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Found 16 results

  1. Hi to all. At the end of October we had some Perfect Fit double pleated blinds fitted by a local company. 7 small windows and 9 large. A couple of weeks later I noticed one of the large ones was written on in biro along the top outside - lots of measurements! - which they took back and rectified. We paid extra for these type because each pleat forms a diamond shaped pocket when viewed from the side. The idea being it traps air inside for insulation from heat and cold. Last week I noticed that, on the outside, 5 of the 9 large blinds were coming away from the end fittings. I also noticed that on the outside of ALL the large blinds the pleats were flat, as if pulled tight, along two thirds of their length, forming 'half a diamond'. On the inside they were all fine? The 7 small blinds are fine inside and out. I took photos and went to show them. They arranged to take the 5 blinds for repair. I pointed out the pleats being flat outside but not inside and was told, 'That's how they all are. Mine are the same.' Today, their fitter came and took the 5 back. I pointed out the flat pleats. I said they'd see for themselves when he got them to the shop. I said not only were they inefficient at insulation because they were mostly flat, but they also looked terrible. I copied this from a site explaining the purpose of these type of blinds - Double pleated fabric - Honeycomb, cellular and double pleated are all names for blinds that have pockets of air. These air pockets help to insulate your windows, keeping warm air in and cold air out. They rang later to say they'll refit tomorrow. No mention of them all being flat. I won't be there tomorrow when they come, but my wife will. I have no doubt they will try and fob her off saying there's nothing wrong with them. We paid almost £1000 for them. Not cheap! We didn't notice the faults earlier because when it gets dusk we close the blinds. They're opened again when we get up so it's not something that we see every day. So... do I write to them, rejecting the blinds unless they remedy the flat pleats problem. When that gets me nowhere, do I write giving them 14 days to refund my money? Then... the small claims court? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give. Paul PS I'd be interested to know if anyone else has this problem, or if your blinds are 'Perfect' inside and out.
  2. I bought a house 10 months ago and also the relevant buildings/ contents insurance. On the back of the house is a conservatory which I assume to be about 8 years old. At first the conservatory was fine no problems at all. However with the recent bad weather the roof has leaked quite severely. I paid to get this repaired and now it seems fine. I have now noticed really bad damp on one of the external walls and also noticed that the floor around by it seems to be wet. Can I claim on house insurance for this type of issue? The insurance company are aware there is a conservatory attached to the house. I do not know who built the conservatory as we were given no details about it when we moved in.
  3. I'm a secure tenant in a property. I've recently contacted the landlord asking if they will give permission to let me build a conservatory. But they are refusing to give it! They say its because it will cause more expense if they need to do any maintenance however there is nothing to maintain above where it would be as everything is plastic and maintenance free. It states in my tenancy agreement that I can make improvements to the property as long as I get the correct planning permission etc. but I don't need it as its within the alowed limit and the are not allowed to unreasonably withhold consent but they are! Anyone help please!!
