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  1. Hello, Thank you for all the advice here, good place to find help from good people - so I'm hoping I can bother you for some tips please This past friday (17/07), I bought a used but low mileage vehicle from a seemingly reputable dealership. I work for a UK company but contract for a Swiss company and so spend most of my time in another country. I arranged the finance remotely (I could only get finance with a UK company due to UK employer) and there were only really four vehicles on the market at the time that were of interest to me. Aware that I (oddly) have slightly more protection buying by phone/internet these days and given the dealership's reputation, I was happy to go ahead and buy the car based upon the description, chat with sales regarding condition of vehicle etc and that I would pay deposit / finance etc based upon the car being as per description. Possible mistake, I know, simply due to my working conditions I did not have the time to take on lengthy searches/checks/etc... all basic mechanical and history checks were done of course, the car has been covered by main dealer warranty to date without any issues or advisories etc and the mileage is low and general condition of the car is very good for a car that is 5.75 years old (24k miles). To put it simply, I am still quite happy with the condition of the vehicle... but after my first drive at night, it has come to my attention that some things that were on the advertisement of the vehicle are not actually on the vehicle. One, I'm not really bothered about, the other two are significant to me, including one being a selling point of the vehicle for me over some others that were available on the market at the time. The car is supposed to be equipped with cornering headlights, after tonights driving I am sure they are not and having found this, it prompted me to double check the other options on the car to find a couple of other things missing. The car is a late 2009 Porsche Boxster S and I have discovered that the following items, that were detailed clearly and plainly in the description (which I still have a copy of) are not actually options on the vehicle: - Cornering headlights - Heated steering wheel - Sports Chassis Sports Chassis is the one I am most disappointed by, an medium expensive suspension option and a significant selling point for this specific vehicle... had I known that this was not fitted to the vehicle, I would not have purchased the vehicle & would have looked for one with PASM [electronically adjustable suspension] instead... there were three Boxster S cars I was investigating and this was the only one with Sports Chassis option, the other two being PASM... making this my first choice. For the heated steering wheel, admittedly I am not too bothered about this one and to their defense, this option is specified on the build sheet - however it appears as though the heated wheel has been replaced with the sport design wheel which offers a different type of gear shift paddles post-original build... I knew it came with the sport design wheel, but only after discovering the lack of heated wheel did I find out that this specific wheel does not have the heated option and it will have been installed aftermarket. Cornering headlights I would have liked and it's not simply that they are not functioning... they are not installed on the car. I have not yet confronted the dealership about this discrepancy. I wanted to ask for advice on here first before talking with them. I am, genuinely, happy with the majority of the car... the engine and rest of the car are in pristine condition and it's a hoot to drive. I'm not sure of my ideal outcome from this, I quite like the car so would prefer not to reject it, only the mis-advertisement that would have led me to a different (although who knows, potentially worse despite options) purchase are offputting. It would be nice for them to fix this and fit at least the headlights and sports chassis suspension options. It would just be nice for them to honour what they advertised to be sold. Noted: As especially this sport chassis option was so important to me, why did I not thoroughly check this when I collected the car? I did give it a test drive before finalising the paperwork (even though payment in full had been received by the dealership at that time)... unfortunately I had only driven cars equipped with PASM adaptive suspension prior to this vehicle and so the relatively stiff suspension compared to that, lead me to believe there was nothing missing. Cornering headlights (or lack thereof) only truly became apparent at night. Any tips on where I stand please? What can I do? Or do I just suck it up as a lesson learned and check more vigorously next time? Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  2. Hi everyone some advice please, to try and cut a long story short I purchased a brand new vauxhall movano a year ago now 12 reg no previous owners. The sale was agreed over the phone in view that the dealer was 300 miles away, The van was a standard van, standard spec etc . So i never viewed tha van it was brought from information contained in vauxhall brochure and the van was the dealers physical stock so no factory order. When i arrived at the dealers to collect the van it was damaged large scratch down one side the fiasco that followed to reject the van and pentagon register a new one again from stock took all day, so there was no time for a proper handover let alone a test drive. Part of ther standard spec is a fully adjusatable drives seat which quotes as being tiltable, when the van was handed to me it was dark and by this time i just wanted to get home i asked the sales lady wheres the seat adjustment she did not know, i did not arrive home that day until midnight there were other issues more to do with money owed on my trade in etc, but i phoned the dealer the next day confirming the seat did not adjust as it stated in the brochure, they confirmed the van was the standard spec so thats all they could do. I also copied vauxhall customer service at the same time. for several weeks i discussed option with the dealer ie replacing the seat etc becuase clearly i was not getting on with it, i did confirm that the vehicle was not as described and i wanted to reject it. vauxhall then confirmed my contract was with the dealer and not them so its thier problem, pentagon maintain its a manufacture problem ie incorrect specification in the sales brochure and not thier problem this has been going on for a year with now with Vauxhall i have confirmed on several occaissions the vehicle specification is incorrect in the sales catalouge so the veichle is not as described and i want a full refund under the sale of goods act etc. They have confirmed the specification is correct but will not confirm the adjustments to the seat as noted in the specification and focused areas in the sales brochure, instead they have used differnt discriptions being carefull not to mention tilt action as the sales brochure. I have also been told i should have test drove the vehicle, Vauxhall can change the specification without notice, no one else has complained,I have been using the vehiucle so therfore i accepted it, basically all the excuses under the sun and given the complete run around by Vauxhall and the dealer. vauxhall has now issued a new movano sales brochure and suprise suprise they have altered the wording on the seat adjustment and there is now no mention of any tilt action at all. I have confirmed this to vauxhall in email as i have everything else, propbably about 20 emails so far i have threatened court action and now have no alternative as they state they will not take the matter any further any advice
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