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  1. Hi Guys, I have recently received a letter from a collection agency demanding I pay the sum of £419.42 in relation to council tax owed to Plymouth City Council from 2011. I have sent a number of emails to Plymouth City Council asking why I owe this money. After completing my degree in 2011 I was forced to sign on and claim housing benefit as there was no suitable work available. My degree was a complete waste of money, but that's a separate issue. After sending and receiving a number of emails they have eventually told me that the reason I owe the money is down to the fact I never informed them of my address change, when I moved out of my student house and into another house share. However, this is not true I remember distinctly informing them and this was reaffirmed to them again at a later date when I was forced to claim JSA again after securing a month's work. They have gone to the Magistrates Court and obtained a Liability Order, which I believe has been done falsely as I do not owe the money because I was exempt. I raised a complaint but they are not budging on their position. Is there anything I can do? Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers, Jake
  2. Hi All I've had a Claim form from Northampton court today for a parking ticket from December 2011 BW Legal for EXECEL PARKING SERVICES LTD i have sent a letter previously stating that i wasn't driving at the time i'm the registered keeper but not the driver. also all the records as to who was driving have been lost due to fire damage what do i submit as a defence and i want to counter claim expenses for having to take a day off work as im self employed
  3. Can anyone offer advice please on my receiving a Court Claim for a parking charge notice from an alleged parking infringement in October 2011? Briefly the details are: In Oct 2011 I loaned my car to my brother to shift furniture for his friend. Over the years since I have received threatening letters from Excel Parking services which I have ignored as I was not the driver. I shouldn't have ignored them but I saw no reason to respond. My brother was a disabled badge holder but I am unable to determine if he used it at the time as he died in 2014. A company 'bwlegal' started chasing me for various sums of money late 2016. Their last letter stated Excel were going to issue court proceedings for a sum of £258 made up of various items. This raised concern with me and I wrote to them a few days before their deadline to advise them I was not the driver. I did not mention who was the driver as there was little point in doing so. I have never been taken to court before and appreciate any advice on how to proceed. This has been going on and on and I wish to see the end of it. I intend to defend their claim in court and have until 28 March to respond. It looks like I have to return a 'Acknowledgement of service' to gain 28 days grace to prepare my defence. My questions are: As the alleged contravention took place before 2012 am I correct in ascertaining that the Protection of Freedoms act, specifically 'clause 4' which holds the registered keeper liable, is not valid in this case? The response from bwlegal to my letter states that I have been given opportunity to disclose who the driver was and quotes 2 further legal cases which I will have to argue against. Elliot V Loake 1983 and Combined Parking Services V AJH films 2015. I believe I can argue against these points with some more research. Advice please on how to proceed. Thanks in anticipation.
  4. Hi All - ok for background, In 2011 I got a parking “invoice” - It’s a private carpark in an industrial estate near the local football ground Many people park there on match days & never had any issues over a 10 year period. I thought nothing of it, but when I got back to the car that day, all the cars left in there had invoices on the car. On closer inspection, new signs had been put up since my last visit but the only one that I could have realistically seen was on the front of the entrance gate - but with the gates been wide open, I didn't notice as I drove in. The company is called Vehicle Control Services - but over the years this has been passed to various debt collectors The latest of which is BW legal who have sent 3 letters recently (July / August / Sept) and have now taken to ringing / texting me In July they sent the std letter claiming £120 plus £54 legal costs In August I was warned that this is now serious, but offered a 40% discount In Sept - another reminder with the “threat” that by 14th October they “may” start county court proceedings As per the instructions on here, this has been ignored since day one – nothing has happened so far other than chasing Please let me know what info you need for the next steps Thanks
  5. Hi all, I'm on a similar path to a lot of posters on the site - having received a PCN back in April 2011, which was ignored as well as the various red letters that followed, I was surprised yesterday (3rd Dec) to receive the recovery letter from BW Legal. It was a notification that 'your account has been passed to our legal team', usual £120 PCN + fees of £54. This one was for Gallowgate, Strawberry Place, Newcastle upon Tyne. I have read a lot of posts and much appreciate the advice, takes the worry away, but just to confirm, what do I do now? Ignore pending further letters or write back with the simple letter along the lines of: "Dear Sir/Madam Your Ref: **** I refer to your letter dated ***. I have no intention of paying the money demanded by your client and any court proceedings will be vigorously defended. You should note that this charge is disputed and you must now refer this matter back to your client and cease and desist all contact with me. I will not respond to any further communication on this unless it comes from a court. I trust I have made myself clear. Yours faithfully" Obviously the 6 years statute of limitations will arrive next April 2017, and as it is pre POFA per other posts part of me would love the chance of a day in court. But confirmation of next steps would be much appreciated. PS - I moved house a few years back yet the letter has come to my new address. From reading other posts about default CCJs and old addresses I suppose I should be pleased it has? Thanks