  4. hi i hope you can help me i am new to CAG! to cut a long story short in september 2014 the sales person sold us a conservatory in our home and it was agreed the sizes etc and that the entrance in to the conservatory from the kitchen would be flat. the contract was signed on this basis and also that it would be completed asap as we had a new baby on the way. the company was a complete joke to deal with and we tried to pull out of the contract in the december 2014 because the director spoke to my husband like he was something he walked in and said the conservatory wouldn't start until March 2015. we were threatened with paying 70% of costs so we had to stay with them as we couldn't afford to do this. then the director said they could start end of december (i think this was because my husband told him the contract stated asap and thats what salesperson agreed to). the conservatory has been built but its not flat like requested and it is not straight! we have had wooden flooring laid and it is obvious that the actual conservatory isn't straight. we contacted the company in jan feb mar april and may to say about this and the installation team came out to view conservatory and said that they could fix it easy and told us what they wanted to do after speaking to a third party builder we were told that this would cause issues in the future as the doors would bow. we contacted the company and told them we wanted a different solution and explained why. we put this in writing and said if they don't complete the work in 4 weeks we will go elsewhere as time is of the essence and we had been waiting since september for a conservatory that was meant to be an asap build. we were informed that the flooring would have to be pulled up and it would be at our own cost to get new flooring and have this relaid. the total cost of the conservatory was 9500 and we still owe 1600. we have sent letters of complaint in, we have sent letters saying we need this finishing asap and we have sent letters quoting the supply of goods and services act and they ignored us. from may until september we heard nothing and then we received a letter asking for payment. they were then asking to let the installation team come and see conservatory - we told them we had already done this and explained everything. we did not hear anything back until feb this year when we received more letters requesting payment. we have records of everytime we phoned, every letter we sent and every visit we had but they are claiming not to have received these - so its our word against theirs. we did request a subject access request to see what information they held but its past the 40 days now and still no receipt despite chasing this. we have now been sent to a debt recovery company. we sent the letters to the debt recovery company to explain why we were not paying and they have now sent us a letter saying they have spoken to the company and they are determined 'in the extreme' to recover the debt and will now take us to court. i am really worried now as we have been saving up to get the conservatory fixed by another company as we will have to pay for new wooden flooring etc (which initially cost us 1450 as we got expensive flooring to ensure it lasted with 2 small children in the house). we will not be able to pay a third party company, get new flooring and pay the original company. can anyone offer any advice? we have not yet got court papers but they have threatened court action if payment is not made in full by 3rd may 2016.
  5. We have a dispute with a local company, Thermoshield Windows Ltd, which has dragged on for some months now. It's all about a new conservatory which they eventually finished we have an ongoing dispute and have withheld the final balance of £500 which is outstanding. They are now threatening legal action, even though they have never answered our detailed written complaints. I am just wondering if this company, based in Rochford, Essex, have a track record of poor build quality, unprofessional communications, lack of follow-up to genuine complaints? Anyone here have past experience which might be useful if we do take this to the Consumer Ombudsman?
  6. Hello, Sorry, I really tried to keep the description as short as possible: On 03/03/2016 we called some conservatory companies in Devon and finally made appointments with two of them for the next day for a viewing. In the afternoon we sent them a floor plan with detailed measurements and other information about what exactly we wanted. BTW We had even searched the web for reviews about the companies and found nothing negative - just one positive review. On 04/03 an employee of the first company arrived in good time, and we noticed he had the document (which we had emailed the day before) printed out and ready for discussion! Because the negotiated price was acceptable (£8,060), and because he confirmed that they could complete the conservatory within a month, we decided to enter into a contract immediately. In the contract was stated: "Installation date: 18/03/16, 09.00" As advance payment 1/4 = £2,015 had been agreed: On 04/03 we paid £2,015 by bank transfer. On the same day another employee arrived to carry out a survey (as specified in the contract). He examined the house, took measurements and discussed with us and wrote down the exact positions for the doors, opening windows, roof connection etc.. We mentioned that we had already paid the advance, and he said the required parts would be ordered IMMEDIATELY! 