a claim. Thank you Lyes K.
  11. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nurse-walked-out-care-home-10166243 The Nurse was giving evidence at a Coroner's hearing into the the deaths of the 3 men. The tale told was quite shocking and I was surprised that the coroner reckons that neglect was not a contributory factor into their deaths !. I think I would rather go to Switzerland and take my own life than end up in a care home. I guess you cant tar them all with the same brush, but even those where residents pay very high fees are coming under scrutiny !
  12. approx.: 10 months ago we had a leak in bathroom. called Royal sun alliance Insurance to make a claim. claim exceeded a fixed amount of money Royal sun alliance handed over to Cunningham Lindsey as their loss adjusters. 10 months have passed and still no works completed. I have attached a letter that I intend to send this week to loss adjusters. we want to know if we are entitled to compensation due to all the stress & inconvenience we have had to endure, such as doctors & hospital appointments. Cunningham Lindsey letter of complaint - Copy.pdf
  13. Monday 19th I opened a letter from hm revenue and customs saying that I paid to much tax and they owe me some money it said go online and claim the money back so I did and it said it can take 3-5 days I've logged in and it said HM Revenue and Customs paid you a refund of ... on the 22nd Septrmber 2016 and it's not even the 22nd and I have not got the money
  14. Hi all, I have a letter direct from the local council's own court baliff demanding I pay my council tax bill with 14 days or he will ask the courts to commit me to prison. If I ignore this, would my entry in to the Royal Navy in January next year be effected? Would I have a police warrant for my arrest, or not?
  15. What would you do.I do not usually ask for advice nowadays but could do with some to calm myself down see things a bit clearer.Then i will act on advice given today if possible and update later. Moved into my newish house about 8 weeks ago.Council. Absolutely thrilled and honored to have this lovely house. Semi,blocked paved area for car to stand on,easy drive in access.Wonderful.Peace at last. Wonderful,soon had the garden full of plants.Shed set up to work in. Quiet area with a lot of elderly people around.A lot of people being cared for. No cars burning,no cars,motorcycles racing through the streets.Very quiet apart from the odd argument around every now and again.People feeling the pressure as in many towns and cities. 5 weeks in a chap who lives opposite who lives with his wife and elderly relative who i believe they care for says to me. Excuse me Mr Owl i wonder if you could do me a favour. Well perhaps as many on here you think mmmm what is this all about,wonder what he wants. Says to me,my van has broken down,it is coming back in a hour or two on a trailer and i have nowhere to put it for now. Just needs a starting motor so could i put it on your beautiful block paved drive.For a few weeks at the most. Well i have had a few hard times in the past so went in for a while and talked with relatives and father in law i help care for. So after a while i came out moved our own car and said yes ok for a few weeks.Christian thing to do. By then i had realised they were stuck and needed some help in this situation. A week or two went by nothing really getting done. Then one morning 1 am my daughter went to our car to get something. Shot back in woke me up and said think we are being burglared or someone looking around. Well old owl was slightly annoyed so shot out of nest and flew out of door.Rather angry and wondering who was out there. Someone trying to break in my nest. Lights from back of van,like someone had a torch,bonnet up and lights hanging off the back of van. It was only mr mechanic and his wife working on the thing at that time. Said a few words to them and they said oh is it that time we had not realised. Remember what he said about a starter motor. Since then i came home one day one day and sand was everywhere on the drive could not get to my front door without stepping over and walking over grass instead of paved walkway.Mechanic nowhere in sight. He had only decided to change the oil and somehow had leaked it everywhere.No carpet down wheels off jacked up and bowl collecting oil. Put up with that,thought to myself well old owl been in construction soon be gone and will clean up and never do a favour again. However mr mechanic i spotted through my front window test driving about 10 meters down the street.2 days ago. Thought thank god for that will now be gone. Nope van on driveway staight away but best of all huge oil slick in road where i am about 15 meters away.And drips everywhere leading back to my driveway. Staying calm,so stuck my head through my living room window and said i hope you are going to clean all this mess up. Said to me yes a jetwash it will be fine.I am not that green and know oil especially on block paving will not be that easy to clean. So now imagine you are ten meters away from my front looking back. Lovely house,but van jacked up,bowl with oil underneath oil everywhere.And cars going up and down the street from oil slick spreading everywhere.On peoples tyres and possibilities of walking oil into houses when dark. Now i am quite capable of taking any action needed what would you do. I have a soft look,do you think they have taken advantage of me or do you think perhaps they are the thickest people i have ever met.Going perhaps to see the other side of me today which has shocked a few when let out. I noticed he always cleans his tools carefully after use. And has the best available and plenty of them.What about my driveway etc. Remember their situation as well.Elderly relative etc.I do not want to disturb at all or upset in any way. But also we are on probation for a year from the council.If they see this or people complain what could happen. My father in law who i helped care for and got fond of has just died this week.So am going through things myself. What would you do.Any thoughts advice appreciated. Update. After writing this my thoughts are beginning to say to me.Leave it and wait for the van to go,clean up and never do a favour like this again. Other option would be to harsh.Do any of you agree with this.
