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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, all and thanks for any advice in advance. Mum signed up to have wall insulation done in her dormer house, room in roof. the initial surveyor said that the walls under the windows would be insulated from within the roof space(behind the walls) and the cheeks, sloping roof section, would be insulated with over-boarding to the floor and would it be ok for the skirting boards be removed and we fix them after. also part of the roof to be over-boarded too. we agreed to this. it was then passed to a different company to do the install. no other survey was done. or contact made till the install date.when insulation was fitted they only came down half the walls with over-boarding and completely missed other walls. when I complained they hadn't done job to what we where told, reply was basically "tough we have done enough to comply and it's been passed off by an inspector". few other minor issues where found which they did agree to fix ie. rockwall falling off back of walls and not enough put in to cover wall. contacted CAB. and they say that because no money has changed hands, it's not a proper contract etc, so can't claim breach of contract. this is still in the process of the installers to come back and fix the work they said they would. other issues, a light fitting left hanging from ceiling with exposed terminals, and my mother also has alzheimers, and no impact assessment was done. who do I complain to, and do we have any other recourse, as to make the rooms into what was promised will now cost us hundreds if not more of pounds. so really what is meant to save people on a low income money is actually costing them hundreds of pounds. Rant over.
  2. Anyone else having problems with this 2104 model cutting out, far sooner than it should, and not starting again for a while?
  3. I have been trying for months to get an ECO Grant for a new boiler and insulation, and have encountered non stop problems. 1) I went through a website "Fine Energy Savings" they went over the criteria for myself and the boiler and advised I qualified, it was referred onto 2 companies, one for a boiler the other to do insulation, however both firms thought they were doing both, so a lot of confussion, it settled on one firm and they also checked that I qualified and arranged a free survey, I heard nothing so I contaced the firm, who advised me that all funding had been stopped until the new tax year in April and it would have been impossible to inform everyone. 2) I checked online and could not confirm anything about ECO funding being stopped, so went to another website "Energy Savings Advice Trust"? They said they checked with the DWP and I was not on the correct benefits, I advised I was and had already been approved and I could send them copies of letters from the DWP, they then said you may as well apply directly to your energy supplier E-ON and gave me a number to call. 3) I telephoned E-ON and they advised even though I was on the correct benefit and the boiler which is faulty was D rated complied, that we could still not get an ECO grant as the boiler has to be not working at all now, I advsied it was not working last week, that I am disabled and the council had to pay for a repair, she just said apply next time the boiler is not working, no mention of any insulation grant? 4) I looked again online and could see nothing to cofirm the criteria had changed where the boiler had to be not working at all so I contacted the "Energy Savings Advice Trust" again to see it they could throw any light on these new changes, all they kept repeating was they were impartial and cannot comment on any advice given by others, I pushed them and they said they were not aware of any changes to the criteria for obtaining an ECO grant. Has anyone else had this problem, I believe it has something to do with the Government not pushing the energy companies so hard on ECO in return for freezing their energy prices? Not sure where to go from here, I am severely disabled and our home has not had any inprovements in 25 years, all windows doors all faulty with draughts and rain. I know there is the Green Deal but that would involve a large debt with high interest. Any advice greatly appreciated Bernie
  4. Hi, I would love some advice. I moved into a new shared ownership house a year ago. The house is, somewhat ironically, called an ‘Eco-House’. The water pump from the rain water harvesting system is defective. This faulty pump, which is meant to take the rainwater through a pipe system to the upstairs lavatory and washing machine, is permanently on 24/7; that is, constantly operating, whether there is a demand from these appliances or not. These pumps range in power from 800w to over 1000w. Since I moved in and until this week (upon discovering the fault), my electric consumption has been around 20 kWh per day. This has now, since discovering the fault and, for safety reasons, having to switch the faulty pump unit off at the mains, dropped to approximately 8 kWh per day (roughly my consumption in my previous home). Also, of course, before the discovery of the defective pump, it was operating 24/7 for a year, and has had, therefore, the equivalent usage of a pump of 25 years old or so. Using an energy monitor I’m video recording how much this pump uses and I intend to use this as evidence if there is any dispute from the housing association or building contractor. Any other tips/ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ianbrodski
