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  1. I have applied for boiler grant through one of the big 6 energy companies. The subcontractor called and told me I can have boiler and installation if I contribute few hundreds of pounds, reduced from around £2000. Then I have applied through [removed] again - as first company didn't want to tell me what boiler exactly will I be getting. Not even output power... [removed] told me that I'm not eligible for grant at all as my current boiler is too effective [above 86%, but leaking]. I met all other conditions. I don't know what to think now. Is first subcontractor taking me for a ride, trying to flog some old type of boiler or maybe it is proven to be bad quality and maintenance cost will be high? I'm not giving names as I don't want to imply anything. PS - Am I right to think that '[removed]' is government and impartial?
  2. I am about to move from a private lease to social housing and I need to apply for a community care grant to afford basic household appliances and furniture. On the online form with the local council (Scotland) there is a question asking me to specify "Allowable Benefit Type" and a drop down menu that does not contain the option to select working tax credits. Does this mean then that I can't apply for one of these if I am on WTC? I asked the local council on the phone but they were unable to tell me. EDIT. It does include WTC on the online form. I might be better just printing that off and filling it in instead.
  3. Hi I am just looking for some definitive answers regarding eligibility for SSG as I am being given conflicting info I am not one of the 2016 cohort so the old rules apply - I started my course in 2014 In march i was told that provided that i could demonstrate Housing benefit 3 weeks into my course this would qualify me for the SSG however SFE are now saying that this is not sufficient and I need to fulfil another criteria. They are claiming that the documents I provided are out of date although I supplied the link below dated Sept 2016. However a page on my SFE page says HB is a reason for getting it as does the following link http://www.practitioners.slc.co.uk/media/6934/sfe_1617_assessing_financial_entitlement.pdf I am trying to get together some stuff for an appeal I would very much value some opinion, if I am wasting my time so be it , just ant to know if I am on the right side Needless to say, if my PIP Tribunal is a win in Dec, this will all be academic Thanks
  4. ]In a case involving the family, a close relative of mine has almost certainly been unexpectedly included in a elderly relative's Will to the tune of many thousands of pounds. A substantial sum. However, the elderly relative passed away earlier this year, and the sole executor, the only offspring has subsequently delayed the process of probate, to the extent he has not yet made an application. This intelligence is borne out by the online probate registry which as yet is not showing any reference to any application, and therefore no information on the Will. The Executor would have been expecting to inherit the whole estate from his sole surviving parent, and would therefore have been extremely upset when he read the Will to discover that he had not in fact inherited everything. Indeed a sizeable chunk, close to a six fire sum, had been allocated elsewhere. I cannot find any definitive information about this scenario. What happens if the Executor simply declines to register the Will? Does that mean eventually he can claim there was no will/the will was not valid - it is his responsibility as I understand it for him to prove it is valid if there are questions marks ( and it is in his interests to indicate there are); does 'intestacy' rules then kick in, in which case he would stand to gain everything as if the Testator's instructions were set aside. Is there a time period during which an Executor is legally obliged to make the application? I cannot find any reference to this. And finally, is it possible to somehow 'contest' the will, perhaps argue it is invalid ( undue influence etc. or something along similar lines) before it is even necessary to apply for probate, get the Will effectively invalidated, and then claim as the Testaors only immediate relative/offspring of the Testator the inheritance under intestacy provisions? Or, could it be explained that the main assets a property, currently on a leased tenancy cannot be sold until the tenancy is terminated, and that is the reason why the Executor is holding back. I detect a pungent odour of rodent in this current scenario, and that the Executor is cooking something up, but what?
  5. I'm a secure tenant in a property. I've recently contacted the landlord asking if they will give permission to let me build a conservatory. But they are refusing to give it! They say its because it will cause more expense if they need to do any maintenance however there is nothing to maintain above where it would be as everything is plastic and maintenance free. It states in my tenancy agreement that I can make improvements to the property as long as I get the correct planning permission etc. but I don't need it as its within the alowed limit and the are not allowed to unreasonably withhold consent but they are! Anyone help please!!
