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  1. hi all we have the vauxhall ampera its a electric car for those that didn't know lol ..
  2. Hello forum. I'm looking for some advice please I'm in dispute over my alloys on my 15 plate Vauxhall insignia, hopefully you can see an attached picture of one of my 4 alloys, all 4 are in this condition, Vauxhall warranty are refusing to replace these saying it is wear and tear. In my opinion they are blistering and have been told so by an independent dealer. Thankyou in advance group.
  3. I have a 2012 Vauxhall Corsa D that has developed an intermittent fault. It won't accelerate and jerks. The fault code is P2138. A local mechanic told me that this is a fault known to Vauxhall but it has not reached recall status. Vauxhall wrote about this in a service bulletin (13-E-3066 Accelerator Pedal-Engine Power is reduced - 2016-04-21) They have also produced a pack to fix it. I was dismayed to be told that this could cost several hundred pounds to fix. I can't understand why I should have to pay this if Vauxhall are aware of the problem. (My car is now out of warranty.) any advice? Who should I complain to? Thanks
  4. As many as 850,000 Vauxhall Corsas could have a wiring fault that can cause them to catch fire, a newspaper investigation claims. The fault is similar to the one that forced the motor giant to recall hundreds of thousands of Zafiras. Experts told The Sun newspaper that Corsa D and E models built since 2005 are potentially dangerous and can catch fire, with dozens of cases of owners reporting flames coming through the cars’ dashboards. Vauxhall has denied any knowledge of Corsa fires caused by the heating system. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2344371/million-vauxhall-corsa-cars-fire-risk-uk/
  5. Hi, Last year i put my car (Vauxhall Corsa 08 plate) in for its service to a local family run garage (Garage A) that we have used for years. It was found that i had a slight oil leak coming from the sump plug, i was advised that they would re-tap and fit a new sump plug. Having moved away from the area i have today put my car into a Vauxhall Dealership (Garage B) for its service. I have been advised that i have a large leak from the sump plug caused by Garage A fitting the wrong sump plug, causing irreversable damage to the sump and a new sump, at a cost of £367 is required. Garage B is also saying they are unwilling to let me take the car away, so i am unable to take it back to Garage A for them to have a look at and fix it themselves. What are my options? Can i go to Garage A and ask if they would be willing as a goodwill gesture refund some of the cost I haven't yet spoken to Garage A about this as i do not know where i stand and dont want to go making claims without getting some advise beforehand. Kind Regards,
  6. I purchased a 19 month old Vauxhall Insignia in May 2014 from EMG in Ely. On the whole the car gave me excellent service, apart from a few niggles, which were rectified under the Vauxhall 3 year warranty. However, in September this year, I noticed that it was getting more & more difficult getting the car into gear. The car was just under 3 years old, and had covered 43,000 miles. I took the car into York, Ward & Rowlatt, in Wellingborough to have it looked at. After a test drive, they said that the clutch had failed & it would not be covered under the warranty, and would cost £982 to put right. I then phoned Vauxhall Customer Service, and was told that it COULD be covered under warranty, but only if the failure was deemed to be manufacture defect, and not wear & tear, and, I would have to agree to an inspection involving removal of the gearbox. This had to be done at a dealership, and if the findings concluded wear & tear, I would have to pay for the inspection, but it would be included in the repair if I paid up. Needless to say, they came back to me with "wear & tear". After several phone calls to Vauxhall, they said that they weren't interested. They would not even offer a good-will gesture. As far as I could see, the clutch was not worn due to bad driving, otherwise it would have been slipping, and I would have noticed a drop in fuel economy. Once in gear, the clutch was fine. Eventually I agreed to have the work done "under protest". I asked Vauxhall for a fault report on the original clutch, and also information on the expected life of the clutch. Originally they said that they would not have that information, but I pushed them, as I couldn't believe that a manufacturer would buy in parts for which they had no idea how long they would last. I was promised this information "no later than 16th October". It is now 18th October, and needless to say I am still waiting. Whilst I am not happy with Vauxhall, the people I have been speaking to have been courteous and as helpful as they could be within the company guidelines. I am a great believer that any problems I have with a company, it's not the fault of the person on the other end of the phone. There are numerous motoring forums on the www, and most seem to have disgruntled motorists posting complaints about Insignia clutches, some of which are after only a few thousand miles. This is quite clearly not an isolated problem, and it's about time Vauxhall got their act together and helped their (hopefully valued) customers.
