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Found 16 results

  1. Hello Try to be brief. had a ltd company back in 2005 with an overdraft linked with a personal guarantee. The company is now dissolved and Lloyds obtained a CCJ against me for the bank overdraft of £7900. I did not know about this until I searched Land Registry and saw a charging order on the property. The charging order was dated 2009 I contacted Lloyds who inform me that they no longer have the debt as they sold it and passed liability first to Hillsden and then to Cabot and lloyds. I have requested from lloyds all the copies of the original loan details, Ts&Cs etc. They have refused to pass on these documents as i am "Not Entltled" to these documents as the company does not exist. I have had no communication or updates from Cabot. Lloyds say that I must ask Cabot to release the charging order although in the name of Lloyds. Is all this correct? Any advice appreciated
  2. Hi, In 2005 I developed long term illness and had to give up working. To cut a long story short I owed my bank (First Trust) approx £300 (I cant remember the exact figure) for a couple of direct debits that came out of my current account at the time. I also had a credit card (again with First Trust) and the balance on that was approx £600. I contacted the local Citizens Advice, got a payment plan set up with a token payment of £1 per month for the current account and credit card. ( I have paid every month ever since) At the time the Bank agreed to charge no interest on either the credit card or current account, although sadly I do not have this in writing anywere. The bank has now sold the debt onto Asset Link Capital and I have had a letter from them asking me to setup a payment plan with them but the £300 current account debt has now grown into a £1100+ debt! Its obvious the bank has been charging interest on this account all along. Interestingly, the credit card debt has not had any interest added to it. Im at a total loss as to what to do about it and would be very grateful for any help. I do not mind paying off genuine debt that Im responsible for but to charge that amount of interest is criminal. PS. After reading through some other cases is it feasible for me to request a CCA for the Credit card debt and I dont think a CCA would help with a current account? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi, I've received a very nice educated letter from capquest asking me for payment for a debt from 2005 on American Express. I know that the last payment I've done to American Express it was in August 2005. Can they do this? After 11 years? How should I proceed with this? Thank you for your help. CZ
  4. Does Housing Benefit become statue barred and the usual 6 years I called to checked the amount.. and was told it's less than what Dukes Baliffs are requesting.. I have got them to put on hold for 28 days, while i check things.. But remember buying house in 2007... and all debts to council where paid off.. (Or so i thought) I apparently spoke with council in Jan 2013 about the debt.. Will do my checks with council But in mean time... do these sort of debts become statue barred if no payment been made in the last 6 years Thanks in advance for any help
  5. I have received a letter from drydens fairfax solicitors threatening bailiffs, putting a charge on my house and attachment to earnings - standard stuff I think from reading other posts on here. My CCJ was received in default judgment in 2005 and since then I have been paying £55 per month. I stopped paying it because I simply could not afford to pay it. I am on disability benefits and my husband is a pensioner. I want to know what is the worst they can do to me. I do not want to complete their income and expenditure form as I know they will expect me to pay £200 per month or something ridiculous. If I let them take me back to court what would happen? I am really aggrieved about this because I have never earnt over the deferment level since I left university but because I did not complete deferment forms they got judgment in default. Am I ever going to be rid off this student loan?! My husband is worried about this and thinking of using his lump sum state pension payment to settle my debt of £4000. I really don't want him to have to do this but do you think drydens would accept a much reduced figure since they have paid peanuts for my debt?
  6. Going back over a current loan document, which we took out in 2006 to consolidate previous debts, we realise that several of the old accounts paid off would have had PPI in some shape or form. Welcome Finance is one of them. The account was opened pre 2005, we think, and when it was paid off it was a 5 figure sum, so not something we should have ignored all this time really. Just need a quick pointer as to where to start as it will be a tricky one by the look of other threads. We cannot go to the FSCS as it it's an old account. Is there are current address for enquiries and/or a SAR ?