  6. Hi all. Its been a while since I posted on CAG but I am concerned about the LA and the DFG. My uncle is in his mid 80's and suffers from dementia and severe arthritis in his knees so walking is a major problem for him. I had to take over his finances because a young nephew "stole" all his money and left him struggling. Social Services got involved and got him to go to a day centre which he had to pay for. His condition has deteriorated and now has care in his home. At first he was paying for all this care and it took me some time to persuade Social Services that he could not afford this. My uncle then had a financial assessment (he owns his home but has an equity loan on it) and it was decided that he could get financial help with his care. The problem being that him firstly paying for his care had drained his bank account. (Sorry for going on a bit) His deteriorated condition has led Social Services to insist that he needs a ramp to his front door, so a DFG was applied for. (All going well). Another financial assessment was done and it turns out that he has to pay over £2000 towards the cost. He does not have that kind of money. It has taken me more than 2 years to get some sort of order to his finances but all that Social Services say is that we (SS) with go to court and get an order to take over his finances. I have explained to them all of the above plus other points but they are not interested. I do not have Power of Attorney, when I realised that PoA was needed it was too late because of his dementia. Can SS do that (take over his finances) without any input from relatives.
  7. First of all the background information. My first uni course started 2007, lasted for a year and I took out the standard tuition fee loan of £3000. When I restarted uni in 2009 on a different course at a different uni, I didn't take out a loan until my final year which was 2012. I then took the standard £3000 plus a maintenance loan and I qualified for a maintenance grant of £1800 because my parents' situation had changed. Now I've been working full time for the last 3 years and noticed that the SLC had been overcharging me interest because they wrongly classed my second loan as Plan 2 when it should have been Plan 1. I complained by phone and they denied it. I submitted an official complaint by email and they have just replied. And here's the kicker... .they agree they wrongly classified my loan as Plan 2 instead of Plan 1 and it was their fault because their system changed my start year to 2012.. ..but as a result of this, I received £1100 too much in maintenance grant and now they are demanding I repay it!! Almost 4 years later!!!! If I hadn't of said anything, they would never have realised. It was their mistake, not mine, do I have a leg to stand on here? I'm on maternity leave receiving Stat. pay, in the middle of a house move with not a penny to my name currently! HELP!!!
  8. Having moved to Northern Ireland I am on ESA, in the support group because i have arthritis in both knees. I have been staying in a hostel provided by the local housing Executive due to my current needs. The housing executive have just offered my a ground floor flat that suits my needs for which i have accepted. My move in date is expected to be in 4-6 weeks after the housing executive have made the flat acceptable due to the last tenant. I have been given a Form (Community Care Grant) to complete and send to the local Social Security Office as there is no DWP in Northern Ireland. -It can take up to a month to process. This grant allows for help in costs setting up a new home with the basics such as a cooker, fridge etc Are there any dedicated web sites etc where you can list these household things and help in filling out the form
  9. Ive just been released from custody after serving 5 years. Ive signed on and received Job seekers. Im privately renting accommodation in a three bedroom unfurnished house. I applied for Social Fund application to the sum of £2037. Among the items that I applied for was clothing as I lost over 4 stone in weight during my sentence and left prison with just pair of track bottoms, 2 t shirts, pair trainers, pair of boots and a coat. The prison has record of all of this. The other items I applied for were essential things like cooker, fridge, washing machine, bed, mattress and other household items. Any furniture I had previous was put in storage and has been sold or dumped by the so called friend and he has since left the country leaving me with nothing. I am trying to rebuild my life and career as I have qualified as a Microsoft Certified Professional and a Level 2 Gym Instructor. I am looking to go to college in September to attain my Level 3 Personal Trainer as this is the career path i want to follow. I have been turned down for the social fund payment in the later i received yesterday. It says i have a right to appeal. Where do I go from now?