  16. Now calm down i know it is late in the evening. Ford gave me this idea on the Asteroid skimming our rooftops tonight thread.Northern lights i mean. Covering myself a touch.Your idea not mine thoughts. Oh you did not know.Sorry about that. So would you- What would you do for your last 24 hours on Earth? Netflix and chill Get drunk Go to work Spend all your savings Or something else. Not saying myself,but would be pretty tired afterwards. What minds have you got,sending me psychic thoughts like that. Go for a run i would and take a world record leap to another universe. Source with many links. ‘End of the world’ Christian group leader 'surprised' to still be alive The world didn’t end on October 7 but the Armageddon will be ‘soon’, insists Christian group leader Chris McCann http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11922005/End-of-the-world-Christian-group-leader-surprised-to-still-be-alive.html
  17. Copied from my PIP thread so that more people are likely to see it:- I know that we're not allowed (for all practical purposes, anyway) to audio record PIP assessments but I have severe memory issues AND I find writing very difficult so I often use an electronic note taker which is in effect a voice recorder, it just puts the sound into words for me to save me the effort of transcribing. Does anyone know if I'll be able to use this during a PIP assessment? Should I also accidentally leave my phone on voice recorder, that would of course be a different issue. And if my companion also had their phone on voice record so that if asked to stop, we would of course turn off the phone that had been noticed ......
  18. Would or could - as they means you have not taken the action you are mentioning. Christmas - this is a word taken over by business to sell their merchandise, rather than about the festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus. If we replaced it with say Jesus Day, i doubt that most businesses would be happy to use it to help sell their goods.
  19. I came across this really great video on drones see here this fisherman caught a drone from a pier in the USA... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8IP5HJFwLQ
  20. Apart from world peace, what would you like to see happen in 2016 ? And perhaps we can avoid any debate on the EU in this thread, in anticipation that a few take interest in this.
  21. Hi Just wondering if it is possible to claim and what to claim back from Quick Quick. I have had a total of 21 Loans from 2011-dec 2013 of which at least 2 of these where rolled over, at the moment there is an outstanding balance on the last one which was rolled over 5 times. at the time these loans where taken out my credit file was shot and i was just about making ends meet as i had 2 mortgages to pay. I was also able too take out loans with TXT Loans - Paid off Payday Express - negotiated a settlement figure and cleared account Payday UK - loan still outstanding was paying £1 p/m, now not paying anything and Wonga - they cleared the account and admitted they where at fault before i did anything. many thanks Lets
  22. Hi all , read quite a few of the robinson way threads on CAG and it seems it can be a minefield getting a full and final offer "wording" correct . My wife had a small repayment arrangement with RW but they took a repayment that was 4 times the agreed amount she cancelled the direct debit , many many phonecalls and letters from RW she received this letter .What would be a reasonable starting point offer be ? Total debt is just over £450. Thanks Andy.
  23. Cameron wants a vote on are membership of the EU on June 23rd, however I’ve got news for him and his hangers-on. The referendum cannot take place until the autumn at the earliest. The fact is that this early referendum is not possible because it will be should be blocked by the Electoral Commission, which insists that at least ten months should pass between Royal Assent being given for a referendum and the vote itself. Dr Richard North said The Royal Assents was given end Jan; beginning Feb;. This means that the referendum cannot be held until October—at the earliest. Of course, the recommendations of the Electoral Commission could be ignored, but woe betide any politician who meddles with a lawful procedure. P.S. Some extra information for you. Some EU migrants will get more child benefit than families in this country. The UK will be forced to pay higher rates of child benefit to some EU migrants with children living in other countries under Cameron’s deal, Brussels officials said. Cameron’s agreement allows payments to such workers to be made at ‘local rates’ after his failure to get an outright ban on payments being sent abroad. But an EU official said the payment rate in some EU countries could end up being higher than those currently paid, because they would need to be adjusted according to the local cost of living. That means some EU migrants working in the UK would get paid more in child benefit than British workers raising their children here.
  24. Hi All, Bit confused here and wanted to be sure. I arranged for an electrician to come to our house (its owned by my girlfriend) he did some work. He then wanted a payment which my g/f tried to make online but got an error. So I paid it from my account. Who would legally have the contract for the work done? I ask as there are major problems with the work carried out. Many Thanks for any help
  25. Banking Error Gave Young Lady 4.6 Million Overdraft-What Would You Do? Could you be tempted to spend some. Lose your battle between the Devil telling you to get stuck in and go for it. Or the angel of reason telling you to go into the bank and say i think you have made a slight mistake. As you read this story and perhaps watch the video what is your brain telling you. Would you be planning to lash out,travel the world,take a chance. Where would you go or do,could you be tempted. Or plan to catch the bus or walk to town if no funds to tell them Oh dear what is this on my statement Mr Bank Manager. Have you made a mistake. Why am i seeing a gold plated computer in my head.And much more.Be gone devil. Christine Jia Xin Lee's explanation for her $4.6 million splurge The eye-watering shopping list of an accidental multimillionaire Student given $4.6 million in overdraft error may not have broken the law The simple Westpac error that allowed a Sydney student to overdraw $4.6 million and spend it on designer handbags and clothes has been revealed for the first time. The Link. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/the-simple-westpac-banking-error-that-gave-christine-jia-xin-lee-46-million-20160520-gozv5q.html
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