17/03: Since we hadn't heard anything from the company, we sent an email and asked if they had received our advance payment and also asked them to confirm that the works would start on the next day as provided in the contract. No answer. On 18/03 we waited at home the whole morning, but in vain. No one came. No information. We called them after lunch: the secretary said she would talk to the builder responsible for the groundworks. On the same day we were informed that the builder would begin on 22/03, 9.00am. On 22/03 no one came, but the builder called us to tell us he would come one day later, 23/03, 1.00pm. On 23/03 he came, examined the ground, and asked us additional questions regarding the groundworks. Since it is a hillside situation, he recommended insistently to build an additional retaining wall (the rain would wash the garden down to the conservatory), cost around £2,000 (making it much more expensive than other offers we had received before signing the contract with this company). He seemed to be a skilled and competent builder, and to avoid further delays, we agreed in principle and asked to calculate the exact additional costs and inform us asap. We asked when the groundworks will begin finally, but he could not give us a concrete date. On 24/03 we sent another email to the company to declare in writing what had happened so far. We wrote that because early installation was VERY IMPORTANT to us, we were happy that they could offer us that early installation date (18/03). This was the MAIN REASON we decided in favour of their company, cancelled another appointment we had later on 04/03, signed the contract, and immediately paid the advance - just to avoid any delay. We asked them to inform us immediately in writing about when the works would begin and what exactly the extra costs for the additional work (retaining wall) would be. 29/03: Since they hadn't answered, we sent another email in the morning. We reminded them that during our initial discussion on 04/03, before signing the contract, it had been confirmed that the project could be carried out within a month, so we already made plans for the time after the installation. We stated again, that we really needed the additional space, provided by the conservatory, as soon as possible. 30/03: Since there was no reply, we sent another email, stating that it's urgent. Then the secretary called us and said she would send us an email regarding the starting date. 01/04: Again, nothing happened. We sent another email: we asked what had happened in the meantime and why there were further delays. We reminded them that we were waiting for 9 days now to get an answer regarding the costs for the additional works. 06/04: After many many attempt we finally got the manager on the phone. He told us that the groundworks will be carried out "next week". We were very relieved about that. He said he would call us back to tell us the exact date. He didn't. 07/04: We sent another email in the evening: We wrote that we tried to call him several times during the day, but in vain. Furthermore we reminded him, that we would also need to know what would be the costs*for the additional works. 08/04: The secretary called and informed us that a skip will be delivered on 13/04. We asked again, if they would already know what the additional costs would be. She just answered "not much". On 13/04, as announced, a ridiculously small skip arrived, and one worker, without any machines, dug out some earth and moved it into the skip. A day went by, but this method was not suitable to make progress. On 14/04 the employee who visited us on 04/03 for signing the contract came again to let us sign an additional contract about £2,000 for the extra works, and we were asked to pay this in advance, because more work needs to be done, so they would need more money in advance for material and the builder: On 14/04 we paid £2,000 by bank transfer. On the same day or a few days later, a larger skip had been delivered, the required machines and an excavator arrived, and intense working finally began. Great! (we thought) On 28/04 a lot of work had already been accomplished, The manager visited us and tried to persuade us to accept that the project would cost another £1,600 (!!) more. He admitted it had taken a bit (!) longer, but he had selected "quality workers" in order to get the job done as good as possible. (Later it turned out that this builder and his men had been commissioned by him for the first time - he never knew them before!) We reminded him that we have a contract plus the additional costs of the second contract, and that we can't pay more than was agreed in these two contracts (all together £10,160). He accepted our objection, but asked us politely to pay another £2,000 in advance + £100 which we had agreed with the builder for a minor modification of the retaining wall, so that he could speed up the remaining works: On 28/04 we paid £2,100 by bank transfer. Until 05/05 (with some interruptions of several days) the builder had completed the groundworks and brickwalls, however there is still some work left for him to do, which he can't do before the other conservatory parts will be built up. That is the reason why material, some debris and the last skip (which has already ruined the lawn in front of the house in the meantime) had been left here at the construction site. (BTW: It turned out that the ground is solid ROCK, so the wall wouldn't have been required - according to horticultural advice it could also have been fixed with cheap retaining wire netting!) On 06/05 the manager called us and asked us to pay another £2,000. He said he had to pay bills for many skips, pay the builder and buy further material. Again, he said this would speed up the completion. Because it was already more than a month after the expected completion date, and we really wanted this project to be finished as soon as possible, we accepted his request: On 06/05 we paid £2,000 by bank transfer. On 09/05 the employee who took measurements on 04/03 came once again for more detailed measurements.
On the same day we sent an email and asked if the works would continue the next day. No answer. On 11/05 we tried to reach someone of the company on their various phone numbers. We could only reach the employee who visited us for signing the contracts. We asked him when the works would continue. He said in about a week.