  5. Hi I'm waging war on some of the greedy corporations I've had to deal with lately!! I hate them with a passion right now. Anyway, I'm having a problem cancelling my car insurance policy with Co-op/Eco Insurance. I was insured with the Co-op for years up until March 2010 when my car was written off. Not my fault and claim was paid for by the other party. I had a full NCD when my insurance ended at that point (as I didn't replace the car). In June 2012 I took over the ownership of my daughter's Clio (1.2 ltr teeny weeny engine). I went onto Compare the Market for an insurance quote. I included in the fields that I had full NCD and was presented with several quotes. The small print in these quotes indicated that my NCD policy was not to be more than 2 years since it was active, but the Co-op one said they accepted up to 3 years since you last had a policy in your name. So I selected this and went ahead with the quote - can't remember whether I completed the transaction online or whether I rang them. Anyway, I get all my docs through with a request for proof of NCD. I told them to check their files etc. But it turns out that my policy is with Eco insurance even though the Co-op name also appears as the most prominent on the paperwork. Eco only accept up to 2 years since your last policy. The Co-op website itself (I accessed this via the car insurance link on my Co-op banking website) clearly states 3 years. So, Eco want to charge me a stupid amount of money to insure this little car. If I was going to lose my NCD I could have accepted any number of other quotes cheaper than Co-op (Eco). They won't accept this even though I've been arguing with them for months about it. I've reported them to the ombudsman who has sent me a form to complete and has also written to them advising of my complaint. I have to wait for them to respond. However, my last conversation with them they said it would cost me £200 to cancel. I refuse to pay it, so they will not cancel the policy, therefore making it impossible for me to insure with another company. It is costing me £130/month to insure the Clio when previously I had a beefy Mercedes insured for £35/month. I feel robbed, genuinely. Not just because of the price hike but because of the way they handle things eg putting me with Eco insurance and not the Co-op proper??? I can't figure it out. I've tried recreating the compare the market set up but the quotes page appears different than it did in June and I'm not getting that small print anymore that convinced me to take out the Co-op insurance in the first place. And they do not state up front that they will shunt you over to Eco when you take out a policy. Call centre staff are the worst in the world to deal with and I've got to the point where I don't want to call them anymore. I feel like they treat people as dirt and have no regard for people's rights as customers. They won't accept they've mislead me in any way. They just don't get it. I took out insurance with the Co-op - not Eco. How can I be at fault? Any advice before I complete these forms? I still haven't received a response from the Co-op/Eco or whoever. I'm wondering whether I need to write to the insurer to formally lodge my complaint even though I've told them over the phone that this is a formal complaint. And who do I write to anyway? Confused.com Thanks Eve
  6. Eaga plc that runs Warm Front is giving me a rough ride. They are denying me, heating improvements under the Govt scheme. The boiler is a floor standing Potterton Kingfisher RS50 installed when the flat was built in 1963. The Assessor took a glance at the boiler and told me that it is too old and promised me that the boiler will be replaced. He gave me a glossy brochure about the steps they will take to make improvements such as replacement boiler. The Assessor asked me to sign a Client Declaration. I trusted him and made the mistake of signing it without reading. He told me that I will receive a copy of the letter that they send to my landlord. But the landlord or I heard nothing. Then I noticed that on the back of the form that I was asked to sign, the only ‘assessor recommended improvement’ is compact fluorescent light bulbs. After number of phone calls to Warm Front and long waits, I was told that my landlord is responsible for heating, eventhough no one at Warm Front (including the assessor) has read the tenancy agreement. Their ‘landlord is responsible’ stance is based on the mis-interpretation of something I said. They are also disregarding the fact that I have been paying for annual check-ups and maintenance of the boiler for the last eight years. I was asked for past receipts; though I no longer have them. I offered to send them the tenancy agreement. But was told that it will not be valid any longer, because the landlord and I might now change it to suit. I was also told on the phone that the boiler will be replaced only if does not work and can’t get spares to repair it. Where can I get a copy of the rules and regulations that from the basis of their decisions? Is there an appeal procedure independent of Eaga plc who will hear my case? Any other course of action? Many thanks.
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