  6. On the 10 May 2011 I received a PCN for staying longer than I should have in a car park at Berkeley Precinct in Sheffield. I have never entered into any correspondence with the issuing company on advice from forums and the media. I believe it was initially Parking eye but over the years I have received letters from various companies and a solicitor. The solicitor's company even rang my home. Due to not being contacted for over a year I threw away the paperwork I had received believing that it was all over. BW legal have taken over and have been offering me discounts etc. I have now received a Letter of claim, balance due 154.00 and threatening me with County court action, CCJ and siting Parking eye v Beavis. If I don't pay and they take me to court the total bill is estimated at 272.50 I have until the 10 November to respond. I have had nearly 6 years of this and am worried. I didn't originally pay the fine because the company had not put any additional signage up at the car park as far as I was aware stating that you couldn't stay longer than 2 hours however I did not take any photos etc once I received the PCN. Can you help me as to what I need to do ? Do I need to write to them denying the payment etc. I feel I don't have any justifiable defence that I can evidence. Thank you.
  7. Name of the Claimant Hoist portfolio Date of issue – 19th may 2016 What is the claim for – 1.the claim is for the sum of £ 1653.22 in respect of monies owing under an agreement with the account no 4929xxxxxxx pursuant to the consumer credit act 1994 (CCA) the debt was legally assigned by MKDP llp(Ex Barclaycard) to the claimant and notice has been served. 2.the defendant failed to make contractual payments under the terms of the agreement, a default notice has been served upon the pursuant to s.87(1) cca 3.the claimant claims 1.the sum of 1653.22 2 interest pursuant to s69 of the county court act 1984 at a rate of 8.00percent from the 01/06/11 to the date hereof 1810 is the sum of £655.76 3 future interest accruing at a daily rate of £.36 4 costs What is the value of the claim? 2500 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Credit Card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? 20/09/2007 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. assigned i think Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? no Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? no Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? no Why did you cease payments? i was made redundant What was the date of your last payment? aug 2010 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? not sure Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan?yes yes I have just been sent a claim form for a Old BC credit card. The card was with Barclaycard but went into default in Jun 2011 and the debt has been taken over by mkdp llp or hoist portfolio holding 2 ltd. total amount is £2500 I have submitted a acknowledgement of service I have a couple of weeks to get a defence, A claim was issued against you on 19/05/2016 Your acknowledgment of service was submitted on 22/05/2016 at 13:27:17 do I have any grounds to defend this. Any help here would be much appreciated as I really don't no what to do and cant afford to pay it Many thanks for your help on the MCOL site i done the acknowledgment part .. but was stuck on Response Forms Start Defence If you dispute the whole claim or wish to make a claim (a counterclaim) against the claimant, complete the defence form. Start Part Admission If you admit part of the amount claimed, complete the Admission and the Defence form. View Instructions If you admit all of the amount claimed, complete the Admission form. i did not know what part to do next Thank you Rob.
  8. Well it seems it is going to be one of those days.Already i have put two threads out and it is only 8am. This one has caused by blood to boil.But everyone has a view,what is yours. Here is my answer to the news that - Fracking gets go-ahead in UK for first time since 2011 as North Yorkshire council approves plans. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/23/north-yorkshire-council-approves-fracking-plans/ Well everyone will know what i feel about Fracking just in case it is Lancashire next by fair means or foul. Our council and people have said No quite clearly.I am now catching up with local views just in case. My video of how i feel.When i went on a protest to learn more.These people are protectors not protesters. Could be on your doorstep next.
  9. Hi. I have received the, seemingly standard, BW Legal £154 letter relating to a ticket received in November 2011. This "car park" was a piece of unused land just outside the centre of Sheffield which, as far as I was aware was owned by a Chinese restaurant adjacent to the land. My band was playing a gig at a pub also adjacent to the land and, as we had done many times before, we left my car on the land as we played the gig. At the end of the evening we came out to find an excel PCN slapped on the windscreen. We then discovered that there was a little car park sign and a meter on the other side of the piece of land, next to the road, not near an entrance. The land has now been built on and is no longer a car park. I received numerous letters and ignored each of them. Annoyingly, I don't think I kept any of them. The advice on here seems to be to ignore the BW letter so I'll do that and let you know when the next one arrives. If this isn't the correct course of action be massively grateful if someone could let me know! Cheers!