Later we could also reach the manager via phone, and he claimed that the groundwork would require 2 weeks to stabilise! According to this we would have to wait until 23/05. (Later the builder confirmed that this isn't true at all!) On 23/05, we stayed at home and waited for the work to continue - again, in vain. We tried to reach the manager via phone, but in vain. Again, we could only reach the employee who visited us for signing the contracts. He assured he would contact the manager and call us back. He never did. On 24/05, again, we stayed at home and waited - again, in vain. We tried to reach anyone by phone. Since no one answered, we sent another email. No answer. On 25/05 we could reach the employee who took measurements. He informed the manager who finally let his secretary call us back. She said, the problem would be that the "roof takes longer to arrive"; estimated day of arrival: 31/05. On 26/05 the builder visited us privately on his own initiative and informed us that he hadn't received any money from the manager, though it was him who did all the work until 05/05. He warned us NOT TO PAY any more money in advance (what we hadn't done anyway). He said, the remaining work could be done within three days. It would NOT have been required to wait to let the groundwork stabilise! For many days we tried to contact the manager, but we had only been cajoled and put off by a new, young employee whom we had never known before. On 07/06 we reached the manager by phone! He said he would call us back soon or confirm via email to guarantee that the works will be completed from 14/06. On 08/06 in the morning he called and offered to complete the conservatory from 21/06 (about another two weeks later!).
Since we still wanted to get the earlier date (14/06), we sent another email reminding him what he had said the day before. We also tried to call him again, but there was just his answering machine! We sent another email in the late evening and asked for a confirmation for 14//06 again. On 09/06 we could reach him by phone in the morning. What he had suggested, he had also confirmed by email in the morning:
"Further to our telephone conversation this morning, I have been speaking to our manufacturers about a possible earlier delivery for your conservatory roof. As I explained in the telephone conversation, they will need a payment upfront to prioritise the roof which could lead to a delivery to us on the 13/06. We will need to payment of £1500 for the roof to get this prioritised and allow us to complete the conservatory sooner. I also would like to confirm that I have offered you a discount [£500] on the total left outstanding which I have taken off the contract."
We answered via email, that we had believed him that the 3 additional payments he had already asked for (£2,000 + £2,100 + £2,000) would speed up the conservatory works, and we had always paid! Nevertheless the project had been delayed by months, which caused many serious problems and financial loss for our family. At this point we couldn't take an additional financial risk. We suggested to arrange the delivery of the roof (direct to us) and the payment direct with the manufacturer. We wrote we would also pay the rest (£2,045 minus price of roof) after completion and that we won't make use of the offered £500 discount.
When we came back home we noticed that the manager had tried to call us back (caller ID), but he hadn't left a message. We sent him another email, that we had noticed that he wanted to call us, and that we wouldn't want further phone calls, but a WRITTEN answer in this case.
We waited the rest of the day for his reply, but again in vain. We sent another friendly email later in the evening and asked him to answer. On 10/06 we waited until the evening and then wrote another email:
Because he hadn't replied to our suggestion regarding the payment of the roof, we decided to accept his previous offer (which he made via phone on 08/06) to complete the conservatory from 21/06. Because in this case a prioritised delivery of the roof*wouldn't be required, we would pay the remaining £2,045 after completion. We asked him to confirm this in writing until 14/06. He didn't reply. On 14/06 we sent him a "Reminder with fixing of a period of time" As time limit for completing the remaining works we allowed 2 MORE WEEKS, until 28/06 (included). We had sent this as emails and as RM Signed for letter. On 06/07 the letter came back (undeliverable and not collected from the PO). In the meantime we found two extremely negative reviews on Google about him - unfortunately posted after we had signed the initial contract. The other customers got their work done, but with immense delays, and without obtaining promised discounts. We know we made mistakes: We waited too long. We paid too much in advance. Nevertheless, what can we do to get this solved? Offer him a bit more money? (Sometimes paying a bit more is better than fighting longer.) Go to a solicitor? Trading standards? We really need a fast solution now. Our nerves are on edge... Many thanks!
  7. I am living in U.K. and am very infuriatingly humble explorer. I want to implement a conservatory outside my bedroom just besides it. Can anyone suggest some good home improvement provider in U.K. area? I am being suggested some names. But I am still searching for better ones.
