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Found 5 results

  1. Royal Navy gets first unmanned minesweeping system READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/royal-navy-gets-first-unmanned-minesweeping-system
  2. Royal Marines to be restructured in line with growing Royal Navy READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/royal-marines-to-be-restructured-in-line-with-growing-royal-navy
  3. Hi all, I have a letter direct from the local council's own court baliff demanding I pay my council tax bill with 14 days or he will ask the courts to commit me to prison. If I ignore this, would my entry in to the Royal Navy in January next year be effected? Would I have a police warrant for my arrest, or not?
  4. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/royal-navy-statement-20-july-2016
  5. New to this forum but interested for any advice as to how we can return a sofa to DFS for full refund due to the colour of the plain velvet 4 seater sofa being navy when it is supposed to be black. We purchased a 4 seater (black), 2 * 3 seaters (black, grey & white combination pattern) and a footstool (black) in the concerto range having viewed them on the website (where black was black and not navy). We ordered in-store but failed to look at the swatch which was more navy than black. On delivery, the footstool and the 4 seater were clearly more navy than black, accentuated by the solid black silk scatter cushions which come with it. The sofa was delivered on 20th May and the faulty footstool re-delivered on 30th May. we raised the issue with the colour in store on 16th June. DFS sent technicians out on 20th with the swatch basically to say that the sofa has been delivered in the correct fabric (as per the swatch) albeit navy. We went back in store on 20th June to speak to store manager who basically said that they had delivered what we had ordered. The website says 'colours may vary' and therefore despite the picture clearly being black, they are covered in delivering a navy sofa. If we want to return the lot, they will charge us 20% fee i.e. £645. They have offered to reorder the 4 seater in pattern and recover the footstool in silk but want a further £100 off us to do this. This is after paying over £3,500 for the total package in the first place. It doesn't sit well that a) they can actually sell a combination sofa, they describe as black, when it's navy and b) they want to charge us more money to rectify the problem. In addition, they are actually selling the set for £213 cheaper than when we ordered it and won't price match because we didn't notify them of this before we accepted delivery. Where do we stand legally and is it really worth the hassle of taking DFS to small claims court to get a full refund or should we stomach the extra £100 and simply post on social media that black is not black when it comes to buying off DFS! Many thanks in advance for any comments or advice
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