  7. 2 weeks ago today I purchased from a dealer a Vauxhall zafira 2003 MOTd till March I was told it had only just undergone a service and was fine for driving In urgent need, I paid £675 and they delivered it when it was ready, Being a dealer I trusted them totally, they had nothing but good feedback Bare in mind also I am a new driver and unsure what to look for in cars ie faults and things, but she test drove perfectly. A few days later going down hill, with 4 children in the car My brakes failed, managed to get to a garage safely and quickly and paid for them to be sorted, considering the trader had claimed a new brake cylinder had been put it in, I was annoyed. Then a engine management light popped up, I mailed trader and she said Lamba sensors are damp, it will be fine, the car had little to no power and was struggling on hills in 2nd, and I could drive it with the handbrake on, also when handbrake was off you could flick it and it would say it was on!! so I asked my brother who builds bikes to have a look He found a split Tyre, battery tray was broken, one of the pipes that should blow hot air into the car was loose, Underpowered was because it was running at half power and the light coming on was the catalytic converter, The battery tray alone is apparently a instant MOT failure. I called the trader and she booked it into the garage to be looked at, garage spotted everything my brother had and rebooked for it to come back in, I went back a few days later and the garage did what only the trader told them to do. despite the garage saying the cat needed replacing the trader wanted it sprayed and apparently that would fix it. 6 hours later (yesterday) I was on my way home tired, and cold and wet and hungry ( 6 hours in the pouring rain in middle of no where is no fun!) This morning, engine management light came back on and this evening the clutch failed on the middle of a roundabout!! I managed to get it to the side of the road and called green flag who towed me home Now I spoke to the trader yet again and shes saying its driver error that broke the clutch, I made up about the hand brake and that there was nothing wrong with it and that she will look into getting the clutch repaired cheap as poss but If I sold it off as said I will, then I am going to be out of pocket because of how much the clutch is going to cost! I have asked her to refund me as she has sold me a car that wasn't fit for the road but she said I am wrong, there is nothing wrong with the car and I can go to trading standards but she will be in the right and I don't have a leg to stand on! Do I have any rights here or have I screwed up?
  8. Meriva purchased three years ago, good little car. Started developing an intermittent immobiliser fault three months ago. Failed to start at home RAC called. RAC could not diagnose problem as car would not "communicate" with their diagnostic system, apparently common fault with Vauxhall. Had it looked at by our usual mechanic, again could not be diagnosed. Car started intermittently. Contacted Vauxhall garage had to wait until the immobiliser came on but also had to book an appointment to co-inside with it breaking down! Eventually car again refused to start at home, contacted RAC taken to Vauxhall garage, which is another story! Apparently no fault recorded on system. VG removed immobiliser and Engine Management Unit and checked wiring. Put back together and car started. However could not find the fault. I was told that they could change both the immobiliser and the EMU at a cost of around £800 + VAT but there would be no guarantee that it would cure the problem. Explained to them that the immobiliser would come on again as this was how it had been. They insisted that I collected the car and that I paid £42 for the diagnostic test. I insisted that I should leave the car with them until the problem was sorted. Apparently the fault could not be diagnosed until the immobiliser came on again. I contacted Vauxhall customer complaints and posted on Facebook. Absolutely useless. I contacted the Managing Director who passed me to the Complaints Director. The eventual suggestion was that I return the car to the VG and a team would be sent to look at the car....at my expense! I collected the car and needless to say it is now stuck outside my home with the immobiliser coming on and for no reason intermittently starting. I am unable to drive it anywhere for fear of not getting home and I can't keep calling RAC. I say that the car is not fit for purpose as the inbuilt system to diagnose the fault has failed. I have legal insurance should I sue Vauxhall or has anyone else had the same problem? Help please?