  8. Hi all I hope I'm posting in the right place / as briefly as possible - my mother bought a conservatory in 2007. The firm that installed it dissolved in 2010, but a new one emerged effectively in its place - same family, same premises, same telephone number, basically the same name etc. Towards the end of 2013 one side of the conservatory started sinking into the ground because the foundations had been incorrectly measured (this is the assessment of several parties who have inspected it). The first quote has estimated the repair at around £4k. The 10-year guarantee only covered the glass / frame (despite the pack from the firm [incorrectly] claiming that the footings were also covered). I'm assuming liability ended with the previous firm, but as I'm obviously not an expert is this the case / are there any options my mother might pursue, such as the individuals as they are the same from the original firm, or any other thoughts. Many thanks in advance...
  9. My husband and I purchased our house 2 years ago. There is a large conservatory on the back on the property which we fell for. We we moved in, there appeared to be a lot of damp and mould, particularly in the corners. We treated this with mould killer. There is also one part of the garden which is always damp; we dont know if there any problems during the construction of the conservatory as the vendor failed to state anything. We are concerned upon re-reading our survey, that it states that our solicitors should question about the construction of the conservatory as it appears to have been built over the drain. There is also no access point to the drain, and nor is there any access to the soil pipe going from the drain into the bathroom, so i.e. if the toilet gets blocked or the kitchen sink gets blocked there is no way of unblocking!! Surely, our solicitors should have picked this up; they didnt write to the company or ask the vendor about the construction of the conservatory. Does this mean our solicitor was negligent and if so, what can we do? Also the vendor failed to declare there was a mobile mechanic who lives 3 doors away, he is forever doing up cars and vehicles on the side of the road causing chaos; we do we stand on this issue. Any help, please thank you.
  10. I have a conservatory with a dwarf wall. The wall sunk by around 10mm on one side and mostly in the corner towards where it is supposed to be tied into the house wall. The conservatory company underpinned the area around 18months ago. They finally came back today to have a look at the damage that has been caused. The dwarf wall has come away from the main wall, the window ledge has dropped but not as much as the wall so there is a gaping gap where the wall has separated from the window ledge of which you can see daylight through. The floor has also dropped. He has filled the great big gaps between the walls and under the window ledge and have said they will come back to pack the floor. My concern is is this the correct procedure for this. The damage seems a little extreme for just filling or am I being a bit over dramatic. Do I need to get an independent surveyor in. I have no clue in building work so a little advice would be great.
  11. I'll try and make this brief whilst covering all the key points. Conservatory was built in 2005 whilst previous owners owned our house. We moved in in 2007 and from 2009 onwards there has been damp rising up the walls all over 3 of the 4 walls (all brick walls sparing only the patio door "wall" attached to the house). It's steadily been getting worse to the point where we got round to calling Anglian in April 2012. They asked us to pay £49 to transfer the guarantee from the previous owners' name to ours. So far so good. The initial site visit by, let's call him "Derek" (not his real name), was on 10th May. As we understood it, this was to scope the work which needed to be done and to determine if it fell within the guarantee. Derek just looked at the inside of the conservatory on this visit. Then Derek called to do an additional site visit on 7th June. We didn't really understand why this was necessary in addition to the 10th May visit but this time Derek accessed our next door neighbour's garden which was not something he did on 10th May. An appointment was made with the Installation team to carry out the works identified in Derek's report on 26th June (we were not told what that work would be). Two installation lads came round and through discussions with them, it was decided that the work recommended in Derek's field report was not consistent with the damage seen in the conservatory. Derek had told the lads to put in a membrane on the outside of the wall to stop the damp from the outside. I believed that the damp was mainly coming from the floor up and this would only solve the problem if there was a build up of soil all the way along the neighbour's side of the wall. There wasn't, it was only in one corner - so where was the damp coming from 2 metres away? The lads reported this back to Derek and another appointment was made on 13th July for Derek to reinspect the damage. Following this, on 6th August, one of the installation lads again attended