  7. http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/cancelled-car-insurance-could-owed-124427989.html
  8. I have a 2005 application form sent in reply to a CCA request. I'm happy that's it's unenforceable as a CCA, but one issue I'm particularly interested in is Cap One's signature on the form. Just want to know if they hand signed them. It looks hand signed, but does anyone know if this would have been the case? I can't attach mine at the moment, but it's the same as in post number 62 on page 4 of debtuptomyeyeballs thread entitled Help-Needed-Capital-One-Default-Served (can't post links)
  9. Hi All Please can i have some advise. Just received out of the blue a letter from a payday loan company GOLDSTAR finance saying they took a ccj out on me in 2005 and they now want there money and if i don't contact them and pay it they will get the Bailiffs in or deduct from wages. I know ccj are not subject to Statute Barred but am i right they have to reapply to the courts for permission and will I get the chance to defend my self ?? or will they just get this permission then knock at the door? I do remember the case and I have a copy of the offer i made them but they never contacted me back till NOW Thanks all steve
  10. Hi there and thanks for assisting me with this problem. I have received a copy of a credit agreement following an sar which they say I signed in 2005. the last page is signed by myself but the credit agreement does not seem to be the one I actually signed on the day. how can I check that this is genuine and whether this is enforceable? your assistance would be greatly appreciated as I have a court hearing next week for an application made to stike out my defense for non provision of the credit agreement
  11. Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me and/or point me to the right direction Just purchases a 2005 civic type s with 68k from a garage around a week ago. When test driving the car I noticed a grinding noise when pressing the brake but the salesman assured me there was no problem as the car wasn't moved for around 5 weeks. Its been a week now and I can still hear the grinding noise, something tells me its the brake pads that might be going. Other issues I am facing: Temperature gauge needle on the car is less than a quarter of the way up (normally its around the middle) so not sure why its not moving up. The gear changing in 2nd and 3rd isn't smooth and sometimes gets stuck but the car also judders when gears are changed. At times I can feel a vibration when the clutch is pressed and when i let go of the clutch it makes a click noise when it gets to the top Today I contacted the garage and he said "I'm sorry to hear that" "we wouldn't sell faulty cars" but he said his manager is off and will be back this Friday. What should I expect from the garage? I traveled over 50 miles to purchase this car and it would be very difficult to go down to Nottingham to their recommended garage to show the problems on the car? Any advice would be highly appreciated regards, Zack
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20338335
  13. When looking at the requirements for provision of prescribed terms during a CCA request, the Carey case changed the rules it seems, but I read somewhere (can't remember where) that Pre 2005 agreements are subject to a different interpretation regarding prescribed terms.... If anyone knows what this is, and why....or can direct me to the answer somewhere ...I would be most grateful.
  14. Hi, I have recently contacted Welcome with regards to a PPI claim who have confirmed that the loan was taken out pre-2005. The loan was paid back within four weeks with a scandalous amount of extras on top of the initial amount. Please forgive me as I do not have the exact figures but can confirm that PPI was included on the claim. At the time, the PPI was sold as a necessity to receive the loan amount which I know now to be false. Welcome advised to send in a letter of complaint but I'm unsure of the correct procedure as they were vague. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Davey.
  15. In instances where the loan provider was non regulated does anybody have an experience of PPI claims against the Underwriter? The FOS have said it's not a problem that the provider was non regulated and they will go after the Underwriter, who is regulated. Now, I was mis sold PPI several different ways, and even though the Underwriter had nothing to do with the actual sale of the policies the product they provided was impossible for me to claim on - amongst other things I was self employed at the time of the sale. Regardless of my claim being successful or not, does anybody on here have any experience of claims against the Underwriter, whether or not the process is longer than a normal FOS PPI adjudication and whether not not I am able to take the Underwriter to court, if that is a quicker path?
  16. Wonder if anyone has any next step guidance re pre-2005 PPI claim? I have been battling with London Scottish for a 16th December 2004 executed loan which had £6,000 PPI pre-added to the contract. It obviously sticks in the throat as it was less than a month before regulation kicked in 14th Jan 2005. As London Scottish (LS) went into administration, I approached them and the declined any wrong doing (about 18 months ago) I then went to FOS who have case workers who suggested they go after the underwriter Aviva. Top cut a long story short, this has been going on for 17 month, and I have had various case workers who have left the FOS along the way. although the previous case worker told me they were approaching Aviva for a group of borderline cases (mine included) who they felt should be refunded by the underwriter. As I said, the previous last case worker left last month (out of office email saying no longer works there), so I decided to upon calling last Friday 12th October for an update to a general line at FOS I was told there was no new, and no correspondence between Aviva and FOS in months. Today (Monday 15th October) I took a call from a new guy at the FOS who told me (despite nothing new only a few days prior) that the FOS had ruled there was nothing for Aviva to answer, as there's no proof of a link between LS and Aviva (the only contract/documents I have have no Aviva reference just the LS ref, with the generic Aviva underwriting policy). He said he would put it in writing, and I have the right to appeal. So palmed off by FOS, palmed off by LS, the FSCS say I have to have something from FOS anyone have any ideas how I can pursue. FYI, I have all the original contracts, and it is clear the PPI was pre-printed with no option to delete. Thank you in advance, Dusty
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