  10. Hi all. I had a student loan / grant for a course started September 2004. I left the course early 2005 and claimed jobseekers. Jobseekers would not pay me anything until the summer as they said I had to live off the grant I had received. I still had to sign on but received no payments. About a year or two later the student loan company wanted me to repay the grant. I phoned them and explained how I was ineligible to jsa because of their grant, so if they wanted a repayment they could get it from the job center. She said she would look into it and that's the last I heard. Today, nearly 10 years later, I have got a letter as follows from the slc This is the first time I have heard from them so I don't know what the recent contact is they are referring to. I have moved house several times, but been in my current house 2 years. When I complete my tax return, if I bump up my income then the loan repayments are automatically added, so they surely know where I have lived all this time! I still have the loan to repay but have not yet met the income requirements. Is this statue barred, or is this type of debt not eligible? I didn't want to ring them until I have some advice as I don't want to open any cans of worms! Thanks
  11. I have been trying for months to get an ECO Grant for a new boiler and insulation, and have encountered non stop problems. 1) I went through a website "Fine Energy Savings" they went over the criteria for myself and the boiler and advised I qualified, it was referred onto 2 companies, one for a boiler the other to do insulation, however both firms thought they were doing both, so a lot of confussion, it settled on one firm and they also checked that I qualified and arranged a free survey, I heard nothing so I contaced the firm, who advised me that all funding had been stopped until the new tax year in April and it would have been impossible to inform everyone. 2) I checked online and could not confirm anything about ECO funding being stopped, so went to another website "Energy Savings Advice Trust"? They said they checked with the DWP and I was not on the correct benefits, I advised I was and had already been approved and I could send them copies of letters from the DWP, they then said you may as well apply directly to your energy supplier E-ON and gave me a number to call. 3) I telephoned E-ON and they advised even though I was on the correct benefit and the boiler which is faulty was D rated complied, that we could still not get an ECO grant as the boiler has to be not working at all now, I advsied it was not working last week, that I am disabled and the council had to pay for a repair, she just said apply next time the boiler is not working, no mention of any insulation grant? 4) I looked again online and could see nothing to cofirm the criteria had changed where the boiler had to be not working at all so I contacted the "Energy Savings Advice Trust" again to see it they could throw any light on these new changes, all they kept repeating was they were impartial and cannot comment on any advice given by others, I pushed them and they said they were not aware of any changes to the criteria for obtaining an ECO grant. Has anyone else had this problem, I believe it has something to do with the Government not pushing the energy companies so hard on ECO in return for freezing their energy prices? Not sure where to go from here, I am severely disabled and our home has not had any inprovements in 25 years, all windows doors all faulty with draughts and rain. I know there is the Green Deal but that would involve a large debt with high interest. Any advice greatly appreciated Bernie
  12. Hi This is my first time posting on this site as it was recommended by my mom. whilst at uni in 2011 I was given a grant which I didnt have to pay back. I left uni early as I was unhappy and deceided to quit. Now I am receiveing letters that they require this money back 1st from the student loans company whilst I was not in any type of work and now the debt has been passed on to Aninika. I need some advice on how to handle this company and the best way to approach and repay the debt. Many Thanks
  13. Can anyone please advise. I have defaulted on a 'grant of time to pay' and have now received a notice of enforcement from (dated 02/09/2014) a firm of HCEO's I defaulted because I had to pay a family loan for money I had borrowed for legal help during the trial, but the court don't recognize family loans as priority debt. This is now paid and I can start to pay the order. We have a baby due in a matter of weeks and now the bailiffs are threatening The debt is for £2880, to stop them acting I have arranged to pay £800 tomorrow and they then gave me 6 weeks to pay the balance - honestly I cant afford either I have tried speaking to the baliffs they are not interested in setting up any other payment plan. I have tried the court and they are not interested saying now its with the baliffs there is nothing they can do. What I'm concerned about is my partner is 7.5 months pregnant, she owns everything in the house most of it on finance, if I cant afford it and don't own anything what can they do? please help
  14. Hi all. My OH has been disabled for some years with arthritis and had difficulty showering. We applied some time ago for a grant to convert our bathroom into a walk-in shower. After many, many months we were advised that a grant was available and 3 contractors were appointed to produce a quote (so far so good). We are both pensioners with no savings and live as private tenants. Our landlord has sent me a copy of a letter from the Council informing him that the grant exceeds the £6000 maximum that they will pay towards the work and that they want to "PUT A CHARGE" on the property to cover the excess. WE are in receipt of CT and Housing benefits and the wife receives DLA. I have trawled the web for answers but cannot shed any light on what the council can do. I have found that the max grant is £30,000 which is way above the cost of the work. Any thoughts........ Trevor.
  15. Hi, I need some advice about Sure Start Maternity Grant.I am pregnant and last week i sent filled form for this fund.As they write you can get if you or your partner receive benefit.So I sent because my partner receive income related employment and support allowance.I received letter today.They said I am not entitled to a payment because I don't receive benefits but they didn't mention nothing about my partner benefit.Do I have to contact them to look at my case again?
  16. Hello all, I recently paid for my girlfriend to go on a counselling course starting this September with Karen Grant Assosiates Ltd of Brighton. After paying the money a month or so ago and recieving a receipt, my girlfriend recently decided the course wasn't for her and decided to cancel and asked for her money back. Her email went unanswered for a week or so, and so she phoned. She spoke to Karen Grant herself and Karen brushed her off by saying she had read the email and merely forgot and that she would refund the money. So we waited another week and still no refund. My girlfriend then phoned again and was told by an apologetic Karen that her business had gone into liquidation and that we would have to wait 2 or 3 months before getting our money back. Now their website has gone offline... 1. Can we believe her? 2. What guarantees/assurances can/should we seek? 3. What are our rights to legal recourse? Many thanks for your time and help, Colin and Izzy
  17. I have been looking at grants available for the self-employed. Just wondering if anybody has been successful and received a grant or government business loan.