  9. Hi, I am hoping someone can give me a bit of advice regarding a car that I purchased recently that I believe was mis-sold to me due to there being an outstanding safety recall that was not disclosed at the time of sale. Here is a more complete background to my story... I purchased a Vauxhall Zafira recently from a local dealer and a couple of weeks later discovered that the car had a safety recall issued on it due to a risk of fire. I was not informed of this when I purchased the car. I would not have bought the car had I known. I have written to the dealer to complain and he stated that basically it is not his problem and that I should have known about it. I then wrote back to explain why I believed that the car was mis-sold and have recently had contact from his lawyer stating that the car did not have an outstanding recall (which it does) and that there are no advisories on using the car as normal. Vauxhall have advised me not to use the heater or blower motor and if it is absolutely necessary only use them on settings 0 or 4. Having looked into it myself I have found guidelines from the DVSA that state that dealers should not sell cars with outstanding safety recalls on them titled "A guide to safety recalls in the used vehicle industry". Within the guidelines it states: "The General Product Safety Regulations 2005 covers the areas of product liability and consumer protection in the United Kingdom." "The distributor shall act with due care in order to help ensure compliance with the applicable safety requirements and in particular he…shall not expose or possess for supply or offer or agree to supply, or supply, a product to any person which he knows or should have presumed, on the basis of information in his possession and as a professional, is a dangerous product” DVSA considers that this identifies that a product with an outstanding safety recall should not be passed to a consumer. Producers and distributors are professionals in their field and should therefore be fully aware that safety recalls exist and that they can occur on any product. DVSA believes that this paragraph applies to the supply of used products in the automotive sector." Having spoken to his lawyer and informing him of the outstanding safety recall he is saying that he still believes that the dealer has done nothing wrong. My question to anyone more knowledgeable than me on such matters is do you believe that I have been mis-sold the vehicle and would I stand a chance by taking it to small claims. I appreciate this is a long post but any information would be greatly received and appreciated. Thank You in advance LBG
  10. Anyone else having problems with this 2104 model cutting out, far sooner than it should, and not starting again for a while?
  11. I had a problem with my clutch about nine months ago where it would sporadically jam and refuse to go into gear. It did it a few times but seemed to resolve itself, until it happened on my way home from work and would not go into gear. I had to leave my car by the road and arrange to be picked up. When I returned to get my car the clutch was again working fine without a problem, but I took it into a Vauxhall garage anyway to be checked. I was told the problem was that the clutch had a low biting point and needed to be replaced, I paid approximately £500 for this. Now, about nine months later, I have had a recurrence of the exact same problem and took it to a Vauxhall garage again. I am told that the clutch had a high biting point, but on stripping the car to check the gear box and clutch they could not see a problem with the previous repairs. They put the car back together, retested it, and say that my pedal box is broken and needs to be replaced. For all of this they would like £875. I am really unhappy that I am having to pay so much money to have the same problem fixed within twelve months. Need I add that of course I was told the apparent two different causes of this are unrelated? I feel that Vauxhall have been unsympathetic to this, and will not allow me to pay this in instalments although it is a large amount that I will struggle to afford. Is it true that what I have described above could be caused by two unrelated problems that would not necessarily have been picked up the first time I took it in for repair? The car is a Vauxhall Corsa from 2008, 1.2 engine, about 50k miles on the clock. I have had it for about four years and had no problems with it until the above, and no other major repairs aside from servicing.
