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Found 3 results

  1. Well it seems it is going to be one of those days.Already i have put two threads out and it is only 8am. This one has caused by blood to boil.But everyone has a view,what is yours. Here is my answer to the news that - Fracking gets go-ahead in UK for first time since 2011 as North Yorkshire council approves plans. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/23/north-yorkshire-council-approves-fracking-plans/ Well everyone will know what i feel about Fracking just in case it is Lancashire next by fair means or foul. Our council and people have said No quite clearly.I am now catching up with local views just in case. My video of how i feel.When i went on a protest to learn more.These people are protectors not protesters. Could be on your doorstep next.
  2. Thought i might start a thread just to raise this issue, as it has been in the media recently. If you own a home or business in an area where fracking is to take place, please do contact your Insurers to make sure that you are covered, if anything happens. Do not assume that because your policy includes say subsidence that your Insurers will automatically offer assistance. There might be general exclusions used where Insurers decide that government have responsibility as they licenced the fracking. They might view it in the same way as government took some responsibility via National Coalboard for subsidence near mine workings. If you own a business the implications are possibly more extensive. For example, a business that uses water to operate, will be hugely impacted by contamination and/or disruption of the water supply. If you search online you will find information on this. One report from the north east of England where they had earth tremors caused by fracking, suggested that an Insurance Brokers found most Insurers would not cover fracking related problems, with only one company RSA at an increased premium able to offer cover. There is conflicting information on whether Insurers will accept claims under the normal standard perils stated in policies. You might think this is not a big issue to worry about and hopefully nothing will happen. Some say that fracking is unlikely to cause any major issues and environmental nuts are stirring up worries. Others point to problems in parts of the US where there have been tremors caused and contamination of water supply. The UK is a small island and homes/businesses will be closer to mining operations. If your Insurers confirm that they will cover any issues relating to fracking, please do get it in writing and keep letters received somewhere safe.
  3. If you are interested in stopping fracking in your area , take a read of the link below. http://www.consented.co.uk/read/how-and-why-our-mps-are-fracking-us-more-than-ever/
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