  18. I'm not sure it is a benefit as such butI thought people here might know the answer to my question. If someone who receives an income related benefit died and had young adult children. 2 worked but one was in receipt of IS, would that person claiming IS be able to claim for a funeral grant for their parent? Or would the Government just say the other working children should pay? The working children earn low wage and all of it goes on their living expenses and they have no savings so no spare money at all, but they do not claim any benefits either. Thanks.
  19. does anybody know if being granted a student grant of £9000 affects your benefit entitlement, housing benefit, council tax benefits and working tax credits? my girlfriend works 19hrs a week, and is classed as a full time student even though she is only at uni 11hrs a week. any advice greatly appreciated.
  20. Hi I just need some information because Im getting a letter stating that i owe maintenance grant which has been overpaid On one of the letters it states "This amount of your maintenance loan has been replaced with a maintenance grant. This mean you have less student finance to repay" But isn't that a way to get me to repay an overpaid grant? im so confused at this point. No idea what is happening and i am not organised :'( I was no longer a student when they charged me for atleast of the 2 payments. Im not sure if the payments still count? Also they contacted me like 5-6 months after to let me know that i have to repay them :\ Also i was no longer a student when they made the overpaid grants - and only today did i confirm that the payments were actually paid Are they allowed to do that? They are threatening to send me over to a third party company called smith lawson and company. I typed in google what it was and it led me here. Also there was an issue with when i left my course. My university misplaced the 2 forms i needed to hand in and now im even more confused. can someone help me out i need information.
  21. Hi, My hubbie and I have to move from our place due to my health, My OT has started this ball rolling and we are on the homechoice website looking for a place but I would like to know if we cannot get a council place we will have to rent in the private sector. We have to move because we have 42 stairs from the front step to the top floor, our home is over three floors with four flights of stairs and I just cannot manage them now. Once my hubbie has got me to the middle floor in the morning, kitchen, loo and my little crafftroom that's where I stay till I go to bed at lunchtime and then back down in the afternoon and if I am feeling able to get down to the gd floor after our dinner where our frontroom is I might get to watch tv in comfort before I go to bed at night which takes ages to get back to the kitchen where I then have to rest before I try to cope with the treck back up to bed! We will need a grant and loan to help with relocation but at what point can we apply for these as we will need the grant and loan to pay the deposit and removal fees and if they also pay the agency fees. So the money would be needed by the morning of signing contracts with a move hopefully the next day. Our present landlady hasn't helped the situation by issuing us with a section 21 because we were not able to tell her exactly when we would be moving as we haven't yet been offered a council place so now we have a deadline and it runs out on 22nd September... We haven't done anything to warrent her actions, always paid rent on time, no arrears and we have improved our home by decorating it throughout. I have enough to worry about being disabled and having to move without the extra worry of her actions and not knowing when grants and loans might be paid. I look forward to some much needed advice on this matter. Many Thanks for reading..
  22. Hi everyone, I am urgently looking for help/advice about whether or not I am eligible for a grant. I am currently on contribution based ESA and living in an emergency housing hostel and have been for the past month. Previously, I have been sofa surfing since January due to splitting with my partner. I have managed to find a property, the cost of which is Local Housing Allowance + £10 per week from my benefit. The problem is that because the place is unfurnished I have no money to buy bed, cooker, decorating, etc. I plan to have my 2 year old son at weekends but obviously can't if I am unable to furnish and decorate the place. I called into the local job centre and was told I wasn't eligible for any help because I am not on income related benefit. Any help/advice greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  23. Hi there, In my 2nd year of uni I left in Dec 2001 but received my 2nd grant payment in Jan 2002. I never heard anything about this until I received a phone call about it a few months ago and now a letter dated 30th June 2012 requesting payment in full, £1450. My question is, before I contact them to make offer of payment within my means, is this not covered by the Limitations Act in that after 6 years they cannot pursue me for this date? I am aware that Student Loans post 1998 are exempt, I have a student loan also which is paid through my salary when I am working. However this is a grant. Your advice appreciated. Cheers, Maxine
  24. Just a quick question about the job grant. I know you have to have been on income based benefit for 26weeks or more but I was wondering if you could get it if you were on one income based benefit and then got changed to another? I was on JSA from January this year until May when I went onto Income Support as I was pregnant. I am currently looking for a job and got told by my dad I could get a job grant. Can I?
  25. I was told by a CSA on the phone that you have to have an uninterrupted claim for 26 week before you are eligible for it so if you have had any sanctions or anything during your claim it sets it back to 0 essentially.
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