  12. Hi hope someone can advise me, we bought a Vauxhall zafira 1.6 petrol 2011 plate in sept 2014 with a 12 months network q warranty. In January we had a engine light come on, I checked under the bonnet and noticed there was hardly any coolant in the expansion tank, I topped it up and the light went out. Took it to a local Vauxhall dealer to get it checked out, after much scratching of heads they fitted a thermostat saying the thermostat had partially closed and pressurised the system to such an extent it lost coolant through the expansion bottle. We took it away but checked the coolant level a few days later as it didn't seem to be running correctly it had dropped down again, second visit to dealer resulted in a new water pump. The wife noticed after two weeks the heating had stopped working and the coolant had dropped again, we took it back for it to be checked out I suggested a head gasket issue, they acknowleged the coolant had dropped again but topped it back up and did a block test which was negative then said they had performed various checks but couldn't find a fault and asked us to keep an eye on it. We weren't happy with this, after a couple of days the coolant had dropped, we decided to take it to another Vauxhall dealership who found water in the cylinders and suspected head gasket we gave permission for them to strip it down. They found the head gasket had not failed but the engine block had warped thus water was escaping in between the block and head. An engineer was requested by the warranty company, they rejected the claim saying the head bolts had loosened over time and caused the warping and therefore not a sudden failure and not covered. What do I do now, do I go to motor codes?
  13. Long story cut very short; I have a 2006 Vauxhall Zafira auto. About 12 months ago the auto box was not "kicking" down when required or would just jump around the gears. Light also came up on dash and "rad coolant level low" showed up l Took it to a Vauxhall main dealer who could not find anything wrong with the car and told me to just keep topping up the rad when the light comes on as there "may" be a small leak somewhere, even though they could not find one. Had a full service done, 2 days later coil pack failed and AA fitted new one at cost telling me it was most prob due to one of the spark plugs not being put in properly, did not as for written confirmation of this (yes I know I should have) Complained to garage who stated it would not have been them but offered a free service next time round. Told them about coolant light again and was again advised to just top it up. Gear box was still not right so took it back to same garage three more times. Last time I asked them to check the gear box oil as on one of the forums it states that could be the problem. Was told oil was nice and clear and no issues. Again told to just top up the coolant when the light comes on. Three weeks later engine light came on and car broke down. AA took it to same vauxhall dealer, this time was advised segments from the radiator had leaked into the gearbox oil and a new gearbox and radiator was required at a cost of 3K. I obviously argued the point why this was not picked up before but was told "nothing to do with us mate" attitude ! Wrote many many emails of complaint etc but was just told it needed a gearbox and they offered no explanation as to why this had not been picked up before when they had my car in for service etc. When I was last at the garage I was advised the MD of "Go Vaauxhall" (the garage I took my car to all the time) was in his office if I wanted to talk to him personally. I obviously said I would and was walked over to another building as he was on the top floor. The only way to get to his office was via a spiral staircase, now I am disabled due to spinal injuries and use either a walking stick/crutches or wheelchair, something the garage are well aware off. I managed to get myself up the stairs as there was no lift and into the MDs office. After shutting the door he asked what my problem was ! I tried to explain all the issues when he in a loud voice started to argue. I decided this was not the correct way of dealing with the situation and walked out of his office. I again sent emails with my concerns but was just told if I wanted my car back I had to pay for the new gear box, which I eventually did as I needed a car as they advised me they did not have a loan car for me to use. Got the car home only for the coolant light to come back on ! Called the garage and this time they fitted a new "cooler" tank. Three days later new gearbox started to muck around again. Called AA who advised me ALL the gear box oil had come out due to a faulty seal. Called the garage yet again, not a happy bunny at this stage !!!! Was advised I had to get the car to them as they could not recover my car for me and they had no loan car's as it was now the Xmas break. Finally got the AA to take my car back to them on 7th January this year. They fixed the seal over the next three days. Sent more emails etc with no offer of compensation or anything at all. Due to my disability I was taken into hospital for another major spinal operation and have not been able to do anything for the last three months. I have now taken civil action against the garage at a cost of £70 to me claiming half the money for the gear box as I cannot afford the extra fee for claiming the full amount. Just received an email telling me they are going to fight this in court and are obviously in a better position than me to get my point across as they will have their own legal team etc. Is it best for me now just to give in due to the size of the company and if it cost me any more money, which I would now have to borrow ! I just feel I have been "had over" and it has cost me to try and prove this and the garage are just taking the pee !! Will it cost me any more money ? I have been advised by the court they are sending out a form N181 for me to fill in. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading my "little" problems I am having with a Vauxhall main dealer. Regards Brian