our property and completed the work to the walls to create a gap between them and the floor to prevent damp rising. This work was completed to our satisfaction except a couple of weeks later when I'd mopped the floor a few times (plasterboard is very dusty) I spotted damage on the flooring in at least 9 places where it appears the angle grinder caught the flooring leaving deep scratches. Damage is parallel to the walls about an inch away from the walls. So outstanding work which we believe needs to be done includes skimming & repainting the walls in the conservatory to make good the damage done by the damp and also rebuilding the external brick wall installed as part of the original work. This wall's purpose is to hold back the soil from our neighbours' garden to prevent damp in the corner of the conservatory. Currently the wall does not extend to the boundary of our property so there is future risk of damp issues in that corner. As we understand it this was an oversight on the part of the original installers as it could be foreseen that the bank of soil in our neighbours' garden would need holding back from our conservatory wall. If the wall was extended by between one and two feet the potential damp issue would be stopped. As there is 3 years left on the guarantee, time spent putting this right now saves further costs to Anglian in future. Realistically the entire wall needs rebuilding as it was not built to a sufficient standard given the large degree of brick flaking across the whole wall. And of course there's making good the damage caused by the angle grinder! So to chase up the outstanding work I sent an email to Derek on 16th August to which no reply was received. I therefore made a verbal complaint to Head Office on 22nd August with a response promised in 16 working hours. A follow up phone call was made on 29th August to Head Office as no response was received within 32 working hours (assuming 8 hour working days and excluding weekends and bank holidays). At this point I was told the complaint had been passed onto Derek but he was the person who had failed to respond to our concerns in the first place! On 29th August I was told to expect a call within 16 working hours so called AGAIN on 31st August to be told that finally they were escalating the complaint and I would receive a call on Monday 3rd September. In the meantime I received a letter on 1st September addressed to Mr & Mrs (previous male occupant's initial) Oursurname dated 30th August saying our details have been forwarded to their Central office so "he" is aware of the issues we have raised and we will be hearing from our regional office (again this is Derek) without delay. BUT NO PHONE CALL TODAY!!! Things I want Anglian to do 1) Tell me what work they think is outstanding 2) Tell when they're going to complete it by 3) Tell me what they're going to do about the new damage 4) Tell me how I'm going to be compensated for having no conservatory for 4 months What I'd like the forum to advise on is what I do next? I feel I've exhausted all Anglian avenues and have got nowhere. I understand poor service happens but it's the fact that I feel there are no internal routes left to actually act on this poor service & communication that really frustrates me. 16 working hours seems to mean nothing! There's not actually going to be any summer left by the time this is sorted and with a baby on the way in February I could really do with a) no stress and b) an actual usable room without damp. All advice welcome!
  12. Recently we have had a conservatory installed, but it seems we cannot insure it unless we have buildings insurance. Building insurance is held by the Housing Assocciation therefore we cannot also insure the building also as I believe it could be an offence. Recently many conservatories suffered hail damage and we do not want to be a statistic. How do we get around this one and insure only the conservatory?
  13. We recently had a new conservatory installed and the structure was completed on the 12th December 2012. Since completion we have had a problem with a small but persistent leak. The conservatory has a double patio door with the fixed panel of each door adjoining a dwarf wall with a window above, however on both sides when it rains the concrete beneath the fixed panel in the corner adjacent to the dwarf wall develops a damp patch. The customer services repair guy has now visited on five seperate occasions to fix the fault the most recent one being last Wednesday when he removed all the glazing and announced that the original fitters had drilled holes in the frame and then not used them and these holes were the problem. Unfortunately this hasn't entirely rectified the problem and we are still getting damp patches appearing. We are currently retaining the final 10% of the cost of the conservatory in order to keep the company 'interested' and have no intention of paying them until the problem is resolved. Where do I stand with regard to their inability to fix the problem? I am about to call them again and expect that they will once again send around customer service guy with his never ending supply of silicone sealant. Regards, Jason.