  10. Hi everyone, I'm a new user and was just wanting advice please. My car was ticketed by VCS whilst on a business park in 2011. I have never replied to any of the threatening letters that were sent out by Roxbrough etc. I assumed that the claim had been dropped but today I received a letter from BW legal. I know that anything over 6 years old is unenforceable and they are probably just "chancing" it. Would you advise getting a defence ready in case they take it to the court? Would I be able to use the defence that they cannot prove who was responsible for parking the car? Thoughts please, thanks in advance.
  11. Hello again everyone. Unfortunately l have to seek help again on this site regards a PCN that happened in August 2011. I did open a thread about it in August 2011 but no longer can find it. Yesterday l received the now popular BW legal letter acting on behalf of VCS about an outstanding balance of £174.00,[ consisting of £120.00 PCN plus their clients initial legal costs of £54.00. ]. Back in August 2011, following advice from this forum and as l wasn't the driver at the time of the PCN being issued but registered keeper, we decided to ignore the threatening letters which, eventually, all threatening letters ceased. Until yesterday, 17th August, when a letter from BW legal and VCS arrived together in the same envelope dated 12 August, saying that if payment not received within 16 days court proceedings may be started. The driver of the vehicle at the time the PCN was issued has since passed away in December 2013. I have read on other posts of similar situations about sending a letter back to BW legal stating about the pre- POFA Act 2012, driver responsible and not the RK at the time of issue , but, should l also give the name of the driver at the time stating that they are now deceased and therefore can no longer pursue the payment and wish for it to be fully withdrawn ? Should l ring them and explain the situation ( which l don't want to as then they will have my phone number), or send a letter by recorded delivery ? Any help much appreciated
  12. If you had administrative action taken against you as a result of a police caution it may be that you have grounds for a complaint. If you have now left the armed forces and had administrative action taken against you as a result of a police caution between December 2008 and September 2011, it may be that you have grounds for a complaint. The MOD has written to serving and former serving personnel because of changes to the law which took effect in December 2008 that meant such cautions should not have been taken into account after that date. However, whilst action has been taken to contact those affected directly, it is apparent that we have not managed to reach some people and they will be unaware of efforts to contact them about this issue. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/information-for-those-who-left-the-armed-forces-between-december-2008-and-september-2011
  13. Hi I have 2 overpayments currently being reccovered from my ctc these are for 2011/12 I have being disputing and complaing etc since then. I have all my sars data with parts missing have wrote complaint about missing data also contacted my mp who contacted them. What i am wondering now I have majorityof call reccords and screen shots I feel it should go to offical error, however was wondering if i should await response from ministerial complaints or carry on and submit letter of official error.
  14. CAG Newsletter - October 2010 01 -October 2010 Newsletter.pdf CAG Newsletter - November 2010 02 - November 2010 Newsletter.pdf CAG Newsletter - December 2010 03 - December 2010 Newsletter.pdf
  15. Hi When MBNA sell a debt on to a debt collection company, in my case Moorgate, should the original defaulted MBNA record stay on my file? I had two MBNA credit cards, both defaulted in 2011 when they sold the debts on to to Moorgates, (having not missed any payments!!) yet both MBNA remain on my credit file as closed in 2011. The Moorgate accounts are on my file as well, shown as closed Feb 2015 because I've just paid them off. Should these accounts be duplicated? When First Direct sold my debt to Arrow Global the First Direct account disappeared. Thanks you
  16. Hi I've gotten as much information as possible. If you need anything else then let me know. Debt was originally with Santander UK. The balance is £1130 The default on the account was 14/2/11 Hoist Portfolio/Howard Cohen co. took over the debt in Dec 2014 The CCJ was issued on 16/3/15 The CCJ was issued to my old address so I didn't have any way of addressing it as I wasn't aware of it. I can't afford to pay this in full. I could afford small payments. I've worked hard as hell to settle up most of my credit file from my stupid student days but this was one of the biggest amounts and I'd hoped it would just fall off my account in 2017 when the default would have been on for six years. Now though I'm looking at 2021 before it would fall off which is a bit of a disaster. Please advise me what my options are if you can. Thanks for your help.