  14. Hi guys my car been to Vauxhall dealer for diagnose as my car corsa 1.3 cdti 2007 misfiring on low revs. Vauxhall kept the car for three days and finally they told me that number 3 fuel injector is misfiring and no other fault reported. Got the car back on 28/04/2015 and today 3-/04/2015 my timing chain snapped while driving the recovery guy confirmed that timing chain gone and it damaged all cams etc. Can anybody confirm what are my right and what can i claim like repairs or money back. I paid £75 for diagnose and they could not find out if my timing chain is going. Thank you
  15. Hello Hope someone can help me with a problem re a car purchased from Lookers and a warranty provided by Network Q. I purchased a Chevrolet Lacetti on 12/11/2013, the car came with a one year Network Q warranty which covered 100,000 miles and was up to the value of the car. The car was serviced and MOTed before purchase was complete and I agreed to also buy a service contract provided by Emac Ltd. I had the car serviced at 6 months and everything was fine according to Lookers, though I later found out they had performed a full service when it should have been an intermediate, which left insufficient funds in my service account for the next service. I also needed to replace all 4 tyres 2 months later and there had been no mention of tyre wear in the service report. Up to present now and I book in car for service and MOT for Thursday 30th October. Car was dropped off at 8am and I was told it would be ready mid afternoon. About 2pm, I got a call to say car had failed MOT due to faulty number plate bulb and there were several other problems. Lookers went on to explain car needed new front brake pads and discs at a cost of £330, which I would be responsible for paying. They then explained there were several other serious problems which would be covered by the warranty, these included leakage from the steering rack and leakage from front and rear shock absorbers, both steering rack and all shock absorbers would need to be replaced and they would contact the warranty company to organise this. I initially agreed to the brake work then thought twice about the price and phoned around for a couple of quotes. Despite Lookers telling me I was getting 20% discount due to service contract, other quotes were coming in much lower. I called back and they offered to reduce price to £200 I agreed and they said they would contact me re warranty work but work would not be completed until Saturday as they needed to get parts in. Friday they phoned again to say that Network Q warranty wanted to send their own engineer out to check the car and this would not be until Monday. I stated that I required the car for work on Monday they offered a courtesy car from Friday evening. Lookers reassured me that the engineer visit was routine for high cost work and it was nothing to worry about and car would hopefully be ready Monday or Tuesday at the latest. I phoned again on Monday and was told the engineer had not attended and they had contacted him to find out when he was coming. Tuesday I called back and engineer had attended and inspected car but had declined to share his findings with Lookers staff and they would hear directly from Network Q hopefully Wednesday (today). Today I phoned Lookers at lunchtime and they have heard nothing from Network Q. I call back at 5.15pm and am told person dealing with car is with a customer and he will phone me back ASAP, he does and says Network Q have declined all work is covered by warranty as it is due to "wear and tear". He tells me Lookers disagree with this but they can do nothing and it is now my responsibility to deal with Network Q if I want to dispute this. I point out that the car was purchased there less than one year ago and that it was serviced 6 months ago with no findings, if Network Q are correct, surely Lookers are deficient in not finding any problems at time of sale, at MOT and original service and then at 6 month service. Again I am told they think the work should be covered by the warranty but they can't do anything. The warranty states complaints must be made in writing but I am going to try and call Network Q tomorrow, then follow this up in writing. I intend to also try and call Lookers again and get the same information regarding them thinking the work should be covered by the warranty and record this call. I feel like I have a good case but am not sure if it's against Network Q or Lookers or both. Can anyone advise me or tell me if I am wasting my time please. I am incredibly angry about this but need to get it resolved or buy another car quickly and I work long hours and have a painful commute, so while I want recompense for this mess, I don't have a lot of time to spend on a fruitless effort. Thanks so much for any help.