  14. My parents commissioned a Conservatory, which was installed in 2008. Shortly afterwards, during 2009, the Conservatory started leaking, and after the company was called out several times, finally made an appearance, adding additional sealant. Similar problems arose subsequently, including internal leaking, but more serious problems with the guttering have been noted. In one case, a gutter end stop came off the gutter (an issue of bad workmanship may be established), and there has been damage to the guttering. A company rep has visited, and prepared a summary report. This was over two weeks ago. In addressing the issue of internal leaking, the company has just forwarded a copy of the Contract, with a note on the Contract "No sealants will be used to the external of the conservatory as the walls are being rendered". Four issues arise. 1. If the company came out initially, in full knowledge of the contract, and added additional sealant to the Conservatory where the leaks were observed, would a court rule that the issue of "No Sealant" null and void. If affirmative, what Legal Precedent may be cited ? 2. If the company, in proposing to commit to work, attempt to charge for any aspect of that work (such as damaged guttering which may have been solely down to bad workmanship from the outset), are they allowed to do so. 3. If need be, is there an Industry Arbitration Body which can be called on to review the Conservatory, its problems, and then direct the company towards completing the work. 4. In addressing potential court action, is it necessary to commission an Independent Professional Surveyor to review the work before instigating court action to recover the cost from the company.
  15. Last year we approached a company called SureShield UK Ltd in the West Midlands about having a conservatory installed. They gave us a reasonable quote, but then things went pear shape and we were not able to go ahead. We then contacted them again earlier this month and on the 11/05/2012 the sales person came around and it was agreed that the price would stay basically the same. As we did not have the cash for the deposit on us at the time and they could not take a card payment , it was agreed that within the next week a surveyor would call around and we could pay him. We signed the agreement and a day later a surveyor came around we paid a deposit of £563 in cash they were unable to accept a card payment. I thought this to be rather quick. We then waited for some sort of confirmation from them about erecting the conservatory, but heard nothing. We then phoned and asked if they had a date for the erection of the conservatory and they told us the installation team would be contacting us shortly. We have had not further contact since that phone call. Previously I had done a search on SureShield UK Ltd but it was only at the time of the phone call I realised that although the format was identical the letterhead was different and the name of the company was now Stormseal UK Ltd. Today on doing a search I came across this which shows a "First Gazzette" filed on 03/04/2012 and then a DISS40(SOAD) filed on 09/05/2012. What is the meaning of the First gazette and DISS40(SOAD)? Is it anything to be concerned about? We are now very worried and would be reluctant to hand over any further cash until the conservatory has been built. The other concerns are of course any warranty with the conservatory if they keep changing their name and why they cannot take a card payment. Other companies with similar names have operated from the same address, but have all folded and gone into administration. As more than 7 days have passed, do you think we have any chance of recouping our money from them especially as the DISS40(SOAD) was filed before we paid the deposit?
  16. Okay - help comments and advise desperately needed here people, so thanks in advance. looking to install a rather large conservatory in the back, and had a super chap come quote me etc. as per normal did a bit of background research before agreeing to go ahead, and got a bit worried, companies house has them as registered last year not 26 yrs of trading - his answer is the new co name has bought out the old co name... no web site - his answer is it is being rebuilt and goes live tomorrow. no Fensa registration - his answer dont need it for conservatories, but he has got it for the other side of the business, bu Fensa did not seem to think so when i called. I told him i could not deal with him, he has now come back to me and said why don't we do an "open Book" deal, where i pay the supplier direct for roof glass, and the conservatory panels, and i will get the guarantee directly from them. i would then pay the builders direct, and the electrician etc... when i said, but what does he get from it, he said a 10% project management fee, that is all. Does this not sound dodgy to you? i mean, why would he want to do this? essentially he is getting nothing from the sale for the conservatory, so why bother. he has lost a customer, his website is not up to scratch so to speak, and other things dont add up - he could just walk away. or am i reading this totally wrong, he is legit and trying to prove it and prepaired to do a job at small profit to keep his name good... . All comments gratefully received - as i am really uncertain which way to go with this co..
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