  17. Hi hope someone can advise me, we bought a Vauxhall zafira 1.6 petrol 2011 plate in sept 2014 with a 12 months network q warranty. In January we had a engine light come on, I checked under the bonnet and noticed there was hardly any coolant in the expansion tank, I topped it up and the light went out. Took it to a local Vauxhall dealer to get it checked out, after much scratching of heads they fitted a thermostat saying the thermostat had partially closed and pressurised the system to such an extent it lost coolant through the expansion bottle. We took it away but checked the coolant level a few days later as it didn't seem to be running correctly it had dropped down again, second visit to dealer resulted in a new water pump. The wife noticed after two weeks the heating had stopped working and the coolant had dropped again, we took it back for it to be checked out I suggested a head gasket issue, they acknowleged the coolant had dropped again but topped it back up and did a block test which was negative then said they had performed various checks but couldn't find a fault and asked us to keep an eye on it. We weren't happy with this, after a couple of days the coolant had dropped, we decided to take it to another Vauxhall dealership who found water in the cylinders and suspected head gasket we gave permission for them to strip it down. They found the head gasket had not failed but the engine block had warped thus water was escaping in between the block and head. An engineer was requested by the warranty company, they rejected the claim saying the head bolts had loosened over time and caused the warping and therefore not a sudden failure and not covered. What do I do now, do I go to motor codes?
  18. Hi all, I've taken a policy with eCar insurance for an old, semi-functional rusty Mercedes (800 pounds worth) end of October 2011. It was an impulse buy of a young man with more money than sense I paid about 200 pounds premium as first payment, and it was about 100 per month afterwards. Unluckily to me, due to my taking the policy out so late in the month, the debit date was automatically set to be 27th or so, and in November it failed due to my not having that much before payday on my account. I was living between 2 addresses at the time, moving homes, and I didn't notice it happened until about 2 weeks in, I called and it turned out the policy was already cancelled, because rather than attempt to take the debit again they gave me a posted deadline, and cancelled the policy, so to continue being insured I'd have to take a new policy. I was very unhappy with that because I'd already paid that 200 pound premium, so I just let the car stand for a bit, and then sold it to one of those companies putting fliers behind wipers. The fact that I'd have to pay a cancellation fee on top of that was such an insult to injury to me at the time, that it hasn't properly registered with me it appears, another factor was moving and degraded access to mail at old address. Fast forward 4.5 years, it's April 2015 and for 2 years I've been living in Poland. Earning far less, but close to family is what matters to me at the moment, and I receive an email from CRS debt collection that I owe 800 pounds to eGroup and I can pay by phone, www, etc. Some bullet points 800 pounds is over 1 monthly salary here, of which I have none left by end of month anyway I have more debts in the 8k pounds area which are consolidated with MKDP which I've been repaying over last few years and still do monthly - no complaints there in 2012-2013 I had another car with eCar and at no point was it mentioned that I owed them money I contacted ecar now, and they stated they contacted me on 12/12/2011 about cancellation fee, and 'then in february 2015'. So it seems between 2011 and 2015 they somehow sat on that fee, multiplied it manyfold I imagine (though they were unwilling or unable to tell me how much it was to start with), then tried to contact me again at address I'd left 4 years ago, and gave it to CRS as 745 pounds. For several reasons mentioned above, I am willing to fight in on the beaches, etc etc How to best get the amount to be reasonably equivalent to what it was a penalty for (a car policy cancellation), and then if possible have it spread taking into account my current situation, living in a country with cost of living and earning power far less than those magical self-multiplying into hundreds of pounds debts? Are they realistically able to harm me, abroad, should it take the worst turn? Please help, as it has litterally made me consider moving into a van to finally escape those ridiculous fees forever!
  19. http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/cancelled-car-insurance-could-owed-124427989.html
  20. Hi guys! This is my first post here, I am asking for advice on weather I would be entitled to an IS underpayment that i know occurred. I was recieving IS on the grounds of being estranged in 2011 after being kicked out of home. I recieve DLA at the middle rate for care and lower rate for mobility. I have a close family friend who looks after me, as I struggle with my ASD in my day to day life and have alot of social anxiety. I cannot go anywhere that is unfamiliar, it just terrifies me! However I am living in my own place, she comes quite often with meals and stuff and to do my washing etc for me. During the time between june - december 2011 i was living in a house on my own, and then moved to a shared house closer to the family friend. When i moved to the shared house i was told I was entitled to the servere disability premium as i lived alone (not counting the sharing of facilities, as i had my own room and my own tenancy agreement) which they gave me. Before i was only recieving the disability premium, not the servere disability premium, however in the first house i did also live alone, and no one was claiming any carer's allowance for me then, so surely i would have also been entitled to that then? Is it possible to apply to have this underpayment paid to me? Or is two years nearly too far gone? It was only recently i found out i should have got it then.. Thanks!