  16. Vauxhall has warned owners of around 3,000 vehicles to stop driving them until they have been inspected because of a steering problem. The UK carmaker said those affected are Adam and Corsa/Corsavan models registered since May 2014, which had been manufactured with a steering system part "that did not meet specification". The discovery was made during a routine quality control exercise at two of the firm's manufacturing plants - one in Germany and one in Spain. The company said it was not aware of any accident or injury related to the issue. Vauxhall said: "As a precaution, these vehicles should not be driven prior to inspection. "Vauxhall puts the safety and convenience of its customers first and as this condition concerns their safety, the company is taking immediate action." The firm said customers could check on their website from today, whether their vehicle was affected, and that it would also contact buyers directly. It added: "Alternatively customers can call the Vauxhall customer assistance centre for advice on 0800 026 0034 between 9am and 5.30pm." http://news.sky.com/story/1343012/vauxhall-recall-warning-over-corsa-steering
  17. I am very disappointed with Vauxhall Customer Care and the Dealership in Kingston Upon Thames. I am self employed Taxi Driver and I rely on my car to earn a living. Due to incompetency of Vauxhall Kingston I was unable to work for 17 days in total. My car was giving out white smoke in February 2014, I took it to Vauxhall Dealership, after carrying out diagnostic I was told DPF line is split and it is the reason for white smoke. Two days after paying for repair costing more than £750, my car started giving out white smoke again. I took it back to Dealership, after 3-4 days of not being able to find out what is wrong with my car, the dealership had to contact Vauxhall Technicians for help which took some times and I was told that the Cat needs to be changed which was done under warranty after waiting for approval from Vauxhall Warranty. Customer Care called me that my car is fixed and ready for collection. When i went to dealership to collect my car, i was told there is a needle sized hole in my radiator and is not important. As soon as I collected my car and got home, I had the white smoke again. I waited two weeks for my car to get fixed, which was not fixed. I called up Vauxhall Customer Care and told them that my car was not fixed by the dealership, I was told to get independent advice. After researching for few days, I took my car to a local mechanic and they fixed it within 1 day just by replacing my radiator. I contacted Vauxhall Customer Care again and asked for Compensation for keeping my car for so long and not fixing it, I was refereed to Vauxhall Kingston. Vauxhall Kingston Services Manager was not willing to speak to me for few days. I complained to Vauxhall Customer Care and within one day Vauxhall Kingston Services Manager called me and was asking me to bring the car so they take a look at it again. I explained to him that I fixed it independently and the reason for contacting him was to do something about my loss of earning due to his dealerships incompetent mechanics/technicians. He referred me to Vauxhall Customer Care who are not willing to help. After several email exchanges, they are not willing to compensate me.
  18. Have a Vauxhall insignia 1.8i SRI Nav - under 29000 miles. Now 5 months out of 3 year standard warranty as car bought 2nd hand. Had problems with coolant during warranty. Dealer replaced thermostat and at another time they topped up coolant. I have advised that this is now a latent defect and should be covered under warranty. Both the dealer and Vauxhall are stating warranty expiry but as a gesture of goodwill have given me 50% off a £500+ bill to replace thermostat housing and cooler pipe!! I am sick to the teeth phoning and mailing arguing the point. I have mentioned that this cannot be wear and tear but I keep getting the same garbage back. Any advise how I take this forward? I am actually in the process of selling the car as I have no confidence in it!! To add, I get 25 MPG on average. Dealer tells me its my driving!!! Vauxhall advise I have it checked. Dealer is willing to check free of charge but I won't hold my breath for an improvement or remedial works done free of charge!!!
