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Found 22 results

  1. Good afternoon, I am wondering if somebody can point me in the right direct. Last summer myself, my wife and our son (13 at the time) flew to Romania with Tarom (Heathrow to Bucharest). Our flight landed almost 6 hours late. On our return, I filed a claim for compensation for the three of us at 400 Euro’s per person. After 3 months, Tarom eventually replied to me with an apology and an offer of 450 Euro’s per person in vouchers. I refused this and insisted upon a cash alternative via bank transfer under Regulation EU261. Tarom agreed to compensate 400 Euro’s per person and asked for my bank details, which I have supplied. However, after another 3 weeks, they only paid 400 Euro’s. I have emailed them twice since to ask about the remaining 800 Euro’s. Today, I got a reply stating the following: “Under the Romanian Law (we are a Romanian Company) we can make the payment directly to the passenger. In order to make the payment for Mrs. XXXX and Mr. XXXX we need the following bank details of the passengers.” Is this information correct, or are they trying to delay payment further? I can’t imagine that an airline pays each member of a family separately e.g. a family package holiday. Our son does not have a bank account, so I can’t give them any bank details for him, although he is entitled to compensation too. Many thanks
  2. Royal Navy gets first unmanned minesweeping system READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/royal-navy-gets-first-unmanned-minesweeping-system
  3. NHS gets funding green light for new buildings, wards and beds READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/nhs-gets-funding-green-light-for-new-buildings-wards-and-beds
  4. Landowner defending their agent because it's all about the money.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3284772/Driver-gets-100-fine-stopped-double-yellow-lines-just-23-seconds-ask-directions.html
  5. "A dad who brandished a two-foot hunting knife at bailiffs who were trying to repossess his car has been jailed. Nathan Watson, 27, had already put his children in the back of the Volkswagen Golf in a bit to stop the debt collectors towing the vehicle away." For more on this story please read here http://www.lep.co.uk/news/local/dad-brandished-knife-at-bailiffs-1-7407621
  6. I know. The title says an EBay seller gets it right which in some cases can be a rarity however, a recent experience has left me extremely impressed. Now, I am no fashion victim so I don't care what I buy so long as it works. In this case, a smart phone. I bought a Chinese knock off called a Timmy M7 but after a month the internal speaker went wrong(I couldn't here callers although they could hear me) I started the returns process through Ebay and the next day got a message offering me a refund of £15 to get the phone repaired. They also asked me to close the returns process as it 'affected their standing with Ebay'? I replied stating that I wouldn't close the process whilst the case was ongoing and to supply me with a returns label or an agreement to repay me my postage costs. The next message I got left me gobsmacked. They said they would send me out a new phone and I didn't need to return the old one so long as I closed the returns process which I agreed to on condition that they fulfil their promise. Yesterday, a brand new phone turned up. I couldn't be more happy with this seller. Sometimes things do go right. The only thing I would say to Ebay sellers from China. Stop pretending you are English. You may have a warehouse in England but the format of the letters and the time difference between replies suggests posts are sent to China and I haven't yet heard of a Chines person with the name Malcolm
  7. An example of when things go pear shaped, if the innocent had not paid it seems her car would have been auctioned before the mess could be sorted. A third party debt for a penalty in a town she never visited. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3493711/Non-smoking-mother-forced-pay-650-fine-dropping-cigarette.html
  8. Full Story :- http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/01/28/lincolnshire_council/ The Council have said they hope to be back up and running this weekend. It is interesting that the hackers believe the council can afford to pay this sum when they are closing services down all over citing lack of funds?
  9. Well it seems it is going to be one of those days.Already i have put two threads out and it is only 8am. This one has caused by blood to boil.But everyone has a view,what is yours. Here is my answer to the news that - Fracking gets go-ahead in UK for first time since 2011 as North Yorkshire council approves plans. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/23/north-yorkshire-council-approves-fracking-plans/ Well everyone will know what i feel about Fracking just in case it is Lancashire next by fair means or foul. Our council and people have said No quite clearly.I am now catching up with local views just in case. My video of how i feel.When i went on a protest to learn more.These people are protectors not protesters. Could be on your doorstep next.
  10. OK so here is a issue. I sold a mobile phone on eBay, been selling them for years with no issues until now. I have 200 positive feedback. Few weeks later the guy tells me the phone isn't working and opens a case. He writes. "The phone was working fine with the supplied sim card, as my sim card is the older type I had to cut my sim card down to fit the micro sim slot, now the phone will not read my sim card or the supplied sim card, I got a new micro sim card from my provider and it does not work either" So he says the phone was working fine with the supplied sim card, he cuts his to fit rather than use the correct sim and now it doesn't read any sim cards. He escalated this to eBay, few days later ebay decide in his favor and refund him. I contact ebay to enquire why has he not returned the phone to be told basically he gets to keep the phone as I did not refund him time, I stated I was arguing my case and was awaiting a reply only to be told tough, case closed. So to sum up I now owe eBay £97 for refunding him, he gets to keep the phone and I owe £9.70 in eBay fees for this transaction. I have appealed but case is closed apparently. I have cancelled my reimbursement method. What can I do? This is blatant theft assisted by eBay.