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20338335
  22. Compliments of Nev - a tireless worker for the rights of motorists in the UK I have an idea that the BPA at some point claimed that there about 36,000 cases per year? Maybe someone can correct me Data (2).xls
  23. April 2011 while i was working in the Far east, i receive a phone call from yet another new Bank manageress, she is not happy with the way i am using my overdraft facility, she reccomends a business loan, stating it would be cheaper. i advise her that i already have a loan in place, she responds that the new loan would refinance the original loan and pay of the overdraft, it seemed fait-accompli so i arrange for the signature sheet of the new loan to be emailed to me, i sign, scan and return the form. In June this year i return back to the UK, my book keeper reccomends i look at PPI, i remove from the files the refinanced loan and to my horror see that it has an APR of 23% against the original loan which was 14.4%. I visit the bank i find i have a new bank manager and he seems as surprised as me at the level of interest that i am being charged, he will investigate and respond back. i also request a settlement figure for the new loan. I receive an email from him saying that it is within the Banks rights to charge thie level of interest on what are considered high risk accounts, i also receive a letter giving the settlement figure and also stating that interest is being charged at 9.51pds per day. On the 22nd July i i send off 3 complaint forms in the same envelope for PPI, the original loan, the refinanced and a further loan from Barclays Mercantile Bank which was for 44k and has additional fees of 11465pds. I am advised by my book keeper and a work colleague that all these loans carry PPI and in total should be enough to pay off the 23% loan. I receive back 2 claim reference numbers, no notification on which policys they refer to, my thinking was that 1 reference number referred to the original/refinanced loan because they are connected and the other reference would be for the 44k loan. On the 14th August i contact the call centre and it became clear that the the 2 supplied references were for the original and refinanced loans, when i query the 44k loan they say they have no records. Over the phone they take details and supply me with a claims reference number. After 40 days i contact the call centre again for an update, i am told it is in fact 40 working days that they work to, when i query the 44k loan they tell me it has been rejected and a letter has been sent giving details as to why, i respond advising him that i have not received any letter he agrees to resend the letter but it will take 7 to 10 days. After 10 days i call them again and they tell me that again they will resend the letter. After a further 10 days i visit my bank and 2 staff from the bank phone the PPI call centre, they could not have been more aticulate or precise about what i want, the agent confirms he will arrange for the rejection letter to be sent but it will take 7 to 10 days, I receive a copy of the settlement letter for the original and re-financed loan not the mystery rejection letter. In sheer desperation on the 19th Septemeber i visit my new bank manageress, i make it clear to her i will not leave the branch until i know why the 44k loan was rejecred, after much coersion from her she is told due to insufficient evidence. She points out to the agent that she has the original contract which clearly states additional fees of 11465 pds, they will not accept a fax copy so she sends through the internal mail. On the 40th working day since i received the claim reference for the 44k loan i contact the call centre only to be told that the case was reopened on the 22nd September when they received the original contract from my Bank Manageress. As stated i want to use the PPI money to pay off the userous loan that Barclays have forced upon me, every day the PPI issue is not resolved costs me 9.51 pds in interest charges. I visit my bank manageress and ask whether the loan can be suspended until this mess is resolved, i also ask why i am considered high risk, apparently it is not possible and i have to continue paying the loan amount and she cannot divulge why i am high risk. In conclusion i have been a Barclays customer for approximately 30 years, for 28 years my accounts have been in good order i am in the process of moving all my accounts to a new bank.
  24. MA Energy Ltd (February 2011) Provisional order in relation to compliance with obligations under the supply licence (standard licence condition 11) A provisional order has been made against MA Energy on 2 February 2011 in relation to the company's compliance with obligations under its licence and industry codes in relation to the purchase of electricity and other matters.
  25. Scottish Power (March 2011) Investigation into compliance with obligations under the gas and electricity supply licences (Standard Licence Condition 27.2A) Ofgem is investigating whether Scottish Power are complying with the requirements of condition 27.2A of their gas and electricity supply licence. Condition 27.2A requires that any difference in the terms and conditions between different payment methods must be reflective of the costs to the supplier of those different methods. The investigation has been launched in relation to the significant difference between Scottish Power’s standard and direct debit tariffs.
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