  19. I own a Vauxhall corsa vxr nurburgring edition. Vauxhalls flagship. the car is 2 years old on a 62reg the mileage is 4000 car cost is £18k I started to notice a clunk from the gearbox I went to my local Vauxhall dealership in July .Penfolds Lewisham South East. and Left My Car In Penfolds Repair Garage to be Diagnosed. I got a call the same day from Chris the service desk at penfolds and he told mey car has low compression cylinder 4 and a Vauxhall engineer has to be send out to inspect my car. and penfolds was sure is was due to engine remapping - decided to Void my warranty on my Standard Car. I decided to call Vauxhall customer care department/ Vauxhalls head office in Luton and spoke to a representative I Explained the problem my car has and the dealership voiding the warranty and they could not help me and stop the dealership from voiding my warranty I decided to call them again the following day and I managed to speak with the regional manager Vauxhall Luton. he told me my car's warranty should not be voided on a car with such low millage and with no signs of modifications he assigned a engineer to inspect my car and told penfolds to continue diagnosing the problem. 3 weeks later no engineer showed up and Vauxhall customer care representative called me and said iv got to sign a disclaimer for Vauxhall to send off my ECU Unit To Germany to Be Inspected and can take 2 weeks to come back with results to see if the ECU is standard and not remapped. this is outrageous because all Vauxhall wanted to do is find excuses not to fix my car because im a young lad with a vxr and the dealership automatically say the problem is due to the way I drive or that I have remapped my engine. it is terrible the way Vauxhall have dealt with me and the time It has taken to get things moving is just not good enough. 5 weeks later my Ecu Arrived at the dealership from Germany when it should of only been 2 weeks and the test results was CLEAR ECU STANDERD Vauxhall was very embarrassed and assured me my car will be fixed but they have still not accepted the warranty claim and fix my car and they have to send a engineer out to inspect my car what I would say they mean find more excuses to not fix my car. now after 7 weeks my car being in Vauxhalls dealership I had a phone call from Vauxhalls customer care and she said I have to sign another disclaimer for the dealership to strip my engine and they will send a engineer to inspect my car. now its the end of September my cars been in the dealership near enough 3 months and Vauxhall do not have a clue what is wrong with my car and they have rejected my warranty claim to fix my car. and have put me aside now because of all the steering reclaims Vauxhall. are to busy to talk to me let alone fix my car. after 11weeks I have had nothing but Vauxhall to tell me false lies and excuses to get out of paying to rectify the problems and fix my car avoid this company with all means my car is 100% standard with 4000 genuine miles and still in manufactures warranty and still Vauxhall will not fix a common problem of cylinder 4 low compression/misfire also engine oil is leaking from engine head and Vauxhall do not have no clue what is wrong with my car and refuse to honour my warranty please email me for any questions on this and I will be happy to help [removed]
  20. We bought a new Vauxhall Ampera last year, from GoVauxhall Wibledon. This car comes with a lifetime warranty. My experience is, the company is offering poor service: poor/no communication, can't get hold of them, don't do the necessary paperwork, and worse. What can I do? I am not sure what my options are. Can I change dealership? How does that work with the lifetime warranty? Thanks Rob
  21. Hi everyone some advice please, to try and cut a long story short I purchased a brand new vauxhall movano a year ago now 12 reg no previous owners. The sale was agreed over the phone in view that the dealer was 300 miles away, The van was a standard van, standard spec etc . So i never viewed tha van it was brought from information contained in vauxhall brochure and the van was the dealers physical stock so no factory order. When i arrived at the dealers to collect the van it was damaged large scratch down one side the fiasco that followed to reject the van and pentagon register a new one again from stock took all day, so there was no time for a proper handover let alone a test drive. Part of ther standard spec is a fully adjusatable drives seat which quotes as being tiltable, when the van was handed to me it was dark and by this time i just wanted to get home i asked the sales lady wheres