  11. Hi, i am i am hoping someone can help me. My husband has a full time job, which he absolutely hates...he's been there since june 2014 Without going into why he hates it, i was wondering how long before he should be able to claim benefits? Btw i am not working and i dont claim any benefits...
  12. This joke of a trial finished today and he got away with it. I was expecting Basil Faulty to appear with a sprig of ash and start beating him. 5 Years I think this court and this sentence brings the SA justice system into disrepute, I thought our system was bad enough.
  13. http://metro.co.uk/2014/10/15/alzheimers-pensioner-sells-home-to-pay-for-care-then-gets-all-clear-4906574/
  14. he should never get a licence again http://www.mkweb.co.uk/News/Court-revokes-bailiffs-licence-20140409140000.htm
  15. Hi Guys Woke up this morning to see my credit report from Noddle with 2 accounts from Noddle. They are as follows; Orange's current balance is at £1,067 and considering the way Lowell go... Im not hanging around to see if this will go to court. I want to settle them as soon as... . Would dealing in Email be better than writing letters at present? We all know the massive no-nos about calling them and I refuse to let a DCA bully me into what they want. I want to control this as best as I can,. Because they are Telecoms debts, there will be no CCA but even a SAR probably wont help. Should i request the account balance breakdowns? Should I ask about reducing the debt down (The "Orange" one) down to something a bit more realistic as i believe it may be full of charges as the default is £158? KR Fkofilee
  16. Surprised there's not a thread about this already. Last year, it was announced that there would be a £26k benefit cap for many people of working age. They've now gone one step further and introduced a benefit cap as a whole, which includes DLA and housing benefits. So, you're going to have 2 people with the same disabilities and care needs and due to the cap, only one will get DLA. How is that even legal? Will try to find more information this later.
  17. Len McCluskey and the Unite Union tried to bully and blackmail a Scottish company into increases in pay and bigger pensions despite the company losing £10million per month. This stupid person and his Union who will lose nothing and is assured of his pay and pension had their blackmail threat of strikes backfire on them when the company said it was closing with the loss of all those employed. So 800 men now face a bleak future because of one mans intransigence. They are at the moment trying to backtrack on their demands and say that isn't what they meant. More ... This plant is the mainstay of Scottish Economics, so a country wants to go independent with one factory to support them - I can't see anyone falling for this stupid independence rubbish.
  18. Could someone please tell me the criteria for DLA rates. I live alone and have recently been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis, in my hands, knees and spine. Are there any further benefits I am entitled to outside of my ESA. I have looked at it on the DWP site, but it talks about people who look after you, or come in. Is that all it applies to. Thanks Lilly
  19. This has made me:mad2: to say the least http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/how-can-the-atos-boss-get-a-bonus-of-1million-while-disabled-people-suffer-8374083.html
  20. Creating around 800 jobs in the area. STOBART Air has been given permission to develop Carlisle Lake District Airport. The application was approved today by Carlisle City Council’s development control committee. The application sought planning permission for the erection of a 374,000 sq ft distribution centre, along with the raising and re-profiling of the main runway at the airport, and the decision will help to safeguard over 800 jobs in the local area. The development control committee passed the development after hearing how the distribution centre, which would house key Eddie Stobart warehousing contracts, would deliver the rental income required to help upgrade airport facilities and allow passenger flights to commence. As part of the supporting evidence, Irish airline Aer Arran identified that passenger routes from Carlisle to Dublin and Stobart-owned London Southend Airport would be sustainable and would successfully integrate into its current network. More: http://www.thewestmorlandgazette.co.uk/news/9855009.Stobart_gets_go_ahead_for_Carlisle_Lake_District_Airport/
  21. The already famous Ukraine Police,who are always quick to top up their wages with "fines" extracted from foreigners for so called infringements ...will be rubbing their hands at this latest earner rubber stamped by Yanukovitch today. Getting caught smoking in non designated places could now set you back 1000 uah (approx 81 quid) That is of course if you choose to elect for Court.....its likely that an offender will escape this by presenting 2-500 crispy Hirivnas to avoid any "problems" you read it here first.....watch the newspaper complaints come flooding in before the end of the comp. http://www.kyivpost.com/news/nation/detail/129509/
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