the seat adjustment she did not know, i did not arrive home that day until midnight there were other issues more to do with money owed on my trade in etc, but i phoned the dealer the next day confirming the seat did not adjust as it stated in the brochure, they confirmed the van was the standard spec so thats all they could do. I also copied vauxhall customer service at the same time. for several weeks i discussed option with the dealer ie replacing the seat etc becuase clearly i was not getting on with it, i did confirm that the vehicle was not as described and i wanted to reject it. vauxhall then confirmed my contract was with the dealer and not them so its thier problem, pentagon maintain its a manufacture problem ie incorrect specification in the sales brochure and not thier problem this has been going on for a year with now with Vauxhall i have confirmed on several occaissions the vehicle specification is incorrect in the sales catalouge so the veichle is not as described and i want a full refund under the sale of goods act etc. They have confirmed the specification is correct but will not confirm the adjustments to the seat as noted in the specification and focused areas in the sales brochure, instead they have used differnt discriptions being carefull not to mention tilt action as the sales brochure. I have also been told i should have test drove the vehicle, Vauxhall can change the specification without notice, no one else has complained,I have been using the vehiucle so therfore i accepted it, basically all the excuses under the sun and given the complete run around by Vauxhall and the dealer. vauxhall has now issued a new movano sales brochure and suprise suprise they have altered the wording on the seat adjustment and there is now no mention of any tilt action at all. I have confirmed this to vauxhall in email as i have everything else, propbably about 20 emails so far i have threatened court action and now have no alternative as they state they will not take the matter any further any advice
  22. I was changing the original radio to a after market when the fuse blew. It was a 5 amp and was a yellow one. I replaced this last time and the redio came back on. While putting a ariel adapter on the fuse tripped again. This time it took the same fuse out and also it took the power steering/speedo with it. I have replaced the fuse but there is no radio and no power steering. Under the steering colum i have changed a green and black block. The green block keeps on getting very hot. It drives etc no probs but no power steering/speedo.
  23. Beware about Vauxhall's warranty coverage. Tyres are not covered by them on new vehicle sales even if it is proved that the tracking was set up outside the approved specification that caused abnormal wear. There is a specific action group dealing with these issues
  24. After five years of hard work the monkeys of Longleat Safari Park have put the finishing touches to a metallic blue Vauxhall Astra. Paul, spokesmen for the 100 strong Rhesus monkey troop proudly confirmed ‘It’s taken a lot of hard work and dedication but we pulled the final rear quarter moulding from an unsuspecting family last Friday and now we have a fully operational car. We’ve been at Longleat for 10 years now, and we wasted the first 3 just monkeying around, but then Curious George suggested we focus our efforts on building our own motor. Initially we set our sights slightly too high and decided to build a Jaguar XKR Convertible, but after 2 years with no models passing through we set a new target and haven’t looked back since.’ ‘Work was initially hampered as the tools were limited to a monkey wrench and monkey nuts but after I liberated a tool box from the back of a works van we haven’t looked back. The last few weeks have been manic and I’ve been rushing around like a blue ass monkey but it’s all been worth it.’ When asked what plans the troop had for the car Paul told us that as soon as one of them passed their driving test they were off on a road trip to India to harass tourists but until then they would probably just p*** and s**t all over it. The troop are keen to put their new found skills to further use however, and have opened a Kwick Fit franchise outside the gates of the safari. ‘We have noticed most cars do need some work done by the time they finish the monkey drive through’ Paul went on ‘and I’m pleased to say our specially trained grease monkeys can now successfully diagnose faults and fit tyres without biting them first. That doesn’t mean they won’t bite your children though.’
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